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Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:02 pm
Hoshi struck out and almost hit him, but since he didn't wait until he was sure he would be there and the limited sight of the smoke, it allowed Zyxis to move backward. He realized that their attacks wouldn't be able to connect in the smoke no matter how much they threw fists. Hoshi couldn't hit Zyxis, and Zyxus couldn't hit Hoshi, no matter what the situation right now. 

He began to move backward, running through hand seals. Boar → Ram → Snake → Horse → Drago. As he moved backward three meters, the sound of crackling energy sounded out throughout the smoke, and it flashed from gray to blue for a split second. If this missed, he would be screwed. All of his energy was about gone.

The lightning was released in a wave about two meters long. He controlled it to the point where it would harm and leave a mark, but no scars. [Power 25 | Speed 25]

It would strike him, causing him to scream out and pain and all of his muscles to lock up, probably effectively putting him out of the fight. There was almost also no chance that he would be able to dodge it.
Stat Page : Smoke Warning
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:31 pm
"Where did love go, when all is said and done?". Ryūka was doing what he had always done when he was alone in a silent spot, think of music, come up with lyrics, repeat those he knew. He called it "Muted Mumbling". It was meditating. He enjoyed the thrill of the battle as much as the next guy, but silent moments like these were hard to find, and way too rare. He was breathing in and out slowly as to not make any noise, but also to calm himself down to be cold-blooded when the battle was heated once again.

He had to know how to sustain himself in battle after all. It was one of the first things he had figured out when he started this business. As he gained more experience in battle, he was learning how to waste minimal energy and chakra and get the most use out of every single bit of resource he spent. He was listening carefully to the battlefield to figure out as much as possible what was going on in the smoky battlefield.

Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:49 pm
As Hoshi tried to attack Zyxis within the smoke covered area he somehow missed as Hoshi calculated his punch too early! Of course he kept leading an assault whilst also trying to see any attacks coming at Hoshi -which thankfully didn't hit him- As Hoshi tried endlessly to hit Zyxis. But all his efforts were in vain as yet again he lost Zyxis and he probably know where He currently am. My only goal of hitting Zyxis has been wasted as he was unable to predict his sound well enough. Then next time Hoshi need to use a greater reaction speed perhaps!

But as the assault against nothingness he did not hear any new noise. Hoshi knew Zyxis was probably hiding from him but Ryuka is being passive? He was one to stick around as he seemed alot more quite then the Active Zyxis. And yet Hoshi was left alone even after dictating an attack directed straight towards him. But this maybe the passive nature useful in a fight, as Hoshi lacked those traits of the abbility to wait around he put himself into this situation and now he needed to get himself out.

But as the internal discussion of Zyxis and Ryuka's aggressiveness went on the feint sound of slipping could be heard in the distance? No wait it was a slight movement perhaps hand movements? Yet these were confirmed to be hand movements as within the starting to clear smoke Hoshi could only see lightning. This Lightning reminded him of Ritsu's attack from ages ago. Perhaps even the same one?! But Hoshi was stronger now, and yet Ritsu held back alot of his might infact it was barely a 10% attack so how could he face an attack like this at probably a non lethal level?

As the smoke started to clear he could see Zyxis finish the hand signs and ready to fire this attack. If Ritsu used this he would have no energy to continue? So why would he use this? Why push himself this far, and even with these thought's Hoshi did not back down. If Zyxis was giving it his all. So could he. He could probably dodge just in time. But if he was to use his strongest move in his arsenal. Then Hoshi would face all the power straight on. 

Instead of getting ready to dodge Hoshi stood tall with both feet firm on the ground looking at Zyxis. His arms separate into being parallel and besides his waist going outwards as if to say he doesn't need to block and so Hoshi yells "COME ON THEN! I'LL TAKE YOUR STRONGEST ATTACK HEAD ON! DON'T YOU DARE STOP NOW! I CAN TAKE IT! AND RUN UP STRAIGHT TO YOU AND GET MY HIT ON YOU WHEN YOUR DONE!" This could end up badly for Hoshi but he did not care. This was a matter of his strength vs Zyxis's As the lightning flashed towards him all Hoshi had left was a smirk
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Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:54 pm
The smoke cleared, but Zyxis didn't care. He would use all of his strength in this technique, just enough to badly harm him, but to not scar and/or kill him. The lightning would hit him hard, and electricity would be seen flying throughout the air from the point of impact, which was Hoshi. HE would scream in pain as lightning coursed throughout his body. His body would steam. He took a deep breath and put his hands in a Ram sign, flashing forward.

