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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:59 pm
Wind Style: Air Bullets

Ryuu woke up, after a days of much needed rest, and he began thinking of all the feats that he had accomplished in the past few weeks. Ryuu started out, only a few weeks ago, as a fresh out of the academy Genin, even if he had actually graduated top of his class in the academy, he was still weak, a green eared wannabe ninja with hardly any talent or strength. But Ryuu rose from that, he went from being that no talent hack of a ninja, to being a child, worthy of the title “Ninja”. Ryuu has grown quite a bit in the past few weeks, he had learned anywhere from A rank techniques, all the way down to new E rank techniques and jutsus. Ryuu decided that he was done with his rest, now it was time for him to get off of his back, as he was lying in his bed, and get back on his feet, and get into that training ground and put himself back into the groove of training. Ryuu then had to think about what he was going to learn, he had a few ninjutsus for his Fire element, he had quite a bit of Taijutsu, the majority of it being from his Gentle first style of fighting, being the Taijutsu style accustomed to the Byakugan users of the Hyuuga clan, if there ever was a person that was not a Byakugan user of the Hyuuga clan, he had not seen them. Ryuu then thought and thought about what he should learn next, Ryuu thought that he could try and learn a new jutsu, but something of a lower ranking to start with. Then Ryuu thought, “Why not train my new element!?” Ryuu almost completely forgot that he was no longer a ninja that only used one single element, he was now a shinobi that used TWO different elements. Ryuu smiled at this fact as he got up from his bed, headed to the bathroom, and took a shower and brushed his teeth. Once Ryuu was finished keeping up with his hygiene, he then walked into the kitchen to grab himself a bite to eat. Ryuu reached the kitchen, grabbed himself a box of instant ramen, threw it into the microwave, and watched it as it cooked. Ryuu thought to himself about how awesome it was going to be, to be how much stronger he was, rather than how strong he used to be. The microwave was done cooking his ramen, so Ryuu grabbed the ramen, set it on the table, went to the drawer that held all of his eating utensils, grabbed himself a pair of chopsticks, went back to his dining room table, and ate his ramen. When Ryuu was finished, he threw the cup for the ramen away, took the chopsticks to the sink and washed them, when he was done putting the chopsticks back into the eating utensils drawer, Ryuu went back to his bedroom and he began getting ready for his day of training, feeling better than ever. Ryuu grabbed his pack, ensured himself that his sealing scroll was inside his pack, he then went to his dresser and grabbed a set of his training clothes. Ryuu then headed back to the living room, and he took another look at the picture of him and his parents, the picture that was originally hanging right above the door that led out of his bedroom, but Ryuu decided to move it to the living room, so whenever he was eating his ramen, or just heading out to go training for the day, he could look at the picture, and wonder to himself, “I wonder what they would think of me, and what I’ve become. Would they think I was worthy of being their son, would they be disappointed?” Ryuu then thought, “Would I actually care? Would I care about the opinion of criminals of the Sunagakure village, even if they were my parents?” Ryuu pondered this for a few seconds, tried to think about what he would do once he actually saw his parents, but Ryuu knew that no matter how much he thought about it, it would never be what would happen if he actually saw them in person, no amount of planning could prepare him for that. Ryuu decided to shake off those thoughts, and head on into town and begin looking for what his next jutsu was going to be, he knew that he wanted to learn a Wind Style technique, but he wasn’t sure if he was going to learn a D rank? C rank? B rank? Ryuu had many possibilities of which he could choose from, but just like he had done for the last few jutsus that he had learned in the recent past, he was going to continue to do the same routine. Ryuu was going to head to the bookstore, look through all of his options, and find which one spoke to him, just by reading a few words of the book and see if he liked the technique, then he was going to take the book with him to the training grounds, learned all there was to know about the technique, and then try his hardest to master it, whether it was an A rank or a D rank, if he thought it would be useful to him, he wanted to learn it. Ryuu began to walk into town, on his way to getting to the bookstore, Ryuu noticed how much cooler it was getting, due to the winter that was coming through, although it’s still wasn’t what most would call “Cool”, it was still cooler than usual. Ryuu began closing in on the bookstore, when he noticed the Ramen shop, Ryuu thought how much better it would be to be able to read the book without feeling the pain of his body rushing him through it. Ryuu decided that he was going to find the next technique’s book, and he was going to go to the ramen shop, and eat ramen as he read. Ryuu walked into the bookstore, walked up to the lady behind the front counter, and asked her where the Wind Style Technique and Jutsu books were. The lady gave Ryuu some directions, and he followed them, Ryuu found the books and he began to look through the shelf. Ryuu found a book that he thought that he thought that was going to like, the spine of the book read “Wind Style: Air Bullets” Ryuu grabbed the book off the shelf and he began reading, so he could get the basic idea that was behind his technique. Ryuu began reading, and he instantly loved what he was reading. Ryuu grabbed the book and took it to the lady behind the front counter, checked out the book and headed over to the ramen shop to eat some ramen and get some protein in his body for his training, while also learning a little bit about the jutsu that he was going to be mastering next. Ryuu walked into the shop, sat at the bar as usual and ordered his usual order. Ryuu then grabbed the book, opened it, and set it down on the bar as he continued to read on the jutsu. As Ryuu was reading, he continued to enjoy what he was reading more and more, he was beginning to love his new element, being wind, more now that he actually began reading deeply into this technique. Ryuu read the requirements first, the book said that you needed to have the wind element at your disposal, which this made Ryuu even more excited, because not even a week ago, this would have been far out of his reach, but Ryuu now could execute this jutsu, mainly because he now had the wind element at his disposal. Ryuu continued to read on the jutsu, he found out that this jutsu was ranked as a C ranked technique, so Ryuu knew that this was not going to be nearly as difficult as any of the other techniques that he had been learning as of late. Ryuu did find something that he did not particularly care for, and that was the range of the attack, only being ten meters. Ryuu was okay with this, though, he was sure that he could make this work, Ryuu did feel like he was a close quarters fighter anyway. Ryuu also read that this technique only required the user to perform only one hand seal, being the bird hand seal. Ryuu finished his ramen, and he decided to head over to the Training grounds and he continued to read the book as he walked. He read what this technique actually did, the user was to compress his wind chakra that was around him to create up to four bullets that are up to 1.43 radius, or a 2.86 inch diameter. Ryuu then arrived at the training grounds. Ryuu then went to the same spot that he had been training in, the spot with the fence overlooking the cliff. Ryuu continued to read the book and the book said that to perform this jutsu, your specialty as a ninja had to be Ninjutsu, which again, Ryuu had this in the bag, so Ryuu was ready to begin his training of the Wind Style: Air Bullets technique. Ryuu grabbed his pack, and set it on the floor and had it leaning on the fence. Ryuu then began his warm up, he activated his Byakugan, and he began jogging around the Training Grounds. As he was running, he began thinking of what it would be like to fly, he didn’t know why this popped in his head, but that was the only thing he could think of. Ryuu then reached his starting point. Ryuu got into his fighting stance, grabbed a pile of sand from the ground under his feet, he set it on his right palm, and focused on it. Ryuu channeled his chakra into his right hand and he concentrated on sharpening his chakra and making it as thin as possible. Ryuu watched the one pile of sand that he had on his right hand, suddenly turn into two. Ryuu then stayed in his fighting stance, and he began focusing the chakra, compressing the air around him with his chakra, creating the air bullets that he was needing to create to perform this chakra. He could see the bullets trying to form, but he could not get them to form to their fullest extent, Ryuu pushed and pushed, but it was beginning to look futile, Ryuu saw that he was not getting any closer to it begin a success. Ryuu then cut the jutsu off, for he was seeing absolutely no progress in the technique. Ryuu then tried to continued to read the book, to see if there were any type of tips or tricks in the jutsu. Ryuu found nothing in the book so he realized that it was going to be all up to him to figure out this jutsu. Ryuu bent his knees, got into his fighting stance, and he focused on his chakra, he compressed it more and more and then he began trying to form the wind bullets, he continued to focus his chakra and make the chakra sharper and thinner, he continued to attempt to form the bullets, he drew in more and more chakra until finally he saw the bullets growing to be the appropriate size. Ryuu knew that it had reached the max size, he then threw the bullets straight forward, and he saw the bullets fly through the sky, soaring until it reached its ten meter mark, where it began to dissipate. Ryuu tried it one more time, trying to get the process down to a much faster time. Ryuu focused his chakra, drawing in the air around him to form the four bullets that he was able to form, Ryuu continued to hold his chakra in until he saw the bullets form, he then threw the bullets forward just like before. Ryuu tried it one more time, Ryuu got back into his fighting stance, focused more of his chakra and sharpened it, he drew in the air, the bullets formed to the max size almost instantly, he then threw the bullets forward again, and Ryuu felt like he already had the hang of this technique, he then felt that he could mark this technique up as mastered. Ryuu became more than excited because he had actually learned his first wind technique, and this will be the first of very very many techniques. Ryuu then headed off back through the village and he headed back home, he continued thinking about his parents. “I just learned my first technique in a new element.” Ryuu looked up into the sky and thought, “Would you be proud of me? Or would you continue to resent me?” Ryuu decided to try and shrug the thought off, and celebrate his achievement with a bowl of ramen, he headed over to the ramen shop, ordered his ramen, enjoyed his bowl of ramen, and he headed back home for a night sleep.

