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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:44 pm
Saturn Yamanaka, or rather, Saturn Sentobi found himself rowing a narrow wooden canoe deep in the dark blue sea, miles from the shore of Mikadzuki Beach. The Sun was setting and the clear Mikadzukian sky shimmered in pink and orange hues of iridescent light. He had bore witness to something hideous, a ghastly sight that haunted him and shook him to his very core. He had only known Captain Bartholomew Rogers for a few moments, but in that time he had discovered a shimmer of hope in the soul of a banished man. Yet, his light did not burn brightly enough to save his life, and the captain had made a decision on behalf of a stronger shinobi, one that would seal his fate with the valor of the sea. That shinobi had been Saturn's senior and compatriot, the whale shepherd, as Saturn would come to call her in his mind. The foul stench from the captain's corpse that was traced to his spilled out guts and frothing mouth left a stark aftertaste on the tanned shinobi's nose. He could still picture the mutilated body of the man whose mind he had briefly possessed laying lifelessly on the wooden deck of his pirate ship. The look on his first mate's face and the fear that was instilled into the eighteen other members of Bartholomew's crew was the realest thing that Saturn had been in the presence of since he witnessed the death of a certain someone else who had been a lot closer to his heart. Yet, his flowing emotions in the moments that followed had been no different than when he had run for his life from his childhood home all the way to Lightning Country on his Buddhist horse from the stables in his abusive father's compound in Konoha.

 Saturn had once again chosen to flee from the scene of the crime. Although he never did find out what happened to the killer in Konoha or how he suffered the wrath of Jashin, the beach side killer was on the loose and free to roam the sea, and even break bread with Saturn should he run into her one evening in The Drunken Kage Bar. The Genin was conflicted with the idea and his brain struggled to comprehend the implications of the blurry line between self defense and murder. His heart was pounding profusely and his sweaty hands shook just as they did on that pivotal night in Konoha that had changed the course of his life. His cold, distant, icy blue eyes gazed out lifelessly into the horizon towards the setting Sun as he rowed the two wooden oars on the narrow vessel that he had taken out from the pirate's ship. His instructions to the nineteen remaining members of the late Bartholomew's crew were stern and crystal clear. They were to drop the anchor and remain on the ship without exception until a male red breasted merganser with a slightly redder beak than normal flew two rounds around the ship overhead and then perched on the first mate's left shoulder. The call of the female is a rasping prrak prrak, while the male gives a feeble hiccup-and-sneeze display call. Saturn had lectured the crew while he was still on the ship with them. Their fear was fresh and they were averse to defying the orders of the whale shepherd's present subordinate, but Katsuyori one of her loyal summons remained with the ship to make sure that none of its occupants jumped overboard to flee. And if this parrot returns to the ship without the company of a red beaked merganser, that means I'm dead, and you may do as you please. He had told the crew before embarking on his quest, taking with him one of the pirates' big green parrots still in her metal dome cage.

 Earlier in the day, Saturn had been in a group of four shinobi assigned to cover lifeguard duty when he deduced a bold hypothesis. The lifeguards had professed to the authorities at the beach that the cause for their absence was consuming badly cooked shrimp. But Saturn thought better. Four lifeguards had no business allowing themselves to consume bad shrimp. The shrimp in question had to have become bad for a reason. A massive shark in the water with a ferocious appetite had driven the shrimp population closer to the shore and as a result, their intestines carried more deposits of anthropogenic pollutants than usual. The locals were acclimated to a high quality of shrimp. When uncleaned, the new batch caused problems in the locals' bowels. This was Saturn's theory that he was determined to test at the end of his shift, before the pirates showed up and his evening took a turn for the worse. 
 Saturn was now rowing in pursuit of a predator that he had predicted. He was blissfully unaware of the team assigned to hunt the threat in question and the reported cases of missing persons around the particular area that he was patrolling on the borrowed canoe. The Genin decided that the crew in their misshapen ship was in no condition to fend off the horde of sharks, - or perhaps a lone leviathan of a shark - that had to have disrupted the ecosystem. He had already failed to save the life of one forsaken soul  but now he was willing to put his own on the line to ensure that the nineteen souls that survived the unfortunate encounter with the Cetacean sage would be granted a fair chance at redemption and a safe passage back out into the sea without being claimed prematurely in their vulnerable state by an unexpected outlier. Besides, if Saturn could prove to himself that his theory about the monster was right, his day could still perhaps be saved.


The caged bird cursed by Saturn's new pair of pirate boots while he oared. Paying no mind, he oared again, and waited patiently for something to happen. 

WC: 996

Last edited by Saturn on Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
Majima Nara
Majima Nara
Stat Page : Majima
Health: 100 | AP: 350
Vigor: 34 | Chakra: 25
Speed: 20 | Strength: 25
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2000

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Thu Jul 28, 2022 12:59 am
Majima - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

The crisp mountain air cut across Majima's face. It really is breathtaking up here. I never get tired of the view. And that was the truth, but he was tired of the monotony that had been his life over the past 6 years. From Majima's point of view he should have been in the ninja academy many years ago. He likely would have already ascended the ranks and done something useful for the Nara name. His parents had other ideas plans, or a lack of plans to be sure. They were nice and well intentioned but they were too afraid. Afraid of conflict, afraid of responsibility, afraid for Majima's life. They would coast through life if they were allowed to and add nothing to the legacy of the Nara.

