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Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:27 pm
Stat Page of the Major Fighter you will be facing:

[center]Name: Samyueruu inchesutā
Rank: A Rank
Host Village: Tornado

Current Stat Points: 325
Health: 40
Chakra: 125
Stamina: 50 (AP 500 + 200 from rank = 700 AP Total)
Speed: 100 + 25 (from Item) = 125
Strength: 20

Specialties: Ninjutsu/Genjutsu/Space - Time
Elements: Fire, Earth, Water

Jutsu Unlocked:







Skills Unlocked:

Items on your person:
[url= x 10] x 10[/url]
[url= x 10] x 10[/url] x2

Description of area:
Ruins of a once prosperous village, 700 meters wide by 900 meters long. Destroyed and crumbling buildings and skeletons. The Tornado defense forces have scattered traps and earthen walls all through out the ruins, these earthen walls are 3 meters tall by two meters wide by one meter thick. They can be destroyed if hit by an attack of 50 strength or power. All around the village is a massive earthen wall that is 12 meters tall and 8 meters thick. There are twelve obvious openings into the village or the wall can be broken by attacks that do/have 125 strength or power. There are many fires lit in the village and around it casting long and ominous shadows. The sounds of horns can be heard, and an obvious loud speaker system is playing (see song at end of post). Your post will start at 400 meters from the village, minimum. The time of day is 7:25PM or later, the sun is just finishing setting so rays of light are just barely visible, there is barely a sliver of the moon offering almost no luminescence so visibility will be severely diminished. The weather is extremely cloudy, threatening rain, bolts of lightning can be seen not far away (in 9 Posts heavy rains will begin reducing fire techniques powers by 10). Your main enemy is located 100 meters to the southwest of the village on a high perched cliff, but you dont know this (his post will be following this one). You are approaching from the North - obviously in your entrance post you may detail moving from that position.  The area is mountainous, and the temperture is 95 degrees, for the first 10 posts it will steadily drop by 1 degree per post, finally settling at 85 degrees. Should fight last longer than 30 posts, temperture will begin to drop steadily by 2 degrees per post for 15 posts settling at 65 degrees where it will hold. 

