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Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Tragedy {Private} Empty Tragedy {Private}

Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:13 am
Vergil heard the cries of agony before he had even arrived. A child ran up to him, jsu as he had entered the village. The child was engulfed in flames, screaming and crying out for his parents. Vergil quickly killed the small boy, putting him out of his misery. As Vergil did this he really began to observe the village around him. The burning village and fleeing civilians. In the streets many were 'What the hell happened here.' Vergil said as he knelt on his knee closing the young boys eyes as he took his last breath. Vergil thought it best to ask someone that had been around the village while he was gone. Vergil approached a man that was hurriedly leaving the village. "What happened?" Vergil asked the man. "The man stared at Vergil, "you didn't know. A man attacked the village. He even killed the Kazekage Azaiyo." Vergil gasped, he was not one that was easily shocked, but if anyone had heard this news they would be shocked. "What's his name? Who was it that did this?" Vergil asked the man, the rage and sorrow buried deep within his voice as he spoke. It was an Uchiha, I think. O yea, the hokage came here too. There was even this nice man that helped everyone that he could." Vergil's eyes had gone blank, once he heard that a single Uchiha had attacked his village, killing his hokage. This was truly unexpected, what had the Kazekage done to deserve such a cruel death.

The man Vergil was talking to drove off, after Vergil appeared dumb struck by the news of these events that had come at hand. Vergil entered the village, his entire body boiling. He saw many more dead civilians and by the looks of the damage, one would have percieved this as a war. The carnage. Vergil stayed out and helped as many as he could. He did not want to see anyone else die at the hands of an Uchiha. Once Vergil was done he left the area and went towards his home. Vergil arrived at his home, at least what was left of it. The once warm and large cabin, was not reduced to ash. Vergils family portrait!! Vergil ran towards the location where he believed the portrait of his family was hung. 'It's not here?!" Vergil began to dig through the ash and ruble, while searching for his picture. Finally he pulled out the picture. Though it too, was barely in tact. The photo now only showed Vergil, all alone. The rest of his family members were burned or unrecognizable on the photo. Vergil begin to go into shock, as he always did as a child whenever he was placed into a tough situation. His chest began to heave up and down quickly, Vergil could have sword that under the vast amount of pressure he was, he could here his heart beating. Vergil starred into the sky, "Ahhhhhhh!" He shoted loudily, his voice bouncing through the village.

Once Vergil recovered from the loss of his family portrait he left the area. He was headed to check on his uncle, a man he had known to be quite hectic at times. Vergil slung open the door to his uncles home, which was far enough from the village to not get scathed. "Njito!" Vergil yelled slightly as he entered the house. It was not soon before he heard a strange zipping sound. The ground below him began to quiver, it appeared his uncle had set a trap for any intruders. Vergil body flickered away from the place he was previously standing. When he looked back over into the area, he noticed it had caved in. Vergil ignored this, though it was somewhat amusing. He had more important factors at hand, like finding his uncle. "Vergil is that you?" An old and wise voice shouted. "Yea Nijito, It's me." Vergil said dryly, he had not seen his uncle in years. Nijito walked towards Vergil, though the man was in his sixties, he looked incredibly good for his age. "Thank goodness you're alright. It sounds like hell out there nephew..Take a seat." Vergil stood onto his feet staring into the eyes of his uncle. "I'd rather stand...Uncle, why do the Uchiha do things like this? WHy do they have to destroy the world that others have helped build from the ground up? Why must they feel the need to hurt others?" Vergils uncle stared at him for a moment. He new that this was rare for Vergil to be talking like this. "What happened, I have never seen you behave in this manner." Vergil dug into his pocket and removed a photo that once contained his entire family. He handed it towards his uncle." Oh, I see. So this is the reason...Let me ask you something, if I may? Do you wish to get revenge on the Uchiha clan. I mean you must have established some sort of hatred towards them for all of the worng they have done to you."

Vergil stared at his uncle silently and quickly replied with a hoarse, "Yes." Vergil uncle then did something Vergil did not understand. He began to rip the phot of Vergils family into tiny pieces. Vergil's byakugan activated and he pushed his uncle away from the pieces, onot the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you, you sick bastard." Vergils uncle simply laughed. "Do you think this is funny?" Nijito continued to laugh. "No, Vergil I do not find that funny, in fact it is you whom I find to be funny". Vergil looked at his uncle with a confused stare. "Me?" Nijito then began to explain, "You see, you claim to have this hatred. Yet you cling onto things that do not exist or are irrelivant. Vergil, let me give you a little news flash. Your family is DEAD!! They are never coming back. The Uchiha did this to you! If you really have that hatred. You will build upon it and never do anything that may cause your hatred to fade. I loved my brother, I really did. Though he is not coming back and I can accept that. Why can't you?"