Or that is how Majima viewed things at least.

Majima retreated back away from the railing that was standing between him and a prompt bout of plummeting to his own death. There was something about facing the reality of one's own mortality that fascinated and invigorated him, it made him feel alive. Majima was actually on his way towards the outskirts of the village. Since achieving the rank of Genin he had taken the liberty of getting a place of his own further away from the village center that he could use as a retreat. He would still stay at his parent's place from time to time and visit but he had grown accustomed to being on his own more and more over the years and having a place of his own would give him peace of mind and would offer a shorter trip for him to crash after returning from missions outside the village.

This was not an occasion such as that though, this trip to the outskirts was to visit a friend of his. She was majestic and beautiful and tended to shy away from people which was why Majima always needed to go out so far to see her. In fact, that was also a large part of the reason that he had gotten a place on the outskirts in all honesty. He had thought about asking her to move in, but it was a tricky topic for him to approach. It wasn't the largest place so they would have to share a relatively tight amount of space, and he also wasn't sure how his parents would react, or even his neighbors for that matter.

Before meeting up with her though, Majima wanted to stop by his new place to grab a few things than he hoped had been delivered from the new shops that had opened up around the village. Time passed quickly as Majima crossed over the various structures and bridges leading up to his spot. Rounding the last corner he was pleased to see a package at his door that was most certainly the new supplies he had been expecting. Deftly unlocking the door and kicking it open, Majima entered the home, swinging his foot back to knock the door closed, and softly tossed the package on the counter on his way to the bathroom. He hadn't realized on the journey over, but now he was suddenly experiencing the need to relieve himself. Yanking the bathroom door open, Majima rushed in to what he expected to be his new and immaculately clean bathroom. 

Instead he found himself dizzy and being pelted with hot air from all directions and an odd sensation. What the hel- OH SHIT! I'M FALLI- The smack against the surface of the water was unexpected, sudden, and quite painful. On the plus side it was quite reorienting to not be spinning in the air while plummeting to a presumed death. I guess I have an idea of what the drop off from Kumo would feel like. Wait, that's not important... Where the hell am I? After crashing down into the water Majima quickly processed the situation and made his way up to the water's surface, searching around in all directions for an indication of where he might be or what had happened.

Majima looked around frantically as he floated in the water. To his left, water, to the right, water, behind him, water, right again, water, and again, water. Finally after looking to his right for the 23rd time he spotted a large ship off in the distance. That's something at least. Majima began swimming a bit pathetically towards the ship, a task he was not at all dressed for, before coming to a realization that should have come much sooner. What in the hell am I doing? I can walk on water... Christ. Channeling his chakra, Majima was able to lift himself up out of the water and stand as if on solid ground, a feeling that was much more comfortable for him.

From his new vantage point Majima could see not only the ship but the coastline a long ways out with hints of civilizations. "Alright then, time to see what is going on here." Yet just as Majima was about to start a run back to the shore he noticed a boat in the water that he had not been able to spot before. This boat was much closer than the ship, but also immensely smaller. In fact it appeared to be a rowboat, helmed by just one individual no less. Well that is a much closer place to start. Hell, maybe they brought me here and are actually looking for me, and if so, that's all the more reason to go over there.

Majima strode over to the boat. Surely the person would have noticed him falling from the sky and if not that they likely had spotted him walking along the water by that point. Majima was still in his full typical dress, wearing his genin headband around his neck, but with the face concealed within his jacket. He was certainly a strange sight to behold on the water with his clothes soaking wet from the water. And he mysteriously no longer needed to empty his bladder, a fact he had yet to process. Additionally, he had surmised that either this person had nothing to do with the current situation he was in and thus was not a direct threat, or they did have something to do with the teleportation but did not want to kill him or else he would likely be dead already. "Hey! What's going on here? Are you the one that brought me here? Man, I needed to pee something bad too..." And there it was, the realization finally dawned on him. Hmm, maybe he teleported all my pee to the toilet first. I'm sure that's it. "Nevermind that, and what's up with the small boat? Is that not your big ship over there?"

Majima didn't have an issue being forward with people, but he did still have a measure of decorum and waited patiently outside the rowboat as he spoke with the individual, though he started wringing the water out of his clothes as he did. Hopefully this person could either send him home or at the very least give him some information. The threat of a shark was not even on Majima's mind.

WC: 1202
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Thu Jul 28, 2022 1:54 pm
He did not yet know what the day would hold in store for him, but when he woke up on a beach and tried to shield his eyes from the harsh sun, the Kumo noble let out a gasp as a sharp pain caused him to spit out some blood.  He examined himself as everything was starting to come back to him.  He was attacked…

A day earlier…

Yagi had entered the beachfront area of Mikadzuki and was looking around for work and some experience in a place he had never visited.  He remembered he received word of a popular tourist attraction and he was eager to find out what that entailed, but after a meeting with the Kage and learning that his experience both in dealing with people and certain situations could see him dead before he could even fulfill his purpose made him…unhappy.  He rubbed the wound, remembering how he lost a finger to an ill received and misunderstanding…a joke in front of the Kage about his balls…Regardless he was around the port in the bay area and was told of a hunting excursion to slay a great beast that had been plaguing the area.  Naturally a challenge sparked his interest so he embarked with the crew and once out on the water, he experienced a great deal of turmoil…seasickness, ship to ship fighting, and last but most certainly not least…a damn big beast…a shark…that thing destroyed the boat and nearly killed all of those on board.  Luckily Yagi was able to escape, but not until after he challenged the beast itself and was injured just by grazing the sharp teeth of the monster…he blacked out after falling into the water…

