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New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads]

Shitai Orochi
Rokuro Masamune
Green Akari
Isshin Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads] - Page 7 Empty Re: New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads]

Fri May 16, 2014 8:43 am
Midori watched the team of genin’s first attempt to attack Kenzo end fruitlessly. In just a matter of seconds, the roles had been reversed and Green Akari was on the defensive rather than offensive. Midori bit on her lip at the realization that Kenzo might actually be stronger than he looks. He does claim the rank of jounin, after all. Midori, without even having to take her eyes off of Kenzo and Green, began to listen to what Kyte has to say. Between she and Kyte, they would have to figure out some way to free Green, and just as Kyte said, they would have to do it together. “Right. You divert his attention” She said in response as she lowered her center of gravity. She too, spoke in discretion so that Kenzo would not be able to discern their plan by lip reading. As the natural rival of her clan, Midori was cautious of the Uchiha and their unique visual abilities. As time went on, the pressure under Kenzo’s foot would increase, undoubtedly intensifying the pain Green would receive. Midori had to act fast.

In an instant, Kyte and Midori moved simultaneously like a well oiled machine. Midori would crouch down to the ground as Kyte made 2 clones appear. Midori would use Kyte and the clones to block Kenzo from seeing her. Then, without delay, she would sink into the earth and vanish from sight, thus completing her Subterranean Voyage technique. By the time Kyte dropped to the ground to dig up sand for a makeshift smokescreen, Midori would have already disappeared. While underground, Midori could see how the fight was progressing with clarity thanks to her eyes. If all went as planned, Midori would advance forward until she was underneath Green and Kenzo while she weaved hand seals. Masses of chakra formed at her hands as Midori rose just above surface under the cover of the smokescreen. Only her head and her two hands would be visible. Midori would tap both Kenzo’s Achilles tendons with her two hands. Those taps, however, would be enough to sever the tendons completely and force Kenzo to fall, thus relieving Green from pain. When she was done, she would sink back into the earth and allow Green and Kyte to follow up. Without the ability to walk, let alone run, Kenzo would be wide open.

-60 AP
Green Akari
Green Akari
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Sun May 18, 2014 7:01 pm
He wasn't quite sure on what had just occurred. All he knew was that his attack had his its mark...or so it seemed. What he had hit didn't feel like that of someone's ankles. In fact, he could safely bet that his kick hit Kenzo's...foot. He was honestly confused on why that was the case as he didn't see the jounin adjust the limb. One thought ran through his mind at this moment: Shit. An explosion of pain followed afterwards, traveling from his leg throughout the rest of his body. He had never felt any sensation similar to this one and couldn't help but grit his teeth to force down a whimper. Yes, a whimper. That was what he had been reduced to. Despite the discomfort he was currently in, the youth sent a defiant glare aimed at Kenzo. He could feel the pressure on his leg increase with each second that passed by. Green would say this was nothing compared to what his father put him through, but that would be a big fat lie.

However, he couldn't suppress the sly smirk that appeared on his face at the sounds of his comrades heading into action. He turned his head in Kyte's direction, noticing the two clones that were standing beside him. Would he be using those to distract Kenzo? he mused. His emerald orbs lit with approval once he saw Kyte dragging his kunai across the ground. He knew exactly what would happen if he brought up the kunai. Yes, this was definitely why Green liked his other personality better. Another small thought soon popped in his head. Just where was Midori? His eyes darted across the area yet didn't see any sign of the girl. Oh well, he knew she was up to something good. The boy looked towards Kenzo once more, clenching and unclenching his hands every so often.

The moment Kyte aimed a kunai at Kenzo's head, Green set his own plans into action. He was currently sitting on the ground as that was the only position he could be in. Due to his small frame, his head was at the same height of Kenzo's waist, maybe and inch or two higher. This was the perfect place he could be in for his attack. In one swift movement, Green brought up his arm and aimed an elbow in a place that would bring a man to his knees. However, the boy wasn't that cruel. Once his attack was what seemed to be two centimeters away from the jounin, he tilted his arm in the direction Kenzo's abdomen was located. Now, if Midori's move was successful, he would immediately pull his leg away from his opponent's foot. He wasn't taking any chances of keeping his limb there. He would then get to his feet and settle into a crouch without wasting another second.