Exit. WC: 2206
Claiming: Wind Style: Air Bullets and +11 stats.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:04 pm

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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:43 am
4. Leaf Rising Wind

Ryuu had been learning ninjutsu left and right, in both fire and wind. He had gotten stronger and faster, he had been turning into the shinobi that he had dreamed of being. Ryuu was faster than most of the shinobi that he knew, but yet he felt like he was not strong enough yet. Ryuu had been trying to think of where he should bring his shinobi career to next. Ryuu was lying in bed, just waking up after a long day of training the day before, trying to master the Air bullets technique. Wind style was amazing, and Ryuu was more than excited to be able to learn the techniques, and he couldn’t wait to learn even more of them, making him a stronger, more well rounded student of the shinobi ways of the wind element. Ryuu decided that he was becoming tired of training ninjutsu day in and day out, he was beginning to think that he should start working outside of his specialty of ninjutsu, and go out into the realms of the other types of ninja techniques. Ryuu then decided on what he should do next. “Should I do genjutsu?” Ryuu thought to himself, “Maybe Taijutsu?” Ryuu couldn’t decide what kind of techniques that he should delve into next. Ryuu then decided that he should learn a little more Taijutsu, for ninjutsu and taijutsu were going to be the majority of what he would perform in his spars or bouts, so he needed to beef up his taijutsu side a little more. After this was decided, Ryuu swung his feet out of his bed, stood up, and headed for the bathroom, to carry out his morning hygiene rituals. Once Ryuu had finished taking his shower, he walked to his sink in the bathroom, and began brushing his teeth. Although Ryuu had decided that he was going to work on his Taijutsu skills, he couldn’t quite figure out what technique that he was going to actually work on. Ryuu finished brushing his teeth and he began heading into the kitchen, where he was going to eat his breakfast before heading out into the town to go to the bookstore first, to see if he could find any books on any taijutsu techniques that would interest him, then off to the training grounds to begin his training on said taijutsu technique. Ryuu walked into the kitchen and today, Ryuu decided that he did not want to just have instant ramen. Today, Ryuu decided that he was going to actually cook himself something to eat. Ryuu looked into his fridge, and what he saw wasn’t much, there was milk in there that was already a week passed its due date, there were vegetables that didn’t look so “Fresh” and there was a carton of eggs. Ryuu thought that he didn’t want to eat the vegetable type things or the week old milk, so he decided to go with the latter and cook himself some eggs. Ryuu grabbed the eggs and set them on the counter, next to the stove. Ryuu looked through his cabinet, he had been eating instant ramen so much that he completely forgot where everything was in his own kitchen. Ryuu continued to clang around until finally he found himself a small skillet, just large enough for him to cook his eggs. Ryuu began cooking by layering the bottom of the skillet with oil, as he was doing this, he was realizing just how fun cooking was, he hadn’t cooked anything in a very long time. Ryuu then cracked the egg shells and dropped the egg yolk and egg whites into the skillet, he did this for three separate eggs. When the eggs began to set, Ryuu grabbed a wooden spoon, and he began to stir the eggs, causing them to scramble. When the eggs became more solid than liquid, Ryuu began pushing the pan forward and then flipping the scrambled eggs, into the air, and then back onto the pan. Ryuu then began to think about his own fighting style, “Hitting someone with one of my Fire style attacks would be great against someone that is very slow, but if someone had some speed, actually hitting someone was going to take some timing, planning, and perfect execution. Ryuu then began to think of the eggs that he was tossing into the air and back into the pan again and again. Ryuu then thought of how much harder it would be if his opponent were to be in the air. Ryuu then thought, if he were to be able to force his opponent into the air, and then combo that with one of his fire or wind style jutsus, that could be a perfect match ender, or at least a combo that would put a hurting on his opponent. Ryuu liked where these ideas were coming from, he now knew exactly what kind of technique he was going to need, he was just hoping that the bookstore had something like that in the bookstore on those countless shelves. Ryuu then put the eggs that he just got done cooking on one of the plates that he found in another cabinet, after a few attempts in different cabinets trying to find them. Ryuu then sat down at the dining room table, and he ate his first home cooked mail that he has had in almost three years. While Ryuu was eating his eggs, he was staring at the picture of him and his parents. Ryuu began losing his hatred toward his parents, sometimes it would be hatred, and then other times it would be pity. Ryuu felt bad that his parents couldn’t even sleep in a village, they were probably sleeping in a new place every night, or out on a camp with other missing nin, who probably barely had anything to eat or drink. Ryuu decided to give up thinking about it, he finished his eggs and he was off into town to go search for the book that was going to further his skills as a shinobi.