Now however, he was with a new crew…he had wrapped his torso in a bandage and was on a great ship with experienced fighters all who had been hunting this beast for a time.  As they sailed out of the bay and into the open waters they passed many carcasses of whales and husks of destroyed hunters that would soon litter the ocean floor.  “This is lunacy…the lives lost to a creature such as this…it needs to die before it can destroy anything else or worse…be used as a weapon…”  His train of thought was simple and the goal was set now for him, but there was something that caught his eye after about a day of sailing.  A peculiar chakra signature out on the water…it was vaguely familiar as the crewmember in the crow’s nest spoke up calling out that there was a ship just off of starboard.  Yagi naturally went over and helped as the crew readied a few weapons as the first mate came out to see what Saturn and the other member that was on his small rowboat. Yagi was at the head of the group looking imposing but at the same time it looked as though he was truly just trying to figure out who was on the boat.

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:43 am
As the Sun sank further into the horizon, the clear cerulean Mikadzukian sky began to flower thick clouds of dark grey. The waves' crests rose higher as Saturn ventured deeper out into the sea, lifting his canoe up making him brace and grip the side of the small boat. The troughs sank deeper, driving the boat harder into the water's surface making it rock, rattling the metal cage that contained his feathered hostage. The light was eclipsed behind a brewing storm, encompassing the area in a brighter orange illumination than before, with a touch of pink still. A light drizzle had already begun to fall, and glow of shimmering lights in the clouds followed by an echo of a distant thunder confirmed that the weather was indeed shifting.

"Heave ho! Heave ho!"

The loud green crested cockatoo gave the order to Saturn from inside her cage. Glancing sternly at the bird, the sailor scowled at the bird before striking the metal cage with one of the oars making it ring before issuing a stark warning.

"Shut your beak, Sharkbait! Lest me hang you from the Yardarm and feed you to the fishes!"

The bird purred like a cat as the young blonde man kept beating its cage with the oar, until a sight in the sky caught his attention. An object seemed to leave a meteor tail behind as it crashed from ways up in the sky from where he had seen lightning just moments earlier. Taking his Pirate Hat off - it had a long feather of an ostrich sticking out from the back like a ponytail - Saturn clutched his leather tricorne to his chest. With his other hand, he held his oar over his back on his shoulders as he gasped, tracking the object in the sky.

 "No way! Could it be..? an Angel!"

He exclaimed, before promptly hearing the splash that was made when the ocean parted to give way to the crashing body.

"An Angel would sound cooler hitting the water..." Saturn sulked before peering out into the horizon. There, with his naked eyes, he could see the faint image of a man flailing his arms, seemingly swimming towards the canoe. "He's swimming? A civilian?" The shinobi tensed up before putting his tricorne back on and picking up the cage with the bird inside. Then, he pointed it in the direction of the swimmer before his eyes rolled back into his skull and the parrot's own did the same. Saturn's eyes were limited in their capacity to see far out into the sea on their own. The bird however, was more adapted to picking up the movement of objects far out into the sea. Relying on this principle, the Genin had used the parrot as a flashlight of sorts to peer further out into the horizon for a moment, to scout if there was any danger or if the person that lied ahead was in need of his assistance. From the sharp eyes of the bird, the shinobi witnessed Majima Nara as he stepped onto the water's surface after swimming halfway to his canoe.

This guy is a shinobi? Aw fu-

Saturn relaxed as the eyes of both passengers of the canoe came back down from their skulls, and the parrot vocalized her lamentation at being made into a torch for those few seconds. Her words, however would fall to deaf ears as the Yamanaka was feeling a little woozy upon returning his mind to his own body. "Shut it, Sharkbait!"

"Sink Me!"

He cussed and gritted his teeth, before planting the tips of his middle and index fingers on his sinus and looking down at the sea, closing his eyes in annoyance. The object of his contempt was not the approaching shinobi, but it was his own circumstances. Throughout his day, the young man's mind had been bouncing back and forth between two contrasting ideas. One was that the beach and all the events that had transpired on that day was all a dream, and Saturn's real body was sleeping soundly in his flat in Kumogakure. The other was that the beach was quite real and his life had been changed forever following the trials and tribulations he had faced along the way. There's no way in hell, Saturn thought, that Yagi-san and Hiroki-sensei would believe his wild tale if he told it to them the next time they met at The Drunken Kage Bar. Previously having had a strong conviction that the beach was now real after witnessing the death of the captain whose hat he took the pleasure of looting, Saturn was now once again unsure upon seeing a man fall from the sky. That kind of thing did not normally happen in the real world, he thought. His eye twitched, the nerves on his temple pulsed and his heart pounded loudly as Majima took his time getting all the way to the canoe.