Last edited by Kobayashi Senshi <3 on Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:28 pm
Hidden beneath the ground where the Hidden Village of the land used to stand, was the new location of Tornado Countries Shinobi forces. The Daimyo of Tornado country had finally managed to hire enough Missing Nin and Samurai who knew the arts of Chakra and had decreed that they should begin rebuilding in secret. Those in Tornado’s shinobi forces did not know much about what was going on but rumors had been abound at the fact that Kumogakure shinobi had destroyed and reconquered Amegakure and were heading their way. Reports had indicated that their forces had begun to penetrate the Border lands and were making head way.
The small amount of Samurai and Missing nin that they could afford to lose had been assigned to begin leading the Kumogakure forces towards the ruins of Tornado’s old hidden village. An area that had been expertly trapped, or well was in the process of being trapped so that Tornado’s forces would be able to stand up against Kumo’s forces, despite that Kumo had better quality and a much larger quantity to their forces than they did. They were in a foreign land and the Tornado shinobi were fighting to defend their right to autonomy. Not to mention they were the last roadblock to the Daimyo, and as such had to either die in their fight or win it.
Currently the leader of Tornado’s Shinobi forces was watching as his Jounin, who were really only Chuunin level shinobi and weak ones at that for any other village were running around setting out the traps in the ruins that laid before them. Samyueruu inchesutā, Which conveniently translated to Samuel Winchester, from the authors favorite Tv Show Supernatural, was trying to develop some more ideas as to what he could do to win against the insurmountable odds against him. He had already evacuated all of the Genin and below shinobi that were around, sending them off to Konoha’s lands in order to seek refuge as best as they could. Or return once they were victorious, you know in the unlikely event that, that happened.
He went by Sam for short, and was conveniently also a rather short man, unlike his name sake. He stood at five foot four inches, with a very slight build weighing little more than a hundred and thirty pounds. It was clear that this man did not have much physical strength to them, or well at least he didn’t appear to have much physical strength at least. Reaching up and twirling his red and graying handle bar moustache he once again contemplated the odds against him. He watched as several of the Jounin placed out seals that had some of his more potent Genjutsu stored in them, ready to be activate by a simple push of his chakra. He could only hope that their preparations would aide them more than he was suspecting that they would.
He turned slowly, his slightly balding red and gray hair moving little in the wind as it had begun to thin of late. Such was the horrors of reaching his forty fifth year on this planet. Still his abilities were going strong even if he’d been having some incontinency issues lately. Not that anyone else needed to be aware of that. At least he wasn’t quite old enough to require prostate exams yet, he could at least lord that fact over some of his older friends. As he started to walk back he was surprised as one of his Chuunin, who was in fact probably only mid Genin level for shinobi of Kumogakures standards, came running up to him. Raising a single eyebrow in surprise Sam rose a hand in slight Genin to the middle aged man coming his way.
Many of his forces were in their mid-twenties or older, with only small, probably twelve percent, being younger than that. In fact the youngest shinobi left to defend was sixteen years old, and soon to be seventeen. Hopefully their life experience would help them withstand the threat of Kumo’s shinobi, or else they were all doomed to death. As the Chuunin approached he gave a sloppy salute before offering two scrolls over to his leader. “Hey Sam, this missive just came in from the delaying forces. I brought your gear as well just in case.” Sam gave a nod as he accepted the two scrolls, opening the missive first he felt the color draining from his face as he did so.
He now appeared far paler than he normally did, more an albino than before. Looking up he noted the time to be near six o clock pm. The sun was beginning to move into its final stages and head into sun set and true evening would be upon them soon. They had just over an hour to finish preparations before the enemy arrived. The few remnants of the delaying force would be here in about forty five minutes. With a world weary sigh the pale red and gray haired man knelt, rolling up the missive scroll and unrolling the scroll with his gear on the ground. His bright emerald green eyes, with hints of red in them, looked up at his longtime friend.
“Alert the rest of the people, everyone to their positions. The enemy will be here in an hour. All remaining preparations are to either be canceled of if they can be completed in fifteen minutes or less to be finished. Have the cooks deliver the steak and potatoes to everyone at their positions and then have them evacuate. Our final stand is here.” The Chuunin, who should have never been on this war front offered a grave nod before reaching out a hand and laying it on his leader’s shoulders. “It’s been an honor Sam.” He merely received a nod in return as he headed out to carry out his orders. Sam looked down at his gear that had appeared placing on his Jounin flak vest, putting the Heaven’s Sorrow Ninjato onto his back, his weapons pouch with all his weapons and few bandages on his hip, and then the final true piece of equipment that he would really need.
The precious emerald green Helix earing his old master had gifted him with that enhanced his speed. With a world weary sigh he pushed himself to his feet looking out over the war torn land scape before him. Large earthen walls had been erected to either funnel the enemy forces into the ruins of the old village, or to act as barriers from which his forces could hide behind and fight back from. The earthen walls were spread all over the ruins, some of them hiding traps that were poised to spring and annihilate as many enemies as possible, others hiding nothing, and more still hiding the entrances to the tunnels from which his forces would use to spring ambushes on the enemy.
This would be much like the old battles of Stalingrad, when German forces had attempted to take the village from the Russians. The enemy would have to pay a toll in blood for every inch of ground they attempted to gain here. Even if they could not win, the least they could do was attempt to cause as much damage to the enemy as possible. That’s why his forces had orders to maim or cause heavy wounds to the enemy forces rather than outright kill them. A wounded enemy would require at least one more person to assist them, thus taking out two enemies instead of one. Plus it would overload their infirmaries/field hospitals, and medics they had brought along hopefully demoralizing and enemy that had been marching and fighting in enemy lands for a while now.
Sam sighed again as he looked out over his defenses hoping it would be enough to at least stall he enemy while the Daimyo and his children finished evacuating. A government in exile was better than a dead government at least. If they won here they could quickly return, but if they lost, we’ll all precautions must be taken in that likely event. Reaching down, Sam tapped the ground erecting his own small earthen wall that he crouched behind. He would be watching the battle field from his vantage point, he would choose to strike when he saw either areas he could assist or if a strong opponent appeared that was demolishing his forces. Either which occurred first he was prepared for anything that might come his way.
Time passed quickly and as Sam ate what may very well be his last meal, he sent up a few prayers to his Gods asking them either for a painless passage into their lands, or victory in this great battle. He could see off into the far distance the slowly materializing bits of Kumogakure’s army and with a final sigh he placed the plate of food aside, having finished all he was going to eat well over ten minutes ago. They had about fifteen minutes before the enemy set into their defenses and Sam nodded to the sixteen year old beside him who stood blowing into the horn he held, letting a loud echoingly blast out. Several answered back letting him know that they were prepared. Sam could feel his forest green pants, and black long sleeve shirt, with a forest green flak vest blowing slightly in the wind. Lifting his hands up he made sure his dull metal tornado headband was secured to his head and a black wrap covered his thinning hair. All of his forces were decked out similarly in order to blend with the night and make it harder to spot them.