With the way he was now, he would've been directly next to Kyte's clone, but not too close as to interrupt each others actions. Green would immediately send a punch for where he first aimed, that special place that one should never attempt to hit. He would have done this before Kenzo could fall out of his reach.
Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads] - Page 7 Empty Re: New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads]

Tue May 20, 2014 5:33 pm
Akari... Kyte... Midori... I will teach you all...

Then, as Kytei and Midori rushed forward in a futile attempt to free their classmate, Akari, they would hear the telltale crack of bone, Akari's bone. It happened so suddenly, just as Kyte entered striking range of Kenzo's body. Using the ground and Akari's broken leg as platforms to push against, Kenzo forced his body 3 meters skyward and forward with a single leap, evading every attack with a single action. The world seemed to flip around Kenzo's body(Or was he the one flipping?) until he was upside down with his body just over Akari and Kyte. His head was tilted back as to grant his activated sharingan the best view of his three potential students. Only then would Kenzo look into the girl's discolored eyes, and finally notice that this girl had the Byakugan.


Perhaps none, other than the Hyuga, would notice that Kenzo's hidden left hand had folded to form the tiger seal beneath that cloak. Still, they would see the flames that parted from Kenzo's mouth to form a cone of flames three meters in diameter that would scorch the earth, and everything caught within proximity beneath Kenzo's body, including the genin. How fast could one dodge with a broken leg? And, if one of the males beneath Kenzo's body were to attempt a dodge, Kenzo would simply tilt his head in that direction. He very much intended to cause them all harm. Hopefully, that would be obvious now. Hopefully, they would take him seriously. 

If all went as planned and he was uninterrupted, Kenzo would land behind Kyte, rolling forward before rising to a stand four meters away from the group. 

Jutsu Used:
Fire Stream -5 AP

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan -5 AP

540 AP left
Kobe Ume
Kobe Ume
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New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads] - Page 7 Empty Re: New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads]

Thu May 22, 2014 7:13 pm
As Kyte aimed to stab Kenzo with the kunai he could hear the noise that sounded of a broken bone. Kyte then watched as Kenzo used Green's leg to jump above, keeping his eye's on Kenzo Kyte was preparing to attack Kenzo before he could land. Before he could even prepare to do his next attack he watched as flames came from his mouth aiming directly towards them."Shit...." kyte said under his breath as he was preparing to dodge he had a flashback of the last thing he said to Kiranna, a promise to protect others. Looking at Green's broken leg he then thought of all the choices he could make." Really this is...." Kyte said. He would then go with his original plan to attack Kenzo before he could reach the ground but in a different approach. He then look backed at Midori who head was appearing from the ground. "If you can pull all of use under the ground with you that would be nice otherwise this is going to hurt a lot" he said to Midori as he stood there in front of both Green and Midori as a shield or try to. Gripping the Kunai tighter he prepared for the worse as well as a counter attack. Kyte threw his kunai towards somewhere where he expected kenzo would land then did the handseals Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake for the substitution jutsu holding the last seal. If Midori couldn't take them under ground at least he had a backup plan.
Green Akari
Green Akari
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New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads] - Page 7 Empty Re: New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads]

Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:30 pm
[Skipping Midori...]

It was all so sudden, everything that had transpired happened for too quickly for him to react. The sound of bones cracking resounded throughout the area, surely reaching everyone's ears. Yet, that wasn't what affected Green. No, what had affected was the unbearable explosion of pain that came afterwards. The boy had, of course, experienced various types of injuries while traveling with his parents. They ranged from small bruises to various cuts and scratches. They weren't mild ones, mind you. For some strange reason he had never had the chance to obtain a broken bone unless it was his nose. He was positive that breaking one's nose didn't compare to the feeling of the broken bone that was under Kenzo's foot. The force that was utilized merely added on the pain he was feeling, something that left him speechless.

Gasps were the only things that dared to leave his mouth as he was trying so hard, oh so hard, to suppress the scream bubbling in his throat. He refused to let his enemy hear his cries of anguish, he refused to let anyone gain the pleasure of doing so. All he bothered to do was suck up the pain like a sponge. Drops of swear rolled down his face to signal how difficult it was for him to do so. His emerald orbs followed Kenzo's movements as he attempted to ignore his current discomfort. He saw as the jounin leaped into the air above, his mind racing as to figure out what he was planning. Perhaps it was an attack of some sort? Or maybe it was just a means of escaping them? There were so many questions that needed answers...and in such little, such limited time. What seemed to be an hour of thinking passed by, which in reality was only a single second.