As he used the last of his chakra to fly forward and headbutt Hoshi in the chest at [40 Speed], facing his strongest technique on head-on, he would feel his eyes closing involuntary. His head hurt and ears rang, but a smile appeared on his face for the first time since the spar and meeting of Hoshi.

It was a good spar. He passed out with a smile on his face.

AP Left: -9 AP
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:17 pm
Ryūka heard the screams, and got up from the ground. Since he had always moved in a clockwise direction around the center, he knew exactly which direction was the center of the smoke and which direction was outside. Right for in, left for out. He turned left and walked until he was out of the now slowly dispersing cloud of smoke. He could barely see where the two Genin were standing. And as soon as he saw them, one of them fell to the ground. It was Zyxis. Ryūka smiled. "Oh." he said, talking to Hoshi in a very confident voice, "You beat Zyxis. Good job.". He then raised both of his arms, his palms facing the sky, "Two of us are still standing. Let's fix that.".

Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:24 pm
As Ryuka was preparing to finish the job he didn't know it was a pointless endeavour. Since although Hoshi was still standing. There was no sign of thought. He was purely unconscious. He was only standing since the shock to Hoshi had kept his body rigid and firm. Standing tall even after a headbutt. But their is no doubt that the figure infront of Zyxis wasn't able to fight any longer. Any second now he would fall when the shock to his body locking up fades away and he collapses to the floor. But during this moment. All on Hoshi's face is his closed eye's. And a big goofy grin on his face.
Stat Page : Smoke Warning
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:54 pm
The smile on Ryūka's face turned into a puzzled disappointment. "Huh?" he verbally exclaimed. He was really surprised by the outcome, "How did that even happen?" he thought, "Damn. That's disappointing. I don't even feel like I've flexed a muscle. Shame.". He walked towards the two other Genin. He held Zyxis's unconscious body first, and carried him over to a shadowy spot near a wall, and lied his body to the wall. Then he did the same with Hoshi, so they wouldn't get sunburnt or get cramps when they became conscious again. 

It really was disappointing to Ryūka. He wanted to improve quite a bit today, but turned out not to be able to make much progress with being unconscious, under the Genjutsu for one third of the battle, sitting in a smoke cloud for another third, only able to partake in the last third of the action. He didn't blame himself for the smoke part. He had made the best choice in that phase of the battle, recovering his stamina while the other two manage to knock out each other at the same time. They both turned out to be the ones who have made the wrong decisions in the smoke. Perhaps Ryūka had to lecture them both about it when they woke up. They were friends after all, weren't they? And that was what friends did, teach each other, help each other improve. Although once again, Ryūka found himself the one who had drawn the short straw. The battle they had just gone through had only helped him improve the slightest bit. It just seemed like he wouldn't have been getting as much out of these friendships as he would have been giving. 

But maybe it didn't matter. In fact, maybe the lack of balance, the carelessness for that lack of balance, was what made a friendship to begin with. Altruism. Ryūka wasn't sure. He knew that he needed. He needed a lot of things. And maybe he needed more from friendships too. Maybe just being friends wasn't enough for him, he needed friends, coworkers and training partners where both sides were student and teacher at the same time. Maybe it was a lot to ask, a lot to expect; especially from friendships that were only starting now. He wasn't sure whom to put the blame on, or even whether or not to put any blame on anyone at all. He wasn't sure if he was wrong to think the way he did, or even if he truly thought that. Either way, he was hopeful things would become clearer as time went by, as all things seemed to do. 

After he was sure the boys were in a safe and comfortable spot, Ryūka sat down near them, took out his notebook and started scribbling stuff, waiting for the two other Genin to wake up once again. "We're gonna fly, we'll fly so high. You've got the moon, sun, I've got the sky. We've got the stars, oh we've got it all...". He then looked at the sentences he had written. He looked for a few seconds without doing anything. Then he scribbled all over them, so carefully that not a single word could be read clearly. He continued writing.
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Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:33 pm
Zyxix woke up with a start. His whole body moved, flying into the air for a split second, and him landing on his feet almost instantly. He had already brandished a kunai, staring into the clearing looking for any potential enemies. Said Genin released a sigh of relief, his muscles unclenching. He looked down towards Ryūka, who sat at his feet. He settled back down into the grass, smiling towards his companion.