Ryuu was walking through town and when he got into the bookstore, he did as he did every other time he had ever walked in, he walked in, greeted the woman behind the front counter, by now she knew ryuu by his first name. Ryuu then asked her where the taijutsu section was, she pointed it out to him, so Ryuu went to the area she pointed out, and he began a thorough search of the entire section, trying to find a technique that he was going to find to fulfill his goal of having a certain technique that would allow himself to launch his opponent into the air, so this way, it would be harder for his opponent to dodge a secondary attack. Ryuu looked and looked and he was having no luck, he found a certain section that all came from the leaf village, which Ryuu assumed this because all of the titles of the book had the word leaf in it. Ryuu grabbed one of the books that, based on the title, was going to be the exact answer that he was looking for, the title of the book was “Leaf Rising Wind” Ryuu thought that if the word Rising was in the title, it had to do something with someone going into the air, he just hoped that it was the opponent and not himself. Ryuu grabbed the book off the shelf, and he began to read what the technique had to offer. Ryuu read and read and what he gathered was that this technique was the user, running up in front of the opponent, smashing your foot into his chin, and launching him into the air. Ryuu read and read until he finally lowered the book and realized that that was exactly what he was wanting. Ryuu grabbed the book and brought it up to the lady behind the counter, he checked the book out, thanked the lady for her helpfulness, and he was on his way to the training grounds to try out this new technique and see if he was going to be able to master it. Ryuu continued to read as he walked toward the Training Grounds. The book said that with this technique, you actually move faster during the technique. This would help immensely with the actual success of this technique. Ryuu was getting closer to the training grounds and he was trying to figure out how exactly he was going to go about training himself to perform this certain technique. Ryuu figured he could probably start just by getting the movements down first, but then next part, actually doing the performance, he was going to need some sort of dummy to practice on, or even better, a real person. Ryuu decided that he was going to figure that out later, when it got to that point, and just focus on learning the movement of the technique first, and how he could make this as successful as possible. Ryuu first began by warming up, this technique being more running around and actually hitting things with his body, not his jutsu, he also made sure that his stretching was intense prior to his training of the new technique. Ryuu started with a light jog, which then turned into a max speed sprint around the training grounds, when Ryuu felt nice and warm, he began doing his stretching. The position that he needed to be in for this technique was going to be a very awkward, very difficult position to actually hit someone with. The position was practically one leg crouched on the ground, the other straight up, as it would have to be if it was going to be hitting someone through the chin, and his back leaned way back, almost against the ground, with both hands on the floor, to act as a pushing off point and a balancing point so he could keep the position, to ensure the follow through of the kick. Ryuu started by practicing the formation of his body, trying to get his leg to go straight up, as it was required for the technique, Ryuu then tried going from a fighting stance to the kicking formation. Ryuu would stand there, drop his back down and throw his leg straight up into the air. The strain that he felt was horrid, his body was nowhere close to ready for the kind of strike. Ryuu continued to stretch and continued to attempt the strike, but although he continued to get closer and closer, but still his strike was not exactly perfect. Ryuu realized that when it came to his chakra control, that just took trying a little harder. But when it came to his body not stretching to the degree he needed. Ryuu stretched more and more, and he finally felt loose enough. Ryuu stood back up, got into his fighting stance, and he began running forward, he started at half speed, then he got to maximum speed, he reached his designated spot for his pretend target, and he dropped his back to the floor and threw his left foot directly up into the air. Ryuu felt like that was perfect, the strike looked just as it did in the picture, so Ryuu then decided that he was ready to reach the next step. Ryuu realized that the one thing he could do to have a human target, Ryuu then created himself a shadow clone jutsu, he had the clone stand there in a fighting stance. The clone did just that, and Ryuu went about twenty meters away from the cl
one, Ryuu sprinted at the clone and performed the technique Ryuu got within a meter from the clone, laid his back toward the ground, and threw his left leg up into the air. Ryuu felt his foot connect with the clones chin, the clone’s body flew up into the air, at about fifteen meters high, Ryuu then rolled backwards and he then performed the Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation. The clone, still lying in the air, beginning his descent back toward the ground, was at the perfect distance for Ryuu to get a good hit with this technique. The clone was only twenty meters away, Ryuu blew the wall of fire at the clone and, behold, the technique was a hit and the clone vanished in a cloud of smoke, being dispelled by the massive damage it took from the Leaf Rising Wind and the Great Fire Annihilation. Ryuu then got excited at the fact that this Leaf Rising Wind technique and then marrying it with the great fire annihilation, and how perfect the timing is for these two techniques going together. Ryuu then left the training grounds, and headed on home, feeling good with the work that he had accomplished that day. But Ryuu decided, instead of getting ramen on the way home, like he had been doing for the past few years, this time, he was going to head to the grocery store and actually buy some ingredients so he could begin to cook for himself from now on.

Exit. WC: 2201
Claiming: Leaf Rising Wind and +11 Stats.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:29 pm
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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:52 pm
5. Great Fireball

“Fire, such a beautiful thing.” Ryuu heard while he was dreaming. Ryuu was having a dream of a small village, one that sat in the middle of high grass, wasn’t more than just a few families who were sustainably living with crops and livestock everywhere. Ryuu then continued in his dream to see a shower of massive balls of fire. The damage was inevitable, the entire village was going to burn to the ground. Ryuu watched in a slight degree of delightment, he had no idea who anyone who lived in the village was, and he was going to see the most beautiful thing in the world, more beautiful than any painting or any wonder in the world, an inferno blazing in the summer sky, the colors orange and red, and even yellow, dancing around in perfect synchronization, almost like it is rehearsed. The balls of fire came down and got ever closer and closer to the village, the world was moving in slow motion, almost like it was accommodating Ryuu’s love for the beauty that is fire. The fire had touched one of the roofs of one of the buildings, the blazes began. The fire rose higher and higher, they continued to grow everywhere, the fire was immense, it was a massive inferno of gorgeous colors, swirling and twirling around. Ryuu was dumbfounded, stupefied would be the better word, at the colors that wound up together in the wonderful blaze that was this inferno. Ryuu woke up from his dream, and he instantly thought, “I want to be able to do that!” Ryuu wanted to be able to perform the jutsu that would allow him to create such a shape of fire, a perfect sphere, a fireball, and be able to use that in combat. Ryuu continued to think about his dream, how beautiful that fire was, and he instantly knew that he wanted to learn a new Fire Style Ninjutsu, he wasn’t sure which one or what kind or what this technique was going to do, he just knew that he wanted to be able to do it. Ryuu went into the kitchen to take his shower and brush his teeth, as Ryuu was doing this, he continued to think about his dream. Ryuu never knew why he loved fire so much, but he just knew that he did. He loved everything about fire. The heat it produces, the destruction it causes, and the beauty that it portrays. Everything about fire was beautiful, Ryuu couldn’t wait to begin producing it again, for it has been quite a while since he performed his fire techniques last, let alone learn a new one. Ryuu finished brushing his teeth and he headed into the kitchen to cook him up another breakfast. Ryuu finished his eggs, which is what he made himself for breakfast, and then he went on his way to the bedroom, to get himself some clothes that he could train in. Ryuu got all of his things ready to go and made sure he had his sealing scroll in his pack, he tied on his boots and headed onto the town.