Several fires were quickly lit casting odd shadows throughout the defenses making it both easier to see in the immediate vicinity of the area but harder to see anything around it, especially if you were near it. The fires would blind the opponents as they neared those casting odd shadows and ruining their night vision. One of his forces released the flood gates on the dam and parts of the maze were flooded with at least fifteen feet of water. With a final sigh, Sam prepared himself for the blood and death that were about to descend upon them.
Natsuki Sarutobi
Natsuki Sarutobi
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 1500

The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:15 pm
The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Untitle
(will respond later)
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 35000

The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:51 pm
The group had been walking for a number of hours since departing sunagakure, the distance and time seemed to last much longer than that however as the beating sun of sunagakure and the seemingly endless sand of its desert forced the young shinobi bodies to pay their toll in sweat and exhaustion. Typical men may have faltered under such circumstances, but these shinobi were forged in kumogakure, under the harsh rule of youka tau, and new that failure was not an option.

Eventually the group found themselves at the edge of the desert and over time the sprawling sand of sunagakure would turn into a brown deadish grass as they entered tornado country. Komon’s head would swivel as he looked around for the familiar face of his friend and ally Reizo, only to remember that the boy had been quickly called away after their departure for reasons unknown to Komon. This left him in the company of about fifty strangers and left him feeling a bit of unease. He didn’t like the idea of fighting alongside people he couldn't trust and decided now would be a good time to build some of that much needed trust.

Turning his head to the closest shinobi that appeared to be around his age he’d tilt his head extend his hand. “My name’s Komon, what’s yours?” He’d ask as the two made eye contact for the first time on the entirety of the trip. The boy looked nervous and uneasy, and it was easy to tell he had probably never been in combat before. “uh.. My name is taki… Nice to meet you Komon.” He’d say with slight stutters. In return the hyuuga would give a slight nod to show that the feeling was mutual and the two would continue walking with the convoy for about a minute longer before either one of them spoke.

They had plenty of time after all, the journey to tornado had just begun. The silence was covered with the sounds of feet slapping against the ground in unison. The kumogakure army advancing closer and closer to the oncoming battle with every step. Komon had already been in one battle this war, and the thought of marching into a much larger one still frightened him… So it was obvious to him what the inexperienced chuunin next to him must be feeling right now, and Komon felt the need to take his mind off of it. “So what do you do?” The question hung in the air for a bit as the boy didn’t really seem to think Komon was talking to him at first, but when he caught on the words came flooding out as if taki had been dying to speak for a while now.

I’m a genjutsu specialist, if that’s what you mean… Although other than the chuunin exams, I’ve never actually been in a fight…. the boys sentence would come to a stop but he would make a face indicating he wanted to say more, but wasn’t sure if he should. “Do you think any of us will die?

….A silence lingered in the air as the question loomed over them. “Of course” He’d think to himself, but he knew that wasn’t the answer the boy was looking for. He however just couldn’t seem to bring himself to lie to the boy, and instead chose to change the topic of conversation back to his genjutsu. “It does us no good to think about things like that… You said you practice genjutsu. I could use some help with that if your willing. I need to get better at breaking out of the damn thing, I keep finding myself beating by it despite having already trained against it… Got any ideas?

