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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:04 pm
(In Fang Country)

Sitting cross-legged atop a cliff overlooking The small port town in which he had met Yaju Hayate, Den was glad he at least was wearing clothes this time. When he first arrived within Fang Country he had been without anything at all, and it was only through the generosity of a young couple that he had nakedly stumbled upon that he had the simple out fit he was wearing now. The encounter had been awkward at first, but in the end he had managed to strike a bargain with the couple. They bought him some clothes and he used his medical ninjutsu to heal the broken arm of their kid back at their home. It seemed there weren't to many shinobi in the Fang Country, and those that were weren't often trained in medical ninjutsu. This fact had allowed Den to get a place in this little community as a healer, getting food and shelter in exchange for his services. It seemed that his book wasn't popular in this area, as he had yet to be recognized by any of the townsfolk as far as he was aware. He'd started to go by the name of Takehiko, hoping that would ensure no one heard he had returned to this world. He didn't want to be found.

But none of that had anything to do with why he was back atop this cliff. Since his arrival a few days ago Den had come up here each day, feeling the breeze and letting the sun warm him. Facing a wonderful view that he couldn't see, Den wondered how he should deal with his blindness.

I should have just implanted the Byakugan.. The former kage wondered if dealing with the accusations of stealing a dojutsu would be easier than navigating blind. Not if someone came after me. As much as he hated to admit it, this was the better option. If he could find some dojutsu that weren't to obvious, or manage to sneak into the morgue of the town and grab a pair, he'd be much better off in the long run.

Den was motionless in his grey shirt and beige shorts contemplating his predicament as he waited for one of the townsfolk to come collect him and lead him down the path back into the village. He was almost at the point where he could walk the path without getting lost using a stick, but he'd rather have the company than getting himself lost like an idiot. He could just teleport back to the town but that took up a good chunk of his chakra in his current state.

Sighing as his problems seemed to just keep building up in his mind, Den took a deep calming breath. As he let it out he let all of these worries go for a moment, and the nature energy around him in to take its place. He felt his muscles relax, his mind grow calmer.

WC: 494

3 Nature Energy Stacks (2 from meditation, 1 from Natural Berseker)
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Sun Sep 01, 2019 11:41 am
The had been relaxing for some time. It had been a memory made reality, and that was what he was in the business of these days. The corpse of Youka Tau......he’d stolen it and spoken with it for days. Maybe it had even been weeks, it was hard to say. Finally though, he’d seen it buried. It’s powers leaked away, and even the ambient powers of what he had seemed lost by his own meddling in the field of decay. It was a stark reminder of what awaited all shinobi in the end, a cold plot without friends. Except.....Maku had been there for him.

From there the land held little. This had been the last place that there had been true struggle for the pair. At least, in Maku’s mind that was the case. From this point forward it had been a challenge perhaps, but not the struggle. The ruins of his office had played home, and the remnants of a destroyed village the gates of his exile. Yet, he never could stay in one place for long.......he wondered how many realms in the afterlife there was, and when his time came if he would finally find solace.........doubtful at best.

His powers had been greatly deteriorated. A lack of use. He’d not used as much as a single chakra technique since his departure from the land of lightning, and this dissuading use seemed more potent than he’d ever guessed. Sitting cross legged, his mind reached out, searching. Searching mostly for ghosts.

It had become his routine. He’d forage for food, he’d speak to the dead, and then he’d hunt for ghosts. Reaching out with his minds eye, trying to connect with the chakra of the world and find those that he’d left behind. It was always the same order. He’d search for Kiranomo, and then Youka Tau, Echo Uchiha, Akihanna Akari, and Denkitiki.......always the results where the same. He was alone. Except......on the day of the burial one lone spark seemed to radiate out.

His body washed over in a gold light, as though this finding had caused an unused system to fire back up. The prospect of once again finding a single soul that knew of his predicament. For the first time a smile seemed to crack the frigid exterior that had haunted his growling gaunt features. With that, a flash and he was gone.

Teleportation had long been a staple of his abilities. He’d become one of the best at it that he was aware of, and yet outside of the mind sharpening battles......he just never could get positioning right. Appearing upside down, and a couple inches from the ground, Maku Jemuzu would land and form a perfect scorpion of pain a couple feet from his wayward brother. A swear was released as he hit the ground and crumpled. Rolling to his back his eyes would still be closed, though it was undoubtedly the power of his brother that lay near. “Den, that’d better be you.....swear to god if this was a trap and I’m about to die imma be pissed.” His voice was sing song, light on the wind, though hoarse form not being used. He waited......trying to contain emotion until he was certain.

