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Sakana Meijin
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Sakana learns ventriloquism  Empty Sakana learns ventriloquism

Sun Dec 25, 2016 12:35 am
It was the morning after Sakana's gennin exam. He had passed. He was now a gennin. He had off from training today because of his accomplishment. He told Kaigo he would make deliveries for the restaurant today. But Sakana being the person he his did not want to give up a day of training. He had told his exam proctor he was going to learn ventriloquism. Sakana figured it would work well for the clone jutsu for a perfect disguise. Not wanting to go back on his word he decided he was going to learn it today. Sakana started thinking of ways to learn this jutsu while working for Kaigo today. He didn't want to let his care taker down, especially after everything he's done for him recently. Then an idea came into his head. He had to talk to different people all day. He could try a new voice for all of them. Sakana decided making deliveries would be a great way to train. 

He stared looking at how to do this jutsu. He has to use his vocal cords in a different way in order to sound like someone else. He tried it while walking but it didn't work. He concluded the reason that it did not work was that he tried doing a bunch of random voices and it did not work. So this time he tried to replicate the voice of his gennin exam proctor. Sakana started to recall her female voice in his head. The way she talked to him, the different letters she put emphasis on when she talked. So he thought he could fix this by saying different phrases in different voices until finally he sounded exactly like she did. He thought it was pretty identical but what did he know he was not a girl. Next he tried Kaigo. Kiago has a old man voice and was pretty easy to replicate because it was slow and creeky. Sakana found it fun to replicate the voices of other ninja from his training session. He was pretty sure that all the voices were correct. He was happy he picked up this jutsu that fast.

Sakana headed out. His first stop was some girl down the street. Her name was Julie. Julie was around Sakana's age and Sakana liked her. She had long blonde hair, and was 5'5. Sakana had pretty much known her since he was brought to the village. He wanted to impress her. Sakana walked to her house. And realized he could try his new Justu here. Thoughts flooded Sakana's mind. What voice would impress her? He thought of his training instructor. He vocalized his voice changing it from higher to lower until he sounded like his training instructor. It was a deep voice, unrecognizable from his real voice. He knocked on the door and she opened it. He started talking to her in this new voice. She immediately knew it was a trick because she knew Sakana really well. Sakana was impressed she could tell and knew he had to practice more but he also secretly loved that she could tell so easily. Sakana completed his delivery and headed out on more. Trying new voices over and over all day. Once he returned from his day of work he talked to Kaigo. He showed Kaigo his new jutsu. Kaigo was proud of Sakana, since the day he enrolled Sakana in the ninja academy he had never regretted his decision. After all Sakana was one of the best in his class, was progressing quickly, and was rising though the ranks. He knew Sakana was destined for greatness.

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Sakana learns ventriloquism  Empty Re: Sakana learns ventriloquism

Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:44 am

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