Ryuu left his house and he began walking through the village to see if there was a book that described anything like what he saw in his dream. Ryuu walked through the village, acknowledging how much cooler the weather was being in the village hidden in the sand. Ryuu loved the cooler weather, ironic for he was born in the village that was built in the middle of the desert. As Ryuu was walking, he began seeing the bookstore, only a couple blocks away, Ryuu then thought what he was going to ask the lady behind the counter, “If I have no idea what the jutsu is, how am I supposed to ask the lady when she tries to give me direction around the library.” Ryuu then decided that he was going to just go into the bookstore and he was going to go into the Katon section, being the section that held the Fire Style techniques. Ryuu reached the bookstore, walked into the area of the library that had all of the ninjutsu books, he then searched the entire section to find all of the Fire Release techniques. Ryuu grabbed all the books that he could find and he spread them all out on the table, and he began reading every single one of them. The purpose behind him reading all of the books is that he was trying to read a description of what the jutsu did, and hoping that he would find one of these books that held the technique that would at least resemble the dream that he had the night before, the raining of the fireballs. Ryuu continued to read every single book that he had laid out on the table. Ryuu set aside all of the books that had to do with fireballs, and there weren’t all that many, only a handful. Ryuu then read through all of the books that he had set aside. Ryuu read every single one of them, until finally, he found a book that sounded like it was the exact technique that he was looking for. “Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower, that has to be it!” Ryuu began frantically reading through the book and from what he could read, everything about it was exactly right. Ryuu saw no problem in the beginning of the training of this technique, until he saw what was required of him. “User must know Fire Release: Great Fireball” Ryuu then continued through the books until he found that very book. A book that was titled Fire Release: Great Fireball. Ryuu opened the book up and he began to look through it to see if there were any requirements that he had missed for this technique. But as Ryuu read through, he saw no holes in what he had to offer to learn this technique, to what the technique had to offer. So Ryuu was ready and excited to learn this jutsu, to make sure that he was going to be able to learn the next jutsu. Ryuu was even more excited because now he had something to look forward to throughout the training for this technique, just as he had plenty of reasons to be excited for this specific jutsu too! Ryuu grabbed the book and brought the book to lady behind the front counter, checked out the book and began headed toward the Training Grounds, to master this Great Fireball jutsu.

Ryuu began heading toward the training grounds, feeling good about his chances of mastering this Great Fireball jutsu quickly, if he can already do the Dragon Fire Jutsu, he saw no reason why he could not do this technique. The only hard part that he could already know about this jutsu is making the fire that is produced by this technique into a ball, and not just a stream of fire. Ryuu thought that he would just use the same idea as he did with the flame hurricane. He just needed to picture the ball shape and try and keep his spatial composition in check with this jutsu. But Ryuu was closing in on the Training Grounds and no matter what happened, Ryuu was one hundred percent ready to get this training underway and get this technique mastered, so he could be one step closer to learning the Great Fireball Shower. Once he had both of these techniques down, he was going to be another step closer to being a grade A shinobi, something that, to this point, he had only dreamed of doing. Then maybe one day even sooner, he will become Chuunin, then Jounin, then maybe even ANBU, then if the day finally comes, he might even be Kage.

Ryuu reached the Training Ground, when he got there, Ryuu quickly realized that it was loaded with all kinds of people. But the one area that Ryuu wanted there the most, the spot overlooking the cliff, with only the rickety bridge standing in between him and a fifty meter drop below. Ryuu began looking around at the mountain across the valley, saw the bits and pieces that he had taken out with explosions, or singed with his fire. Ryuu had done a lot with his fire, and he was ready to learn once again. Ryuu set down his pack, leaned it on the fence overlooking the cliff. Ryuu then began his stretching, he started with his feet, all the way up to the neck. Once he was finished with his base stretching, Ryuu began his aesthetic warm up phase. Ryuu activated his Byakugan, and he began jogging around the Training Grounds, it started as a jog, it then moved into running, then shortly thereafter it turned into an all out full speed sprint. When Ryuu had finally finished the warm piece of his training, he was then ready to begin his knowledge of this new technique!

Ryuu sat down on the ground, directly in front of his pack. Ryuu grabbed the book and began reading. The hand seal required for this jutsu are Horse, and then Tiger which is simple enough, but still more hand seals than the majority of the technique’s had learned. But Ryuu was still more than excited to learn this jutsu, so he can move on to his very next A rank Jutsu. Ryuu continued to read a little more about the jutsu, he learned that the range is twenty meters and the maximum size the sphere of fire gets is to be about two meters in diameter. Ryuu believed that he knew all he needed to know about this jutsu to actually perform it on his own. Ryuu put the book back into his pack, stood up on his feet, did a quick stretch, making sure he was in the right condition to be learning this technique. Ryuu got into his fighting stance, and he began to compress his chakra as he performed the hand signs simultaneously, and then he focused on applying his nature transformation unto the chakra that was compressing, he was applying his fire element, and he was readying himself to finally perform the technique. Ryuu opened his mouth, and began to blow the fire out of his mouth. As soon as he saw the fire coming out, he was trying his hardest to control the spatial transformation as the fire was spewing out of his mouth, the first piece, the actual fire, was a complete success, but the second piece, keeping the fire as a fireball before throwing it forward, was the failure. Ryuu cut the jutsu, when he noticed the fire turning into a stream. Ryuu then got back into his fighting stance and he began telling himself that he needed to remember that he needed to keep the ball’s shape, the spatial transformation needs to be on point. Ryuu got back into his fighting position, and he compressed his chakra as he performed the hand seals, he then yelled “Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu!” Ryuu then did the same as before, he blew as hard as he could, as he was continuously focusing on the spatial transformation, “No stream. It needs to be a Ball!” Ryuu thought to himself, Ryuu then released the fire from his mouth and the fire began going straight forward, like a stream, but just as he was about to lose focus and call the jutsu off, the fire came back toward him, beginning to go around in circles, forming the sphere. Ryuu was staring at his creation as the ball was forming, Ryuu then thrusted the fireball forward and it began flying directly in front of him at a pretty alright, but yet very slow rate. Ryuu was happy that he had learned this jutsu, because now there was nothing stopping him from learning the Fire Release: Great Fire Ball Shower Jutsu! Ryuu then headed home after another long and hard day’s work, and he went to his bed, and he dreamed about the beauty of fire once more.

Exit. WC: 2017
Claiming: Fire Release: Great Fireball and +10 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:02 pm

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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:11 pm
6. Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower

Ryuu had been learning jutsus left and right. Every single day, he was training, or reading, or learning in any way possible. Ryuu had become so obsessed over the different techniques and jutsus that he could learn, even as a Genin. Ryuu was doing exceptionally well, especially for a Genin. Ryuu was already on the level of learning A rank jutsus, of two different elements! Ryuu did feel like he was favoring his Fire Element a bit too much, due to the fact that he hadn’t learned but only one technique in the Wind Element, Ryuu thought that that was to be expected, being that fire was his main element, and wind was his secondary. But Ryuu did feel like he should learn another Wind Element technique very soon. Ryuu thought about learning a new one now, but he decided against it, because he remembered that at the end of his last training session, that the next technique on his agenda, was the Great Fireball Shower technique. Ryuu had only learned the base jutsu, the Great Fireball jutsu, was so he would be able to learn this technique next. Ryuu then decided that that was going to be his very next technique to learn, the Great Fireball Shower technique, then after this technique, he knew that his next one, should in fact be a wind style element.