Vergil now understood where his uncle was coming from, "You're right." Was all he said before leaving the house. Headed to unleash his anger on something. He walked towards the training grounds and knelt on one knee and then the other. He then began to do some pushups. Placing his chest flat on the ground and then pushing it up. Once he was done with this he moved into another excersises. Laying flat on his back, still fatigued from the push ups he had just finished doing. He begin to perform sit ups, his abs burning as he climbed higher and higher into the numbers. Fianlly he stopped, his rage had somewhat faded down to a tolerable level. He was about to get up and leave when he saw a person approach him from afar. Vergil activated his byakugan and walked towards the person. His head upright as he stared into the persons eyes.

Once they ere close enough to talk to eachother, the kid disappeared. Vergil remained still. The kid soon re-appeared below Vergil, aiming a kick at Vergils chin. The kick landed knocking Vergil into the air. While Vergil was in the air, the kid leapt into the air behind him. He then pounded Vergil on his stomach. His hands moving at an incredible speed. The punches also had a lot of strength behind them. Vergil lazily took the pain, faking as if it hurt him. vergil was sent flying down onto the ground. The kid followed him down also, slamming his foot onto the stomach of Vergil. The impact hit Vergil so hard that it knocked his Sunagakure headband from his pocket. The kid that had been attacking Vergil non stop, suddenly stopped once he saw the headband fall from his pocket.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were from here. I thought you were another personing coming here to attack the village. Today has been a crazy day. I mean, first the Kazekage is killed, and now the village is set ablaze. Though we have neem lucky enough that the fires ceased. Once again, I apologized, but better safe than sorry."

The kid then offered Vergil one of his hands, a kind gesture. Vergil refused this though, he leapt onto his feet and began to stare at the kid. He had no words for the kid. He knew that the boy was doing the honorable thing and vergil knew that he would probably had done the same if he was in the same situation as the kid.

"No hard feelings. Though I warn you, you truly need to improve in your skills. You were completely predictable in all of your actions. I saw through them all even without the aid of my byakugan." Vergil told this to the boy in hopes of the kid improving in his areas that he lacked skill in.

"What do you mean,'I was predictable'? I totally had you there and you know it. Had your headband not fallen out, I could have surely taken you down." The kid said this all to Vergil in a rather confident voice.

Vergil tired of talking shook his head from side to side. He then would move quickly around the kid, running in circles around him. The movements were so quick the only thing that gave away that Vergil was actually there was the sudden gusts of wind around the boy. As Vergil was doing this the boy just stared at him in awe. Vergil stopped the show-boating and stared at the boy once more. He then punched out at the boy, but he would stop his fist from connecting with the kid, causing him to flinch. Vergil frowned whe he saw this, he then left without a word. He had been searching so long for a person that was close to him in strength and from the way things are going, it seems as if Vergil would never meet another person that could come close to skills and maturity. The only person whom he could think of that had surpassed him, was Xuro Hyuuga. Though that was to be expected, they were kin afterall.

Vergil stood above a wooden plank. Sweat dripping from his body. He raised his right hand for the 1000th time and slammed it against the board. The board would remain intact, Vergils strength to little to even dent the board. Though this did help his endurance improve a great bit. Though this was not important at all. What mattered the most was that Vergil learned all of the gentle fist fighting style and he mastered the eight gates. Vergil sat down taking a rest as he thought about how he had obtained the eight gates.


Vergil stood near his cousin today was the day of the Hyuuga clan skill testing. It was a well known event, in which the entire Hyuuga clan, in the area, got together and tested their strength. Often times these tests would turn more into competitions. Vergil's family had already been murdered around this time and Vergil was new to using his clan Doujutsu. Though his many relatives thought it best for Vergil to fight the strongest protege in the clan, Hishimo. Although the kid was much more older than Vergil, which even increased his chances of losing even more.

