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Pool Party Takeo [Travel] Empty Pool Party Takeo [Travel]

Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:16 pm
Pool Party Takeo [Travel] J8CdQQ0

Takeo was ready for some fun in the sun. Shorts, t-shirt, sunglasses. All of that was not what he had taken with him. Still, fun in the sun was what he was ready to do. He was in a good mood. Crossing the continent in a short time was something he did daily. Like it was literally second nature to him at this point. Still, he was slightly on edge. Time was of the essence, quite literally. What if he got lost? It had happened before, back in the day Takeo had a notoriously terrible sense of direction. He was sure that he would be able to get past this issue though. All he had to do was head southwestish. Eventually he'd get there. It was a giant ass desert, not that hard to find. It would be finding the village itself that would be the difficult part of this.

Takeo was sure he could do it though. There was no doubt in his mind that he would be able to get to this village without anything bad happening. Mostly because this would end up being an instant travel post, so people couldn't stop if even if they tried. But also because Takeo was fairly certain he had a good idea of where he was going. Though on the off chance he didn't, he had a map on him. Yes a map, it's an item that has like a picture of the world or a city on it. You can use it to find your way to places, Takeo had one of them on him. A foolish man once said, who needs a map?! Well who doesn't need a map Takeo says in reply. Or would have said, if the two had ever spoken.

Back to the main topic though. Takeo was travelling the lonely road, the only one that he has ever known. He didn't know where it went. It was only him however, and he walked alone. Takeo walked this empty street. On the boulevard of broken dreams. Where the city sleeps, Takeo didn't know what city though. Maybe Hoshigakure, that was the closest city to him right now. Must be that one. The main point was, Takeo was the only one. And he walked alone. He walked alone, he walked alone. He walked alone and he walked a

His shadow's the only thing that walked beside him.

That was until Takeo whistled for a carriage. He had spotted one in the distance. As it came near Takeo noted that it seemed to have something written on the side. 'Fresh'. What a strange thing to have written on the side of your carriage. Takeo noted that next to the driver was a set of dice, an ornament of sorts it seemed. If anything Takeo could say this carriage was rare. But he thought nah forget it. "Hello my good fellow, could you please take me towards Sunagakure." Takeo got in the carriage and let it carry him across the land for some time. He watched as the trees passed by, landscape changing drastically as they moved from country to country, and then finally into the Wind country itself.

The carriage arrived in the country of wind. It seemed this was as far as it could go, due to the sand and all. Takeo wasn't sure of the time, around seven or eight o'clock if he had to guess. Takeo exited the carriage and yelled to the driver. "My good fellow, perhaps we shall meet up again in our travels some time."

Takeo looked at the country that lay out before him. He was finally there. Now all he had to do was find the village and get this message delivered to the leader, or someone who sufficient status within the village. Shouldn't be too difficult. Takeo was a gifted diplomat, probably the world's finest. So he walked across the sand to find this village or something.

[Instant Travel to Wind]
Akihana Akari
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Pool Party Takeo [Travel] Empty Re: Pool Party Takeo [Travel]

Sat Apr 01, 2017 2:28 am

Wordcount? <3
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Pool Party Takeo [Travel] Empty Re: Pool Party Takeo [Travel]

Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:48 am

Approved, its been more than 12 hours. <3
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