Wc - 538
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:09 pm
Den was taking another calming breath when suddenly a powerful chakra signature began to form a few feet away from Denkiteki. His breath would catch in his throat as panic briefly gripped him. he first thing that he noticed was the sheer power of this chakra, whoever was approaching must have been using a technique to enhance themselves, something likely on par with Sage Mode. Den's first thought was that he would have to use Vanish to escape before the person fully materialized, however it seemed that this technique was faster than his. Perhaps he would have to Body Flicker first?

All these panicked thoughts left his mind when he recognized the chakra however.


Activating Minds Eye of the Kagura, Den would examine the still forming individual that was behind him. The chakra network seemed to be roughly the same size as his brothers, could this really be him? Wanting to be sure this wasn't a trap he'd extend his chakra senses out to 250 meters, checking for any other notable chakra signatures. His Minds Eye also informed him that he wasn't in a Genjutsu, so could that mean... it really was Maku?

After his brother crumpled to the ground Den quickly got to his feet, careful to keep his balance as he blindly did so. Had his brother been injured, was that why he had teleported to him like this? He stumbled a bit as he turned around, but it seemed that even this worry was unwarranted. His brother was fine, though also worried about the possibility of being caught in a trap. It seemed they were both being a bit paranoid, though in this world you never could be to sure.

Finally coming to the conclusion that this was in fact his brother and that Maku wasn't seriously injured, Den wasn't sure how he felt. There was elation at seeing his brother for the first time in years, confusion on how his brother accomplished this, and guilt for having hidden away in Sanctuary for so long.

"How did you find me?"

WC 344

TWC: 838

45 AP used on Minds eye of the Kagura
+5 AP from Natural Berserker

360 AP left

4 Nature Energy Stacks Stored

Last edited by Denkiteki on Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : WC and AP costs)
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:17 pm
“How about a hello, or good to see you, or long time no see?” Maku would say in his sing song voice. He’d start to get up and brush off his robes. What had once been a pristine White was now pockmarked with dirt, melted snow, and blood. Sitting cross legged, he’d look up at his brother, he’d instantly note his eyes closed. Something that seemed beyond odd. “Everything ok bro?” He’d say, a more of concern in his voice. His own eyes would start to flicker around, noting their location and looking for danger, of which he found none.

He’d get up and make a variety of faces and rude hand gestures to test his brothers visual acuity, though he had his suspicions. Once he had heard anything Den was willing to share about his current condition he’d begin his own explanation. “You’re pretty were we all. You, me, Akihanna, Youka, the list goes on.” His voice would teeter off for a moment before finding itself again. “I’ve been looking for anyone honestly. You’re the first one that’s come up.” He’d say shrugging and sitting back down.

He’d look over towards the village in the distance. Scanning the place over. “Where you been? I don’t think I’ve seen you since I was in Hoshi.” Not that he had a lot of room to talk, he’d abandoned the place after all.....and the people within it.

Assuming he’d ask what Maku had been upto, or just because he liked to hear himself talk he’d give his own brief description of what he’d been up too. He’d detail leaving Hoshi, his time in discord and its total collapse. How he no longer could go into his own dimension. To his travel to Kumo and working with Youka as the general of Kumo’s forces. It’s expansion into the in-between lands, culminating in the attack on Suna and the death of Koroshi Uchiha. A revenge that Den has saved him from on their first meeting.

Finally his take over of Kumo, and work within before Youka’s illness has sapped his inspiration from ruling. “I guess I’m just not the leader type aye? Done it a couple times now, but ends the same each time......”. He’d continue to look out into the village as he talked. “What’s you’re plan here Den?”

TWC - 925
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Sun Sep 01, 2019 5:44 pm
Maku was as jovial as ever it seemed, even after all this time. Just as perceptive as well. He quickly went from playfully chiding Den for his greeting to noticing there was something wrong with him. Den wondered if Maku meant the closed eyes, or how weak the former Hogokage's chakra had become. Both would be quite obvious to the blonde, while as far as Den's senses could tell Maku was more powerful than ever. Den couldn't see how disheveled his brother's appearance looked, only sense his overwhelmingly powerful chakra. There was a faint smell of dried blood on him, but Den wasn't entirely sure what that meant at the moment. Was it from an old wound, or was the blood someone else's?

"Thing's are better now that you're here, I can say that much at least. It's been awhile since I've been able to say things were ok." When had the last time been? Perhaps that time the two of them and Naoki had hung out in Shimagakure, that was a fond memory. Things had seemed like they were going to finally get better then.