As Majima spoke something about his piss and Batholomew's ship out in the distance, Saturn's eyes opened and peered into the dark haired shinobi's soul. He listened patiently and reached out and placed two of his hands on the shinobi's shoulders, leaning in towards his face as he talked. His hands were gentle and there was no trace of animosity in his gentle grip, but the expression on his face was that of a man who was visibly wearied by the curveballs that the day kept on throwing at him. He likes sleeping, hot springs, animals but not cats, winning... Saturn narrated in his mind as his attention drifted from the words being spoken to him. He did not need to use his chakra to learn the likes and dislikes of another from this close. Even if all of this is a simulation, someone put in a lot of thought behind every character.. As Majima finished speaking, Saturn kept his left hand on the shinobi's shoulder and winded his right hand back, taking aim for the darker ninja's cheek. He did not have an immediate answer for Majima's inquiries and he was going to slap him instead to check how he would respond. To check if he was in a simulated reality that kept throwing curveballs at him all day to see how he would react. He was paranoid and at this point strongly suspected that the people around him were actors. Before Saturn could swing his palm at his compatriot's cheek, another vessel came into view from the side, catching his attention. Still holding his palm behind his body ready to strike, he turned his head to see the incoming ship.

He squinted his eyes, and suspected that he recognized the familiar figure standing at the front of the bigger vessel. As they sailed closer, there was no doubt about it. The man leading the crew was none other than Yagi Raiten'no - one of Saturn's friends, and a mentor who had taught him how to use sensory techniques. Lowering his hand, Saturn sighed again and looked down. He was now standing on the water having left his boat behind. The pirate boots that he wore kept him on the water's surface at no cost to his chakra pool. The man in front of him, Saturn realized, had a valid reason to mistake him for a pirate. He reached for his flask and took a long swig from the dark rum he had swindled from the crew that he had left behind.  "Yagi-san? I get it... You think this is funny.." Saturn palmed his face and took two small steps towards Yagi's ship - Majima still within arm's reach. He chuckled in a desperate act of defiant psychosis, "Scallywags... The lot of ye! You're running a rig on me, aren't you? And this imposter, ye, Scourge of seven seas, is in on it too!" He pointed a finger at his compatriot on the ship, accusing him with a stern look on his own face.

"Ye can't fool Me, landlubber and son of a biscuit eater are ye, Savvy? And the bird.. ye ever heard of a chicken nugget?"


The rage in Saturn's heart brewed as he stepped back towards the canoe and grabbed the metal bars of the dome cage. He was prepared to break out of his dream at any cost necessary. Just as his hands clenched two bars on the metal cage, a loud splash interrupted his tantrum. The splash this time had come from below. A beam of lightning cracked the sky above the three Kumon shinobi, but all eyes were on the monster that had reared its head - and most of the rest of its body - from the depths of the ocean. Yagi and his crew had been accurate in pinpointing the location of the beast that they were hunting. The sight in front of Saturn now was the embodiment of terror. A massive shark had snapped his canoe in half. One half of the wooden vessel's body was clenched in the sharp teeth of the leviathan that had made its move. The shark took a vertical stance, and from its snout to its muscular midsection that emerged from the water it was at least twenty feet long though more of its body lay hidden underneath the surface of the water.

Grabbing Sharkbait's cage with one hand and the back of Majima's collar on his jacket, Saturn reacted quickly to leap backwards towards Yagi's ship and as far away from the shark as he could with both of them within the short time that he had to make a decision. Before they could land, the monster crashed into what was left of the borrowed rowboat, its sheer size creating a massive towering wave and sending it towards Saturn, Majima and Yagi. The water slapped Saturn first, but he maintained his grip on the cage. Right on cue, heavy rain poured down from above in sync with the roaring thunder.

WC: 1653
TWC: 2649
Majima Nara
Majima Nara
Stat Page : Majima
Health: 100 | AP: 350
Vigor: 34 | Chakra: 25
Speed: 20 | Strength: 25
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2000

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:13 am
Majima - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

It was as if the person in the boat was in a trance. They sat there in their pirate getup and had no verbal reply to any of Majima's questions. The situation was quite eerie for Majima with all things considered. Dropped off in the middle of the ocean and the only human he could find was in a conveniently placed boat and behaving as if in a trance. Majima was caught off guard as the man reached out to grab him but refrained from jumping back away. There was no sense of animosity or aggression from him, but the man's eyes were the cold and dark eyes of a man that had been beaten down. Maybe I'm actually dead and this dude is here to ferry me off to the underworld. He certainly has the sad dead pirate vibes going. Then the undead pirate captain started to wind back his right arm. Is he really about to just slap me for no reason? Maybe he can't speak and it is a weird underworld greeting. Majima decided to return the gesture in kind by pulling his right arm back in preparation for the slap of a lifetime.

The approach of the new ship had gone unnoticed by Majima and the arrival brought his mind out of the microcosm that had been him and the pirate locked in a staring/slapping contest on top of the rhythmic movements of the water. Majima and his companion both shifted their focus at the same time with Majima's prepared hand swinging forward unintentionally and barely missing the man's face as he turned to look at the ship. Oops, maybe he won't notice. There was a large group of sailors gathering on the side of the ship as it came to a rest next to the row boat with the most prominent figure being an imposing looking man with his torso wrapped and dark scar on the right side of his face. He appeared to be young, not much older than Majima to be sure, but there was an air about him that spoke of confidence and experience. There was also something familiar about him that Majima couldn't put his finger on. Perhaps they had met before, but surely he wouldn't forget someone like that.

