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Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK] Empty Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK]

Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:49 am
Shouhei felt a little tense. His back was straight against the seat he was sitting in as he waited among the other people who had errands and business in the ‘Unseen University’. It seemed oddly busy today, however from his inquiries and small talk, it would appear that he was the only one who were to see the Hogokage today. That or at least at this hour. As for why Shouhei was to talk with the kage, he only knew that he was asked to be fully armed when arriving. Maybe it was a mission he was to be sent on along with being congratulated for achieving the rank of chuunin?

Seeing one of the female staff workers coming towards him, Shouhei blinked for a few seconds to break his thinking stare. “The kage can see you now.” She said waiting for Shouhei to follow, which he did because why else would he have meet up if that wasn’t the case.

An uneventful short trip later, or rather Shouhei was a bit too focused to care what were on the walls on his way to the kage’s officer to make it interesting, he arrived at the office of Kyousuke Snow. He was the new kage which kinda made it awkward for Shouhei to meet up for this meeting. So far he had only dealt with the queen or one of her stand-ins and not an actual kage. Plus the previous Kage had died not that long ago. In any event when he opened the door he had flushed all these thoughts out of his head and appeared stoically and down to business.

“Shouhei Sato reporting in as requested.” Shouhei noted stepping inside and closing the door behind him, his arms crossed over his torso and with a small smile on his face. “What can I do for you today, Kage-sama?”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 310.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 728350

Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK] Empty Re: Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK]

Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:25 am
“Just training.” He would say as Shouhei entered the office. His skin would then turn grey and wings would erupt from his back. “Well, we can fly to the training grounds and avoid all the people. Are you ready?” He would ask having the smaller ninja jump onto his back before running out the window and taking to the skies towards the training grounds

WC: 64
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK] Empty Re: Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK]

Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:31 pm
Speaking of expectation and them being broken faster than the straw that broke the camel’s back. Although Shouhei wasn’t mad, he not really amused about being dragged onto the kage’s shoulders. He wasn’t really sure how he could fit on the shoulders and back of the kage and how said kage was still able to fly with wings. “Sure Lord Kage, but let us not accidentally dive down at the bar on the way to the training ground.” He somehow noted between all those thoughts.
When they arrived Shouhei jumped off Kyousuke’s back before he landed – it made things easier – and landed just fine. However he was a wobbly for a second but he quickly recovered enough to ask a question and in general are ready for a sudden move by Kyousuke in case he was that kind of guy. “So if you wanted to get away from all of the people to train why go to the training ground where there is always someone around training, lord kage?” He smiled. “That’s not to say I don’t appreciate the offer of course.”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 182
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 728350

Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK] Empty Re: Not enough Ginger Beer [P] [NK]

Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:20 am
“By avoid people I meant we wouldn’t have to worry about them being in our path. How many people can you fly into, you can run into a ton? But flying is just faster no people or buildings to avoid.” He would say kneeling, so that Shouhei could easily step off. Once, he was off he would answer the second question asked of him.

“As for why the training grounds, well that is where you train. When you expect giant explosions and fireballs to be a factor. I can’t shoot fire, but explosions I can do all day. I want you to show me what jutsu you have in your arsenal, ones that slice a man with wind, drown a man with water, incinerate them with fire, electrocute with lighting, and smash with earth, or whatever else you have.” He would say shoving his foot through the ground with ease in a stomp of his right. Before he pulled it back out kicking dirt and grass.  He would then turn his hand into an axe and slash at a nearby training dummy slicing it in two.

He would then send an electric wolf at the straw, causing it to ignite. Before he put out the fire and cut the dummy again with a giant sickle made of water fired after he made the tiger seal. It would then after a series of jutsu seals be swallowed by a mud pit, that was made far enough back to not affect Shouhei or himself. “Now, it is your turn.” He would say pointing to some dummies across the training field.

WC: 268
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