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Mizuni's Genin Exam Empty Mizuni's Genin Exam

Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:36 pm
The room was nearly silent, no noise other than the silent tapping of the pencil that Mizuni held. He stared down over the class with a wicked gaze that seemed to absorb the life force and drain the happiness of those who looked into it, vision that could even observe chakra. Mizuni had come today for an important event. A few days ago he had nearly killed the child Jiku by defeating him in an all out duel. Today was the day of the Genin Exam, where Academy Students would become full fledged ninja, a part of the militaristic force of the village. Surely this was a grand and celebrated event for almost all, right? No matter the case, it didn't matter anyway. Mizuni just wanted to pass so he could then serve a purpose to his Mizukage, serve him and become strong with the eyes that men who had raised him had told him were called Rinnegan while Mizuni was very young. And that would help him, excel him on the way to becoming strong and helping the Mizukage towards her goals. That was Mizuni's purpose, the dream of that child now, who sat, waiting for the Genin Exam to start.
Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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Mizuni's Genin Exam Empty Re: Mizuni's Genin Exam

Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:10 pm
The proctor of the genin exams would watch the class, really though it was only one student who had come in late, who would have to be fighting those who remained in the genin exams. What with the new system, the bloody mist had returned, the shadow clones which were using the transformation technique would break, the room filling with smoke as the doors opened, leaving only three students to come in. "Alright, since you had come in late." He said, looking at the only one "You will have to defeat three of the top students, who have already passed, if they fail, they die. If you fail, you die. Simple as that." He said, as shuriken would fly through the air "It's an all out battle, only one shall win, by the way."
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Mizuni's Genin Exam Empty Re: Mizuni's Genin Exam

Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:08 pm
Mizuni listened to the seemingly dull voice of the proctor of the exam, who explained that the other children currently in the room were clones, which was confirmed by the fact that they all were dispersed and disappeared. Apparently, Mizuni had actually come late for the exam, which was explained to be why he would now fight he remaining students in the Genin Exams, to the death. It was perfect, and Mizuni smirked within his gray and purple mask as he thought about the bow concealed in his jacket and watched the three children come in. Hey all looked quite similar, one being a girl and the other two boys. The proctor continued to explain and suddenly out of nowhere a hiss could be heard as Shuriken flew through the air, two of the children on opposite sides who had come in throwing wide spread waves of Shuriken around the room. However, there was just the clang of metal on metal and the sickening noise of most Shuriken continuously thrown hitting their mark, two of the three children going down and hitting the floor, seemingly dead. Mizuni scowled and wondered what had just happened, holding his bow with an arrow now already aimed at the forehead of the last remaining child, him having already taken out his bow and an arrow loaded while the Shuriken barraged opposite sides of the room. The last child, about as young as Mizuni was himself, looked upon the two corpses in horror, unmoving. But fear and sorrow were just emotions, those that would get you index and killed in the real world. Mizuni had learned to abandon useless emotions while he had studied to become a ninja. And that lack of emotion showed with the next action that occurred, Mizuni having let to of the bowstring and arrow he had held in his right hand. Just a moment later the arrow shot was burrowed deep into the forehead of the remaining student. The fresh corpse simply dropped to the floor, down to its knees at first, then falling face flat to the ground with a conclusional thump. The Genin Exams had been concluded, at least based on the task the proctor had given Mizuni. Mizuni's single eye gleamed with a seeming shine out of the eyehole of Mizuni's mask with satisfaction of the death that had occurred.

There was absolute silence for a few moments, simplicity in and of itself. The world seemed to stop, and all motion might have been percieved as though it had been ceased. But really that simple silence only lasted a few moments, the end of the silence paired going hand in hand with the beginning of motion once more. Mizuni began clapping, having slipped his bow back away in his coat and his feet now kicked up on his desk. Inside, concealed by his wooden and metallic facade, Mizuni smiled, a wide, almost frightening grin. But it would only be a frightening grin if it could be seen, and it was not so therefore it would not be frightening in the least to most. But the one frightening thing about Mizuni that could be seen though was his eye. The single, deep purple eye that gazed out with a gaze that some might consider to be that of the same one that the Death God himself would use. Others would believe the eye to be that of a powerful and holy god. Those were only matters of opinion. Mizuni stood from his seat and walked down to the corpse of the child he himself had killed, gripping the protruding wooden shaft and pulling it out, putting the arrow back away. Mizuni then turned to the proctor of the Genin Exam with another invisible smile. His voice was muffled as he spoke, the noise dimmed by the mask he wore. "Well, I finished the exam, sensei!"

After that, Mizuni stood there and put his hand out, giving the signal that he was indicating the fact he needed something from the proctor. And indeed he did. Mizuni expected a head protector from the man, being as it was that the task given had been completed. Mizuni was prepared now for the world, even if some might consider him just a child. He was ready to serve his village, and more importantly, the greatly powerful Mizukage, the one who led the village, the one who Mizuni hoped to one day meet and serve well, becoming a use to her in her desires. But that was for another time, all that was of importance now was receiving what Mizuni had earned for completing his objective. After all, that was what a ninja's purpose in life, wasn't it? Simply put, a ninja was just a tool to be used by political and militaristic leaders towards achieving different goal and objectives. And for that, the child Mizuni was ready now.


818 words, completed Genin Exam I believe .-.

Last edited by badchibi22 on Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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Mizuni's Genin Exam Empty Re: Mizuni's Genin Exam

Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:10 pm
[Pass, +15 stats and 20 JP]
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