It was then that Majima's pirate companion decided to start acting and speaking in a real way for the first time. Amazingly he stepped out of the boat and onto the water as if it were the most natural thing he could have done. A pirate that is a ninja? I'm sure that is crossing a line somewhere. One swig from his flask and the pirate was calling out to the domineering figure on the ship directly in a familiar manner. Yagi? Now I'm even more sure I know this guy somehow, but how do these two know each other? At that point the man went off on a barrage of words that was barely comprehensible to Majima's ears. The ninjirate was clearly upset but before Majima could interject Saturn had grabbed the cage that held his feathered friend and the sky went alight as a boom of thunder drowned out all sound for a few moments.

The next sound was the crashing and breaking of wood as an enormous shark completely tore apart the little boat that had previously been the vessel to ferry Majima to the underworld. Now it looked as if mother nature had other plans for his journey, though Majima hadn't really been all that keen on the idea in the first place to be quite honest. Saturn was kind enough to pull him back away from the remains of the boat and back towards the larger, and presumably safer, ship. Majima braced himself against the sudden wave of water before making the handseal sign for ram (Clone) and taking off at a run up to the deck of the ship dragging Saturn with him as the man had done to him before. "Yo, I'm gonna be real with you. This is the worst dimension I have ever been pulled into." He directed his words to Saturn while back on the water he had left 4 projections of himself in a group on the water. While they didn't interact physically with the world perhaps they might serve as some sort of distraction for the aquatic killing machine.

Up on the deck (with or without Saturn depending) Majima would give a wave to his apparent rescuers and take stock of the surroundings. Ah, just like I thought there would be. That should do nicely. He rushed over to a stack of cannonballs on the deck and began to toss them over one by one into the water near his clones. Heh, that should get his attention and then BAM! cannonball to the face. It seemed to be a foolproof plan, or so Majima thought as he called out to the others on the ship. "I'll try to distract it with these, if you guys could work on getting us the hell out of here that would be nice!" Just then Majima caught sight of another fin further out in the water, and this one was much larger than the that of the beast that had eviscerated the boat earlier. "Uhh, guys... I think that shark has a friend, a much bigger friend."

WC: 895
TWC: 2097
Jutsu and AP:
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:31 pm
When Saturn noticed Yagi and spoke one thing became apparent…this man was fucking insane…Then there was the other companion in that small boat of theirs promptly hopped out as there was a crash and a great thrashing in the waves. That was when the captain yelled out that there was a creature coming and the deck hands began to move. However, they appeared to be too slow as Yagi blinked and watched the small boat be destroyed. ‘Well now…all I needed to do was to get lucky and see some good bait…I guess the planet man is not…all useless.’ He thought to himself as The two were soon on deck as the skipper called out while hanging from the crows nest, coming down to the deck to inform the captain of something much much bigger heading towards them. All eyes turned to the newcomers as one started to toss cannonballs over the side. Yagi stepped up towards the one and grabbed the ball out of his hands. “STOP! Are you fucking mad?! You are going to make the big one come for…” That was when the ship was rocked and Yagi was flipped over the side of the ship. He held on for dear life as he looked underneath himself, to the sight of a great big shark that made him seem like an ant as it moved. Its fin was starting to cut through the ship as the captain yelled for the crew to repair the ship as it took on water. The noble swung back over and onto the deck of the ship as he looked for Saturn and Majima

The Kumogakure Noble was angered and looking for answers as the captain looked around at the crew on deck. There were some that decided that swimming would be a better option than fighting the creatures. The crew below deck worked tirelessly before one showed some prowess with Senju ninjutsu and they were able to stay afloat for the time being. Yagi found the pair and went to them. “Alright you two, we need to come back to square one. This ship is out here to hunt these damn things, and well…Saturn I know I outrank you here…and the sun seems to have fried your brain a little…but you need to drink some saltwater, come to your senses and get ready to fucking fight these things…as for you…” He looked at Majima and then pointed at the cannon balls.

“Go help the crew, those cannons will fire the balls…unless you think you are stronger to propel those round balls filled with black powder?” He challenged the unknown man before he watched a spear roll over towards them, he scooped it up and then checked the tip to see if it was still sharp. “Let’s get ready, the captain will not wait now that the ship is ready. Adapt to the setting, get stronger, and always fucking remember…Never go full retard.” He said as he moved to the side and saw the shark’s fin sticking out of the water as it began to turn. He steeled himself and prepared as he would have to improvise his ninjutsu to try and stop this damn thing.

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Fri Aug 05, 2022 5:27 pm
When the cold water slapped Saturn's face hard halfway into his backwards leap, he froze. The water terrified him. Especially ever since he saw for himself the wrath of the deep sea, and its terrors that could cause a man to spew out his guts and blow his eardrums up till they spewed out too, the ocean was his biggest fear. And yet now, as though he had manifested his source of fear into reality - or more likely he had pushed his luck too far and taken his detour on the beach a little too lightly - he was ensnared by the ocean's grip. His heart pounded in his chest and he shut his eyes, expecting to free fall into the bottom of the sea. He was about to pray when he felt a tug on the back of his collar.

