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State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 1:57 pm
Muk slightly snuggled her as she said yes to his request. He slightly was pulled to her, and kissed her forehead after putting his hands on her hips with his eyes closed. He began dozing off softly after feeling her nose nuzzle against his cheek. This was the life Muk wished for, a peaceful life whilst spending time with his lover. His head softly laying on her pillow, it smelled the same as her hair, so nice.

A few minutes later,
Muk was still slightly asleep. But he started to wake up, he opened his right eye. He kissed Amane's forehead and then got out of bed, he wanted to work out, and he was hungry. So he decided to eat breakfast before working out.
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State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 2:34 pm
Amane's eyes fluttered open as she felt his lips against her forehead. She yawned and stretched her arms. "Sleep well...?" She asked sweetly. She stood and made the bed again, smoothing out the creases. Her hair was fully dry and fell like a golden waterfall over her shoulders. She reached for a comb at the side of her bed and combed her hair, before moving around Mukoro, fixing it so it looked perfect. She smiled and ran her hand across his cheek and down his neck, turning to the windowsill and retrieving the letter. "I'll take this upstairs, then I'll be down with your breakfast...okay?" She said politely as she brushed past him and walked through to her office and out the door.

State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 3:40 pm
Muk nodded slightly. "With you in my arms, I slept excellent." He said smilingly, teasing Amane a bit. He stretched his back a bit and yawned, looking outside of the window after putting his shirt, socks and shoes on. He blushes slightly when he felt her soft hand over his neck. He noded. "Okay." He said sweetly whilst looking outside of the window, his arms crossed. He then sat on the windowsill, some of the villagers were looking at him, he waved his hand to some. Patiently waiting on the breakfast Mukoro walked to her office, he paced around here. He then saw the wolf he had seen earlier in Amane's bedroom and huggled with it. It was a nice wolf. And it's fur was very soft.
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State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 4:22 pm
Amane ran up the stairs towards the messenger bird station at the top of the building. She was greeted as she walked in with the letter. An intern walked up to her, bowed his head and handed her a scroll. She accepted it graciously and untied the ribbon. It read:

Dearest Kazekage,

We have sent a message out to all of the hidden villages. If you have word of the Tsuchikage please inform us, or better yet, send him back to Iwagakure. A very important issue has cropped up, and we cannot react to it without his consent. This may be hard, as he is careless, but you must persist with him. It is an important matter for him to be here within the next three days.

Kind regards,


Amane sighed and tucked Mukoro's letter into her pocket. He wouldn't need to send it now. She thanked the intern and walked back down the stairs, towards the kitchen. She wasn't sure what the Tsuchikage ate, so she picked up a frying pan and cracked some eggs into it. She turned the hotplate on and grated some cheese, before cutting up some bacon and tomato. She tipped them in and mixed them with the egg, adding a little pepper. Amane wasn't an incredible cook, but she got by. A spatter of boiling hot oil landed on her arm. "Ow! Ugh..." She whined, soaking her arm with cold water. She glared at the omelet as if it had meant to do it and slid it out of the pan, onto a plate. She put the plate along with some knives and forks onto a tray, and made her way to her office after clearing up.

She opened the door and set the tray on the table, smiling when she saw Mukoro playing with Odin. He had taken to him well. She got some glasses from the cabinet and poured them both a glass of ice tea, plopping some ice cubes into each glass. "Breakfast is served.." She smiled, before taking out the letter and setting it on the table in his place.

State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 5:44 pm
(272 words, mind giving me 1 strength point and 1 jp :'D?)

Muk sat at on her desk and looked a bit around the room. His legs crossed, he started to think a bit. He got from the desk and headed outside from the Kazekage chambers. He went to the yard on the flat ground to work out a bit. He first went to do some push ups on the sand below him. His hands on the flat sand, his toes on the other side he started to bring down his body by using his arms, then push his body back up. This was called a push up. He did 50 off those in a few minutes, then did 25 and after that 10 to cool down. He was slightly tired and he had a bit of sweat on his body he grabbed a wet towel from the Kazekage chamber and put it around his neck, sitting on Amane's desk again waiting for her. His arms, legs crossed he looked outside, he pulled his shirt off, Sunagakure was such a hot village. He wasn't used to this that much back home, in Iwagakure. Iwagakure was rather more a dessert, with cold nights and hot mornings. Muk liked sitting on Amane's desk. Her office was calming.