Hell the journey to tornado might as well serve as a way to resolve his weakness to genjutsu. He shuddered at the thought of the swordsman who had so effortlessly beaten him into unconsciousness. “Um… Here…” He’d hear as the world around him began to darken. He couldn’t tell where he was but immediately knew that he was in some kind of genjutsu, and that he found himself unable to move. “A lot of genjutsu users like to immobilize their opponents, which his something not many people train for, I want you to try and break out of this, try to make it quick so we don't fall too far behind the group.

The fact that the kid had put him in a genjutsu without asking for his permission should probably have been addressed, but Komon respected the kids initiative and was never one to turn down a challenge. So instead he’d think back to his training with the jounin tayo, the man who had taught him genjutsu release, and remembered the basics of it, the general idea was to regain control of your own chakra by pulsing out the enemies control over you. Perhaps long ago when Komon would have needed the hand signs to assist him with this, but through the months of rigorous training he had found himself to be quite adept at chakra control.

Almost effortlessly he’d pulsed his chakra out from his chest and down to the end of each of his limbs, feeling taki’s chakra leave his system, and watching the world revert back to normal. “Like that?” He’d ask as he let out a slight laugh, before trotting to catch up with the group of shinobi that had continued marching as Taki and Komon had been practicing.

Taki seemed to be cheering up as his expressions became less anxious and more relaxed. Komon smiled at this, and despite the fact that he didn’t really know if he believed in a god or not, he’d send a general prayer to an unknown entity, asking that Taki make it through this battle, and would add in a last part to include him as well.

It was around this time that Komon was called up front by a jounin and told to fly up above the troops. He was chosen due to the combination of his flight capabilities and byakugan to act as a forward scout for the group, and to warn of enemy troop proximity beforehand, hesitant to leave taki by himself he’d try to protest, but was met with harsh yelling from the jounin in charge. The decision was final and he’d find himself high above the group shortly after riding on the back of his bird about two hundred and fifty feet in the air.

Several hours would pass in this monotonous position nothing but the sound of the wind slapping against him to entertain his thoughts. But the monotony would be broken when several dozen chakra signatures would appear about a mile out. Ruins of a once grand village seen far off in the distance. Swooping down Komon would warn the approaching Kumogakure army of the imminent threat, and would watch as fifty men charged forward at alarming speed, there was no way to tell for certain but if Komon had to guess he’d say that the battalion was split fifty fifty between jounin and chuunin alike.

Komon would be riding on the back of his super beast drawing with his left hand clutching the hilt of Shinigami as he rushed forward at the rear of the army. as they grew close the makings of a wall, and the sound of ominous music could be heard playing. Which seemed odd, surely a group of people making there potential last stand had better things to do then play a soundtrack, but the wall wouldn't present much of a problem, every shinobi in kumogakure and their mother knew the surface walking technique, scaling it would be effortless for the majority of the army, and Komon himself could simply fly over it.

WC: 1240 (claiming Genjutsu Release mastery right here)[/color]
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:56 pm
((Note I told him I was cool with the Claiming of Gen Release Mastery before our fight, if a Mod wants to do a mid thread approval.))

Sam watched as the enemies began to take over the entire horizon, oh how he wished he did not have to fight and cause more blood, destruction, and just general terror upon his lands. But he did not have this choice, instead he was stuck with what he was giving. He watched as the Kumogakure shinobi did exactly like they had planned. The sudden sounds of fighting echoing around and the traps being released were loud within the quiet night air. Sam could only feel bad for the young ones fighting below him for something they probably didn't even understand. Chances were they thought they were fighting for honor or some such nonsense. Sam knew though, those kids were just pawns in someone elses game. Forcing them to put their lives on the line just so that they could become politically or even monetarily more powerful. If only such greed did not exist in the world, then young men and women like them woudldn't have to do their bidding. 

