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Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:37 pm
That night Umarekuru woke up from a nightmare, a nightmare he wished he never had. He felt that since he was useless in saving one of his friends, that he could not save anyone else important to him. He laid awake in his bed for what seemed like twenty minutes thinking, coming up with conclusions on what he needed to, no what he had to do to become stronger. As the moon shined above, he went into the basement and grabbed training dummies, the training stands, and his families heirloom- the shinen and went to the kitchen where he made him some food to last him for at least three days, and went upstairs for a change of clothes as well. Before he walked into the moonlit street, he left a note," Granny i don't know when i will be back, i don't feel like i am strong enough yet to protect you or anyone else. So i am leaving for three days to go train, i won,t disclose where i am going,but dont' fret i will be ok. I also took the family heirloom from the box in the basement, i hope you don't mind but i am taking them. When i get back i will explain everything but for right now its better not to tell you. I love you granny and i will see you when i get back. SIncerely, Umarekuru." He sat the note on the kitchen table and walked out into the sandy night, alone. A small part of him wished that he never made friends, but then he thought about the fun time he had sparring with Nero, Raito, and Sachiko. He wished he could have saved her from what happened, but everytime he thought about it, he felt more and more responsible. He walked to the cave not far from the village, the one he was told not to play in when he was a kid. It was isolated and not many people came here so he would be in peace for the time he was here.

He pulled out the Shinen and put them on," I don't usually like wearing any type of shoes, but for this training i will need them," he said in a monotone voice. He set the training dummmies and the dummy post up in separate areas of the cave, after he had set everything up he looked around for a couple of boulders that were just laying on the ground, He was going to use them for strength training. After making sure everything was properly put up, he made a circle in the center of the cave. Umarekuru sat in the center and meditated on everything that ahd happened, trying to find a new resolve, trying to bring his old self back. As time crept slowly, he felt like he was losing himself to what it felt like to almost lose someone, especially someone like a friend. A memory came to him of when he was younger and his granny was talking," There are going to be times where you are going to lose people, whether it be a friend or family member. You may lose them in battle, or by other means, but remember that it isn't your fault, just try your best to get stronger so that it does not happen again." The younger me said," I won't let that happen because i will protect everyone no matter what." Umarekuru chuckled as a small tear streamed down his face," I was very naive back then, but i will keep those words in mind and i will not lose my resolve," he said as he slowly opened his eyes. As he stood up he wondered how everyone else was doing and how they were effected by what happened, but as he walked up to the stand he sighed," I can't let this stop me any further, i will get stronger so this will never happen again," he said as he started striking the dummy, he repeatedly struck the dummy but felt he needed something a bit more...stronger so he went to one of the boulders and started punching it." I will get stronger, no matter what i have to do, no matter what i have to sacrifice i will get stronger no matter what," Umarekuru screamed as hit punched the boulder with all his might ignoring any pain that would come afterwards...

Last edited by TheUnknownNinja on Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:42 pm
Umarekuru felt the boulder cracking and warping as he continually punched it. He felt every bone in his hand creak and moan telling him to stop, but he couldn't allow it until he physically became stronger. He continuously punched the boulder until he noticed a small crack constantly getting bigger," I will break this boulder no matter what, there will not be any sleep for me i will push my body to its limit and break my limit until it lays on the ground before me," umarekuru said panting wiping the sweat from his face. As the continued to punch the boulder he felt his right hand swelling, but he did not care he continued to punch the rock, feeling himself reach his limit. He started to kick the boulder in conjucntion with his punching, never skipping a beat.
He started remembering the gentle fist technique that his grandmother showed him," That technique... it was called the 8 Trigrams 64 Palms.. I need to master that ability, now what was that stance she used", He said as he moved his feet into the position she was in. He took off the shinen off and wrapped his hands in gauze and putting the gauntlets back on." Ok here we go," he said as he took at deep breathe and started to strike the boulder. As he struck the boulder he felt it cracking and breaking until the last hit was made and the boulder crushed beneathe him." It doesn't seem like i have it down, but i have six more boulders to try it on. I will get stronger and nothing will stop me", Umarekuru said wiping the sweat from his silver eyes. He took off his shirt and jacket showing his scar and continued on with his training. After breaking two more of the boulders, He started to make a small campfire in the circle he drew in the middle of the cave.

