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Asahi Igarashi
Asahi Igarashi
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Cookies for Suna Empty Cookies for Suna

Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:14 pm
Cookie Time! [D Rank]

Mission Name: Cookie Time!
Rank: D
Type: Help
Character Requirements: Be and NRPG Character
Mission Location: Village (Or neutral town if missing nin)
Word Count Requirements: 1000
Challenges: -
Repeatable? yes
NPC? -
Reward: 2000 Ryo, 20 AP, Leather

The Hollykage magically teleports a large sack that’s full of warm cookies and delicious sweets! Hand them out all around the village until the sack is empty.

Asahi was strolling down an alley in Sunagakure when suddenly, with a flash of light, the Hollykage appeared out of nowhere. The air suddenly felt cooler and the ninja thought he could smell baked goods. He shielded his eyes at first, but within a few seconds the light was gone and there stood an old man with a long, white beard. He was dressed strangely for someone in these parts. His coat and pants were thick and puffy and all in red. Asahi thought that within a few minutes under the sun he'd pass out from heatstroke dressed as heavily as he was.

"Ho ho ho!" the old sage began. "Merry Christmas! I am the Hollykage, here to bring you and Sunagakure the Christmas cheer.

"I... don't know what any of that means," Asahi replied, stunned by the sudden appearance and proclamation of the man. This doesn't make any sense. "Who are you, really? What do you want?" This Hollykage was clearly an extremely powerful shinobi. It's not anyone who can just materialize out of thin air. The Genin went on the defense. He held his kunai up in front of him in case the stranger meant to attack.

"Oh ho ho ho," the newcomer laughed in surprise. "I mean you no harm at all, please do not fret! Put down your weapon."

The Hollykage began taking steps towards the shinobi. With another flash of light he was suddenly standing right before Asahi with a gloved hand outstretched. Asahi swung with his blade in defense but it vanished from his grip. Then the white glove touched his shoulder. Another flash of light came and went. When it was done Asahi felt no fear. He knew that this Hollykage meant him no harm. What's more, he could feel the spirit of Christmas flowing through his veins. He had no idea what that meant, but it felt nice. Images of snow and reindeer, packages wrapped in colorful paper and baked goods swirled around in his head.

"Take this," a large sack was suddenly next to Asahi. "Hand these out to your fellow villagers," the Hollykage laughed again with his signature "ho ho ho. One bite of these cookies and they too will experience the joy of Christmas as you have." He gave a final smile before declaring, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!" A final flash went and then the man was gone.

Asahi was beyond questioning what had just happened. Though he still didn't quite understand what was going on he knew it to be the right thing to do. These people need to experience the joy of Christmas. It's my job to bring it to them. Sunagakure will thank me. He wondered briefly what Christmas was as he strolled over to pick up the bag full of goodies. It was light as a feather, yet when he looked inside it was stuffed to the brim with warm gooey chocolate chip cookies. The magic of Christmas, he nodded in understanding as he reached down to have a snack of his own before handing out the rest to his people.

He started in the district he lived in. Door by door he went, knocking and prattling on about the virtues of the holiday season. Many called him mad, most shut their doors after a while of his rambling. But some listened. Some listened and took the first step forward to simply try a cookie. What harm could it cause? It was just a snack, most of them had surely thought. As soon as they talked a single bite they were believers just as Asahi was. Christmas was a wonderful thing, and it was a feeling that must be shared with as many people as possible. For every person he converted he handed them dozens of cookies to help spread the joy with him. Curiously, no matter how many cookies he took out of the bag it never seemed like it was getting any emptier.

After only an hour of knocking on doors in his neighborhood and spreading the cheer the revelry was well underway in Sunagakure. The citizens he had given cookies too had knocked on doors on their own and passed more cookies to their friends and family. One become two, then four, then eight. The spirit was like wildfire, once it got started it was impossible to stop. People were singing in the streets, makeshift lights were put up and couples were dancing together on their balconies. The air was filled with strange words such as "Rudolph" or nonsense such as "Little Drummer Boy". Even though the citizens of Suna did not know what it meant they knew that it was right.

His final task was the last place untouched by the merrymaking: the Spire. He started from the bottom and moved up floor by floor. Asahi passed out cookies to all the inhabitants one by one, making sure to leave extra snacks on each floor for the converted to pass along and spread the joy even further. Thankfully, the Spire was equipped with seals that allowed easy passage between the floors. Were it not for that sort of magic the Genin would likely have failed in his own agenda of spreading Christmas magic. Finally it was finished. On each of the one hundred floors was merrymaking. He stood upon the top floor and looked out over Sunagakure. The whole city was lit up like a beacon in a hundred different lights. And most importantly, the belly's of each citizen were filled to the brim with wonderful baked cookies.

"Ho ho ho!" Asahi heard the voice of the Hollykage within his head. "You have completed your task and brought these treats to all in Sunagakure. Look inside the bag." The ninja did as he was bid and took a peak inside. The magical bag that never seemed to deplete of cookies was suddenly empty. He had done it. "I have a reward for you, but now you most sleep. Sleep and forget all you have done today, but never forget in your heart the magic of Christmas!" The voice began to fade out and Asahi suddenly felt extremely sleepy.

He jolted out of his bed in a cold sweat. He took a moment to gather his bearings and realize that everything was fine. What an awful dream. Asahi rolled over in his bed and tried to go back to sleep. He was glad that was just all in his head. How bizarre.


D-Ranked Mission Complete, 1074 WC + 2000 Ryo, 20 AP and Leather

Spending 1074 WC to put Eight Inner Gates (Jutsu, Gate of Opening) at 1074/2500 WC and +10 to Vigor Stat
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Cookies for Suna Empty Re: Cookies for Suna

Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:21 pm

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