In the nick of time, the young man whose face he had nearly slapped had pulled him back from the crashing wave, all the way to Yagi's ship. Saturn landed on his behind and the metal cage bounced before rolling to the ship's edge. There were more urgent matters at hand. Dusting himself off, Saturn wiped his face and turned to the dark haired Majima, who was making comments at him already before he could unclog his ears. He shuddered at the horrors that were incited in him upon feeling the water flood in. His pirate hat was knocked off of his head and it layed on his side. "What makes you think I'm responsible for this?" His thank you came out in the rudest tone. You saved me out there, He wanted to say, but rubbed his eyes and got back on his feet to assess their current situation. There he was, the man who had just saved him, throwing the ship's arsenal into the deep blue sea. And now you've killed us Saturn looked annoyed, but he tried not to let his pessimism show.  Walking over, he placed his pirate hat on Majima's head and then glared out into the horizon, and his vision blurred as he chuckled and then broke out into laughter, laughing at their dire stakes.

His laughter grew even louder when Yagi started yelling, and that's when the ship was rocked by the megalodon. Stumbling with the force, Saturn barely stayed on his feet before sobering up and immediately paying all of his attention to Yagi. Saltwater..? That's right.. I was drinking all the way here from the ship.. Saturn thought to himself, looking out into the ocean - plenty of saltwater there, he thought. The crew was yelling and heaving behind them, and the chaos did not give any room for the traumatized young Genin to slip a word in. Never go full retard... The words rang in his head, and his mind seemed to buffer. The crew was clearly struggling. The fin of the leviathan was slicing into the deck at an alarming speed. The smaller shark seemed to have retreated to recalculate the right angle to approach the vessel from without harming its own ally.

"Hold your fire." Saturn leaned over and fixed his cold blue eyes on Yagi's with strong conviction. No more needless suffering, no more deaths where I can help it, he thought, witnessing the struggling crew and Yagi's injuries. "Give me one minute, at the most." He had an idea. Turning to the side of the deck, he stared into the sea and took a second to prepare himself before forming hand seals in quick succession - Tiger, Horse Ram... In a blink, two physical bodied copies of Saturn stood next to him on either side, each donning Saturn's stunning good looks but both slightly misshapen in their faces so that neither were quite as handsome as the original. Using his kunai, Saturn cut his forearm making blood drip to the wooden deck of the ship. Wasting no more time, the three bodies beelined right into the ship's edge and dove into the depths of the shark infested waters below.

Upon hitting the water, the shark - the big one - immediately noticed the scent of blood. Expending no effort, the massive beast chomped down the fit blonde man who landed first, snapping his spine in two. In a puff of smoke, the body disappeared, luckily for Saturn it was just one of his clones. Diving deeper into the ocean floor was another. Looking up at the distracted shark who looked for the meal that it thought it had killed, this figure was 19 meters below the shark's belly. Unrelenting determination helped Saturn hold his breath while hand seals were formed again. Rat - Ram - Snake - Tiger - Bird - Ox. He was not holding back. With this technique, he had created a rift in space, 20 meters below the shark's belly, in the body of the ocean. This created a deep trough, pulling the ship closer to the seabed but the vessel was just out of reach from Saturn's technique. The shark, however, was in range and was pulled deeper into the sea towards the Genin and the rift that he had created with his space time technique. It was a strong technique but it was not going to hold the shark for much longer. However, Saturn Sentobi was the type to think of the bigger picture. He wasn't some mere beast killing indiscriminately out in the ocean.

Above the water, the trough that was caused levelled out, but the storm was raging. There was no sign of Saturn, and no sign of the sharks.

As the massive predator was dragged towards the rift, one able bodied swimmer performed one more set of hand seals to complete only the first phase of his grand scheme. Tiger, Snake, Horse, Ram, and a specific hand seal that was almost unique to the man himself. With those invocations, the pupils of the shark rolled back into its skull. It was possessed. The slightly less handsome clone that Saturn had summoned immediately snatched the unconscious body of the original as it began to plummet deeper into the ocean floor upon losing consciousness. Swimming like his life very much depended on it, Saturn's clone dragged him closer to the shark's body, tailgating its propellors as it made its dive even deeper into the sea.

The massive shark had senses that were completely foreign to Saturn. It was nothing like possessing a bird, a cat, or even a monkey. Its gills helped him breathe underwater, a sensation that he had never felt before. He could taste his own blood from the bait that he had taken from his own body. And he felt an insatiable longing for the flesh that he came to associate with the smell of human blood. In the ocean, he could sense with his smell and taste the cruel amount of victims that the duo of sharks had already claimed from miles away. Most importantly, he could sense the drifts in the water around him guiding him to the smaller shark, the one that had wrecked Bartholomew's canoe. It was pitch black. How he managed to pull of the stunt that he had devised to get into his new host body was beyond him.

