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On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu] Empty On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu]

Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:40 pm
The new leader of Kumogakure stood at the entrance to the village. He had only been here a day before, returning from a battle of epic proportions, the new needle sword strapped to his hip, a symbol of his victory. He had sent out messengers to his twin brother Komon Hyuuga, as well as Nobunaga Hiyu. Both messengers would be vague as to the reasoning, only telling them both to arrive at the gates to meet up with Komori Hozuki. Komon, of course, knew the reason, but Nobu would be mildly surprised at the very least. The sky seemed to be growing darker, their journey planned to last through the night, reaching the Land of Iron by morning in time for the summit.
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu] Empty Re: On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:30 pm
Komon of course, had already arrived. He stood leaning against kumogakures massive walls, draped in a black cloak, with his brothers broadsword, tsubasa strapped to his back, and his grappling knife and all its components tucked away from view underneath his sleeve. The outfit was new, something he'd had designed for his new occupation, and a porcelain anbu mask laid concealed in his pack. After all, he'd need it to keep up appearances at the summit, but he couldn't give away his status to Nobunaga just yet.

He'd taken the afternoon to be with Amai, the constant missions and departures from the village had given him such little time to be with her. And every time he found himself leaving again it grew harder and harder to step outside the gates of the village. But his village required his skills, Never mind your happiness, do your duty He'd tell himself mentally, repeating the quote from some ancient kumogakure philosopher he'd discovered in the depths of the village's library.

His brother came into view with his new blade shortly after he'd arrived, electing to carry it at his hip. It was becoming pretty apparent, that he was never going to let this blade leave his side. "Where's our third, Komori?"
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On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu] Empty Re: On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:22 pm
The man that had sealed the Rokubi inside him had requested a meet. What for? Who knew for the Hozuki decided to leave that part out. Nobunaga found this quite suspicious. An ominous letter sent to him with practically no information on it at all. Was this a trap of some sort? He did not truly know Komori and he had very little reason to trust him outside of him having sealed the Bijuu in him. Perhaps he was drawing Nobunaga away from the village and away from Kyson so that it would be easier to take him out. Or perhaps the letter had so little on it because the matter at hand was very urgent. Well, standing around here would not solve any answers. It appeared he would have to answer the call to see what this was about.

Not taking any chances, he would show up fully equipped. Bearing his night black metal plated armor with his Anbu mask strapped to the back of his hip with his Kumo head guard, his multi-weave mask crunched down at the base of his neck and hidden behind his breast plate. Above that he wore his new black cloak. His old one had been torn during his previous mission and didn't have time to replace it. It was a large black cloak that started at his neck and dropped just above his metal boots with a hood that dangled down his back. No sleeves though, only the slit in front of him could allow his arms to access the outside world. Last but not least was his massive great sword linked to the hook on his back by the black strap that went around his chest, over his right shoulder and under his left arm pit.

Arriving at the mentioned gate in the letter, the brute would silently walk up to the two brothers. His stern grimace made even more ominous by the scar running down his face would fall upon Komori for he was the one Nobunaga knew and the one who reached out to him. "What a pleasant sight." The Rokubi sarcastically said in the back of his mind. "What is the meaning of this?" Was all Nobunaga would say in his course voice. He was not amused by the circumstances of this meeting and Kyson was not here. Perhaps the former of his expectations was the truer.
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Ryo : 23750

On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu] Empty Re: On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:53 pm
“He should be ri-” Komori stopped talking as he heard the approaching sounds of metal clanking, “-here.” He looked over with his one good eye to see the hulking form of Nobunaga approaching, clearly ready for combat. Almost like he had a sixth sense about what was needed of him. Komori gave him a casual grin, his kage robes ready to appear from his hydrification body with his armor set somewhere in there as well. Such a useful bloodline. His official kage hat™ resided within the pocket of his storage dimension to be donned at a later time. “Thanks for coming. In hindsight, it was a rather odd way to inform you of a mission,” he said lightheartedly. “Luckily enough, I enjoy the sound of my own voice to let you know now.” Komori pointed at Komon with his left thumb, then at Nobu with his left index finger, and lastly at himself with his left thumb once more, when their names were mentioned. “My brother Komon, you, and I are going to embark on a mission to the Land of Iron. The details of this assignment are confidential, hence the lack of information.”