A sad sigh escaped Sam's lips as he heard the screams of terror from wounded enemy and ally shinobi a like. He could hear the whizzing of kunai and shuriken, even see some elemental techniques lighting up the sky and all it did was bring more weight to bear on his old heart. How he hated seeing the death and destruction their powers could cause. They should use their chakra to help people, not kill one another. But that decision had been taken from him, now it was time to harden his heart and become the shinobi, the trained killer, that he was. Closing his eyes for one more second of psuedo peace that he could give himself, he opened them glaring out at the darkness around him. His ears picked up the sound of flapping wings and his chakra sense pinged off something in the skies. His eyes scoured the night sky searching for whatever it was that was flying around. 

It took several minutes but finally he landed on an oddly dark shadow, that was just barely illuminated in the final rays of the setting sun. So the enemy had an airborne advantage did they? Well that wouldn't last long, not if he could help it. Making a single hand motion to the fellow shinobi by his side he sent the boy to begin assisting in the defenses of the village. Crouching down he tensed his leg muscles as he began molding his chakra, just as the bird entered within nine meters of his position he sprang forwards releasing the built up fire chakra. It was a simple technique, meant more to gain the opponents attention than anything else. Three small darts of fire left his mouth illuminating him for a moment as they raced towards the flying thing. They were slow, only a speed of 20, and weak too with the same power. 

But that was not their point. Their point was to draw the attention of whomever was controlling that animal. His jump had been forwards and angled downwards at his max speed and strength. By the time the fire darts had moved a mere meter away from him, his small form would have already been engulfed by the darkness as he fell towards the ground. A fifteen meter from from where he had jumped from. By the time the fire darts had mode it five meters he was already one the ground running at half his speed towards the village. He would be purposfully letting off small hints of hit chakra in the hopes that whomever was in the sky could sense it and would follow him. As he moved he heard a yell ahead of him, a name and voice he didn't recognize. "Komon, Help Me!" It would seem his cohort had found one of the enemy waiting in the line of his trap and had attacked him. Sam wondered briefly who Komon is and why this person would call out for him. 44

AP: 700 - 10 = 690
Fire Style Piercing Darts - Distraction move, SPD 20, power 20
Moving at SPD 60
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Otogakure
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The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:03 pm
as Komon soared high above the battlefield, his byakugan would scan over the dozens of chakra signatures below him. most of them shined with the same intensity of his own, but a few where on another level entirely. it would take a couple more seconds of charging forces for the two sides to finally come face to face, but when they did an oddly satisfying clash of metal and yelling would ring out from below, easily audible even from a position way up above, such as Komons. He couldn’t quite place where his friend taki had gone, already losing him in the masses of the crowd, and despite how much he may have tried he hadn’t gotten a lock on the boys chakra signature in their long walk.

Komon’s attention however was quickly changed when one of the stronger chakra signatures decided that Komon would be his target. The young hyuuga would let out a sigh as he realized that the bird had probably drawn the unnecessary attention. The attack that the man had launched was weak for someones chakra signature and left Komon plenty of time to react, which Komon quickly took as a warning shot, instead of being drawn into the ground like this man seemed to want he’d pull back on the bird's neck and soar higher into the air, swooping out of the range of the darts.

From here he’d grant himself a moment of clarity, zeroing in on the position of the man who had attacked him, and flying in hot pursuit, allowing himself to get closer and closer to the ground until his bird was almost ground level. Komon would keep a distance of about 50 meters between the two as he did this before he’d hear the shriek of a familiar voice. TAKI! He’d think to himself as he swiveled his head just in time to see the boy impaled on a pillar of earth, his body going limp, as he hung from the spike.

Tears would flood in Komon’s eye as he realized the reality of the situation. This was war, his hand would swipe towards his necklace and grab hold of the sandy side of the cube. To which his body would immediately mimic. Before he dropped off the bird while continuing to run. In this form the bird would only slow him down.. As his feet made contact with the dirt a single hand would fling towards his weapons pouch and shoot forwards sending a kunai in the man's direction as he formed the required handsigns to enlarge it.

If the man turned around he’d see a truck sized shuriken spiraling towards him, at decent speed.