Vergil sighed as he stepped into the center of the arena. His nerves were calm and his mind focused. Hishimo, on the other side of the arena, appeared to be rather cocky. Pumping his fists and beckoning Vergil to try and lay a single hand on him. Vergil ignored these immature acts, instead he watched and observed Hishimo. From doing this he noticed that Hishimo tended to not place any weight on his right foot. Vergil noted this as he also saw the wrapings around his ankle. Was he really that confident in his abilities that he would attempt to fight Vergil with an injury. Soon the bang of a drum was heard, indicating the beginnong of the match. Hishimo disapeared immeadiately, Vergil could not even track his movements. Until Hishimo was in his face attemepting to punch him on the jaw bone. Vergil ducked his body and swayed away from him. Vergil then layed a soft playful jab upon the nose of Hishimo. Hishimo was angered by this and began to attak Vergil carelessly, leaving all areas ungaurded. Vergil ducked until his body was leveled with the injured ankle of Hishimo. Vergil then kicked out at the ankle injuring it further. The drum rung out once more signaling that the fight was over. The move was dirty, but so what? Everything in the match indicated Vergil's defeat. He had to prove them wrong..some way.

Vergil waited for his dojo master to return back to the shop. Eager to become stronger. Once he had arrived, he asked Vergil what happened at the sparring match. Vergil told the man what he had done and apologized to him, for using such shameful tactics to win a match. Vergils senpai looked at him.

"You wish to become stronger? You already are near the capability of understanding the Gentle Fist fighting style, yet you want more? More power..You have been blessed in a way. Born with the blood of the vigorous and ruthless hyuuga clan. Even the Byakugan, which you have yet to learn, will prove beneficial for you in the future. Yet you want more? Fine I will give you more. There is a secret power hidden within each of us. Though very few are able to obtained this rare power. You may be wondering, what this power is. It goes by the name of the 'Eight Inner Gates'. These are forbidden points in the human body that ae and were never meant to be tampered with. Though some, have been able to unlock these eight gates. Once they are opened then you will become, temporarily unstopable. Do you wish to learn this way of fighting?"

[End of Flashback]

It was that moment that Vergil had begun to practice the Eight Inner Gates. Unlocking the forbidden nodes of his body at a costly price. Sometimes he would go days enduring pain from unlocking even a single gate. Though now he had become accustomed to the pain. He knows that that is the price of greatness. So what if he had to sacrafice that small part of himself. As long as he attained enough power in the end to wipe away the Ichiha scum from the face of the planet. He coud not dare stare one of them in the eye. The scum they were. Vergil stood back onto his feet. grabbing his shirt from the ground walking away to finish thinking of some things. As he walked he came towards the Kazekage chambers, at least what was left of it. All that stood in front of him was rubble and debree. This was truly a tragedy. The innocent civilians killed in cold blood, the world was truly as close to hell as anything could get. Vergil thought of how far he came as he stared down at the rubble. Now a chuunin, he was truly a formidable opponent on the battle field. He was glad that he had been able to train with Xuro. Furthuring his skills towards the next level. He doubted anyone could have pushed him as far as he was pushed in that battle. He knew that he wtill had vast room for improvement. There were things he still did not know of and things he had been shielded from as a child. He wished to know them all.

Vergil felt a warm sensation in his neck, reminding him that he still had some unfinished bussiness. The group he had joined, seemed to be going nowehere. He had high expectations for the group, but since then nothing had happened, he had not even been contacted and it was very easy for them to get in touch with eachother. They could comute telepathicaly after all. So there were no excuses. He would make sure to bring this up in the next meeting, if they ever had one that is. Vergil was not one for wasting time. He undestood, even at a young age, that life was short. Wasting time only made it shorter. Though they were a strong bunch of guys. Though at the time that he had joined, Vergil was weak and dependant upon everyone. Now he was more Independent and he felt that if his back was against the wall he could hold his own. Though it was not a bad idea to have backup just in case. Vergil continued to walk through the village, surveying the damage. His eyes cold and serious as he scanned the ground. He needed to clean this up. It was very unlike him to want to do something like this, but something inside of him just could not settle, knowing that things were in shambles.

[WC: 2893, +28 jp, +14 stats,Vacuum Palm Unlocked (1000 words), Eight Trigrams Revolving Heaven (500 words) obtained.]
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Tragedy {Private} Empty Re: Tragedy {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:25 pm
bump, FIN.
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Tragedy {Private} Empty Re: Tragedy {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:28 pm
Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Tragedy {Private} Empty Re: Tragedy {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:50 pm
Um...just noting that Echo doesn't wear his clans symbol and had his eyes covered by goggles due to his hatred for his own yeah...Kid wouldn't know Echo is an Uchiha XD

Not too mention if he was close enough to see he would have gotten arm raped, not trying for a void but I'm just saying XD

Btw, nice CD I enjoyed the read thoroughly o:
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Tragedy {Private} Empty Re: Tragedy {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:56 pm
Sorry about that I'll erase that bit from my characters memory and thanks for the input.
Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Tragedy {Private} Empty Re: Tragedy {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:01 pm
No problem brah lol
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