Ryuu was lying bed, thinking about the Great Fireball Jutsu, and although it was indeed a very impressive jutsu, it was not nearly what he had been used to learning. But now that he was able to get that technique out of his way so he could have all the requirements that were in his way from learning his next A rank technique, the Great Fireball Shower. Ryuu swung his feet off of his bed, and he stood up onto his feet. Ryuu, being that he had been taking his Training more and more seriously, he still made sure to find time to give his body rest. Ryuu had been learning that although training your body was important, one needed to make sure before you spend too much time training and slowly begin to deteriorate your body. Ryuu headed into his bathroom, to get ready for his long day of training, as he was brushing, he thought about a certain flyer that was hung in the middle of town, something about a tournament. That was when Ryuu realized, he was in a tournament that began in two days! Ryuu then realized that his training was going to be more important than it had been in a very long time, his training literally could mean him doing well, or doing terribly. Ryuu then began to brush his teeth, after he had finished taking his shower, which is where he had remembered the tournament. Ryuu was finished with his hygiene, so he then went into the kitchen, realizing that he was going to need to be well nourished and have a good, balanced and nutritious diet for the next two days if he wanted to have the energy he was going to need for actually fighting against someone else, not just the air or one of his own clones that he created. Ryuu was all kinds of emotions, he couldn’t choose which one was the right emotion. While he was scared, he was also excited, but on top of all of that he was anxious to get it started, but he wanted more time to train, so many emotions ran through Ryuu’s mind. But Ryuu decided to instead of worry so much about the tournament, and instead, focus on training his new technique, that was going to help him in the competition and hopefully even win the competition! Ryuu then got into his refrigerator, he was looking for what he was going to be cooking himself for breakfast. Ryuu grabbed all of the proteins and the vegetables that he could and he threw them onto a wooden cutting board that he had next to his sink, he then began chopping the different vegetables. Once Ryuu was finished chopping all of the vegetables, he threw them into a skillet, which he had already greased with oil. Ryuu then began sauteeing the vegetables until he felt like they were cooked, he then cracked four of the eggs from his refrigerator, and he continued cooking the food in the skillet, when the eggs had set, Ryuu folded the eggs in half, making an omelette. When Ryuu had finished cooking, he then plated omelette and began eating his hearty and nutritious breakfast, “This is what is going to give me the
fuel for this tournament!” Ryuu said to himself as he was eating, Ryuu hadn’t been able to get the tournament off his mind ever since he signed up for, he knew that the winner of the tournament was going to be obtaining the rank of Chuunin, and Ryuu wanted nothing more than that honor to have that rank. Ryuu hurried through his breakfast, scarfed down the whole thing, and he began to get his things ready for training, Ryuu ran into his room, and he went through the clothes that he had left, he realized that his clean clothes were running out, “I am gonna have to do some laundry sooner or later.” Ryuu thought to himself, as he was realizing how much clean clothes he didn’t have any longer. Ryuu then grabbed himself a clean set of training clothes, and he began getting all of his things ready. Ryuu grabbed his pack, looked inside and saw his sealing scroll, he then closed his pack, and he began heading out the door.

When Ryuu left his home, he began running straight for the training grounds, he wanted to nothing to get in his way when it came to mastering this technique and beginning his journey to preparing himself for the tournament that was coming faster and faster. While Ryuu was walking, he thought how great it would be to become to be a chuunin. He would be able to learn more jutsu, he would be able to continue his path to becoming a pristine ninja, and he would be able to go outside of the village, and he would have the Kage’s approval prior to him leaving, making him
a missing nin, unlike his parents. But Ryuu thought about the other winnings that he would partake in for the winning of this tournament, he would receive ten thousand ryo and also he would get training from his very own Kage Koroshi Uchiha! Ryuu couldn’t stop thinking about this tournament and how badly he wanted to win, he had been training almost non stop since he joined, to help himself ensure victory, but now, he just knew that he at least had a good chance. Ryuu would never tell himself that he had a victory in the bag because he knew that he didn’t, “Victory is never certain, the only thing you can do is prepare and train yourself to adapt to whatever happens.” Ryuu was confident, yet discouraged, Ryuu honestly didn’t know what to feel. He just knew that this was going to be one of the hardest things that he had ever done since he had faced Salzem and the strange man with the jar of dirt. “I wonder if one of those guys are going to be in the tournament.” Ryuu then thought about how truthful that thought could have the chance to be, Ryuu then remembered that Salzem was actually from out of town, which means that he was not going to be able join, but the other man, the man with the dirt, he didn’t really know anything about him, so his joining of the tournament was uncertain. Ryuu knew how badly he had gotten beaten by both back when they had sparred, but since then, Ryuu had grown into a much stronger ninja, not only by a little either, but leaps and bounds farther than what he was, he had become stronger, faster, and better in every single way. Ryuu then thought about fast the man with the dirt was, and how quickly he had been able to get behind him without even noticing. Ryuu then thought that he was someone that he wanted to fight again, so he could show not only the man with the jar of dirt, but every single person watching the tournament, that
was a worthy opponent and he deserved to be treated as such! Ryuu then got excited at the thought of him winning the tournament, how great it would be to receive training from the great Koroshi Uchiha, “Imagine the things that he would be able to teach me!” Ryuu then thought of all of the things, “I thought Salzem was a great ninja? Koroshi is a
He would be able to teach me things I never thought I’d be able to learn.” Ryuu thought to himself as he daydreamed about Koroshi training him personally. Ryuu didn’t really care about the money, for he could earn that himself doing missions, all Ryuu cared about was the training by Koroshi Uchiha, and the rank up from Genin, to Chuunin. Ryuu then realized that he was never going to get any closer to winning that tournament if he continued to just walk around daydreaming, it was time for him to begin his training in the next technique that he was to learn, the Great Fireball Shower!

Ryuu arrived at the training grounds, and he decided that he was going to go to the same spot that he had learned the past few fire techniques, the spot in the training grounds that overlooked the cliff, with the mountain only fifty meters away from the fence. That was why he had done so much damage to it in the past few weeks. But as Ryuu was reaching the spot in the training grounds that he had wanted to use for his training of this technique. Ryuu saw that there was another ninja already training there, but he was only using regular hand to hand techniques, so Ryuu thought that maybe the ninja would not mind very much if he was to move to another spot in the training grounds, and let Ryuu use that spot, so he could train his Fire Techniques. Ryuu began heading over to the spot, when the one who was already training, saw Ryuu’s approachment, and he stopped his training to, what looked like, confront Ryuu. Ryuu looked confused at the face the other ninja was making, which was somewhat of a glaring look, darting directly at Ryuu. Ryuu then smiled at the ninja and he simply asked if he could use the area that he was using for his fire techniques. The ninja then pushed Ryuu in the chest and stuck his right index finger at Ryuu an rudely told him no. Ryuu was confused at the anger that he could feel coming off of the opposite ninja. Ryuu then realized that he was being rude, Ryuu stuck his hands out and introduced himself, “So sorry, I am being rude. My name is Ryuu Hyuuga. I would like to use this spot of the training grounds. I am using Fire techniques, and that is something that I cannot do just anywhere, this is the only spot that I can do that. May I use this area for a while, or even at the same time as you, I will try and keep out  of your way.” Ryuu then smiled once again, hoping for the opposite ninja to agree, smile back at him, and walk away from the spot in the training grounds. Ryuu then quickly realized that that was not going to happen, the boy then got very angry and yelled “NO!” at Ryuu. Ryuu then became quite irritated with the rudeness of the boy. Ryuu then showed his anger by taking another step closer, being only half a foot away from the boy and whispered in the boy’s ear. “If you don’t keep your voice’s volume down. I will ensure that you will be unable to speak for weeks. Do you understand?” the boy then laughed, grabbed one of his kunai’s from his pack, and put the point against Ryuu’s back. Ryuu then smiled, and flickered to be his only seven inches away from the boy’s backside, and leaned over, to whisper in the boy’s ear again, “You’re going to regret that.” Ryuu then laughed, and saw the boy begin to swing his kunai, dedicated to slicing at Ryuu’s throat. Ryuu then quickly flickered again behind the opening of the Training Grounds, unable to be seen by the boy. Ryuu then released his five kunai from his scroll, and his five shuriken, also from his scroll. Ryuu then ran toward the boy with fifty speed. By the time the boy had noticed where Ryuu was, he had already been running at him with enough time to reach a speed of 90, Ryuu then flickered behind the boy again. This time with Kunai in hand. Ryuu put the kunai to the back of the boy’s neck and said. “Fine. How about we fight for this spot instead?”

