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True Power (Private) Empty True Power (Private)

Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:52 am
Katsura gripped another large handhold he found on the mountain as he climbed. Katsura's hands were becoming sore now, the rocks on this mountain were fairly rough. The mountain was one of the mountains buildings had been unstably built on and connected with bridges hung between them to make up Kumogakure. It was a fairly horrible work of architecture, many flaws being present. One of them was just the fact that they were built on the mountain's TOP, not all of the base of the platforms Kumo was built on being covered, making the village's building
structure quite unstable and easy to make the village fall down the mountain with just a few strategically placed paper bombs. It was true that Katsura hated Kumogakure, but he was not going to destroy it. For now that was. He quickly climbed up the mountain, trying to ignore the pain from when the rocks and other debris scraped his hands. It worked fairly well, as he felt that he could probably keep this up for awhile. After a few minutes he looked up and saw one of the houses of this section of Kumogakure sticking out over the mountain's tip, yet also saw another ledge not as far from him as the base that this part of Kumo was. When Katsura reached the ledge, he pulled himself up and over, now sweating just lightly. Katsura wiped sweat off from his face and arms, and the black cloak that masked his appearance was not helping him be anymore comfortable at all.

Katsura stood himself up steadily up onto the rocky outcrop on the mountain, trying not to lose balance when he was on the edge to not fall down off the mountain. Then all of his work would be worthless if he died, seeing it was likely death would find him if he fell from one of these mountains. Katsura looked ahead of him and saw a 7' tall hole in the wall of the mountain, a cave entrance to whatever lay inside if there be anything at all. Momentarily after Katsura observed the opening, a large and powerful gust of wind came howling out of the cave. Katsura put his hand up and shielded the wind, but he was also amazed at the force of the gust. Where in the hell would a bunch of wind be coming from in here? he thought, even though with his IQ he had already made a logical reason. There must be some sort of opening in the cave that leads out to the outside world, and that is where the wind came from. Katsura looked up at the wooden edge of the platform that was only 7' above him to see if any activity was near. He didn't hear any noise but instead saw something even more intriguing. There was a pattern of lines that stood out among the regularly carved pattern. There, carved in over head and hinges attached to the sides of the shape, was a trapdoor.

[Katsura's Thoughts]
This trapdoor is perfectly hidden. If I had not looked up and straight at it I probably never would haver found it. I wonder who added this in though? I see no big reason within first thoughts that this would be added in when the village was built. Although, that is upon first thoughts. Hmm, well, I know there is an opening somewhere else in this cave that leads out somewhere, and since the cave entrance here is quite neat and untouched I would assume the other opening was made in the same way as this one. Since this one is hidden below the base of this area of Kumo and the cave entrance is directly below a trapdoor I would guess this is some sort of emergency route built when the village was first made or some secret area the villagers don't know about.

Katsura put his backpack down on the ground after removing it from the inside of his cloak. He unzipped it and looked down inside to see if he had the proper supplies and weapons. Seeing the ninja tools he had stolen from around the world and food and others that he needed, he zipped it up, put it back, and reached for the trapdoor, opening it down and beginning to climb up. Katsura peeked out and looked around the immediate surrounding area of the village. A few meters away some kids were playing, too distracted to notice him. Katsura looked around a bit more, making sure the coast was clear, and then would go back down to start into the cave.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:53 pm
Kino had awoken, and began to go put some cloth on, he put on his normal shirt, a black shirt that he usually wore when he went out, and black pants. He also put on his cloak, a black cloak. Usually he would put his hood up when he went out, this time he would just leave it down, behind his head. He had his sword hidden beneath his cloak on his side, and his Kunai was packed also. He headed outside, with his cloak hiding his sword. He had taken a quick look around, noticing the weather, the people going by, and more. The weather was alright, in Kino's eyes anyways. The sun was directly above Kumogakure, which normally meant it was about noon. The wind was blowing slowly, pushing along what few clouds were in the sky that day. There was about two, maybe three clouds that day, Kino might not have seen one in the sky as he wasn't paying too much attention. A cloud soon covered the sun, not completely, but about half, maybe more. There were a few people walking outside that day, walking around, most likely to shops, to busy, not even watching where they were going, they were just sprinting towards the shops, something was going on, Kino didn't care enough to go and check what was going on though.

Kino began to walk, avoiding the people that were sprinting towards shops or to work, or maybe even some shinobi going to meet with his or her team for training or maybe a mission. He was walking around tiredly, kicking up some sand or dust with each step, then he had soon seen some small children playing near the edge of the platform which helped hold up Kumogakure "Ah children playing near the edge of a mountain, just opens up the heart." He said quietly to where no one could hear him. He took a quick look around before heading out to train, before he had left he had seen someone sticking their head out from the platforms.

