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Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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D-Rank Mission: Is There a Problem Grandma Empty D-Rank Mission: Is There a Problem Grandma

Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:32 pm
Mission Name: Is there a problem, Grandma?

Rank: D

Type: Rescue

Character Requirements: N.A.

Mission Location: Village, Konoha

Word Count Requirements: 400

Repeatable? Yes

Reward: 300 Ryo

How many times before had Kenzo seen this building? Five times? Ten? It was becoming routine to check in to see if there were any missions available. There always was. Today, Kenzo received a yellow file labeled "Checking up on Grandma". Kenzo opened the file, and began to scan over the contents with his eyes. The file read, "A grandmother missed her morning brunch yesterday and her family is worried about her safety. Her last known location was in her house on the border of the village, so go check it out and see if there are any problems." Kenzo wasted no time by sitting down, or waiting for time to pass so some luck kid could hurry to complete the mission and take him money. Kenzo needed this money. He stared at the name on the paper as he began stepping towards the door. A single small hand was extended before Kenzo opened the door to the building, and exited. Upon stepping outside, those small legs were flexed and bent before Kenzo extended him, launching his body into the air. Kenzo's frame landed upon the roof of another building, and he began hopping from roof to roof until he had entered the uzuamki district. A number of people sent nasty looks Kenzo's way because this was not the district of the Uchiha Clan. They could only wonder what the hell he was doing on their side of the village, but he ignored those looks and continued to move forward, after all, he had official business to take care of. He looked at a picture in the file of a small house, and lifted it until the picture was next to another house a couple meters ahead of them. A perfect match! After passing over a couple more rooftops, Kenzo was standing before his destination, a small white, one-story home that appeared to have 3 or four rooms inside. He walked up to the door, and knocked three times. 

Knock Knock Knock

Five seconds passed. Then 10 seconds past. 30 seconds past, and Kenzo assumed that no one was home, but to be sure, he knocked again.

Knock Knock Knock

Five seconds past, but Kenzo could hear oh-so clearly the footsteps of someone inside, so he waited.


Yelled a 00. from within, and within the next five seconds, the door opened to reveal a gorgeous young woman who asked with that pleasant vioce...

"And you are?"

Kenzo replied calmly by raising his right hand to his forehead to re-position the headband on his forehead in case the woman couldn't see it. 

"I'm a shinobi. There was a request from this house about and elderly woman who-"

And before Kenzo could even finish that sentence the woman interrupted him with an apology.

"Oh No no no! My grandmother has already returned. I apoligize for your troubles, but here... take this."

The woman close the door slightly, and vanished, but only for a moment before the door swung back open and she handed Kenzo a small sack of ryo. Kenzo nodded with a smile before thanking the woman and continuing on his way. That was perhaps the easiest mission yet.

WC: 529

+300 RYo
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D-Rank Mission: Is There a Problem Grandma Empty Re: D-Rank Mission: Is There a Problem Grandma

Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:35 pm
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