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Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open] Empty Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:58 am
Lifting his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow, Crono stared intently at the opposing warrior across from him. The lone frog Knight-in-training, Glenn gripping the hilt of his blade. the mucusy membraine covering his body running both slimy and sticky, as it soaked in the cool late afternoon breeze. In an instant the Frogs mouth shot open as Crono charged forward. It's long tounge darting and weaving in an attempt to bind his opponent. As it neared his head, crono darted underneath it to the left, causing the tounge to miss him and shoot by him as he continued to close the gap between them. bring his katana up from his left he took a swipe at the frog, only to have the strike deflected by the amphibian's glistiening shield before the frog's body spun around full circle to catch him with his own long sword. The young samurai ducked down underneathe the blow, reversing the blade's position on his sword as the frog's tounge began to retract, the apendage now converging on his position from all sides, but one. Quickly Crono leaped up his blade positioned horizontally, its dull edge facing up. the force of the blow once again being deflected by Glenn's shield, using the shield to his advantage, Crono kicked off of it like a spring board, knocking the frog back and on the ground, Crono landing safely upon the same spot he had started at once again.

After retracting his tongue, Glenn dusted himself off and regained his footing before resuming the same fighting stance he had before the most recent confrontation. "Again!" he shouted out the air sac in his throat bubbling out every few seconds, echoing a light croaking humm. Crono nodded back at the frog, Crono's eyes changing into an iridecent blue. Glenn charging directly at him, both hands on his blade raised to his left As Crono himself dashed outwards toward him, his katana back in a standard grip tip trailing across the ground behind him. The two warriors clashing blades as they met. Crono the stronger of the two, but not enough to win out the deadlock. Glenn's mouth opened once more and fired out causing crono to disengange back about 7 yards. His katana raised toward the sky, he slashed downward striking the ground with the blade, the resulting debris from the Do Ryu Sen firing out toward glenn, who only raised his shield just in time to block the bulk of the damage to his face. Crono leaped up into the sky attempting to decend down onto the frog while he was engulfed by the cloud of dust and dirt. Glenn leaped back as crono landed, Firing his tounge to the location where Crono would land, capturing his leg with a triple wrap. with a swing of his head he pulled back causing crono to lose his footing and fly through the air, the direction controlled by the pull of the tounge, flinging crono past him in mid air and causing him to go flying backwards toward the ground. Gripping his blade and aiming the tip and edge of the blade vertically toward the ground in the direction he was headed he cut a large ditch about 10 yards deep, using the blade as an anchor to keep his footing and slow his speed, thus preventing a crash landing. He looked back up toward glenn, his attention distracted by the fall, and catching sight of the frog decending upon his location too quick for him to move away, ducking down, Crono raised his arms into an X catching the blade in the cross formed by his bracers. rolling backwards to absorb the downward shock and using glenn's forward inertia against him crono lifted his feet up springing Glenn up and behind him as he completed a backwards somersalt. the frog landed in a three point stance in a nearby tree. immediatly springing back toward crono. Quickly retrieving his blade Crono made a downward stroke, catching glenn's blade in midair, sparks firing wildly from the collision. Suddenly the frog pulled back slightly causing crono to slightly lose balance and fall slightly forward, taking advantage Glenn used his powerful frog legs to leap forward, smashing into crono with his shield and knocking the samurai down. Crono's sword flying up and landing about 5 feet away, sticking directly out of the ground.

Glenn stood up and offered Crono his hand, helping him back up. Taking the hand Crono arose once more and walked to his blade. Gripping the blade and taking up another fighting stance he looked to Glenn. "Again!" the frog appeared to smile as he nodded.

[WC 780]

Last edited by Crono Guardia on Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:09 am; edited 1 time in total
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open] Empty Re: Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open]

Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:34 am
Recollecting himself Glenn, this time charged forward. His blade in a high guard over his head, held with both hands. Crono readjusted his stance reacting to glenn, placing himself in a forward guard, his blade's tsuba held with both hands near his waist with the blade being held virtical across his body. the tip pointed at a slight angle. the frog moved closer before bounding up, a few feet from crono's reach, using his tounge as a pole vault to vault him up and over crono's location. quickly pivioting on his right foot, crono swung his blade around attempting to catch Glenn as he landed. The frog however, slightly stalled his forward momentum using his tounge. causing crono to not only miss with his slash, but to have his blade taken from him as glenn landed upon the broad side of the blade. Glenn retracted his tounge as crono was suddenly caught off balance, catching the samurai off guard and tripping him. rebounding, crono caught himself upon the ground with his hands and flipped backwards returning into a taijutsu stance. "nice one" he remarked. glenn looked at him, "you yield this one?", crono smerked. "not a chance".