As he made the campfire , he couldn't help but notice how peaceful this cave was and how clearly he could think. He pulled out some of the food and started to eat some of it until he notcied that he never really thought about how he was going to take a shower." Shit how could i forget something like that. Dammit i feel so stupid....Wait most caves have some sort of underground water supply somewhere i just need to find it and theres my shower or bath either one is good to me", he said as he finished off the last of the food and started to look for the water supply. As he walked through the cave he marked some patterns on the wall to lead him back to his campsite just in case he got lost or something else unforseenable happened." I wonder how much i have to walk unti-", His sentence cut short by him falling into the water," well looks like i found it'" he laughed as he swam back to where he fell.

As he washed himself, he often thought about if she was doing well and how would she be now since the incident." Well looks like i am through here, i need to head back so i can get a little sleep before my next intense training time comes up.. Maybe an hour should do it but i doubt these small wounds should be any problem", he said as he looked at the now clean bloody spots on his hands. He walked back to his campsite with little excitement considering he is in the desolate cave by himself. Upon arriving to his campsite he layed is cover and pillow not to far from the fire so he could be warm but not to close so that he wouldn't suddnely catch on fire." Tomorrow i will challenge my stamina maybe one hundred laps through the cave and three hundred push-ups and sit-ups will do", umarekuru mumbled as he fell asleep....

WC: 1399
Sameonna Hoshigaki
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:45 pm
Sameonna was wandering throughout Sunagakure when she came across a vast cave in the distance. It was marked and riddled with wind-riddened carvings; produced through years of erosion. Unknown what she may come across while within its confines, she traveled forth, drudging through the dunes which lay before it. The winds around the environment barely kept her from making her entrance into the cave - a horrendous shudder of collapsing rocks followed her entry into the hole. A quaking sound of boulders falling echoed throughout the cave and shook the ground beneath her feet. Within a few seconds however, it had calmed down. She looked around, taking in the caves vast beauties. Moss, small endryiote crystals glistened in crevices and cracks on the walls.

She decided to go deeper into the cave, and take care of the cave-in when she was prepared to leave this place. Wandering further, she came across a scattered area, moss torn and scraped among the ground - shattered rocks followed the presence of ninja weaponry. Shurikens, kunai and the like lay on the ground around smashed and cut training dumby's. She thought she could feel the presence of another person within the cave - the weapons only further proving her theory. Looking around, her eyes targeted the body of a sleeping boy - he was only slightly larger than herself as far as she could see. She figured he might've been a Genin, considering his chakra levels were far too low to surpass a minimal Chuunin rank at best. If there was anyone who knew looks could be deceiving - it was Sameonna. After all, she seems to be an innocent 7 year old little girl who has no combat experience whatsoever. On the contrary, she is actually one of the most lethal ninja to walk this planet. To be sure of caution, she took out two of her favored weapons; The Jade Serpentblade, and her Katanakeda Mozou.

Activating the Dragon Seal, her Katanakeda began to envelop in a bright blue haze, writhing on the weapons blade and glowing from the gilded bridge. Her dagger grew into a fully produced longsword, and began glowing in a green haze - poisonous toxins flowing throughout the weapons` veins. She readied herself in case of an ambush or surprise attack. After all, she wasn't sure if it was a clone or not considering he could have heard her coming and prepared for an attack ahead of time. A strategy that wouldn't be too bewildering.
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:58 pm
Umarekuru awoke from his slumber, Reading himself to eat. Not long before he took a bath in the caves lower water supply, he thought of how his granny is doing. He sat up yawning and stretching," i wonder what i am going to eat now, i have to conserve my rations to prevent me from leaving this place. Maybe rabbit would be could for now until i can find something else," He said as he stood up slowly rubbing his now exposed chest. He couldn't help but think he was being watched.

Looking around he activated his byakugan to see if anyone was here. As he looked around, he noticed a huge amount of chakra emminating from behind him. He deactivated it slowly so whoever it was would not notice it. As he turned around slowly he asked," Whoever you are i dont want any trouble i am just here to train and sleep until i feel ready to leave, please sheathe your weapons", he said fully turnt around noticing the person. Upon looking at the unknown person, it was actually a girl.. a pretty cute one he thought but he stilled remained cautious due to her chakra... He never asked her named only looked at her puzzled and kind of confused," How did you get in here and sorry for the mess," he said as he looked at the destroyed equipment and weapons everywhere....
Sameonna Hoshigaki
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:10 pm
As he turned from his current position, she noticed a sudden drop in his energy pressure. He definitely had a kekkei genkai activated before he faced her. However - deactivating his kekkei genkai meant that he had no intentions to fight. A thought proved by his comments made afterwards; rendering himself not wanting to engage in confrontation. She respected his words and sheathed her two weapons - the chakra from them both evaporating simultaneously. She knew he was training - that was for sure. But one can never be too cautious when approaching an individual they do not know. Sameonna bowed after returning her hands to her sides; politely showing her curtsy to the unknown ninja.

