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Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Kyoto's Genin Exam

Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:24 pm
Kyoto stood in the Hokage Building in front one of the many velvet colored couches that were inside of it, today the Genin Exams were about to commence and she had come to the building to tell both her mother and father that she was off to the exam so that they would wish her good luck. But of course neither of them were there according to the assistant that was always at the front desk. After taking some time thinking about what the Genin Exam was going to do she would walk out of the front door of the office heading to Ichiraku’s Ramen Shop before going to the academy because she had slept on an empty stomach and was quite hungry. As she walked she would begin to see the ramen shop in the distance as well as Ichiraku waving towards her like he was expecting her or something she saw a single cup of ramen sitting on the stand causing her to run to the shop.”Here is a cup of your Kyoto Special. Hurry and get to the academy.” said Ichiraku as Kyoto would nod grabbing the cup of Ramen as she would continue to run to the academy.

As she ran she would slurp up the Ramen leaving nothing but a empty cup of it as she got to the doors of the academy. She would burst through the doors looking for her classroom, the place where she was told her Genin exams would be. Arriving in the classroom and sitting in her assigned seat she would wait for the proctor to come.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:25 pm
Howdy, to take a genin exam you must have the following:
-40 stats
-Clone Technique
-Transformation Technique
You have two out of three of these at the moment. Unfortunately, you only have 35 stats. So, please bump this topic once you have 40 or more and we can get you going. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:30 pm
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:43 pm
She had been sitting in the very corner of the classroom when the student arrived. The pen in her grasp fell with a soft click as the proctor's entire frame jolted from her seat, her fourth scare in the last hour. She had found the red rose on her desk that morning and against her better judgement, picked it up, only to realize that it wasn't red, merely sticky. The young woman had nearly fainted as the smell of fresh blood mingled with the scent of a white rose had permeated her senses and even now, the queasy feeling was everpresent.

Loking at her register, she noted that there was only one student attempting the genin exam today. Maybe she could take the rest of the day off after this candidate? Go home, take a sleeping pill and some tea.

Try and forget that there was a psycho out there who dipped roses in blood and used the same blood as his ink to send cryptic messages.

Her vision swam for a moment as she tried to keep the tears and the horror at bay. After a moment however, the redhead composed herself and called out in a semi steady voice from her corner, clearing her throat to get the young man's attention.

"Good afternoon, please stand at the center of the room and perform the two primary jutsu you've learned. Take your time."

(800 words and you're good to go <3)
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:45 am
After Kyoto had gotten quickly accustomed to the classroom she would look around seeing that she was the only other person in the room besides the female proctor at the bottom of the classroom. She would sweatdrop realizing she only figured this out later rather than sooner."You know you need to learn how to better observe a situation." said the entity within side of her known as Tartarus . This would cause Kyoto to blush before hearing the light voice of the proctor speak saying "Good afternoon, please stand at the center of the room and perform the two primary jutsu you've learned. Take your time." Kyoto would nod and get up from her seat as she slowly walked down the steps. She had to show both her mom and her dad that she was emotionally stable since she had finally conquered Tartarus."You do know that you never quite conquered me. I am just being nice." said the entity causing Kyoto to scream "Shut the hell up will you." out loud as she would stop in her tracks and stare into the proctor's eyes. She had just embarrassed herself and was sure that the proctor was probably thinking she was talking about her. A blush would appear on her face yet again but this one was a deep scarlet color, the same color as her hair."Uhh, I am not talking about you" Kyoto would quickly say as she ran the rest of the way down the stairs coming to the flat floor and bowing as she grabbed the edges of her skirt like she was some kind of noble seeing as she technically was seeing as her father was both the Hokage and head of his clan.

Finishing her bowing she would say "I will perform the jutsu now." She would be 10 meters in front of the proctor as she would begin to perform the hand seals for the Transformation Jutsu which were dog followed by boar ending with ram. Only a single image was within her mind, that of her mother. A red haired lady who hair stopped at her chin, wearing a black sports bra, and a pair of black tights as well as a pair of black combat boots. Upon having this image within her head she would instantly transform into her mother, feeling herself slowly get shorter to the height that was of her mom. Upon completing the transformation Kyoto would say "This is the transformation jutsu." in her mom's voice."You know I like your mom more than you, you are quite angry all the time." said Tartarus from within her head. Making her almost burst out again but had chosen to ignore the entity. Kyoto would then proceed by doing the clone technique. Like she had learned days ago, she would begin performing the hand seals required for the clone technique. She would direct chakra throughout her body as she would perform the Ram seal, followed by the Snake seal, and ending with the Tiger seal.

The chakra coursing throughout her body would stop as a clone of Kyoto's actual self would appear 2 meters to her right. The clone was intangible and could not talk so it was not on the level of the Shadow Clone jutsu. After performing the jutsu she would look the proctor in the eyes saying "Is that all?" Raizuko asked as she would continue to look at the proctor hoping she had done everything correctly. She did not want to make her mom and father embarrassed to have a child that could not pass a measly exam. Though, she was sure she did both jutsu correct. She would continue to look at the proctor hoping that she did not deny Kyoto's rank up to Genin.

Though when she had casted the Transformation technique she was pretty sure that she had done it correctly. Though, she get to see her appearance so she did not know whether she turned into a broom stick or a person. Though would it matter if she turned into either? The proctor did not say whether to turn into an item or a person. Maybe she should turn into a item as well just incase?" Uh, excuse me Ms. Proctor I am going to transform into an item as well cause I don't know if I was suppose to do it." said Kyoto as she bowed with a blush on her face and once again begin to perform the three hand seals required for the transformation jutsu. She would feel her self getting skinny and her arms would dissapear as her head was now on the ground. She was a broom for 2 seconds as she would dispel the jutsu from the weirdness eyeing the proctor once more. She did hope she would get the rank up.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:43 am
Despite her own personal fears, the proctor looked at the girl oddly... This student seemed to be yelling off at nothing in particular and then acting shy about it. Was this a new thing the kids were doing? More importantly, would such outbursts compromise information gathering missions should this girl be allowed to be a part of Konoha's army?

It would have probably been better to tell the girl no, to practice controlling her emotions more and to remember that she was a Kunoichi of the leaf, but the proctor was a kindhearted woman, kindhearted but by no means compromising when it came to her village's safety.

"You performed the required jutsu so technically you will get the headband," she began as nicely as possible. "But I'm adding a note in your file about psychiatric evaluation. We can't have a genin jeapordize our missions by yelling random things at innopportune moments. Good luck," with that, she handed the girl her headband and sent the file towards the Hokage office where it would be dealt with appropriately.

(You get fifteen stats and a free spec, and genin status. <3)
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:39 am
Kyoto would frown as she was not mentally ill. She would decide to bow to the proctor as she would grab the headband out of the proctor's hand as she would turn around running up the stairs and out of the door to tell both her mom and dad that she had completed the Genin Exams and was now on the road to be a full fledge ninja who's power could probably rival their own in the future.

claiming Weaponry, 15 Stats, and Genin
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:42 am
Trial approved? Yay? Nay?
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

Kyoto's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyoto's Genin Exam

Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:44 am
Yay <3
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