Glenn smiled as he charged toward crono once again, learning from the previous attack, crono charged toward him, evading a downward strike from glenn before leaping up, attempting to strike his summon with his knee while leaping into the air. The attack striking glenn and knocking him onto his back as crono leaped over him, and landed near his blade. Crono gripped his blade and turned around facing glenn, who was once again rising to his feet. their eyes met for a moment before glenn began to charge crono once again. Crono raised his sword into the air, bringing it down with the massive amount of force of the Do ryu sen., Glenn stopping in his tracks to block the shrapnel with his shield. Crono leaped high before slamming down onto the shield with his feet, knocking the frog back down to the ground. "URFF!" glenn moaned as crono stepped off of him before reaching up and grabbing his hand. "thats twice now you caught me with that, there shant be a third." crono smiled. "we shall see, my friend, we shall see" and with that they both leaped back and got back into a ready stance. "again" glenn said, crono nodding, his smerk disapearing into seriousness.

[wc: 413, total 1,193]

Last edited by Crono Guardia on Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:10 am; edited 1 time in total
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open] Empty Re: Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open]

Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:08 am
glenn dashed forward, hopping in a zig-zag direction as he loomed across the field to crono. crono's eyes twitching as they matched his movements. crono moved forward while glenn made his move, his tounge zipping to the left as glenn leaped to crono's right side. a double team strat this time, there were only two ways to avoid being hit, first retreating back, but that would only delay the inevitable. the second... crono thought as he leaped up high into the air, glenn's tounge smashing him into the head as crono decended back down landing on the frog causing him to fall to the floor. "URRRFFFF" glenn exclamed, his armor absorbing most of the shock from the leap. Crono stepped off his friend as he got back up. "again" crono asked. Glenn just laughed.. " no, I think that's it for me. I still have some duties to preform back at the valley. " crono laughed again. "very well, then. " glenn looked back at crono. "me thinks, you may enjoy a duel at shangra" he stated resheathing his blade back into its sheath. looking at Crono he gave him a final nod before disappearing into a puff of smoke. Crono wisped his blade across his body before drawing it up and into it's saya. grabbing a rag from his bag he wiped the sweat from his brow. it was a good day of training. his eyes returned to normal as he tried to exit alpha trance, something was off. suddenly his eyes turned a dull greyish blue, crono clenched his eyes tight, what was this feeling.. was it. theta trance. slowly he reopened his eyes, their color returning to normal. he would need to speak to his brother once more on the subject. Turning the rag back into his bag he began to head home.

dust picking up off the ground as he made his way down the road. echos from the sounds of children playing tag, while merchants went about their buisness. Crono had one thing on his mind. Zen Trance. He had already experienced Alpha trance, and had mastered it's use. He focused his mind as he focused on that feeling from the theta trance, his body on autopilot, pure musccle memory walking him the rest of the way home. the feeling was exuberant, it was like the first few seconds of an awaking dream, where your mind doesn't know if you are awake. the physics of the dream taking command of your body, and every fiber of your being wishes to remain in the dream state. That was the feeling, pure unadulterated euphoria. every nerve ending in his entire body tingled with an experience simular to that of an afterglow. was this what his brother had warned him of, a tingling addiction that one would become obsessed with? a state of pure blyss, ignorant of the problems and issues surounding the person. Crono looked up, his reality setting back into itself. he found himself reaching for the handle of not just his home, but his room. the 15 minute trip from the training grounds had already passed him. removing his katana from his side he placed it upon it stand on his dresser and fell backwards onto his bed. the blankets and pillows engulfing his body as they wreathed and struggled to gain an ounce of freedom before resigning to their fate.

[wc 582, total 1,775]
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open] Empty Re: Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open]

Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:40 am
closing his eyes, crono waited but for a moment. his mother's voice cracked in the background "Surge sent a frog, said he would be home late. so dinner will just be for the two of us" crono contimplated. his brother wouldnt be home, he needed anwsers. but wasn't sure he would be able to wait until then. quietly he resigned himself to his fate. quickly his eyes blinked, as they reopened the grey blue hue reimerged as crono sunk deep side himself. The zen trance engulfing him. the entire world, suddenly changed. objects began to come to life, others cloaked themselves in shadow. night was west and up was green, nothing made sense and yet was all logical. constructs began to appear from deep within his psyche, each representing a different piece of himself, Crono could see him self sitting their in the 3rd person. quietly he contimplated as loud as possible. he began to converse with his emotions, rage, love, hate, contempt, joy, laughter. more and more of his emotions began to quickly crowd around him. suddenly a jolt of energy shot through him and crono returned to normal. He was now laying outside, a few clansmen surounding him, his brother among them. he smiled as he helped him up and walked him inside. "im amazed at your progress. theta trance already". he paused and brought his voice to a whisper after bringing him into the meditation room. "becareful, the more you allow your mind to wander, the further your body goes. you may think you are leaping into a pool, but then we will find your body after it leaped off a cliff. " crono nodded his acknowledgement. the feeling of the dream was emaculate, but so too were its dangers. His own personal dicipline would have to guard against the siren song that was Theta trance. " you're right, nisan. I must persevere. I will train harder" his brother smiled and put his arm around him before heading to the dining room to eat dinner. [exit]

[wc 340, total wc 2,115, 10 stats, 21 jp, Theta trance activated and mastered.]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open] Empty Re: Super Happy Fun Time Deluxe! [nk, open]

Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:47 am
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