"My name is Sameonna Hoshigaki - Kagehizakouyou, and Sannin of the Village Hidden in the Mist." Her bingo book codename, Kagehizakouyou, could easily be known by the youngest of Academy Students to its Jounin teacher - being the one little girl who surpassed her teachings so far that she was the bringer of chaos to Konoha - as well as being responsible for the doom of its Hokage. She walked from the shadows made by the caves` massive walls; a hole in the ceiling producing enough light to see her full figure. She couldn't be any older than a 10 year old Academy Student; though her chakra level said otherwise of her rank - just as her words carried meaning in their wake. "I was wandering around Sunagakure when I came across this magnificent production of nature.. Honored by its beauty I was entranced and wandered deeper within - only to come across you as I stand before you now." She smiled. "Pleasure to meet you."
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:18 pm
As she stepped into the light, Umarekuru's thought was right on the bat but he did not want to show that. After looking at her bow and introducing herself he responded," My name is Hyuga Umarekuru, a genin from sunagakure, i am just here to... train myself in more ways than one, and the pleasures all mine ma'am," he said giving a polite bow as he does to anyone. He sat down on what was his bed and continued saying," so you are a sanin am i correct. Please do not take this the wrong way but from your looks you don't look no more than a simple academy student, but with that chakra of yours i do not doubt your claims. Would you like something to eat i don't have much but its the best i can offer," He said as he put back on his jacket and his gauntlets. He had a very strange feeling about the girl standing in front of him but he paid it no mind...
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:30 pm
Azaiyo would teleport back to the caves of Sunagakure no Sato as one of his Flying Thunder God seals was atop the biggest in all the land. A sudden admiration had caused him to come here frequently- maybe it was his job or just the area itself, who knows? Technically on a bird's eye view as of this moment as he "reigned" over everyone else, he would spot two familiar faces. With his extraordinary speed, he would approach them until he was within mid-range, his smartest move from this point on as since his meeting with Echo Uchiha, Azaiyo would have to reconsider who he has met. A surprising face would startle him as he would speak slowly. "You are...Sameonna?!" Azaiyo questionned in a complete state of shock as it had been ages since they have last met. In fact, Azaiyo thought she was dead. "Do you remember me?" He asked, "You were the first to renown me of my name. You call me the Tenseissun, but I am Azaiyo, Sannin of the Sand and Deputy Kazekage." He would look in Sameonna's field of range as he would see a smaller pupil in her distance. "I can see you are here with one of my students." Azaiyo remarked, "Do not underestimate that boy, he is quite strong." Azaiyo would smile brightly through the whole occassion as all seemed well for him, Sameonna being a person he could trust as they could both put their lives before each others. "So how have you been lately?" Azaiyo would ask once more, "Of course, it is quite probably that you will ask me the same thing as last time, I was a mere Chuunin." Azaiyo would conclude here as deep inside, he felt blessed to see this person again.
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 59500

Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:34 pm
[OOC: As of now the posting order is UnknownNinja, Sameonna, Azaiyo
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Ryo : 59500

Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:49 pm
As Umarekuru was talking to Sameonna, he thought he heard a familiar voice. As he looked around he saw a face that was seen eariler, his teacher Azaiyo. " Hello, Azaiya-sama are you fairing well and how did you get here so fast and without me sensing you," he asked getting up slowly and walking to the both of them." I can't help but wonder how many people you know of such strong calibers, you really are a weird individual sempai", he continued on saying as he fastened the gauntlets on. He looked around noticing the mess he made, scratching his head thinking of how he is going to explain the mess here." Pardon the mess please, but i have been working on my phyiscal and mental training, but so far its going good," as he points at the crumbled chunks of rocks hoping to impress his new teacher and this new cute girl...

Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK) Empty Re: Umarekuru's New Resolve(Training,Open NK)

Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:45 pm
closing this topic until all members come back

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