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Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 24000

Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza Empty Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza

Sat Jan 06, 2024 6:53 pm

Rokku left his guitar at home for once as he made his way to the amphitheatre. He had agreed to be a proctor for Yukina’s academy recital and (hopeful) promotion to Genin. His job was pretty simple, sit at the front and watch to ensure at least two of the required C-Rank techniques were integrated into the performance as well as being ready to protect the crowd if something went wrong. Rokku was sure there were plenty of students that would decide to use kunai or other weaponry to dazzle the watchers and out perform their peers. Rokku also knew that sometimes things went wrong and it was his job to make sure no one in the crowd got hurt by stray jutsu or projectiles.

Rokku's family had also decided to attend for mysterious reasons but fortunately they were somewhere at the back, far enough away not to bother Rokku. His little brother Sato was pout out that he couldn’t sit with Rokku so he was bribed with various promises of treats and piggyback rides in order to keep him complacent and happy during the performance. Rokku’s father was at hand to dash outside in case he began acting up.

Rokku greeted a few familiar faces as he passed by and his smile dropped as he met eyes with one of the Sarutobi elders and forced back on a weak smile that was unlikely to fool anyone. Once he had located his seat he tied back his hair and waited for the performance to begin with hands crossed politely on his lap in preparation to make hand seal if it was required. When it was time to begin and Yukina walked onto the stage he gave a double thumbs up and a toothy grin to try and encourage her as the performance began. He settled back to listen and watch closely, intrigued by what she might do considering how elusive she was about giving a short demonstration when they trained.

WC: 331 TWC: 331 TMWC: 1000
Yukina Hayato
Yukina Hayato
Stat Page : ♩♪♪♬♫♩
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 77125

Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza Empty Re: Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza

Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:48 pm
Yukina was nervous. Waiting backstage for her performance to start was anxiety-inducing. It was all she could do not to turn and run out the door. She still didn't know what she was going to do with so many people around her. So many contrasting melodies and beats they would exude, each contrasting with each other. She didn't want to get lost in other's music during her performance. On top of all that her family had decided to come. To see if their suggestion for her to become a kunoichi had born fruit. She'd already overheard them this morning, talking quietly in the kitchen, her mother and older sister expressing doubt over it. It was like they didn't even know who she was, they hadn't noticed the change in her since starting her missions. She was calmer, at peace with her place in the world. She was actually able to stand strong on her own two feet and found communicating easier, even if not by much. But to them she was still the dreamy girl, wandering around always out of place with reality. She wanted to prove them wrong, but even more than that, she wanted to prove Rokku right. That his training and time with her was worth it. That she could stand strong beside him and Quinn and guard their backs in the shinobi world.

As she thought this, she calmed herself and walked behind the curtain and onto the stage. It was almost time. The din in the amphitheater was overwhelming. The amount of people who had come was clearly even more than she anticipated. She didn't let the anxiety take hold though, stamping it out. She could do this. She could shine, just as brightly as her sisters. Even if her light was just a bit different.  It was then that she readied herself. Her left hand held her bow and a strange contraption held the violin itself. Her right hand then formed the seal for Ram and four clones sprung from her and hurried to their positions. With that, she began to play.


The curtains fell away partially, revealing her clone that had taken center stage. Her other clones were hidden on the left side behind the remaining curtain, mimicking her movements, with one staying beside her and doing the same. She closed her eyes, refusing to look and acknowledge the crowd, even as hidden as they were from her beyond the curtain. She played and played, her heart resonating with the music. There was no room for anyone else's, only her melody dominating the large space.

As the song reached its midpoint climax she formed hand-seals again with her right hand Tiger → Ox → Snake. She inhaled deeply and released her Great Breakthrough Technique. The wind torrented harshly from her mouth, blowing her curtain of the stage clear off before journeying and blowing the left hand sides away as well. She continued to play earnestly, completely ignoring the crowd's reaction. Eyes closed and truly enraptured with the song her right hand formed seals again Bird - Dragon - Ox. With that, orbs of wind formed around her, swirling in place before launching above the heads of the audience. They remained there waiting until the last chord from her violin resounded out, and then exploded loudly, punctuating her performance with an explosive finish. As the jutsu executed her clones also vanished, making it clear she was the real one to anyone who had yet to catch on.