The boy jumped back away from Ryuu’s position. Ryuu then got into his fighting stance and he began by putting his kunai knife back into his pouch, that he had tied to his upper left leg, and the other tied to his upper right arm, the lower had his kunai’s and the upper had all of his ninja stars. Ryuu then lifted his left hand, which was what was the front most point in his stance. He extended his fingers and etched the boy to make his move first. Ryuu smiled as he saw the boy sprinting directly for him. Ryuu easily side stepped the kunai, allowing it to go over the fence and out past the village limits, making him one kunai knife less than he was before. Ryuu then ran directly at the boy with 45 speed, and by the time they met, Ryuu had already been crouched down, and he performed the Leaf Rising Wind. The boy had no time to react, he was only able to put his hands up, but he was still ten meters in the air, Ryuu then jumped backwards from the Rising Wind formation, and he performed the Horse Hand Seal. Ryuu then yelled, “Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!” Ryuu then blew the fireball directly for the boy, but just before the boy had gotten hit with the fireball, a huge stream of water came through the air, putting out the flame. Ryuu quickly looked as to where the water had come from. Ryuu then realized that the boy in the air was the one who performed the counter to his fireball. Ryuu then smiled and realized that it wasn’t going to be as easy as he originally thought it was going to be.

The boy had landed on the ground and he performed the same technique, blowing a stream of water directly for Ryuu, which had enough strength to push him off of the cliff and have him sent directly to the ground below, which would surely end his life. Ryuu body flickered forty meters to the right, dodging the attack, Ryuu then ran directly forward toward the boy, and performed the shadow clone technique, the new Ryuu and the original continued to sprint toward the boy, and while one performed the air bullet technique, the other used the phoenix flower jutsu, both of which were coming straight for the boy. The boy then jumped directly into the air, dodging both attacks, but just as the boy was in the air, Ryuu’s clone jumped into the air, with a kunai knife in hand, coming in to strike the boy that was in the air, while the real ryuu used his best fire style technique, the great Fire Annihilation. The boy used the water technique once again, but this time, a massive wall of water came in and extinguished Ryuu’s attack, Ryuu then dispelled his clone and began looking for who had done that technique, knowing that it was far to advanced for the boy he was fighting to create. Ryuu then looked to his side and he saw one of the village’s jounin standing there, looking furious. Ryuu then walked over to the ninja, for he was beckoning to both of them. Ryuu then stood there, in front of the shinobi. The shinobi scolded the both of them for fighting each other with such techniques inside of the village gates, and to their own comrades of the same village. Ryuu then apologized, as did the other boy, the boy then turned to Ryuu and began to talk to him. The boy said that he would be okay with Ryuu using the spot in the training grounds for as long as he needed, the boy then walked over to the gate of the training grounds, and he left the area completely. Ryuu felt badly, he didn’t want him to not train anymore, he honestly didn’t know what came over him, usually he would just shrug off people rude behavior, like the behavior the shinobi was portraying, but this time, Ryuu couldn’t deal with it, he had been shrugging off so much people’s rudeness, that he felt that he had finally reached his limit of horrible people and now it was time for Ryuu to fight back. Ryuu then turned his back to the rest of the training grounds, and faced out over the cliff, ready to continue his training of the Great Fireball Shower!

Ryuu looked over the fence, down the cliff and he began stretching, thinking that, because of the sparring with the boy, he wasn’t going to need much more of a warm up. Ryuu then felt that he was stretched enough, so he then got into his fighting stance. Ryuu tried to remember what he had read in the book that was dedicated to the Fireball Shower Technique. Ryuu then remembered that the hand seal that was needed to perform this technique, was the Tiger seal. Ryuu then performed this hand seal and he began compressing his chakra, and then applied the Fire nature transformation to the chakra, and he then tried forming the fireballs, like the book said, and he began to think about the phoenix flower jutsu, and then Ryuu began thinking about how this was not coming from his mouth, it was actually coming from the sky like an actual shower. Ryuu then began focusing on an area that was fifteen meters away from him in the sky. Ryuu tried to focus on the area and focusing on the formation of the fireballs, so he could perform this technique, but this deemed to be more difficult than Ryuu had originally thought. Ryuu stopped trying to conjure up his chakra and give himself a break for a while. Ryuu tried to think of something that would make this jutsu easier to complete, but Ryuu couldn’t think of anything, and he then decided that he was going to just have to continue to try and try until he was able to perform and complete this jutsu.

Ryuu then stood back up and he walked backed toward the fence, Ryuu got into his fighting stance and he was trying to picture the jutsu happening. Ryuu then performed the Tiger Hand seal, and he focused his chakra, applied his fire nature into the chakra line. Ryuu focused and focused, he pictured the fire raining from the heavens and destroying everything in sight. Ryuu continued to focus and picture the jutsu happening. Ryuu wanted this more than anything, Ryuu wanted one more A ranked jutsu before he went into the tournament, that would boost his ability and it would boost his possibility to actually winning this tournament, or even if he didn’t win, he would have one hell of a chance. Ryuu continued to focus and focus on winning and he then looked up in the skies, and he could feel the chakra forming spheres, he then applied his fire nature and then he could see them, he could see seven fireballs floating in the air, Ryuu then felt himself losing the control of the technique, Ryuu then had the fireballs fall from the sky and go straight toward the ground. He did his best to measure out the distance the fireballs fell before they began to dissipate. Ryuu then realized that the distance the fireballs could fly was fifty meters. Ryuu then jotted this down in a journal that he had brought with him, Ryuu decided that he was going to bring a journal with him every day he went training so he could begin to have notes on how to perform this jutsu. When Ryuu was done with his writing in his journal, he then looked into the sky again, and he got into his fighting stance. Ryuu focused his chakra again, and he began to build and build more or his chakra until he could feel the strength of his chakra begin to feel sufficient, Ryuu applied his fire nature to his chakra and he began to form his chakra into several different spheres, and then another several, Ryuu continued to gather his chakra together into the spheres to see how many he could create before he began to feel his body lose control of the technique. Ryuu focused harder and harder, he continued to feel his body hold the technique in his grasp, he felt as though he had complete control of the technique. Ryuu continued to push his chakra together until he was able to create no more, he then applied his fire chakra and he could see the fire balls form in the air, this time, he was able to increase the number of the fireballs that he could create to  fifteen, more than doubling his number on his last attempt of this technique. Ryuu then began his body losing control of the technique, he was not going to be able to create anymore of the fireballs on this attempt, so Ryuu had the fireballs fall from the sky and watched them as they fell, once again fifty meters, so Ryuu knew that that was probably the max range of this jutsu, was fifty meters. Ryuu knew that he was going to be able to create more fireballs, “Fifteen
be the highest number that I can produce. I know it!” Ryuu then got back into his fighting stance, Ryuu was dedicated to create as many as possible and he was not going to give up until he produced the absolute max that his body could physically produce! Ryuu then performed the Tiger hand seal, focused his chakra, and he applied his fire chakra into the chakra that he was compressing and gathering. Ryuu then began forming the spheres of chakra in the air, he continued to form the fireballs, he was not going to stop until he either passed out, or he formed as many as he could. Ryuu felt amazing, he was forming his fifteen and he didn’t even feel any strain, Ryuu pushed more and more chakra, and he his number reached to twenty, but when he reached this number, he pushed more and more chakra, and yet there was no increase in number, Ryuu realized that this was going to be the maximum number of fireballs that he was going to be able to create. Ryuu then had the fireballs fall from the sky, and he then practiced his ability to manipulate the trajectory that the fireballs would fly, Ryuu had the fireballs fly in swerves and curves, and go faster and slower, just by using his thoughts to make the fireballs do so. Ryuu realized that this technique was now his, and he was a master of it. He had learned another A ranked jutsu, and it was another fire style, and this was the Fire Style: Great Fireball Shower.