"Hey," He offered quietly, "That was a really good spar. I apologize if I did anything wrong."

The Genin wasn't completely sure on what he wanted to say. Ryūka was his first friend, and he enjoyed his company. Broken, would be the only way to explain how Zyxis would feel. He looked towards Hoshi who was still passed out on the ground and gave the boy a small glare. He wasn't sure how he felt about him yet. 

Annoyed, irritated, but at the same time challenged. Not everyone he met would have the descriptions of sunshine and happiness. Well, that wasn't really any way to describe Royalty and Ryūka, but they hadn't purposely tried to antagonize him. He looked into the sky for a bit, thinking about the one situation with Ryūka and a kunai. He nervously sweats for a bit. Maybe sparring with Ryūka all the time wasn't necessarily a good thing. Anyway, he didn't like Hoshi. Maybe it was because of the name.

He didn't consider him a friend yet, but he could call him a rival. He smiled to himself. Next time, he would beat him, and he would do it easily too. Unless he did some monstrous training, he would beat Hoshi. He at least promised himself that. He then turned back to Ryūka, "Next time, I'll beat you."

Zyxis wasn't a man of words. He barely talked the whole time as it was. But he thought to himself, even if he did enjoy talking, those five words were all he had to say to ignite a burning white-fire in his heart. "Then on the battlefield, we'll beat everyone else."

He stood up and held out his hand for a handshake. If Ryūka accepted it or not, he would go to leave with just a few more words. "Next time, let's do a mission, hm?"


TWC: 4,000

- Jutsu: Iron Claw (500/500), Chain Fist (500/500), V6 Dynamic Entry (500/500), Soul Expulsion(B-Rank) (1,000/1,000), Bull Rush (D-Rank) (1,000/1,000), 500 to Wind Element
- Stats: 20
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:17 am
Hoshi was stuck within a dream where he became lucid. Within this dream he was just an ordinary boy with an ordinary life and In this world he was not a ninja and had a decent amount of friends. It was a particularly boring dream, as although sometimes in his past he may of wished for normalcy, nowadays Hoshi rather's the life he already has ,although would like to cut some things out, He get's to enjoy the ferocity of combat and the brutality of life. So much more intriguing then just an ordinary life. As the dream goes on he starts too see the world slowly collapse as his brain is awake and rejecting the fake dream and only right so. 

As Hoshi awoke he managed to hear whilst not fully awake that next time Zyxis would beat him? Strange. Last memory he had was of Zyxis beating him, so why was Zyxis saying it as though he won? Now Hoshi was infuriated and so Hoshi decided to wake up with force once Zyxis had left -As he usually does in the morning- "Heh yeah right i beat you. You're the one that bested me fair and square in a straight up fight and if it weren't for Ryuka i would've been the one bested. Speaking of Ryuka where is he?" Hoshi now realised that what he heard about Zyxis beating him was fragmented at best. Not as if the sentence but when he said it. Hoshi realised from a random ninja at the training grounds telling him he's been alone knocked out for at least 1 hour!

Those ninja left him alone! But then again Hoshi knew they were not the most social ninja around town so perhaps they rather this kinda treatment. Hoshi still shaky about the events that recently occurred decided to perhaps start making his way back to his shack. And perhaps think about how powerful all these Genin truly were after a good "shower" anyway... Perhaps Hoshi needed to block more often when he fought others.
[Claims Taijutsu style block (C) 2000/2000, Inside to outside Block 500/500, Body Flicker 1000/1000, Nukite the spear hand 633/1000 
+23 stats

Last edited by Hoshi Kyoken on Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Genin spars.  (Zyxis) - Page 4 Empty Re: Genin spars. (Zyxis)

Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:14 am
So this is how it ended. A battle not fought and lost, but one conceded. Anticlimactic. Tragic. Ryūka wasn’t sure what to think of this. It was either that he was not wanted or not needed. He had minimal effect on the fight, and the fight had minimal effect on him. “A really good spar.”. Zyxis’ words echoed in Ryūka’s head. It was comforting to know Zyxis felt that way at least, but that certainly wasn't what Ryūka himself thought of this little training. He waited for him to wake up for tens of minutes only for him to leave as soon as he woke up, with simple apologies and promises. Ryūka accepted it. He believed in the sincerity of his friend. Ryūka recalled the time he pulled a kunai against him, with shame. Either way, there was no reason to dwell on the past, what Ryūka had to do now was look forward to the future. He truly believed that one day, when he himself was a soldier worthy to be sent on true missions, out of the village to hunt dangerous people, Zyxis would be an ally Ryūka would have liked to see fight beside him.

