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The search for help (open) NK

Segri & Neku Synui
Alister Yama
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Kozachi Uchiha
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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 134237

The search for help (open) NK - Page 5 Empty Re: The search for help (open) NK

Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:20 pm
Enma couldn't believe the audacity of of this group gathered outside of his home village. They were practically strutting around like they owned the place. One had taken off like a bat on fire However the area that he was headed to had long since been inhabited by Konoha Anbu with weapons drawn as they would eye the male through the slits in their masks. Him attempting to run only fueled their suspensions of who exactly he was and what he was doing in their village. With pointed swords one of the unnamed members of the 6 man cell group would point back to where Kozai had come giving off the message that if he valued his life he should turn around and face questioning.

Shaking his head Enma's attention was returned to the one in front of him going by the name Kiranomo. She gave a speech on being called by the late 5th hokage Navi but no knowledge was passed through the village that she would have reign to issue her own justice onto ninja of his village or allies. Going through his memory the name Hisano did ring a bell of a rising ninja but she too was just his rank and held no sway on allowing a nin not of Konoha reign.

Feeling the presence of the 4th Hokages legacy atop the walls, Enma knew he had to be decisive with his words or risk it getting back to his higher ups that he had failed to handle a situation in a swift way. Shaking his head and rufling his hair with his left hand while keeping his right on his nin pouch he would speak to the woman.

"If all this is true, I request that you lay down your weapons now, this goes for any of you not of Konoha."

By this time Kozai should have been back within ear shot of his demands.

"You will all be subjected to questioning and interrogation. Entering a village puts you under it's rules and authority. Something that you have clearly broken by attempting to attack a ninja because you deemed it necessary, that is not your decision to make. Hisano will be called in for questioning as well to see if she has known of any of these "decisions" you have made while in our village, if she is found to have taken the law into her own hands..."

Enma paused while leaning his head slightly to look over towards Samuru, he was more than likely saying too much. Composing himself once more he would speak.

"You all not of Konoha will follow me, is this understood?"

Turning to speak to another chuunin that had arrived on the scene he would speak to the male about finding the other that had been here before he arrived. Looking towards the wall one last time he would see if the legacy of Konohagakure had anything else to add to the situation. Enma had never personally had the chance to speak with Vipers son, so hearing the childs voice was still something he looked forward to hearing.

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Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:29 pm
Upon breaking out of the Genjutsu, Salzem observed that his superiors had had the situation well in hand. Salzem would salute in respect at Enma and the other Jounin before returning to his rounds at the gate. Truly, that was enough strangeness for one day. Hopefully this will be resolved correctly.

Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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The search for help (open) NK - Page 5 Empty Re: The search for help (open) NK

Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:41 pm
yen nodded his head as he slouched down a bit as he finally took more notice of the chakra spiking in the crowd of the chuninn. interesting and i thought the display of power was fun this is very much more alive yen;s insects buzzed in response to the chakra as well as while they were more or less not as interested in the man or the girl's they showed more interest to the living tendrils of chakra flowing from a boy not far from yens actual age minus his aging pills, yet as yen observed the boy under his straw hat he smiled he looks fun to be an ally with

yens insects however buzzed as a bit of the chakra became more apparent as he glanced down at his arm noticing a diffrent insect emerging from his arm. so you have finally come out to play after the changes. i would let you have your fun but never on one of our own the insect buzzed as a second one came out and bit down on yens arm causing a barely detectable amount of chakra loss from yen. however should he have been not as aware it was the insect bite he would’ve said differently. i see so you are the results from my last experiment, you can in a sense detect chakra as it seems that not only is it felt by thoes barely adept to sensing chakra but also you can feel it too. interesting ability!

yen now ignoring the rest of the people now focused on the insects on his arm as the thinner one looked like a female and  the other was a male as they circled around the bite area on yens arm and mated, needless the pair of insects made several eggs on his arm in a nice circle as yen sent a command to the insects on his arm ok thats good relax the insects stopped as yen took note of the small white balls on his arm and he awaited their hatching, aproximentally 4 eggs were on his arm and he studied these insects as he awaited for things to start up again. his curiosity had peaked as the new insect species was being observed, still the concern of what had transpired when they bit confused yen slightly. yeah these guys never did a thing inside me like the kilikikaichu do so what gives? yen mentally asked himself as he studied his insects some more.