As his brother stood up and began making gestures Den would let out a slight chuckle, "I can still sense your movements, but yeah you caught me. I'm blind."

His brother's explanation for finding him was rather vague, but Den decided not to press it for the moment. It seemed his brother had some method of finding those he knew, perhaps something akin to Den's Sanctuary Pond? He definitely planned to learn about this power later.

So Aki and Youka are gone, huh? Den had thought those two would change the world. They seemed the most likely to be the inheritors of Asura and Indra's wills, at least from what information Den had gathered about these spirits from Kokou. Youka had possessed the Rinnegan, the ancient doujutsu said to either bring peace or destruction to the world through its power. And Aki had possessed the belief that there was good in everyone, that peace was achievable if everyone just tried to understand each other. But if they were both gone, who would determine the fate of this world now?

He'd be torn from his thoughts by his brother's next question, asking him where he had been all this time. "I realized that I wasn't doing much good as the Hogokage, or as anything really, so I was in Sanctuary for a long time. The dimension collapsed on itself a few days ago though, and it spit me out back into this world. What about you, what'd you do after you left?" Den knew some of the details, but he wanted to hear it from Maku.

Den listened as his brother detailed his journey, it seemed that he too had lost the capability to maintain a dimension. Not only that, but Maku had gone back on a path of war, going so far as to conquer Suna. If Maku explained the circumstances of Koroshi's demise at the hands of Takeo, the Hogokage's face would be that of shock. To think Takeo's jutsu had become that powerful. Den had briefly witnessed it during their own clash outside of Hoshigakure, he had known the jutsu had incredible defensive potential. But to be strong enough to take on the Gates? Incredible.

The story ended with Maku explaining that he had lost the inspiration to rule Kumo after Youka had fallen ill. He even went as far as to say he wasn't the leader type. "Yeah, it usually goes the same way for me when I try and step up and take charge. As for this place? I'm just trying to do a few good deeds while I regain my strength. Healing people here and there, trying to keep a low profile."

As the two talked Den would continue to monitor for other chakra signatures within 250 meters. He'd activated the technique so he might as well use it to make sure no one was listening in on this conversation.


-20 for Minds Eye of the Kagura
+5 from Natural Berserker
345 AP left

5 Nature Energy Stacks
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:08 pm
“That’s fair I guess.......”. Maku would say at his brothers admission of the quite life. After all, wasn’t that what he’d been doing in the ruins of Yukigakure. When a brother Hyato ruled it seemed peace or prosperity never really fell, no matter how it would seem at the time. He’d given Den all the information he had, every detail and he’d taken all of the sages story to heart as well.

He’d mostly let the blindness thing go, things happened. His own dimensional segregation has been traumatic enough. He could still remember standing on the precipice of death......that door open before him to oblivion, until Youka had pulled him back. He’d lost something that day, and while it wasn’t as physical as his brothers own predicament it was no less traumatic. He was searching for it again, and maybe he’d find it here.

They talked for some time, and when their conversation became stagnant he was pleased that his brother offered him lodging at what little he had. Following his brother into the village, it gave a different, albeit true rendition of blind leading the blind. What would it be like to live the quite life.......


Several weeks went by, and nothing exciting or very ninja worthy occurred. Denkitiki establishes himself as the healer supreme of the village. He was starting to get attention from the more remote fifes. They would send their injured or sick, and they’d return to work. As for Maku......well his work was a little less noble, but it had become just as popular.

The “Chortling Chunin” quickly became the most popular restaurant and karaoke bar in the village. Likewise, it drew some moderate attention, and enjoyed most nights of being sold out. Next door, Maku had took over a childhood dream, one that had been forgotten the day he’d left his post on guard duty in Takigakure......a time that seemed a thousand years ago. “The Gallivanting Genin Travel Agency” or the GGTA as it had become known. Utilizing his prowess in Genjutsu he developed a practice of sending people on dreamlike vacations without ever having to leave the country. For the poorer folks farming it was a god send. Maybe it wasn’t real, or maybe it didn’t matter the people still came.

We rejoin the pair inside of the Chortling Chunin midday. Maku was on stage, his voice coming out over the crowd as it seemed a full band played behind him, despite the lack of any seen. The deep purple necklace, the last remnants of discord. Glowed softie and provided the ambiance needed. “I’m a baaaad guy......steal your girl type, seduce your dad type.....”

His song would go on, and on the finish a loud cheer. Taking the tip jar and handing it off to the blonde waitress he’d beeline to Den’s perpetually saved table. “Heard you reattached an arm the other day....Hell of a trick doc.” He’d say sing song, giving a low whistle at the end.

