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Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido Empty Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido

Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:47 pm
Name: Shinoskay Shirogane
Rank: Genin
V1 -
V2 -
Full Beast -

Character Stats:

Jutsu Unlocked
BL (0/1)
S-Rank: (-)





E-Rank (∞):

Skills Unlocked:

Items I Own:

What You See:
By default, Shinoskay starts all threads with chakra suppression activated, making his chakra stat appear to be 0.
1 Tonto (horizontal, two inches above small of back weapon pouch, Handle to the right)
1 Chuunin Armour (Worn on Body) {Unless stated otherwise, +25 passive speed is default declared from this item}
*The Armour Jacket is a few sizes too large so he can easily slip the sleeves over his hands and if he tucks his legs to his chest not only do they fit in the jacket but the jacket will hang over the bottom of him/if he bunches up into a ball, the entire jacket can be moved over and closed to completely cover him*
1 Silencing Boots (Worn on feet)
1 White Mask (on face)
1 Sheathed hunting knife (his right fore arm, on its top side)

None village Ninja Shinobi 'Jacsin Tenzaki' Disguise appearance':
Weapon pouch on right leg:
Weapon pouch on left leg:
Weapon Pouch On Small of Back:
Hidden Arms:

Storrage Displacement 5/16:

Shinoskay had been here before, standing here before the gate, he was nervous then but this time he felt a sense of anger and loss to him. He wasnt sure when he had been here but he felt the familiar sense of standing in the dark with the flood gate like barrier holding him from entering the arena until the fight started. He remembered staring at this wall before, everything was uncertain and scary back then but now the boy knew no fear.

Shinoskay's white mask, now iconic to his image that included his Konoha armour with its hood up so that the two completely covered and concealed his head. For this fight he had locked the hood into place, sealing it over his mask, using a chakra seal array that would last until released to give it an almost unnatural resilience over what it normally could handle. Naturally, his puppeteers teal was also already out, rather then being hidden using hidden arms, since this was combat.

On either side of him were two identical looking versions of him and behind him stood the menacing figure of his barrel chested puppet draped in a full body poncho. Chakra threads lead from the boys right hand. His pinky, ring, and middle fingers each sent 2.

As the gate opened, The moment the boy saw he could not see his opponent and that he had enough space to slip through he would immediately activate quiet step and bolt forward, in tandem while forming the hand seals for Rock clone, with his puppet following behind him. He had to travel 88 meters in total, 59 vertical and 29 horizontal, to put himself standing vertically just on the outside of the 40 meter, upper most, ring so that he could look over it. He did not expect his opponent to come from that way, of course, but this position offered him a vantage point for the majority of the arena. A shinoskay would form back at just outside the gate as the original passed that location and immediately it would surface walk to underneath the bridge and then towards the rings at a speed of 50. 5 chakra threads would lead from both the puppeteers tails to each shinoskay, respectively.

For this thread, there was heavy snow fall. Christmas was just around the corner and it was deep into winter time, the normally bright and vibrant Konoha was hosting more then just genin and entourages from other villages but also jack frost and his compliment of white furry friends. The water was not frozen through, it was cold for sures but it was also dipped into the earth and away from the chilling wing... for now it was just a heavy dose of snow. This could change, of course, it was due to get worse and so that was a likely possibility.

Stat Page : Smoke Warning
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido

Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:23 pm
Ryūka Stats:

Ryūka was having a week alright. He wasn't used to change. All 2 years of his life, he had been living in a small village. The travel alone traumatized Ryūka. Having to stay in this unfamiliar place, was giving him a constant headache, that he chalked up to stress. Either way, here he was. He just wanted to get this over and done with more than anything.

He dashed to the middle of the uppermost ring. He waved at his opponent with his left hand, the one he could see at his "vantage point". His right hand was holding a reinforced katana, the left one holding Shinsō.

Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido

Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:50 am
Shinoskay was surprised to see Ryuka appear making their way up onto the center platform. The rear White masked genin made no indication of anyone coming from the lower part of the arena or either of the sides, and that one would make way to the third platform, till they are 25 meters from the upper Shinoskay, where they would activate hiding like a mole to use the seismic sensory to scan for anyone else... as well as to scan Ryuka... before then Moving the the platform just under the center one, and 10 meters to the left, where it would then be 19 meters from the upper Shinoskay.

While that Shinoskay did all that, when Reyuka stepped onto the Center platform, the Shinoskay at also at the center platform would also step up onto the same space where; as Ryuka reached 1 meter in and 39 away from him, Upper Most Platform Shinoskay would form the seal of confrontation in tandem with directing his puppeteers tail to arc upward, a meter away from him, till it was fully 5 meters up... before then directing it to crane forward so that the blade started from 1 foot above his head and 1 meter forward from his head.

This would take the same amount of time as it would for Ryuka to move 5 meters but would occur regardless of what happened.

While Moving his tail, and holding the seal of Confrontation, he would move 1 meter forward, all of this would put him and Ruka 33 meters away from each other.... Sand like magnetized earth would begin to form in a 1 meter thick ring 4 meters from Shinoskay... level with his chest.

The moment the lower Shinoskay was finished with all of his actions, he would lob 2 kunai, and 2 shurikens up, arcing over the ledge of the center platform, to land 2 meter in front of shinoskay, 3 meters from the ledge of the center platform.

The moment Ryuka entered Shinoskay's sight, all of the chakra threads would go invisible and the puppet would stop where it was before going to the point where the lower shinoskay would end up... having another 4, and moving 1 from the upper shinoskay to the puppet, attached to it before it then was directed to jump up onto the center platform.

If Ryuka continued his approach after the allowed amount of distance then Upper Shinoskay would immediately draw a shuriken before throwing it at the kumo nin. From his right weapon pouch using his right hand.

He Expected them to stop at 7 meters. Either after the throw, or If they stopped, then Upper Shinoskay would immediately begin to form sand like magnetized earth in a ring around him, 1 meter thick, 4 meters away from his body... level with his chest. While simultaneously forming spider web like threads all around him in a 10 meter radius... He would decide how to continue, not intending to let them progress more then another 2 meters, based on where things are once all of this finishes.

Stat Page : Smoke Warning
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido

Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:37 am
Ryuka activated his booster, then used bull rush to get the hell out of there. "Nope. Not having any of this shit." he thought to himself, as any kunai, shuriken, or else would have passed through his smokeyness. His speed would be nigh-invisible to Shino, but not necessarily so. He would be out of the gate he came out of, merely seconds after having entered the ring. The crowd would probably be confused, especially those who were unable to track Smokeperf. He then headed out for ramen 

[OOC: bull rush, body is the weapon, etc. speed: super much, everything max speed, etc. etc.]

[EXIT. Claiming loss.]

Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Shinoskay Shirogane Vs Ryuka Kamido

Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:29 pm
Shinoskay was beyond confused to see his designated foe appear on the center platform.... just to suddenly run ALLLLLL the way away. He didnt believe it was real until he heard the fight win announcement that he had won. It made no sense to him, the fight hadnt even started and now it was over?

Now the only one in the arena, Shinoskay collected his things and then also vacated the arena.

[taking win.... I guess? wtf?!?]
Claiming: 1064
claiming 10 ap
Ill edit rest of claim in after chuunin(s) I guess.
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