Green settled on being cautious and quickly brought his hands together to perform the substitution. Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake. This occurred the moment flames began to erupt from Kenzo's mouth. That was, until, he saw Kyte randomly appear in front of him. Just what was this guy doing, was he insane? They didn't know just how lethal those flames could be and the actions Kyte just took were in sheer stupidity. Green was prepared to yell at Kyte, until he heard the man's plan. If Midori wasn't able to pull them underground, then they were basically screwed. This is what he was able to conclude. "And if you can't...well, it seems like we would need to rely on substitution," he added, a glint being seen in his eyes. With the position he was currently in, he wouldn't be able to do anything for the team. It frustrated him to no end! The least he could do was think of some kind of attack if they manage to dodge this one...
Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:05 pm
The girl had failed to look away, and the genin had failed to effectively save their friend and assault Kenzo. This resulted in Akari's leg being broken, and Midori's mind being scarred. With only her head and her hands above ground level, Midori's body would be stuck in such a position. Though her eyes were wide open, she could not see the world before him. She had her own perceived reality, and what she did there would not effect what she did here. Here, she did nothing. 

Whilst mid-air, that last thing he saw was the two boy's each forming their first handseal. Did they really believe that they could complete their handseals before the flames closed the 7-10 foot space between them? Kenzo did not know, and he did not pretend to know. Maybe they would get lucky? There was one out of the three who would be quite unlucky, however. Midori, who's mind remained trapped in a world that was neither here nor there, had put up no defense to counter Kenzo's flames. The boys had been relying so heavily upon a girl to save them, when the girl could not even save herself.

Kenzo rose to a stand after his rolls, and just as he gained his balance, a Kunai, gleaming a steely black, found it's way into the flesh of his lower back. It had not pierced deep enough to be lethal, but it had pierced deep enough to draw blood from the males back. The pain was all to familiar for the jonin, for he had forced himself to relive that particular pain over and over again. It was the same now. Kenzo had not been injured because he could not prevent it. He simply did not feel the need to do so. Reaching behind his back, Kenzo pulled the weapon from his back, prompting the blood to flow, and, soon after, harden upon the wound. 

He turned towards the three genin, throwing his hood back to reveal his face. Long, feminine lashes fluttered, and pale lids that so reluctantly slid open to reveal those crimson red irises that glittered in the dying light as if challenging the very sun in a battle of radiance. Short limbs of perfectly-formed sinew hang lazily, with that shining Kunai gripped tightly in our predator's hand. Nostrils flare gently as the scent of a soon-dead campfire reaches his sensitive nose. Lips so accustomed to bringing filth and degradation part to deliver a scathing retort, but in that moment they faltered. Onward he stares, not into the genin's eye.... but forward and away from the genin. His mind whirls with thoughts, actions, and meaning. He sees all, and yet nothing. To end a life is simple... To shape it... that is the proof of power. Yet Kenzo had always relied on one tool and one only… His fists. If it took pounding the children behind him into a mass of meat and blood to get the results that he wished for, then so be it. Finally, he was ready to proceed. He knew his plan, and he knew it well. Sadly, that plan would have to wait. They were not ready for him. Not yet, but, today, they were given a taste of what training with Kenzo would be like. Hopefully next time they would each bring an appetite for experience and knowledge. His tongue dragged itself across his lips before he finally spoke.

"I am leaving now. When I return to the village, I expect you each capable of doing far more than scratching the surface of my flesh. I will summon you. Until then, train and grow strong. I cannot reveal why I came today. Not yet... Until then, farewell. "

And so the leaves around his form would begin to dance in a circle around his form. His body would flicker once, then, in a gust of wind, he would vanish. The black, bloody, shining, Kunai would fall to the ground. The Kunai's that Kenzo had given to them were theirs to keep, Kyte's bloody kunai rested upon the groud, waiting for him to pick it up. Maybe, the boys could use them to dig up their burning female friend. Each of them needed to be broken for them to realize exactly how serious Kenzo was about training them. What would they do when now that he was gone? Would they prepare for his nextt appearance, and begin training right away? They had the option of reporting Kenzo's actions to the Kage, for such means of teachings could have never been acceptable, could they?


