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Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

Tori's First Mission. E-Rank Empty Tori's First Mission. E-Rank

Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:50 pm
Mission Name:Is Timmy stuck in a well?
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Konoha, Village
Word Count Requirements:500

There is a large dog that seems to be looking for something in the village, it is barking towards the villages as if pleading for help. Find what the dog is looking for so it will get out of the village, and do not kill or hurt

Tori held the mission scroll in her hand. This was her first mission. She was a little nervous because she had a fear of dogs, large or small, size didnt matter, she feared them. She tucked the scroll away in her hidden pocket of her ninja outfit. She walked towards the gate and decided to not let the animal intimidate her. It was smaller than her and apparently needed help, so why fear the animal? She was fine, the animal wasn't. She bent over as she carefully approached the animal and sat down on the grass. Tori held her hand out and the rather large white german shepherd approached her.
"What is it girl? Whats wrong?" She asked as she looked the animal over to make sure it was not injured or hurt in anyway. It looked as though it was fine. It whined and wagged it's long tail. It gently put it's paws on Toris lap and licked her face a couple of times. She giggled petting the dog. The dog leaned in and grabbed the edge of Tori's head with her teeth band pulling it loose from her hair. The dog jumped back whining and began to run!
"HEY THATS MINE! NO! BAD DOG!" Tori yelled jumping up and runing after the dog. The dog kept watch making sure Tori was following her but seemed to be going someplace. It was as though it was leading Tori somewhere important. "Okay I will follow you, just give me back my headband! You have my attention!" Tori said as she followed closely to the dog. It stopped letting Tori take back her headband. Suddenly Tori could hear animal noises coming from a cave that looked as though it had been blocked off by several rocks. A tiny opening remained The closer she got to the cave, the more it sounded like puppy whines. She peeked into the hole and saw three puppies who appeared to only be about two months old.
"You had puppies and they were trapped, that's why you barking, you wanted help for your litter." Tori said trying to figure out exactly how to help her out. Tor's arm fit in the hole  but she couldn't reach  the puppies, they were to far down in the cave. But, she figured she could use her chains. The large white dog continued to whine and cry as Tori looked at the pups. "I have an idea, don't worry momma dog you will have your babies soon enough." Tori said as she looked down at the pups. Using her chakra chains she removed the first pup. Luckily they were small enough for Tori to squeeze them through the hole. It whined but licked Tori as she pulled it out. As she sat it down it immediately ran to it's mom. She removed the second pup and then the third pup. Luckily all the pups were fine. 
Tori leaned down to the momma dog and petted her. "There you go mommy, you have them all now and they are safe. The dof gently licked Toris face, Tori then left for the Village.

[words: 521/500]
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Tori's First Mission. E-Rank Empty Re: Tori's First Mission. E-Rank

Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:53 pm
approved for the appropriate awards
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