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Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Shouten Ataenushi
Kyosuke Uchiha
Arthur Pendragon
Sora Hozuki
Echo Uchiha
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Hospitals suck.[Private.] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:49 am
Misaki legs would be swinging back and forth as she sat on the counter her red eyez looking forward. This was something new she dont see off as the events of the boy execution would go underway. The nurses and doctors were in a state of shock as they watched Shouten literally rip the boy heart out. Weird thing the events didnt freak out the young kage not one single bit. I mean you have to look who child this is,so it would take more then this to freak her out. Inother words it did the exact opposite as she would jump from her counter looking at the decoration. Looking atthe Jashin symbol she would yell in excite"That is soooo awesome.....such art work i must say i never saw this kind of thing before"her reaction would suprise many. As she didnt give two shits about the public execution but the art work Shouten did."This is sooo cool brudder!"she says as she was hyper it was amazed that this was the kage. She will lean down and poke the dead boy cheek constantly"So big brudder what's your plan now?"she said softly turning her head slightly to glance at him as he was kinda behind her at this point.
Shouten Ataenushi
Shouten Ataenushi
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Hospitals suck.[Private.] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:24 am
Whilst the boys sacrifice continues, Shouten slowly begins losing his sanity, the other personalities that have developed due to a side effect of the mind reading jutsu corrupting his mind at this point. The girl removes herself from the counter as the biokinetic beast turns towards her, the beasts gaze fixed upon her as its cold pupil less red eyes watch her every move, a growl like hiss is made from the blood stoned appendage as the mouth opens slightly, only an inch revealing the rows of teeth, saliva connecting the upper and lower jaw for brief increments as bits of flesh from the boys heart is still seen within the mouth of the creature. Shouten's gaze turns towards her as well, his gaze is one without emotion, soulless in a way. 'Kill her, rip out her heart..' This command flows through his mind, the voice being an amalgamation of all the evil thoughts and emotions that he has brought forth into one vessel, this causing a manifesting of unending malice and evil to be born within his subconscious.

The voice speaks more, 'Do it....I crave her heart!' The tendril beast once the last words are spoken lashed toward the girls throat, however once it gets two inches away, with jaws wide open, "life" returns to Shouten's eyes, the creature being stopped, and immediately pulled back into his body, the heart naturally passed through to his own stomach due to the connection. Shouten's left hand raises, his head throbbing whilst Shouten grabs the top of his head, clenching his hair in a fist, Shouten's mind trying to recover since it has not truly been long since he has received Osore's memories, thus his mental state is nearly shattered. Shouten looks upon her, his breathing a tad faster than before as it is notable he is slightly exhausted by the experience, "I'm gonna have to go, the Kazankage is going to want this one fresh for dinner.."

Shouten aims his right arm towards the boys corpse, the arm elongating and grabbing the boys corpse and dragging it to him, his arm retracting as he puts it over his right shoulder, Shouten by this point fully covered in blood, his arm elongating once more to grasp the intestines and organs, his arm retracting as he has them all within a ball, medical chakra flown into them by utilizing the splicer to keep them alive in a way so they do not begin to decay, and can still be edible for his Kage. Shouten not fully sure what truly occurred, he only remembers a muffled voice, the words he cannot make out as he came to viewing his tendril beast which shape is a manifestation of the evil within him, true darkness if you will. If left to his will Shouten pulls forth his back form his right jacket pocket with his left hand, removing it from his head. The bag is unfolded, the corpse and organs slid within as a soft thump is heard with the contents slamming against one another after the long drop, the bag folded up once more and placed within his pocket. Shouten not sure what to say at this point, not sure what even happened, only getting pieces of the sacrifice in his memory.
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Hospitals suck.[Private.] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:16 am
Misaki would of continued to poke the boy cheek as she would be having fun poking this boy cheek. Her mind had a will of it own as voices begun to echo through her head as the seal on her chest begun to throb it was as if the power within was screaming for activation. She will have to get to her safe zone soon cause if she didn't her black lightning would go out of control. She was developed in her mind as she would of not known that the black lightning manifested around her body you'll thought she was going super saiyain two the crackle of the lightning was loud as chirping birds. So being lost in her mind she didn't release Shouten change or even record it the lightning around her body was like a virus taking her over. The young girl on her knees her eyes completely black as the crackling lightning grows ever wild being nonstop as it crackled. Thos hospital walls begun to crack as it would be so much pressure around the girl nody and heat it will itself make the very ground below her crack. Her hands on her side hanging loose you could say as she kneeled there.

As the tendril shot dorth towards her,her body vanished in a instant making the tendril most likely lose its target. Her body will be by Olivier who was steady sleeping she will hear shouten voice which will bring life back to her eyes. She looked around as she held her chest where her seal was."What......."she couldn't even bring herself to speak at that very moment she was about five to ten meters behind Shouten. Her body begun to rise using her hand as support to lift her legs up for she will be standing promptly. Shaking her head"Yeah....Kazankage ....yeah return"she said still in a daze at this moment she will look st where she was the walls would be having burnt marks. Slowing remembering what happened as,she view it as her body having a mind of it's own moving around shouten to get behind him since the tendril aim was straight forward. Her mind would return"Whatever that thing was.and whatever caused my power to go out of wack again,we will cease this now as if it never happened"she would say towards him as she held her head. She would look at him the body at this time was off the floor and ready for traveling."If you can.."she pause as she would sit down in a chair nearby the lightning was gone"Inform your kage i will send word whenever the time is near"was the last thing she said watching him if he would leave or remain right now she was processing what happened.
Shouten Ataenushi
Shouten Ataenushi
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Hospitals suck.[Private.] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:04 pm
Shouten whilst in his dazed state, more over his possessed state watches the girl shift her location, only the manifestation of malice truly knowing what occurred.  Shouten turning to face her whist the aforementioned actions are taken care of, Shouten nods softly to her as she asks for him to inform Osore of future information. 'Why did you stop us?....She looks delicious....We need to feeeeeeeeeeeeeed!' The voice growls out in his head, Shouten's left hand raising to his head once more, trying to suppress the voices as he feels his dna shifting on its own to potentially manifest another tendril monster.  "Very well Misaki, thank you for your assistance.."  With this Shouten's hands form the seals for the body flicker, exiting her window in a great burst of speed, and then exiting the village. 
The voices continue, although the words are undecipherable, mixtures of growls and hisses as if the voices are talking to one another, Shouten's flesh begins to burn and sting ever slightly, his own will keeping back whatever it is that is in his body, little does he know it is far more than in his body, existing in his very mind, existing in his very soul at this point, the darkness.

[Exit; WC 2,001; Memorized Misaki's Chakra Signature; 500 ryo; 20JP; ]
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Hospitals suck.[Private.] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:06 pm
approved you bloody fuck
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Hospitals suck.[Private.] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:44 pm
She would leave the hospital holding her head going to her office...
(Exit,1293 words,12jp,6stats)
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Hospitals suck.[Private.] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospitals suck.[Private.]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:46 pm
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