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Hmmn. another flavour  Empty Hmmn. another flavour

Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:02 pm
So far so good, Jade had being performing well, he had gotten stronger far stronger than even his Rival Azure, before now Jade would train alone day and night, his training paid off anyway. Now that he is a genin, His next focus was to be promoted to chuinin, Jade wanted to even surpass his sensei Ren, and maybe a day will come when they will spar and he would beat his sensei in battle, He was focused while in the academy, and after becoming a genin , he still kept his focus, his focus and his determination had being keeping him going. Jade didn't stop training, he did not let a day go without training, every night fall he would go to his usual arena training ground or to the waterfall. This he had being doing ever since he dreamt of becoming a ninja, and that had made  him surpass his peers. He was one of the first student to be promoted to genin in his clan , an achievement his father praised him for. Nevertheless  Jade did not allow this to reduce his time with training, he was àlways pushing forward beyond his limit when in training, making him unlock more potentials.
     It was almost evening,  Jade had being writing his books as usual, he was at his  limits and was almost  getting tired, his thumbs had gotten sore, finally he dropped his pen, he picked up his diary from his desk , he checked for where he wrote his new yet to be learned jutsu ;  five water shark. He had at least seen the mizukage teach this jutsu to one of his student , he was able to write down the hand seals as the mizukage performed it slowly while Jade observed closely from where he was standing, he wanted to learn this jutsu because of it natured beauty, Five water shark forms from a water source and swim around his target biting and cutting their flesh with their teeth. The hand seals were quite simple but needs a lot of chakra and focus , the jutsu requires the user to clapped their palm together focusing their chakra into it and slamming their right palm on a water source, the five water sharks will form and attack target.
             Having no one to teach the jutsu,  he simply believe he can learn it all by himself probably because the hand seals were simple and despite that it requires Lot of focus and lot of chakra to perform. Jade felt it time he head to the water fall “ let get out of here" he said as he pack his items into his medium sized ninja bad and headed out. It was almost late, the frogs were croaking and the wind  was strong but gentle, the plant and trees were shaking from side to side. Jade Jumped down from a tree he had being standing on for an hour or so. He wasn't sure what he was doing there , he was just standing there getting some cool breeze. “It is time I do what I came here to do, time is not on my side" he said as he sat on the ground taking a deep breathe. “ Alright let do this" He shut his then clapped his palm together and focus chakra into both palm, he went  into a state of imaginary, he was visualizing the jutsu, the imagery were extreme, Jade was pushing his limit, First he saw himself on top of an ocean , his imaginary self clapped his hands together and focus chakra to his palm. His mind  needs to be  free from distraction or he won't be able to learn the  jutsu, Hus eyes swifted around the ocean trying to see if there are wild fishes nearby that could kill him. He saw none , he was still standing still trying not to make any move so as not to get distracted, “I come this far to learn the five water shark jutsu not be eaten by a wild fish , maybe I should stop visualizing and focus on learning the jutsu in reality or maybe I should go on with this style. Imaginary and reality , two ways by which Jade learns his jutsu, when being imaginary he simply visualize what he wants to see, what the jutsu would be like if he had in reality performed it, though this may be hard at times to accomplish, he always finds a way to do learn it. Learning jutsu in reality for Jade is merely figuring out a way in which a jutsu can be acquired or learnt, he must know the hand seals and the chakra concentration for the jutsu. Jade had focus enough chakra to his palms, after clapping both hands together, he slam his right hand down to the ocean , he yelled “water style : five water sharks" as five water formed and rose up, moving in a circle like direction in front of him but dismantled within a few seconds. At this moment, Jade opened his eyes, he was really  marvelled about the size of those sharks. His ocean blue eyes widen “if I can just learn this jutsu  , I think I will be my perfect form.

He was focused in his mind, the hand seals seems quite simple but the jutsu requires a lot chakra and focus. It was  one of the deadliest jutsu in kirigakure , the jutsu is used mostly by kiri ninjas, it has great power and the size of the water sharks are tremeniously  great, though with little range it still retain its power within close distance. Learning a jutsu like this won't come easy, it requires a lot of determination and hard work. Jade has being training for quite some hours, he had being at the waterfall with a will to learn the five water sharks jutsu.
He had affinity for water element jutsu, well most kiri  ninjas does . He had being training to fully manipulate his water infused chakra, he was gonna learn the wind element and maybe years later he would be able to combine water element and wind element to use his clan element; Secret art : Ice release. The ice release element is not something that is automatically granted to yuki clan members upon being born like the sharigan in the case of uchiha and byakugan in the case of Hyuga, it has to be unlocked like a padlock, one has to find the right key to unlock the lock. After years of intense chakra training and manipulation, a yuki clan member will fused his water and wind chakra together to form into the ice release chakra  , very few yuki members are able to unlock this ability,
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