Exit. WC: 4022

Claimed: +20 stats and Fire Style: Great Fireball Shower
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:15 pm
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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:44 pm
7. Needle Jizo

Ryuu was sleeping, a kind of sleep where waking up was not an option. Ryuu was so tired from his continuous training. But he was not going to be able to just slack off and not do anything for the day, because the tournament that he so desperately wanted to win was coming very soon, so Ryuu knew that he was going to have to learn some sort of technique to act a booster to his defense, because at this point, that was one place he felt like he was lacking. His defense would be an essential piece to his winning this tournament that was coming very soon, and coming very quickly. Ryuu did all he could do to try and wake up from his subconscious, but he knew that this was not going to work, he was right in the middle of a dream a dream of exactly what he was thinking. Ryuu was in the middle of a very large battlefield, there were enemies running at him from all angles, Ryuu did not know what to do, but then just as he was sitting there, getting ready to be trampled on by thousands of shinobi. Ryuu’s head began to feel quite different, it began growing at a miraculous rate. The hair that he had on his head went from only a few inches, to enough to act as almost like a cocoon around his body. Ryuu did not know what was happening, but once he had the cocoon around his body, he heard the voices outside of his cocoon making sounds of pain and anguish. Ryuu did not know what was going on, but the cocoon finally went away, and when Ryuu looked out to see what had happened, he saw all of those that were coming at him with full speed, were now lying there, either critically injured or dead. Ryuu then began inspecting the dead bodies that he was finding all over the area in which he was standing, he saw that the cause of death was from multiple stab wounds, “What in the hell happened?” Ryuu thought to himself. Ryuu continued to look around at all of the bodies that surrounded where he was standing inside his cocoon. Ryuu then realized that their had to have been a connection, “The cocoon that I was standing in had to be what killed all these people.” Ryuu continued to try and think and get to the bottom of what exactly had happened to all of these people. Ryuu then snapped into consciousness with fear and confusion in his heart. Ryuu quickly looked left, right, and the left again, trying to understand exactly where it was that he was now that he was out of his dream. Ryuu then realized that he was home and he began to settle down.

Ryuu was still sitting up in his bed when he began to analyze his dream, and tried to think about that technique that he had performed in the middle of the dream. Ryuu continued to think about that technique while he was walking into his bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. Ryuu then headed over into his kitchen to start making his breakfast. Ryuu got into his kitchen and he opened up his refrigerator, grabbed as many vegetables as he could, just as he had done the day before when he learned the great fireball shower. Ryuu then grabbed the cutting board and he began chopping the vegetables, and he grabbed the skillet and greased it with oil. When Ryuu was done chopping all of the vegetables, he threw all of the vegetables onto the skillet, and began sauteing them. Once he was felt that the vegetables were cooked thoroughly, he grabbed four eggs from his refrigerator and cracked them, he put the eggs whites and yolks into the pan and he began sauteing the eggs and vegetables together, once the eggs were completely set, he went back into the refrigerator and he grabbed himself a bag of grated cheese that he had sitting in his dairy drawer, and he began spreading the cheese along the inside of the unfolded omelette. Ryuu then folded the eggs, and he then had an omelette, but this time, the omelette he made it with cheese! Ryuu ate his omelette and continued to think about the technique that he had saw in the middle of his dreams. Ryuu continued to think about the technique as he was washing his dishes and began doing his laundry, as he realized the day before that he had no more training clothes whatsoever! Ryuu finished all of his chores around his house and then he began looking around for his things that he needed for his day’s worth of training. Ryuu grabbed his pack and he began looking through it, making sure that he had his sealing scroll, and also having his journal, the one that he was keeping all of his notes on all of the different techniques that he was learning, making it easier to remember all of the things he noticed, making it easier to learn new techniques and mastering techniques that he may have known. Ryuu saw both his scroll, and his journal, and he then went into his bedroom to grab himself a set of clothes that he was going to wear for his day of training, he had one last set of clothes, he threw them on and he headed toward his front door to hit the town for the bookstore, he was going to try and find out what technique that was and hope to God that they had something on it at the Suna Library. Ryuu then realized that he had forgotten his headband, the one that represented that he was, in fact, a Sand Village Shinobi, a mighty warrior of Sunagakure. He ran back into his bedroom, grabbed his headband that was sitting right on top of his nightstand that was sitting directly next to his bed. He then ran for the front door, and he began heading for the bookstore.

Ryuu was walking through the village and he began thinking about the tournament that was coming. Ryuu was more than excited for this tournament, but he quickly realized that he was not ready for this tournament. He needed to make sure that he was one hundred percent ready for this tournament. He wanted to obtain Chuunin rank more than anything and this was the one thing that was going to give it to him. “This is going to be my only chance probably in a long time. I have to make sure that I nail this and beat every other person in that tournament no matter.” Ryuu began walking faster through the village, getting more and more excited as he walked through the village. Ryuu was tired, but he wanted nothing more to just learn another jutsu that was going to help him through the tournament and in any fight that happens other than that. Ryuu wanted to get his defense and this was going to be the one thing that was going to be able to help him in that exact category. Ryuu then got past the ramen shop and he began thinking on whether or not he should get some ramen, for old time sake, while he reads the book that he hopes he finds on the technique that he saw in his dreams. Ryuu then decided that he might, but he wasn’t sure, he had just eaten after all. Ryuu then thought about how much he had progressed in the past few weeks, or even months. Only a few months ago, he was barely graduating the ninja academy, but now, he was getting ready to learn another jutsu after he just learned his second A rank jutsu! Ryuu was astonished how quickly he had grown, from being just a little academy student, to being a full fledged ninja of the Village hidden in the sand. Ryuu finally got to the bookstore, just as he had done many times before. Ryuu went to the lady behind the counter and he began talking to her about the technique that he had seen in his dreams. The lady behind the counter had no idea what he was talking about. Ryuu quickly realized that trying to describe the technique was going to be useless, so he instead, he went through the town trying to find someone that actually knew what he was talking about. Ryuu left the bookstore and he hit the village once more.