True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:15 pm
Katsura would scan the village above the platform once more before he would get back to work. He had a bad feeling about what would happen. It would look very suspicious if an unknown person was searching around in a cave below the village. Katsuar looked and couldn't find anybody until he found a boy in a black cloak who was looking at him and Katsura accidentally looked into his eyes, letting the boy know that Katsura was completely aware of his presence. The boy must have noticed him accidentally while doing whatever he was going to do. This would likely compromise the plans. Katsura pulled out the kunai knife he had scavenged long ago and kept ever since and kept it below the platform so the boy wouldn't know he was a threat. Katsura looked at the boy, trying to instigate him coming down here, and then slowly slipped back down and closed the trapdoor lightly enough to where someone else could open it, and then crouched on the ground below it, aiming his kunai in a knife holding form at the trapdoor.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:18 pm
Kino stood, watching the person as the person, who appeared only slightly older then Kino, looked at Kino's eyes. Kino could only see the face of the person though, so he couldn't tell if he was so much older then Kino. He would watch as the person would begin to slowly go back into the hole he had crawled out of, shutting the door on his way back, Kino grabbed the hilt of his blade and made his way towards where he had popped his head out of.

He looked at the closed platform, hoping if he put enough weight on it, it would open easily. He jumped forward onto the platform, opening it. He had his hand on the hilt of his blade the whole time, and jumped into the traphole, which seemed to lead to a small cave, he took out his blade upon landing, looking around. He had wondered if this man was even an enemy, he hadn't recognized this man, but Kino was away for quite some time. kino had been gone from the village for about a year, and about a year ago he had come back to the village, before that he was gone for about two months. As soon as he landed on the ground again, he got into a defensive stance.

(Short, sorry.)

True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:04 pm
There was a slight thud as something made contact with the wood above. Katsura stood ready and backed up a foot or two, ready to catch the enemy by surprise as soon as they came down. Soon the trapdoor was opened and soon after the boy in the black cloak landed down on the ground below the trapdoor. He appeared to try and scan the area, probably making it only to turning his head from the direction of the cave before Katsura would go. Only that much time would be required that is. Katsura launched himself forwards at the boy's stomach and chest, making sure to hold the kunai tip away so he wouldn't kill him and crashed into him. The boy was fairly light and Katsura tumbled past into the ground rolling. He transitioned up and held the kunai facing down at the boy, a snarl on his face. He saw the hilt of a sword in his hands and Katsura quickly kicked the top of the hilt as to knock it out of his hand and across the rocks. Katsura asked what he was doing here before he continued, making sure he was an enemy or not. He was in quite a hurry to setup in the cave.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:30 pm
Kino was successful in opening the trapdoor once more. The stranger had ran into this trapdoor earlier. As he fell he had scanned the area, spotting the man rather quickly. Even though Kino had spotted his possible opponent, he had knocked his blade out of his hand, and it flew away towards the rocks, just a short walk away from Kino, though he had to beat his enemy. His enemy would be within stabbing range, so Kino had to think rather quickly. Kino's eyes looked left to right rapidly, less then a second had passed and it had already gone left to right a few times. He was looking around, looking for a plan to just pop up out of no where, something to use to avoid getting stabbed. He was in a panic, a small one, he couldn't think straight for a few seconds. Then he would just jump back, he had wanted to do some damage instead of just dodging, though didn't seem there was much he could do, while in a panic anyways.

Kino would lower his back, his spine towards the ground. he pushed his foot back, kicking up a bit of dirt and dust, preparing something. He pushed, raising his left foot's ankle into the air and pushing on the ground and began a short sprint towards his enemy. As he got close enough he had kept his leg towards the ground, hovering just above it, the small push in wind it had caused made some dust fly up, as it was headed towards the enemy. Kino had also raised his other leg into the air.

True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:11 pm
Katsura made hand seals as the boy jumped back, seeming confused and panicked before. After Katsura finished the hand seals, his right hand that was not holding the kunai lit up with a transparent and grayish flame. That flame meant death, it was death's judging hand. Although this hand did not always kill when giving flames of judgement, it was not a pleasant experience when met with this hand. The boy began to kick up dust with large leg movements. The boy was being to fancy however, and as a small cloud of some dust headed low for Katsura, the boy's leg lifted up into the air. Katsura was going to go for the opening. Taking the opportunity, Katsura got down low and sped along the floor towards the Kumo ninja, his leg still in the air while Katsura tensed his right hand. The boy would have his leg high in the air when Katsura reached him. Katsura then grabbed the lower section of the boy's raised leg by slamming his ignition hand into it, then bending it down behind the boy. This would likely cause a lot of pain to the boy. Katsura continued as he pushed the leg forward and down, ending in a position with Katsura grabbing the boy's leg, holding him in a twisted lock. He then ripped his hand away from his leg, ripping chakra with it and sending it hovering around Katsura's head. He repetitively grabbed and ripped chakra away from the boy's body until there was a thick ring around Katsura's head of chakra and the boy would now be quite low on chakra.