She grasped her violin firmly with her right hand and removed it from the contraption before bowing awkwardly. As she opened her eyes it was like the world snapped back into focus. What was that earth-shaking sound? As she stood she realized what it was. Applause, universal standing applause. Her eyes filled with tears as she took in the sight, too overwhelmed to see her families reaction or to even look for Rokku, her proctor. She merely bowed again, quickly wiping at her eyes and left the stage. She had done it. It didn't matter that she had clearly passed her exam, what mattered is that she had done it. Performed in front of people, her disability not holding her back. She had proved her family both wrong and right at the same time. She was capable and she had found her path as a proud shinobi.

WC: 731
TWC: 731
MTWC: Exceeded/1,000


363 WC Vacuum Sphere (The rest learned here)
368/1,000 WC Whirlwind Thrust

+5 vigor
+2 chakra
+14 chakra (rank up)
+6 vigor (rank up)

Total: +11 vigor & +16 chakra

Mission Completion/Rank Up:
+1,000 ryo
+110 AP (Bonus AP total 170, rank up)
x1 Otogakure headband
+Ninjutsu specialty (rank up)
+Tree Climbing/Surface Walking (free, rank up)
+Substitution Technique (free, rank up)
Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 24000

Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza Empty Re: Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza

Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:31 pm
Rokku watched the performance with a smile, making mental note of the great breakthrough technique as well as the air bullets technique displayed. He would have quite liked to close his eyes and take in the music and listen closely to each note struck. Like most members of the Hisara family he could play several instruments and Violin had been his first so hearing it played was always nostalgic for him. He clapped loudly with the crowd breaking into a large grin at seeing the girl so happy, at least he certainly hoped they were tears of joy. Yukina had certainly earned the applause and he hoped it would further instil some confidence in her. She certainly didn’t lack the aptitude or the work ethic required after all.

Yukina left the stage and Rokku rose in the break to slip away before the other performances began. He had completed his job as a proctor and had also been able to support his friend. As he walked down the aisle he paused a moment next to a clapping family that looked so alike to Yukina that they must surely be related in some way. He stopped and rose his voice a little to be heard over the crowd. “You must be that girls family, sorry you look so similar. Could you pass on my compliments to her, it was an impressive display of both musical and ninjutsu skill. She must have trained for hours and worked really hard on that piece. Sorry I shouldn’t bother you further. Please have a lovely day, I have further duties to attend.” He gave a curt nod and smiled as he left the row and gave a little wave to his family as he passed by before leaving the amphitheatre and headed towards headquarters to report that Yukina Hayato had indeed performed a dazzling recital and successfully incorporated the required C-Rank techniques rather beautifully.


WC: 320  TWC: 651

Claiming mission rewards:
- 1000 ryo
- 10 ap

Claiming stats:
+  5 chakra (max stats reached upon approval)

Claiming jutsu: 651 wc towards (Incomplete)Earth Release: Rock Shelter - 928/1000

Heifu Jōnetsu likes this post

Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza Empty Re: Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza

Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:43 pm
Rokku wrote:


WC: 320  TWC: 651

Claiming mission rewards:
- 1000 ryo
- 10 ap

Claiming stats:
+  5 chakra (max stats reached upon approval)

Claiming jutsu: 651 wc towards (Incomplete)Earth Release: Rock Shelter - 928/1000

Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza Empty Re: Yukina's Resounding Recital Extravaganza

Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:44 pm
Yukina Hayato wrote:

WC: 731
TWC: 731
MTWC: Exceeded/1,000


363 WC Vacuum Sphere (The rest learned here)
368/1,000 WC Whirlwind Thrust

+5 vigor
+2 chakra
+14 chakra (rank up)
+6 vigor (rank up)

Total: +11 vigor & +16 chakra

Mission Completion/Rank Up:
+1,000 ryo
+110 AP (Bonus AP total 170, rank up)
x1 Otogakure headband
+Ninjutsu specialty (rank up)
+Tree Climbing/Surface Walking (free, rank up)
+Substitution Technique (free, rank up)

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