Swimming at an impossibly fast speed, the clone struggled to keep up while Saturn focused on the hunt. He was going to kill these beasts who had caused so much suffering. This particular one had attacked Yagi just a while ago, he learned upon inheriting its memories. The worst feeling was the helpless empathy that he felt towards the shark while gaining the memories of how it had killed its countless victims. In a fit of rage, his jaws clenched on the side of the unsuspecting smaller shark's hide and chomped down, ripping into its flesh, causing its blood to sputter and ooze, turning the sea red in a patch a few hundred meters from the ship above. The bigger shark emerged from the sea with the smaller in its jaws, their flailing fins and tail were only seen for a moment before the bigger dove back into the sea, leaving the smaller specimen's body snapped in half on the sea's surface. Red was all one could see anymore beyond the storm.

The shadow clone, Saturn's servant, brought his original body back to the surface, laying him on one of the pieces of wood that the Senju clansman had conjured into the sea to aid the crew in their battle. He broke out into a cold sweat when he woke up, looking around frantically. There were no visible signs of the remaining shark, but it had broken free from Saturn's vice grip on its mind. He had gained its instincts, and he knew that it was a matter of when, not if, the shark would return to kill them all.

"It's coming from the right!"  

He shouted out his warning to his compatriots on the ship, from his wooden raft below.

WC: 1490
TWC: 4139

Majima Nara
Majima Nara
Stat Page : Majima
Health: 100 | AP: 350
Vigor: 34 | Chakra: 25
Speed: 20 | Strength: 25
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2000

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:03 am
Majima - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

Everyone's attention had now shifted to the new arrival, a massive megalodon. "Arrr ye scurvy dog! Ol' Majima'll help ye t' shove off t' Davy Jones's locker if ye be so keen t' meet 'im." Majima had paused in his efforts of tossing cannonballs out into the sea as Saturn had placed his tricorne on top of Majima's head while walking over to get a better look at the dire situation they were in. Then Yagi stormed over to him yanking the ball from his hands before laying into him for his foolish actions. He did not have ample time for the admonishment however as the ship rocked suddenly sending Yagi over the rail and Majima down to the deck as he slid and rammed against the railing.

"Shiver me timbers! That beast is lookin' t' bring down the whole bloody ship." Argh, fucking hell. Majima lifted himself up off the deck to as Saturn's maniacal laughter faded from his ears. Well look at that, it seems there are some things that can reign in even his crazy. The Nara was holding an arm across his ribs as he made his way across the deck to where Saturn was standing. Probably cracked a rib from that shit though. The crew was frantic and Yagi was nowhere to be seen until he launched himself from over the railing and back onto the ship from having been knocked over the edge earlier. Majima crouched down to alleviate the pain somewhat as Yagi approached and calmly recollected himself and everyone present before laying out a plan to take down the sharks.

Majima nodded to Yagi wincing through his pain. "Aye. Seems me throwin' arm's having a rough go of it today, 'spose we'll have t' make do with the blasted cannons today." Normally he would happily engage in an exchange of smart retorts but between the sharks, the pain, and the annoying words leaving his mouth he simply didn't have the energy or will. Instead, he followed Yagi's instruction and began to load up the ship's cannons one by one along with some other crew members. After a moment Saturn spoke up calling on the crew to hold fire and give him a minute to do... something crazy. Just like that he created some clones and was gone having jumped overboard and down into the waters. I was just messing around earlier and now the bastard's gone and lost the last of his marbles. All they could do now was to trust his plan and prepare.

"All right lads, ye heard the barnacled landlubber. Prepare yerselves fer anythin', the beasties could strike at any moment." Majima indicated for the crew to load up the cannons on both sides of the ship. Regardless of whether or not Saturn's plan worked the sharks could strike anywhere at anytime and they would need to be ready. Once everything was loaded Majima made his way back to the railing where Saturn had jumped off earlier. The ship's crew would likely be more capable at aiming and firing and without any other effective way to contribute Majima was now forced to play the waiting game until something happened, and in just that moment the waters began to turn red before the larger beast broke through the surface of the water with the smaller sharks body in its jaws leaving the carcass behind as it disappeared.

Despite the spectacle Majima's attention and focus was on finding any sign of the maniac that had saved his life earlier. He may not be able to fight off the shark directly but if called upon he could save a life. He heard his voice before he saw him. "Yagi, leave Saturn to me!" Majima tossed the hat from his head (and in the direction of Yagi in such a way that it just may happen to land on the man's head) before he spoke and just as the words left his mouth he had leapt over the side of the ship feet first down to the makeshift raft where Saturn lay.

Majima winced involuntarily as he landed on the water's surface. He had sank somewhat softly into the water from the drop but his surface walking technique kept him from completely submerging in the water and after a moment his chakra adjusted to a point where he was standing atop the surface once more. Majima's rib pain was being numbed from a rush of adrenaline and he was speedy as he approached Saturn's raft and picked the man up without stopping his movement. At the moment he had no idea where the shark was and he could not afford to stop and make himself and Saturn an easy target.

"People say I'm dumb but you're a fucking idiot you know that? I mean what the hell was that even about?" Majima shifted to carry Saturn piggyback as he kept running back toward the ship, his destination being a rope ladder at about the mid-point of the ship. Seriously, why did the sharks attack each other and not Saturn? He was even bleeding when he jumped... The sprint to the ship was quick and uneventful as Majima carefully climbed up the ladder with Saturn. At least the little one is down, I sure hope Yagi has a plan for the big one.