TWC - 1430
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:33 pm
After the two finished their talk Den took his brother into town. It didn't take long for Maku to adjust, at least as far as Den could tell. In only a matter of weeks he managed to procure ownership of two establishments, it seemed Maku was quite the businessman. Being next to the success had an effect on Den as well. He no longer seemed like some blind homeless man claiming to have magic, but rather another part of the experience when one meant to pay the Chortling Chunin a visit. Now people from other towns and villages within Fang Country had come to him for healing. How long until he healed someone who recognized him?

Den was musing over this fact when he heard the approach of familiar footsteps. It seemed that Maku's song was done. As his brother joined him Den would fumble for his drink, his left hand feeling along the tables surface until it lightly tapped against a small cup. Grasping the cup, Den listened as his brother praised him for his most recent feat.

"If I'll be honest, I was a bit worried at first. It's been a few deca.. it's been a few years since I've had to stick someone's arm back on." Den let out a soft chuckle as he spoke, he was a little bit drunk.

"To fixed arms, and your wonderful performance." Den would say as he lifted his cup. The blind man didn't know if his brother had a drink with him or at the table, but he was sure that Maku would be able to acquire one quickly enough.

WC: 270

Last edited by Denkiteki on Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed a sentence)
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:48 am
“They were in good hands, if not good eyes I’m sure.” Maku would say laughing at his own jest. Perhaps it was in poor taste, but alas one didn’t come to Maku for fixing feelings....they came for the food and drink. Speaking off, he’d raise a hand and snap towards the same waitress that he’d given the tip jar too.

Shortly she’d arrive, just as Den raised a glass in toast. Before him was placed a large platter of pork buns, lettuce wraps, and lamb kibabs. The smell wafted gently up to the duos nostrils. As Maku raised his own hand, it would be filled with a glass, a generous helping of Nashi Sake. The sweet aroma of the pear smelled through the alcohol. A gentle clink, and Maku threw back the whole glass, just to find it refilled within seconds. He saw to it, Den’s wasn’t left wanting either.

“We really gotta get you them eyes fixed bro.” Maku would say looking around the room. “Really wish you could see some of these girls......that’d be worth it alone.” Laughing he’d turn back to the table, grabbing a pie of chopsticks, and making sure a pair ended up in his brothers hand as well.

They’d eat with minor chatter, the patients the doctor had attended, and the menu alterations that Maku was considering. They talked, as though they were normal people, with normal jobs. The blood, sweat, and tears that stained the hems of their souls almost forgotten for a little while. Shinobi life wasn’t far, the pair had taken to meditation and training together on the outskirts of the village. For Den, it was getting familiar with his new found state of blindness. Learning to make movements and react, the combat was almost like a dance. Working out the muscles, and staying strong rather than any intent behind it. For Maku the training had become related to his own calmness and demeanor. A new power was blossoming in him. Something he had not known before, but he wish he had. Not because of the strength granted, but because of the calm that came with it.

He’d lost himself in control, pinpointing chakra in a way he’d never done before. Chakra control was nothing to him, his specialty in genjutsu had seen to that. He had been a damn prodigy in the aspect, still yet to ever meet a soul alive that could touch what he could do. Yet, now he wondered if getting lost in illusions, his powers living in something that wasn’t real had tainted him somehow.

During his meditations he would think back on Youka Tau, and the poisoned mind that existed long before the decay. The demon within, the jester that was expelled. Where these all creations from chakra unchecked, or was the problem they’d been given power by the very control they had. A reversal of intent, being controlled by what they had sought to dominate. There were never any real answers to these questions, and there never would be. Yet, Maku had started to find solace in this, rather than yearning.

Looking back at Denkitiki, he left the world of their training, and returned to the real one. “I’ve raised enough money I think. If you can’t get eyes back, I think it’s about time we pay someone that can.” He’d look out through the window at distant storm clouds. “I’m enjoying our life, but these things never seem to last. I don’t know if I want the fight anymore, but I do know I want us both to get away if it comes.” He’d been nearly as paranoid as Den these last few weeks. His hair was returning to black without upkeep, and the start of scruff forming. Their training was done far away, and only after they both checked for miles they were safe. They were shadows of past selves, and it was only a matter of time until old lives wanted back in to new ones. It was time to face that reality, even inside this happy one.


TWC - 2100

10 stats to Chakra

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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:34 pm

8 stats into speed
1780/2,500 towards Trail of the Trickster Maku's teaching Den the technique
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan   Empty Re: Blind Guy Regrets not Implanting Byakugan

Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:56 pm
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