WC: idk rn
Jutsu Used:
Byakugan: -1
SBSH: -40
Assimilate: -50

Last edited by Komon Hyuuga <3 on Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:46 pm
Approving the mid thread gen release mastery despite my obvious bias
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:13 pm
Ole Sammy Sam Sam was completely unaware that the guy his loyal shinobi had been impaled on an earth spike. After all the earth spike that his loyal shinobi had sent at the guy had been intended to only go through his shoulder. The fact that he had been so incompetent as to dodge into the middle of the spike and take it through the heart was his own fact. Instead all of Sam’s attention was on the flying shinobi that was coming down towards him. He continued to run, deciding that it would be better to build up to his full speed and soon he was running at a speed of 125. Now he would just keep moving, and then he would be able to fight at his best. If a shinobi was trying to catch him while he was running around it would be much harder.
He would just need to be careful to ensure that the enemy shinobi didn’t manage to somehow stop him, and halt all this momentum he had built up. He was surprised when he heard the feet of the shinobi connecting to the ground behind him. It was faint, but as he turned his head slightly to look, he was surprised to see that something odd was happening with the shinobi. He would need to be careful. Due to the fact that the shinobi had jumped off his ink bird at fifty meters away and Sam was running at 125 speed, the distance between them was opening up, and rather fast. In the time it would take the shinobi to complete throw the space between them would more than likely have opened to at least sixty five meters.
Sam began to arc his run to the left as he saw the enemy shinobi reaching towards his pouch, he didn’t want to get too far away, if he did then even he would not be able to close the distance between them. Plus this would allow him to avoid whatever weapons the enemy shinobi was throwing at him. Sam was surprised as he saw out of the corner of his eye that the shuriken that was thrown had suddenly grown magnificently. He was happy he had started running to the side when he had because that could have easily killed him. If it could have even caught up to how fast he was running that is, considering the amount of distance between them. Sam continued his arc for another thity meters at his max speed before he pushed off on his right leg hard and redirected himself to start heading towards the enemy shinobi.
His hands began to form seals at a speed of 125, as it was seven hand signs he was using the time between making his hand signs to close the distance between him and the enemy shinobi. He needed to be able to make sure that the enemy shinobi didn’t just move backwards to exceed the range of his technique anyways. Once he was back to fifty meters away he sucks in his breath, at forty meters away he exhaled fire coming forth from his mouth in several small balls. As the light of the fire lit around himhe ensured to close one eye and used the brightness of the flames to try and conceal the fact that he was throwing shuriken into the flames.
He watched as four balls of fire, each with a shuriken at their heart headed towards the enemy shinobi at a speed of 112 and a power of 90. He fully expected the shinobi to dodge them, but he was planning on the shinobi doing this so he threw all four out in a horizontal formation, the first aimed at the shinobi’s left ribs, the second to the middle of his stomach, the third would miss entirely unless he moved to the right as it was aimed for fifty centimers off his right ribs, and the final forth was a full two meters towards his right. Sam had left the boy open to dodge left, back, or up. Going right would merely lead him more into the shurikens path.

As he did this he angled his body to move more to the right while still closing in, he brought his hands up holding the ram sign as he waited for the shinobi’s reaction to his attacks.

AP 690 - 30 = 660
Phoenix Sage Flower - 4 Shuriken, SPeed 112, Power 90 (fully expect you to dodge so not bothering with sharpness

Shuriken 10 - 4 = 6 Shuriken LEft in arsenal
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 35000

The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:40 pm
Komon’s eyes widened as the man seemed to effortlessly avoid his shuriken. It wasn’t so much it that it was impressive he did so.. But more that he was starting to understand this man's ability level, and it seemed to be greater than his own, he was going to have to plot his next moves carefully. And his hand would instinctively head towards Shinigami as he continued to move forward reaching his top speed of 195. As the man began to charge towards Komon, He would continue his path, not willing to let go of the offensive. He feared that the moment he did he would have already lost the battle. Which is why the way he reacted to the incoming flaming shuriken would be oh so important.

The shuriken were moving slower than himself and he could have dodged them with ease and risked slowing down, but instead he’d choose to pay a little extra energy. Already in his sand form he’d open up a hole in his stomach allowing one to rip through his shirt, while his hand sliced down with shinigami and knocked the one heading towards his ribs, not stopping his onward movements for even a fraction of a second, and his eyes still locked on his opponent.