He then saw Amane enter the office again, with a plate with food on it. Muk huggled Odin and smiled as he sat down. "Mmm.. you're a epic cook, Amane-chan." He said smilingly, looking deeply into her eyes. He took a sip of the drink as he grabbed a knife and fork and started to eat. Muk had excellent table manners.
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State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 6:34 pm
(Training = 1 strength and

Amane smiles. "Im not that great a cook, at all. It's only an omelette, Tsuchikage-kun." She said rather quietly. Before looking into his eyes sadly. " to leave." She said almost silently, as she eyed the letter. "Read it...I believe it's from your secretary.." She sipped her ice tea and smashed a chunk of ice between her teeth. Odin's ears perked up and he walked to her, butting his head against her leg. Amane sighed softly and stroked his ears. She didn't want him to leave, but she had told herself from the start that it may not work because of them having separate villages to run. She couldn't exactly complain, he had been here, and he had been amazing. But he, like her, had a village to look after. Amane sighed and watched him as he ate the omelette happily. She would miss his smile.

State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 7:13 pm
Muk nodded a bit, but still, it was epic. He tasted one bit of it as his eyes sparkled. This is even better then the ramen he had in Konoha. "I'm serious.. this is so good!!!" He shouted, but then he closed his lips and put his hand over his mouth. "Sorry for raising my voice, my love." He said smilingly. He then looked into her eyes when she told him to leave. "W-What.. but.. why?" He said a bit, looking sad. He didn't want to leave her... She looked at some letter. He nodded when it was about his secretary. He looked at it and read it after putting his glasses on. He nodded a bit sadly. "I'm so sorry Amane-chan. I will be back as fast as possible, okay?" He said whilst standing up.
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State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 8:20 pm
Amane nearly burst into tears as he stood, about to leave her so suddenly. She stayed seated, for her legs had turned to jelly. Then she reminded herself how silly she had been, thinking there could possibly be anything between them. "So...stupid.." She told herself quietly. She cursed herself silently before looking up at him with watery eyes. "You don't have to come back. I know it was just a one off..." She shook her head, unable to say more. "Your village needs you. Go to them. Please, don't come back just for the sake of seeing me." She said. She knew she wanted to see him, but she couldn't tell him that and make him feel guilty for leaving her. Amane shook her head and reached out for a last touch of his beautiful hair before he left. She kissed his cheek, and whispered softly into his ear. "Goodbye, Tsuchikage-kun." She paused, stroking his hair. "I love you."

State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 11:27 pm
Muk sighed a bit, feeling guilty leaving her. He then heard her mumble and looked into her eyes. He then saw her slightly watered eyes. "No no.. noo..... noo! It wasn't a one off! I swear you!! I love you Amane. I never would do such a thing to you!" He said feeling REALLY guilty. He then looked at the floor, too guilty to look in her eyes, for the first time. He nodded a bit and the guilt kept stacking on. He then knew it.. Amane was dumping him.. He then had a worried, sobbing face. He didn't have this face in a really long while. His smile disappeared slowly. His hands were slightly fidgety "Good bye.. Amane.. I love you too" Then he had a bit of hope, he left her office with shame, and allot of guilt.
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State visit (Closed; Casual) - Page 6 Empty Re: State visit (Closed; Casual)

Fri May 18, 2012 11:39 pm
Amane watched him go, and waited until she could no longer hear his footsteps, before bursting into tears. She cried like never before, and fell to her knees sobbing. Odin had followed him, but she knew he would come back to her after a while. Mukoro would never come back to her now, she knew that. Not after this. She cried and cried for hours, just lying on the floor. Amane had no idea she had this much water in her system. The soft carpet hosted a large wet patch where Amane's head was. She got up after a while, as she heard Odin playing outside with the children again. She stumbled through to her room, locking the doors and drawing the curtains, tears still pouring down her face. She turned and spotted his shirt, lying on the floor. The tears came harder. She cried out, and picked it up, before falling onto her bed where he had slept. She held the shirt close to her, and buried her face in his pillow. She could still smell his hair. His long, beautiful hair... The tears started to hurt now, irritating her eyes and causing them to go red. After another hour, she fell asleep, or fainted. It was one of the two. She had lost a lot of water, and that was always a bad idea in the sand village. She didn't care, all she cared about right now was the Tsuchikage, and how she had sent him away from her, possibly forever.

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