416/3,000 words to unlocking kilshiku
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The search for help (open) NK - Page 5 Empty Re: The search for help (open) NK

Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:04 am
The situation at hand is being handled correctly, the child getting guidance from Viper himself through the merging of the Nine-Tails. This is a moment of high alert for the village of Konohagakure no Sato, their chakra signatures are not something to scoff at. If a battle were to break out the casualties would be vast, the Jounin is doing a good job defusing the situation, at the moment Samuru is observing, ready to be reinforcements should they be needed. His eyerwatchful eyes take in the entire scene, 360 degrees around him to secure the area from threats, the Aburame is noted, a clan born and raised in Konohagakure no Sato bearing the headband of a different village, interesting. The fleeing shinobi are noted but he doesen't give chase, if battle is to break out he cannot be to far from the main base, their chakra was dangerouse and he doubts the Jounin could handle it along should all of them strike. He will be the sword of god, and the shield of the village.

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Stat Page : Kaos
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 10250

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Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:15 pm
Kaos makes it back in time to hear the end. He shrugs and says, "Sure, let's go. Be helpful if I can go inside of konoha, and speak about what's happen."
He shrugs, waiting to follow the jounin into the city, ready for this first impression of Konoha to end, and to see what the true Konoha was like.
Kaos stands off away from the group ready to walk and follow the group into Konoha
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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The search for help (open) NK - Page 5 Empty Re: The search for help (open) NK

Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:49 am
~Kiru. I may need a summon. If you could.... Just be ready I think theres a bit of an issue at the gates.~ The words would slip into his student's ears with no sign that anything had happened. She turned her attention to Enma once more, releasing the weapon, which glowed a bright blue for a moment before simply disappearing from view.

"Sure. Been hoping to meet the new Leader for some time now.... Though I suppose this isn't exactly the greatest circumstance within which to go say hi and tell him I've arrived to protect his village. Heh. I suppose its kinda my downfall. " She would follow unless something felt wrong, giving the command to get her out of there the moment Something was amiss through the choker around her neck.
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Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:32 am
Kiru, sleepily woke up from wherever in the city he currently was. Pretty sure he would be getting forcibly taken to the Kage's office at any moment because of the girls message, he banged his head against the wall. ~Ugh...What did you.. know what, nevermind. Just don't start a manhunt against us. Got enough to deal with.~

Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

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Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:35 pm
Enma watched as everyone disarmed themselves and stood ready to be escorted into the village where they would be moved to the prison compound to be interrogated and debriefed of all their information and knowledge. If everything went off without a hitch they would make it to the prison area in no time with a detachment of ninja following them and possibly Samuru if he deemed he still needed to be in the area.

Seperating the boy who claimed to be from Kumo from the rest of the group they would still all be in the same cell jus apart on different walls. Looking at the male first he would speak.

"So, what brings you to Konoha, speak clearly and quick."

Once answered he would nod before writing it down and turning to the others.

"Names, origins, and why you are here."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 0

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Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:56 am
yen noted the joninn setting the people up as he glanced up from his studying of his insects whicch by now mated again laying four more eggs before falling over dead as he kept note of their decease. they mate twice and die and their bites cuase an slight chakra lose, nothing worth noting unless these eggs become even more if im right. yet how they are not abundant through my body their hum i can distenctively tell the diffrence as they are the minority of the bugs. how facinating! and now it appears things have gotten lively as they actually are setting them up now for work. Eh as long as there is no fight i waon't have to worry much only that now my focus returns to my bugs as the higher ups have a grasp on things Despite this thought yen noticed the man return from earlier and the boy from kumo return as well as yen slouched back in the tree comfy as he yet again didnt take notice of things going about actively as the man began asking the peoples names and orgins.

The egss on yens arms hatched as four new insects crawled out and hummed with the same similar sound as yen mentally communicated with them trying to solve his suspicion. males come forth the thicker mouth mones came forth as they hummed at his command and yen smiled. as he issued the commandbite[1/i] the insects bit down on yens armand he noticed the drain increase again as the bite marks occured with a slight tinged from the female bites as the two males mated with the two females laying down four eggs each. [i]interesting.. so a contiuous drain of chakra leads to a sort of effect like a bleeding of sorts where if i am right their long mouths are hitting more then skin but the chakra system alone. they truely are a massive ammount of insects that can occur. yet i wonder how did they respond so quickly to that boy's chakra? yen questionigly gazed at the scource of the spiky chakra as he observed the boy once again his curiousity growing to what sort of power can draw his insects intrest so quickly almost as if his chakra potentially was more of a feasting matter to his insects as they hummed longingly to taste the chakra of the boy but under yens eyes they subjigate to their hosts commands and not go wild seeking a meal/ he's a freind so dont even think about it yen commanded them as he gazed at the boy whome the joninn looked up towards upon every sentence almost as if looking for approval of a sorts. just who is this boy and where did he get such impressive power? yen asked himself as he gazed at samuru with curiousity.

8891/3,000 words to unlocking kilshiku
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