WC: 4200

Claiming 2000 words for White Flame Generation (2000/2000)

Claiming 850 Words for  V6 Swamp of the Underworld (4000/4000)

Claiming 1150 Words for Earth Release: Earth Wall
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads] - Page 7 Empty Re: New Recruits... [Open to all Konoha Genin & Acads]

Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:29 pm
Kyte was burned Green was burned and had a broken leg he had seemed to had the worse of it and Midori was burned. They all was burned. Kyte well uh Ky was the one in control looking on as hee saw kenzo with the kunai Ky threw not really aiming to hit Kenzo but somehow it did. "Lucky shot...." he mumbled. He was in pain but he didn't want to show it, sucking in the whining and complaining he and holding back the tears he would slowly move his body to the blood stained kunai. Picking it up he would hear Kenzo words a smirk would come across his face. " I'll get you back for this...." he would say. turning towards Green and Midori he would then slowly walk towards the tree from earlier he would then get a branch that he could use. He then would walk back towards green and would help him up then let him use the stick for him to use to walk until he can make it to the hospital. He would then turn towards Midori and would help pull her out of the ground and digging with the Kunai he did. He would then would switch personalities returning to Kyte.

"Uhh alright Green le- what happen why am I covered in burns and why..." Kyte said as he looked over to Green broken leg and whined in pain. he would then sit down and take a few minutes before he could remember what happened.Sitting in silence for a while he would then turn to green and Midori. " Well that ended kinda bad, Well then I guess there's really nothing left to do here....So I guess all see you guys later then." Standing up he would then walk away from the two heading home back to the orphanage where he lived. " The others can't wait to hear this story." he said with a smile and a few tears.

[Total WC 3,339 claiming 16 sp & Raiton: Jibashi]
Green Akari
Green Akari
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Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:34 am
The fire had reached them before Green even accomplished his second hand seal. The heat emitting from the flames was soon placed in front of him before finally touching his skin. He didn't even attempt to put up a fight and welcomed the pain with open arms. If anything, the fire didn't hurt as much as he expected. As soon as it was perceived, the pain disappeared in a flash, leaving multiple burn marks on the boy's clothes and face. Fortunately most of the fire had missed his broken leg. He didn't need any more injury added onto it, being unable to utilize the limb was bad enough. He released a few coughs before peering up at the jounin, spotting the scarlet eyes looking at, they weren't aimed at them, but beyond them. Green clenched his fists as he glared at Kenzo. Were they not worthy enough to be gazed upon, were they in such terrible shape it disgusted someone to look at them?

He flared his nostrils, greedily taking up the air before releasing it through his mouth. He refused to stand for it, he wouldn't take such insults. Green moved to stand on his feet, but only managed to get onto a single knee. His other leg was too damaged to be used as support. Oh, but who's fault was this? It was all due to the higher up standing right before their eyes. He shut his own orbs and looked the other way, tuning his ears into the words being aimed in his direction. "Train and grow strong." That is exactly what he planned to do once his injuries were tended to. He would become more powerful and actually become a valuable asset to his team. As much as he hated to admit it, he was far weaker than the other two. Hell, Kyte had used himself a shield to take on most of the flames shot at them. And he did nothing but sit and there.

As Kenzo took his leave, Green's gaze was now aimed towards the ground, his bangs casting a shadow over his eyes. "Train and grow strong..." he repeated, "Train..." The boy rapidly shook his head, ridding himself of any unnecessary thoughts. He had to care for his broken leg at the moment before even thinking about honing his skills. He quickly scanned the area for any branches with a somewhat flat surface. Luckily, there were two at least 2 meters away from him. Such a long seemed he would have to crawl. Such a fitting action for the position he was currently in. Green edged towards the branches, being careful as to not harm his leg. By the time he reached his destination, Kyte was already walking over with another branch in hand. He grudgingly allowed to man to help him to his feet, ignoring the pain traveling through his injury.

He made sure to take advantage of the sturdy branch he was given, using it was a crutch to move. The boy planned on making a splint with his leg, but it seemed he wouldn't be able to do it now. Green tilted his head in Kyte's direction and rose an eyebrow. It seemed he switched personalities yet again and needed time to regain his memory. Such a drag that would turn out to be. He sent a curt nod at Kyte once he went to leave as well. The youth decided it was time to head to the hospital by the time Kyte was out of their eye sight. "We'll get him once he returns..." he mumbled, referring to Kenzo. Green quickly used his free hand to lazily wave at Midori before moving in the direction of the hospital.

WC: 5814
+ Learned Leaf Whirlwind
+ 29 and 15 (from rank up) = 44 stats
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm
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