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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Sat Aug 08, 2015 8:40 pm
Sitting on a bench in a local park, Xyxer's empty hands found themselves clutching the fabric inside of his varsity jacket. It was zipped up, of course, since he wanted to keep his body temperature up somewhat for the comfort it brought him. He wore sandals alongside baggy pants to allow for optimum footwork, as he believed greatly in always being able to engage in combat at the best of  your ability, the strongest blade is the one undefended. His blue hair still spiked upwards reaching for the mist with a few stray pieces falling down his nasal area. Recently, Atlas had became more pronounced in his actions, perhaps he was now capable of remorse? Perhaps that was hopeful thinking for a man that needed to evolve, or remain a savage beast.. If he did not evolve, would he be left behind in history? Would he even make history? This questions now flooded through his mind, something the old Xyxer did not think too much about. He only wanted blood, and although he still remained, the blood of his villagers was no longer desired, and no longer hungered for.
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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Re: Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:33 pm
Youta's mind was being plagued by unrest. She had accomplished her mission and had returned here safely. Kirigakure had now become somewhat of a home, but it was not quite so. This was not the place she became a kunoichi at, this was not where she met Yozora and finally found her path. This was not Tengakure. Furthermore, the secret that Xyxer revealed to her was ever-haunting. The secret that her sensei Haru was responsible for her master's death and that their friendship was all a lie and a manipulation for the most devious and cruel kind. Whatever she did, be it training in Singing Blade - her master's style, or flying around with Cael - the dragon that was a gift from Haru - everything reminded her of this. Her brief escapes were with the new generation, her own students. Walking through the mist the Jounin was out for some fresh air. Now that the original defenses of this village was rebuilt, the mist changed somewhat. It grew thicker in the deepest parts of the village, rotating very slowly with the storm that surrounded the islands, while the mists edges grew rather thin, especially outside the islands and in the inner bay where a whirlpool appeared. Sometimes if she walked through a nearby park and to the inner back, she could see the stars at night without having to leave the island. That's where she was going now, although it was not night, the sun was indeed high in the sky, not that the mist would let her see it very well. Walking through the park Youta would sense a familiar presence. It was Xyxer's. Soon his figure, sitting on a bench, would emerge from the mist. Youta would walk up to him, but not say anything.
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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Re: Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:03 am
Lifting his head when he heard the faint crunching of grass coming towards his person, his eyes noticed a familiar silhouette. A part of him demanded revenge on her, a demonstration of his raw power, no longer did he cloud his vision with the image of Sameonna, this was Youta and he knew her actions well. He knew she was painfully in love with Altar. Perhaps, for her ANBU mission, she'll be forced to kill Altar? Xyxer did like the little tricks like those, but alas, Atlas was temporarily in control and he'd have none of that business. He wished not for his own shinobi to develop a grudge greater than, well, what Youta indeniably had. He had brutalised the girl before, brutalised her boyfriend and sent her on a dangerous mission. Things were definitely not just 'fine' between the two, especially when he had catapulted her into a constant state of fear on the off chance that Haru will assassinate her. Was this right? Would this develop her into a stronger shinobi? Would she understand? All of these were questions the fetal Atlas would not understand yet, but he saw her simply staring at him so he decided to break the ice with a classic, "Feels like deja vu, at least put less power into your punch this time, I don't desire a permanently altered bone structure."
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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Re: Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:25 am
Youta's light steps would stop. As she was out for a walk the girl did not wear most of her equipment. Her clothes consisted of her usual green and white shirt and a skirt, she had her ninja tool box with her and her two ninjatos which were on the back of her waist as usual. The female Jounin would clench her fist as Xyxer spoke, so she would suppress three sudden urges. The first was to cleave off his head with a blade, the second permanently alter his bone structure and the third was to make him look like a fool with a witty comeback line. But the first was too risky, second unnecessary and would complicate things further, while the third she lacked the inspiration for. Although she would note that there were no kids in the park, which made her uncertain about Xyxer's goals here. Instead she would ignore the remark about her punching him before and proceed with a casual inquiry. "What brings you here?"
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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Re: Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:10 am
Allowing his eyes to glance across her coiled fists, he simply brushed it off this time. She had punched him once and paid the price, she would not be enough of a fool to repeat history. However, just to be on the safe side, he'd adjust the position of his feet a bit more carefully on the ground in case he'd need to spring up and deliver a hefty bitch slap, or shout for the villagers to dismember her, which ever would be more convenient if she was to attack. "One must remember what they are and their purpose. A man raised only to maim and inflict suffering will adapt a poor role as a leader, so he must remember his mortal plight and those he truly serves." He paused a little, wriggling his head faintly to protect his mouth from the cold bite of the wind, albeit at the cost of perhaps muffling his words faintly, "They are my people, and in return I will be the monster that awaits all who would see them harmed." Although Atlas was slowly gaining more momentum, there was still an air about Xyxer, a devoid of emotions which showed his true colours; perhaps now with his changing of personalities, the true void that the Abysswalker traversed could be seen. "Although, I guess in simpler terms.. I wish to be a man amongst my villagers and not perceived as a demon by them. Spending time in public and interacting with them would be beneficial to a person who could once only see enemies." Had he been perceived as a demon during his ANBU reign in Kirigakure? Was it too late for Xyxer to be seen any differently with the rumours that carried poison? Gazing from Youta, he'd move his head sideways to gaze upon a trio of hounds in the distance of the part leaping and bounding against one another, their bodies slim albeit toned with muscle, yet their stomachs rumbled. Was it true that dogs became more feral when in hunger? He had heard that they'd even eat their own legs if it came to it. Who knows? He'd return the favour to Youta after a few seconds of watching the display, "And what about you, Youta? I assume you didn't follow my chakra, I'd rather expect you to avoid me." He couldn't help but smirk in the shadow of his jacket, Xyxer did enjoy the effect he had on others. Although, it did seem to be wearing off to Atlas' approval, as more villagers showed him respect instead of fear, whether that'd be a good thing or not was still to be determined.
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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Re: Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:20 pm
Xyxer watched the girl, and she remained silent with her fists clenched, staring him down. In fact, it was even beginning to make the demon himself question whether his safety was even moderate around this girl, this seemed like an overwhelming hatred of Xyxer slowly manifesting, ignoring his words and just seeing him as her next victim. After thirty minutes of sitting there, he'd stand up and pat the girl on the shoulder, walking from the park in a hurry, stuttering a little as he tried to escape. "G-good talk."

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Re: Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:51 pm

Approving <3
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Haiku for my Haku? [P] Empty Re: Haiku for my Haku? [P]

Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:26 am
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