WC: 889
TWC: 2986

-Dropping Clone Tech
-Using Surface Walking
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:59 pm
The way everything progressed in that next instance was enough to make anyone’s head spin. With his words having spurned the crew, Saturn, and his friend to take action the shark creatures were quick on the move. When he was knocked off the side of the ship with the shark ramming it he worked hard, using the surface walking technique to get a grip and to ensure he was back on deck quickly he watched as the two shinobi moved into action to counter one of the two creatures. While Majima spoke more like a stereotypical pirate captain, Yagi began to think that the two had been stuck at sea for a lot longer than they had been…or they were REALLY into this whole “fighting at sea” thing. He went to the cannons and helped the crew to fire at the beasts. Saturn however, completely ignoring the “never go full retard” comment and dove into the water. Yagi blinked as he looked around the deck and wanted to just fucking go berserk at this moment, but his noble lineage and what he represented kept him in check. “I see my words fell on deaf ears then…no matter, I will just do what I need to to fell the damn beast.” He would say before using the hand seals for two specific jutsu; Ninjutsu Amplification and Chidori.

There was a commotion under the water and as Yagi watched, the bigger shark killed the smaller one in some sort of confusion or cannibalistic act to reduce the competition. The blood and bits of the massive creature made the water murky and red as the crew looked shocked. That was when his Chidori reached its peak as Majima dove in to save Saturn, pulling him up the ladder as the crew readied for the next attack. Yagi picked up the captain tricorn hat and placed it on his head. He really looked the part as Saturn and Majima were back on deck, the ship was slowly starting to sink as the slice that was taken from the ship was going to leave them stranded. The captain ordered a few members of the crew to fire off flares that would make the dull and ominous sky light up as if there was a second son. Now was the time for action as Yagi moved up to the bow and saw the fin start to surface. They had little time to prepare. “ALRIGHT YOU DAMN SEADOGS! THIS IS IT, IT IS US OR THAT CREATURE THAT WILL MEET ITS END!!!” His face was illuminated by the blue glow of the chidori that gathered in strength as he looked like some supernatural king of the sea, the fin was now 3 meters out of the water. “I FOR ONE WILL NOT BE LETTIN’ THIS THING BE THE END OF ME! PREPARE THE CANNONS AND DROP ANCHOR! FIRE ON MY MARK!” He said as he saw the nose peek out of the water and the air smelled of blood and the air reeked of death. It was time that he did something…stupid as well as he walked out onto the carving of the leviathan at the bow, with his Chidori active he prepared for a head on attack. “Saturn and Majima, if you have any way to defend the ship or to create a diversion please help me to get inside the beast.” He would say calmly as the roar of the ocean and the sounds of a blazing wind drove the beast to prepare for an attack. Yagi saw that there was about to be a great moment and he backed up before making a straight dash as the tricorn hat remained on his head as he dove for the colossal shark. The chidori in his hand was ready and sparks flew in many directions.

“OPEN UP WIDE FUCKER! DADDY’S HOME!” He said loudly as let out a primal roar and displayed a fearsome aura of killing intent. The Raitenno noble was going to succeed or he would die…that was the only way this would end.

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Requiem in the Deep Sea Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:54 pm
"You wouldn't get it.." Saturn groaned weakly on Majima's back, in a condescending tone although he was on the verge of passing out. So far he had told no one about the true extent of his niche powers. Keeping it that way had its own advantages although it made the skilled Genin more inclined to show off when given the chance. He opened his eyes just a little to see where he was being taken, and he saw the ship coming closer and closer in his vision. "No, wait, turn around! No! No, no, no, no, no!" The shinobi yelled helplessly on his back but his words would fall on deaf ears as his compatriot would escort him to the very ship that the colossal shark was presently beelining at. Although he had warned them, it would appear that he had been unclear and hysteric after emerging from the dangerous situation he had put himself in in the water. As they came up from the ladder into the deck of the ship, Saturn ejected from Majima's back, falling to the wooden floor of the deck first, and then getting up on his feet and looking around frantically for the monster that was headed their way.

 As he looked, he saw that the Jounin, Yagi had already located the beast and taken aim. Lightning cackled at the shinobi's palm as he stared into the heart of the leviathan that had claimed so many lives in its wake. Quickly regaining alertness, Saturn rushed to the edge of the ship and planted his hands on the side as he watched the massive shin of the monster as it sliced the ocean in its path. The storm at this point had cascaded into an onslaught of endless, loud rain. Thunder roared in the distance and echoed all around them. The Sun had set, and the strongest light that encompassed the deep blue sea was that casted by the techniques used by various members of the crew. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched Yagi leap off of the vessel at the charging killer. He had asked if they could help him penetrate the sharks innards - a weird request, but he seemed to know what he was doing.

 Thinking quickly, Saturn leaned over the edge before he covered his mouth and used a simple technique to throw his voice ahead of Yagi [1]. Although thus far he did not dabble in puppetry, he had picked up a few tricks in his journey that could be useful in odd situations. After all, odd situations were this Genin's specialty. Imitating the chirping sound made by his mentor's chidori, he made the shark hear its fatal lightning two meters ahead of Yagi's actual position in his trajectory. This caused the beast to rear its head from the ocean a moment too early, and open its jaws in anticipation of the attack from its renowned nemesis, only to find that it had now inadvertently opened a direct path to its gutter. 

WC: 504
TWC: 4643
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