Despite assuming the role of kage, Komori still found himself speaking casually. He would probably have to change that someday, or at the very least appear professionally in front of others. But he trusted Nobu. In a way, he had to. He and Kyson had appeared after the conquest of Sunagakure and remained in the village as ANBU agents, under the STORM branch. The fact that they remained in the village at all was good testament. If the man desired to keep his position within Kumogakure, at the very least Komori would need to be sure that he could trust the brute with his life. This was just one hell of a first test.

“If you’re on board, we can go ahead and leave. I can take us to Tornado Country, where we just have to travel through Bird or Stone in order to reach Iron.” With that being said, Komori would extend a hand out to Nobu and Komon each. “Hold onto me and we can go ahead and get started.” Assuming they both made physical contact with him somehow, Komori would initiate long range teleportation via Mugenha, the trio disappearing in a flash of lightning.

--Exit to Tornado unless interrupted
WC: 535
All words towards Tenotsuku (4086)
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On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu] Empty Re: On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:28 pm
"A mission...." Murmured the Hiyu suspiciously under his breadth just loud enough for the two brothers to hear. Conveniently, one that was too confidential for the details to be written down on paper and one so urgent where the three of them had to depart immediately. That would explain why only Nobunaga was here and not Kyson. Kyson was the acting Raikage and thus missions like these did not concern him. Odd however how Kyson did not inform Nobunaga of this mission seeing as how three powerful individuals were gathered here. Knowing Komori had the skills to both take down and seal a Bijuu, Nobunaga knew nothing about his brother Komon. But he could sense both the potency and quantity of the mans chakra and that said enough. He was probably just as skilled as his brother. Was there another Bijuu present and the three of them were gathered to take it down? That could be a possible explanation given their history and experience however the Hiyu still found it strange that Komori would not explain the details now that he was present in person.

There were several scenarios here. Disobey them and he may very well be disobeying the village by turning down this mission or he may be avoiding death. Or on the other hand, go along with them to complete this mysterious mission, or fall right into their trap. Nobunaga's gaze did not move away from Komori the entire time and remained so after mentioning that they had to hold onto him. It appeared Nobunaga would have to take a leap of faith, a large one. Stretching out his right hand after a few seconds of silence, he would place his powerful grip onto Komori's left shoulder. "Don't make me regret this Hozuki." Let's see if his trust was misplaced.

Exit with Komori

702 words
510 to learn Eight Inner Gates
192 into the first gate
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 35000

On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu] Empty Re: On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:44 pm
This was a mistake

He'd think to himself upon seeing Nobunaga, his appearance was grim, and it was obvious he had little trust in either of them.

Komon's eyebrow raised at the mention of tornado country. The last time he'd been there, he'd fought a battle for kumogakure against the last scraps of forces tornado country had been able to muster. It was supposed to have been an easy fight, but the saying beware the wounded animal, had never been more true than on that day. The enemy had almost nothing to lose at that point, and they'd fought in a way that still haunted Komon. Underneath his sleeves his arm's were still burned. Senshi had healed the nerve damage, but left the skin raw.

This sucked.

But he'd make no mention of it, it was the fastest route to the summit, and his personal dislike for the area was no reason to delay them. He'd nod his head in Nobunaga's direction, the man bearing an eye scar similar to his own. "How'd you get your's" He'd say as he walked to Komori and grabbed onto his shoulder, gesturing to his eye scar as he did so with his other hand.

After all, it seemed Nobunaga already knew Komori, it was only fair he strike up some conversation to introduce him self.

WC: 431
Claiming 431 Words towards A rank split second

Last edited by Komon Hyuuga <3 on Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu] Empty Re: On the Road Again [Komon, Nobu]

Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:30 am
This looks like fun, guys

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