He still wasn’t sure what to think of Hoshi. The images brought into Ryūka’s head when the name was brought up weren’t helping his reputation in Ryūka’s eyes, but that was not the boy’s fault at all; so Ryūka tried hard to see past that, even though the Stitch Monster Kenshin’s face was a vision he could not unsee, no matter how much he tried. Honestly, Ryūka wasn’t even sure what to think of Damon yet, and the village of Hoshi, before thinking of whether or not he should have let the negative judgement of the village and the name get to him. Still, he couldn’t help but think “Who would even name their child Hoshi? I have never come across someone named after a village before, not even once. ‘Kumo Hozuki’? ‘Kiri Hoshigaki’? That just sounds… Weird… Maybe he actually is from Hoshi… Should I ask? Eh, maybe the next time…”. He didn’t realize it, but he unknowingly shook his head.

“Next time?” Ryūka repeated. “Sure, I’ll be looking forward to that. Good luck beating me.”. He smiled. It was obvious he appreciated Zyxis and his sincerity. He repeated his words back to him to show he agreed, “On the battlefield, we’ll beat everyone else.”. He looked at the still unconscious Hoshi, and smiled. “I’m down for that. I guess I’ll meet you by the mission boards when we decide to take one of them… See you later.”. He then let Zyxis leave without interrupting him, waiting for Hoshi to wake up to make sure he’d be safe while he was unconscious, and no bandit, lowly thief, or young prankster would bother him while he was in a state he couldn’t fight back. Ryūka sighed, going back into his writing. Or at least tried, but realised his muse was long gone. He wanted to sigh again, but it didn’t come naturally to him so it left him with the feeling of being unable to sneeze. It was somehow worse than the actual frustration that made him want to sigh in the first place.

He put his notebook and pen back into the pocket on the inner side of his jacket. Hoshi wouldn’t have even known, then, that he was the kind of person to keep a notebook on him at all. Speaking of which, Ryūka only then realized it had been an awfully long time since Hoshi had first gone unconscious. In fact, Ryūka started to wonder if the boy was sleeping now, and considering whether or not this would have been a good time to leave or not. In the end he decided it wouldn’t have been nice to leave him alone in the middle of the training ground unconscious, whether he was actually sleeping now or not. He waited. After a few more minutes, the other Genin woke up. He woke up rather loud, in fact, shouting around. “Speaking of Ryūka where is he?” the kid he asked out loud, which puzzled Ryūka, as he was sitting right in front of him. He squinted and thought, “What is he, blind?”, (there was a bitter meta joke there about Hoshi and blindness but he wouldn’t get it due to his lack of knowledge about the situation) but chose not to point to Hoshi that he was right in front of him, to let the Ninja (who was supposed the be an authority, to be trusted with finding criminals and capturing them) figure that out on his own and notice the boy sitting right in front of him. Like, they were face to face. Literally. Just a few meters apart.

Apparently the best hiding spot was plain sight, as Hoshi didn’t notice Ryūka (who was, again, sitting right in front of him), and just left. Ryūka didn’t even know what to think. He couldn’t have been that bad a detective. He hoped that Hoshi was just pranking him and would reveal himself to be much smarter than he seemed the next time they met. Ryūka shook his head. For a few minutes after Hoshi left, he still couldn’t get up, being shocked by the situation that had just transpired. “How did he even get through the Genin Exam if he was serious a second ago? It can’t be. He must have been joking. He must have pretended not to notice me. God. I hope. I’ll… I’ll just believe that, and not question this. I’ll try to forget this and give him the benefit of the doubt for being a competent ninja. I mean, even if he isn’t that great a detective yet, I hope he’ll further his potential and become one in the future… Oh well…”. Ryūka took a deep breath. A few more minutes passed, and he finally overcame the shock, being able to move. He got up from the spot he was sitting, and left.

[EXIT, WC: 4283. Claiming:

21 Stats
589 remaining words towards Wind Release (rest here)
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194 words towards Smoke Release]
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