Katsura then put his kunai down on the Kumo Genin's throat and snarled in his face. "Ok, I am not really supposed to be here," Katsura said, "and this stupid little village is my enemy, I am sure you can figure a decent amount out from there. You look like a messed up kind of kid with not a whole lot of friends, and I will give you two options," he continued to explain to the chakra exhausted boy. "You can either A, be a good friend of mine and join me, or B, I can just force you to be my spy and stick a paper bomb to you so I can destroy you before you let it out. If you joined me it would be worth your while, get back at any bastards you hate, gain great power from me as an, employment gift one could say. Eh? Which one you wanna take? Help me with my goals and hinder this horrible village and gain much power in the process? Or be forced into work against your own will and village and likely die later on? I would take the path of true power if I were you!" Katsura ended with what he could muster as a convincingly friendly smile.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:36 pm
(Sorry, late post)

Kino's leg was grabbed by his enemy, the one that he had not seen before in Kumogakure. His leg was bent behind him, and Kino was in a large amount of pain. Once this happened Kino would stop his other leg, in pain. Kino then had his own chakra ripped out of his body, a rather large amount was taken and Kino became rather tired from the large amount of chakra that had been taken. Kino had a little chakra left, enough to cast an E ranked jutsu but not anything higher then that. Kino would begin to think, he thought about all the people that had beaten him in the past. Kino would think, that he still wanted to fight some of those people. It had seem Kino was beat now, he would most likely be killed.

Kino had gotten really tired now, the enemy would hold a Kunai against Kino's neck, and then would begin to speak. Kino heard the man saying that he wasn't supposed to be in Kumogakure, and how Kino looked like a messed up person without any friends, mostly true. Kino did not have any friends really, he had never wanted any. Kino just enjoyed his time sleeping most of the day, or training. Kino would hear the man say, that he would give Kino two options. Option A, become this man's friend and spy on the village or Option B, get a paper bomb stuck to his back and be forced to work for him. This man also mentioned option A gave power, Kino would imagine enough power to take his revenge on those who had beaten him before. "Alright then..." Kino would say as he began to think. Both seemed fun, what could be more exciting then having a paper bomb stuck on your back, but what could be better then getting revenge and power through one decision. "Hmm.... I think I'll go with option A." He said, while the man would begin to try and give a friendly smile after saying he may put a paper bomb on his back, and make him spy on his own village. "I am Kino, Uchiha." Kino said tiredly, as his chakra was still low due to the man stealing it from Kino.

True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:00 pm
"Ahh an Uchiha eh? A very valuable ally you shall be," Katsura said as he stood up, releasing the boy from the hold. Katsura took the boy's hand and pulled him up, then dusting himself off. "I see we got off to a bad start but now I think we will have a good time. Both of us want revenge, and we can help each other to our ends," Katsura said, extending a hand out to shake. Before the boy would be able to go in and shake hands Katsura decided to retract his hand. "First off, a gift of apologies," Katsura said as his ignited hand reached and grabbed the chakra floating around his head. And with that, he lifted he boy's shirt up and slammed his hand lightly into his stomach, sealing all of his chakra back. Katsura reached down and picked his pack back up, strapping it on his back. He then walked towards the open cave entrance, turning back a second to the boy. "Well, are you coming? This is gonna be our base of operations alright!" Katsura said before continuing down the tunnel and into the mountain, a smile on his face. Everything was going perfectly. Both he and Kino would be on the path to true power in no time. Katsura was sure of it.

Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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True Power (Private) Empty Re: True Power (Private)

Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:53 pm
Kino would stay in the same position he was, as the man would say, 'Ahh, an Uchiha eh?' and how Kino would be a good ally. Kino would watch as the man would reach his hand out, pulling Kino up, saying they seemed to have gotten on the wrong start. "Hmm.." Was Kino's only reply, and it may not have even be heard. He had made the Hmm sound very quietly, just thinking, about nothing. He had heard the man mention that they both wanted revenge, Kino didn't really remember mentioning that, but he just thought meh. The man would begin to extend his hand out, appearing as he was going to shake Kino's hand and then he mentioned something about an apology. Before Kino even moved, the man had given Kino's chakra back. Kino felt as his strength would return shortly, though he was still tired. He didn't expect him to become full of energy right when he would get his chakra back. He would watch the man, walk away, Kino went over to where his blade was, and picked it up out of the ground. He would put it back in the holder on follow the man. [exit .-.]
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