It appeared his enemy wanted to continue this shuriken game and as the distance between them closed to roughly 30 meters Komon would oblige him sending another fuma shuriken in his direction. This time instead of making it giant, he would instead use the multiple shuriken jutsu, something he had never used on another human being for fear of hurting them. But he had seen what had happened to Taki, and he couldn’t afford to be careful at this moment.

The man running at him would see 1000 fuma shuriken dotting the horizon in front of him. At a close range of 30 meters it would be incredibly hard to dodge such an attack.

192 speed
116 sharpness
WC: 2012
Jutsu Used:
-50 for assimilate
-40 for multi shuriken
-1 for byakugan
-10 for body hole sand thing
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure Empty Re: The Defense of the Remnants of Tatsumakigakure

Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:11 pm
Sam was very surprised by the kumo shinobi’s ability to open a hole into himself, it was not a technique that he was greatly familiar with. He had heard of people with the ability to do things like this but in his long life he had yet to encounter someone who could. As the distance continued to close, his eyes widened in almost horror as he saw the shinobi sending out a massive wave of shuriken. Well he couldn’t die here, or at least not yet. If this shinobi was allowed to get out there into the major fight with the others, he would wreck havoc and undoubtedly prevent his forces from causing enough damage to delay the Kumo army from securing his daimyo.
As such he knew, he needed to drag this fight out longer. Having his hands already in the ram sign would be his saving grace. He pulsed his chakra and suddenly his speed went from 125 to 250 in a second. The shunshin no jutsu was unfortunately a technique that would allow him to travel in a single line. As such he choose to activate just as he pushed off of his right foot. As he had been arcing to the right he choose instead to shoot off with the shunshin at a 45 degree angle to the left. This way he would simultaneously close the distance and avoid that massive shuriken wall. He wouldn’t be able to close the distance much, but getting it down to 13 meters would allow him to enact his plan.
His hands flashed as he pulsed his chakra his hand making a half tiger seal. He was completely out of range for this technique, but then that wasn’t the point anyways. The fire flew from his mouth lighting the ground around him on fire as his hands continued moving. He had brought his second hand up into the tiger sign as he breathed the flames and now he transitioned from tiger to ram, ending on tiger again as he activated his Genjutsu. The flames were merely a ploy for him to get his opponent to think he was choking. The flames spewed forth, the smell of smoke beginning to raise around the air before his Genjutsu hand signs were even complete.
Now that he had completed his hand sign and sent his chakra out the enemy shinobi would begin to think that the smoke was choking him. Sam would continue moving his body arcing to the left, with a slight angle to close the distance down to fifteen meters unless the enemy shinobi should begin to try and run from him. Now he would be chasing his opponent. He needed to wound the man, to at least make sure that if he lost that he would not be able to fight effectively against his fellows. Now he followed up his two attacks by activating display of power and making his chakra seem as if it was 425 instead of 125.
He hid the pulse of his chakra in the display of power as he activated his second Genjutsu. On top of choking the kumo nin would now begin to feel paralyzed with fear due to the Genjutsu Binding technique. It was time for him to try an injure the kumo shinobi now. His hands which had never left the tiger seal clenched tighter and he pulsed his chakra taking a breath he suddenly fired out twenty fire balls, each two meters in diameter that began to fly towards the kumo shinobi at a speed of 70 power of 100. They were spaced out into a massive solid wall so that no matter which way Komon should choose to move they were covered. The smell of smoke would only be increased by the more fire that he had created since he ensured the lowest fireballs were grazing the grass beneath their feet lighting it on fire.

He let a small smirk come to his face since he knew he could command these fireballs to follow his opponent. He would injure him, even if he had to die trying.

AP 660 - 110 = 550
Fire Stream -  Doesnt matter, lit ground on fire smoke everywhere
Choking - Power 60, 0/3 Posts
Shibari - 0/3 posts, Power 60 (since he continued moving he would have activated this after he got within 10M)
Great Fireball Shower - 100 Power/70 Speed - MORE SMOKE
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