Ryuu asked all of the people that he past by on the street of the village about the jutsu, to see if someone could at least give him some sort of filter, maybe an element, a rank in which the jutsu was categorized under, anything that was going to make it easier for him to find this technique, so he could learn it. But Ryuu’s attempts were futile, he asked dozens of people and he could not find anybody that knew anything about the technique. Ryuu then gave up his search of someone that knew of the technique, and Ryuu decided that he was going to just look through the stacks of books that lied on the shelves in the library, and try to find a book that had something close to it. Ryuu’s first thought was to go through the books that only had to do with the user, it didn’t produce any fire or any kind of weapon, other than the use of the hair, so Ryuu realized that the range was only going to be a very short one. Ryuu then got back into the bookstore and asked the lady behind the counter if she knew where the skill books were that dealt with physical boosters. The woman then guided him through the store to where a few books that had to do with boosting your own body in different ways. Ryuu began looking through the books and he grabbed the first one, read the first few pages, and he didn’t find what he was looking for. Ryuu then grabbed the second book, he looked through it, and he didn’t find anything that matched the technique that he saw in his dream. Ryuu continued this process until he finally found what he was looking for, but the problem with this is that when he was looking, he didn’t realize that he had looked through every single book in the entire section, and yet, he still found nothing. Ryuu then grabbed his pack and he began looking through the rest of the library, he started in the element-less techniques, because Ryuu didn’t think that there was any element to this technique that he saw in his dreams. Ryuu did the same in this section, as he did in the last section, he grabbed the first book and he read the first few pages, and then he grabbed the second book, he would read the first few pages, and then he would grab the third all the way to the very last book. As he read through the books, he finally found a book that matched the technique that he had seen in his dreams. Ryuu grabbed the book and began to read.

Ryuu realized that this was in fact the technique that he had seen, Ryuu grabbed the book and he took it to one of the  tables that was sitting in the middle of the library. Ryuu sat down at the table, and he began reading the book to learn some of the info on the technique that he was going to need to know when it came to actually performing this technique, first he read the name, “Needle Jizo, sounds kind of interesting.” Ryuu said quietly to himself, knowing that he was in a library, he didn’t want to be too loud. Ryuu continued to read and read until he had learned the gist of the technique. The first thing that he had noticed was that this was his first technique that he had been learning that had more than three hand seals. Ryuu was actually astonished with how many hand seals there were, being that there was six hand seals (Tiger, Horse, Boar, Ram, Rat, and Snake). When Ryuu had read that he then continued to read and look at the pictures that were of this technique being used, he realized that this was the exact technique that he had performed in his dreams, Ryuu then smiled, closed the book, and took it too the lady behind the counter. Ryuu checked the book out and he began heading over to the Training Grounds, where he could nail this technique, the Needle Jizo.

Ryuu headed over to the Training Grounds, book in hand, and his pack on his back. Ryuu was excited for this technique, just as he was excited for every technique that he had ever learned. “Progress is the only way to become a pristine ninja. That is the only way to achieve my goal!” Ryuu yelled to himself as he began running toward the Training Grounds, readying himself to master yet another jutsu. Ryuu reached the Training Grounds and he went into one of the open spots of the training grounds, he did not need the same spot as usual, for this was not a destructive jutsu like all of his fire techniques, this was not going to destroy anything that was around him like his fireballs would. Ryuu put his pack down on the ground, sat down directly in front of it, and he grabbed his sealing scroll out of his pack, and his journal. Ryuu first released his five kunai knives, and his five ninja stars (shuriken), once Ryuu had all of these things in his two pouches, being one on his upper right arm, and the other being on his lower left leg, the kunai were in his lower pouch, the ninja stars (shuriken) were in the upper pouch. Ryuu then grabbed his journal and opened it to the very next available page, and he wrote down the name of the jutsu, the time of day, and that day’s date. Ryuu then wrote down a quick description of the jutsu that he was going to be performing, Ryuu then closed the journal and put the journal back into his pack, as well as the sealing scroll. Ryuu then continued to read on the technique, to make sure that he was missing anything important. Once Ryuu felt that he had obtained sufficient knowledge on this certain technique, he put the book in his pack and set his pack on the floor. Ryuu then stretched his body some, and began jogging around the training grounds, once Ryuu felt like his body was nice and warmed up, he then began practicing his chakra control, he grabbed two leaves from his pack and he began his practice by putting one leaf in his left hand, and then he put another leaf in his right hand. Ryuu then focused his chakra into both of his hands, and he felt the leaf in his left hand burn to ash, while the other leaf in his right hand cut right in half, now that Ryuu felt like he was warmed up both physically and in regards to his chakra. Ryuu then got into his fighting stance and readied himself mentally for this technique.

Ryuu performed the hand seals, saying the name as he went “Tiger, Horse, Boar, Ram, Rat, and Snake” Ryuu then yelled the name of the technique that he was attempting to perform, “Ninja Art: Needle Jizo!” Ryuu then rushed the chakra up into his head, but more importantly his hair follicles and the metabolism that regulated his hair growth. Ryuu felt his hair get longer and longer, Ryuu was amazed at the ability and how great chakra was, “This is crazy!” Ryuu yelled as he saw his hair begin to wrap around his body, but then something happened, the hair continued to grow, even after his feet, Ryuu then tried to cut off the chakra, but then the hair went right back to normal, Ryuu realized that he was going to have to be able to have a steady chakra flow into this technique to make it at all usable. Ryuu then got back into his stance, and he tried the technique once more. Ryuu performed the hand signs that were required to perform the technique, this time, gauging the amount of chakra that he put into the technique. He felt the hair grow again, the hair grew at an amazing rate, but just as it was enough to completely cocoon his body, Ryuu stopped pushing more and more chakra into the technique, and he just kept a constant flow into the technique, the hair growth ceased and he just had a cocoon of hair that shrouded his position, and he instantly felt safe inside, just like he did in his dream. But there was only way to be sure that this technique actually worked. Ryuu created himself a shadow clone and instructed it to throw his kunai knives at his cocoon once he performed it once more. The clone agreed and took a step back, Ryuu performed the Needle Jizo once again, and the clone did just as he was instructed, the clone threw the kunai knife directly at Ryuu, in his cocoon and just as Ryuu had hoped would happen the kunai knives bounced right off of his shield. Ryuu then instructed the clone to perform the Dragon Fire technique, the clone then disagreed but then when Ryuu insisted, the clone did reluctantly. The clone performed the hand seal required and blew the fireball directly at Ryuu, Ryuu was able to feel the heat from the technique, but Ryuu did not get hit by any of the fire. Ryuu was jumping for joy, but Ryuu still felt like he could still take just a bit more in this technique. Ryuu then told the clone to perform one more technique, the clone then looked at Ryuu with a look of concern. Ryuu then gave the clone a look of comfort and told the clone to perform the Great Fire Annihilation technique. The clone then jumped back in horror, and then told Ryuu that he was being crazy, then Ryuu began laughing because he was having an argument with himself, which he then agreed with his clone that he was going crazy because of it. But Ryuu told the clone to perform the technique and the clone agreed to the plan.

Ryuu performed the hand seal once again, Ryuu felt the shield grow around his body, he tightened it as hard as he could. Ryuu then instructed the clone to perform the technique, Ryuu then began to feel the heat immediately, and he saw the fire coming through the shield, Ryuu then dispelled the clone and the flames immediately stopped. Ryuu then got a feeling of what this technique could and could not take. Ryuu was happy, he was able to perform a technique that would send his defense leagues above what he was already at.

Exit. WC: 3208

Claiming: +16 stats, Needle Jizo
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Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga Training Feeds! [From now on, that is]

Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:46 pm
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