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Senba Utuma
Senba Utuma
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 850

Mission Topic: Is there a problem, grandma? Empty Mission Topic: Is there a problem, grandma?

Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:13 pm
Senba got a new assignment that a family was concerned about their grandmother. She apparently missed her morning brunch yesterday. Her last known location was her house at the border of the village. He thought to himself “This is a very easy assignment. I wonder why they are so worried, and did not just think she may have slept through it.” He sighed as he reached the family’s house. Senba knocked on the door and waited for the answer. Someone answered the door, it was an older gentleman, and seemed very polite. He asked “What can I do for you young man?” Senba smiled and asked “Well I was assigned to a mission that your family sent. I believe it was about a grandmother. I was assigned to the mission.” The man smiled and said “Yes sir, she missed brunch and we are very concerned. She never misses brunch and we are worried.” A lady about the same age as the man came up to the door and asked “Who is this dear?” The older gentleman said “He is the one who was assigned to make sure grandmother is okay.” She smiled and said “Thank you young man we are very concerned.” Senba nodded and asked “Where is she located at?” The gentleman said “Her house is at the border of the village and she was last seen there.” Senba nodded and said “I shall return.” The gentleman and the older woman said thank you. Senba leaped onto the roof and started toward the house. He thought “I did not have to ask that last question, but I just wanted to make sure. This is going to be and easy assignment.” He leaped across the houses and noticed that it was kind of cold. He was glad he brought his jacket along. Senba smiled though; he loved the cold weather and rainy weather. He reached the house and knocked on the door. An old lady answered the door and asked “Yes young man, may I help you?” Senba answered “Yes ma’am your family sent me to check on you. You missed brunch yesterday and they are concerned.” She smiled and answered “Oh dear I am so sorry. I missed brunch cause I over slept and did not feel well. I wonder why they are so concerned, but I feel bad that they sent you to check up on me.” Senba smiled and said “It is fine, but I will go and tell them you are fine.” She smiled, said thank you, and went back inside. Senba leaped up and ran as fast as he could to the family’s house. He knocked on the door and told the family she was fine. They thanked Senba and he went off.


[458/400 words needed, + 300 ryo, + 3 JP]
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Mission Topic: Is there a problem, grandma? Empty Re: Mission Topic: Is there a problem, grandma?

Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:17 pm
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