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Wind Is Strong! Empty Wind Is Strong!

Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:35 pm
Ostu was finally not in the village's training ground, he decided to take a break from his training. All of the effects of it were affecting him now. He was super tired and couldn't do much. 
   As he walked around he noticed all the younger children acting like they were ninja and using jutsus.  He smiled at this, but not for long as he noticed the kids were being blown away by strong winds. He sprinted as fast as he could, but that was pretty hard since the wind was so strong. 
   In the end he was able to save those children, they thanked him and walked ran away like ninja. 
   Ostu thought how could wind be so strong that it could push people, then it hit him. Wind release could be that strong. He has Wind release, maybe he could be that strong. Using this as a source of his determination, Osto went back to the training grounds to try to test out an offensive wind release jutsu.
   Ostu is starting to think he comes here to much. He does have an idea for a jutsu though, to form his wind chakra into arrows.
   Ostu had no clue where to begin making his wind chakra into arrows. He maybe could start by changing the way his wind chakra formed around himself. Osto took a seat on the ground and started to imagine the figure of an arrow, but incorporating details if it were made of wind. For example adding wings for it to glide better. Why he gave it wings when its gliding won't really change because of it he doesn't time to make the arrow.
   After sitting for a while getting the shape of an arrow down and memorized in his head, Ostu thought it was time to make the arrow out of his chakra.
   He stood up and started to compress his chakra in the form of an arrow, close to his arms. He started to feel the air around him weaken and it kinda got hard for him to breath but he managed. After a while of doing this, the air basically exploded and Ostu fell back.  
   Ostu think he knows what happened, he was thinking on the image more than thinking on to properly compress the air to make the arrow. He got back up and brushed off the dirt that was on his clothes. This time he knew he was ready to make the arrows. He started to compress and change the form of the arrow that was in the process of being made. This time focusing more on the air compression and the shape and appearance of it at the same time, he was able to make one arrow.
   Jumping in joy, Ostu felt proud of himself. He tested a new jutsu, well not yet he thought and so he decided to shoot the arrow at a tree. Once he fired it he felt the wind behind it and walked up to the tree to see what has happened do it. The bark of the tree was broken off and little scraps of the wood lade on the ground. Still wanting to test the jutsu he wanted to see how many he could make, he started to form one at a time until he got to five arrows, Once he was ready he found a new tree and shot each arrow at the tree one at a time. After the damage has been done, Ostu walked up to the tree and saw a medium size hole in it. He was very happy and tired at the same time so he decided to take a little break until he got more energy.

WC - 620

3 Stat points
Wind Release: Wind Arrow
Madrigal Kaguya
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Wind Is Strong! Empty Re: Wind Is Strong!

Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:47 pm
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