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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:48 pm
Salzem saw what Ryu was trying to do with his knife and lept back before he could strike (67 speed), putting a good 10 meters between them. Salzem would then get down on all fours and begin circling Ryu slowly, snarling all the while. He glared at the kid, attempting to intimidate him with the bulk of his wolven form. Ryu began on some tangent about how he really wasn't a monster and that he'd "punch them in the throat" for saying otherwise, even if that was he. Salzem simply didn't care whatever message Ryu was trying to get across. Salzem was a monster and that was just fine. He was what he called himself and if he believed what he called himself, that was what he was, body and soul. Salzem said nothing but snarls and he circled his prey, sanguine eyes glowing brighter and brighter as his snarls got louder and louder. This time, he wouldn't attack. He would simply stare and snarl. Salzem was contemplating what Ryu was trying to say, speaking as if the word "Monster" was a bad thing. Maybe it was in Human definition, but to a creature such as the White Wolf, A monster was a declaration of strength! Of Power! He had enough of both to be sure. A short moment later, Salzem decided he had something to say to the kid and stopped growling.

"I don't care what you think of me..." Salzem snarled. "I AM a monster... A powerful beast! In your human words, monster may be a word of neg-ga-tiv-it-ty but for a beast such as myself, it shows what I am..." Salzem howled loudly as he finished his retort, likely loud enough to hurt Ryu's ears at such a close proximity
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:30 pm
The howl was loud, and it made Ryu's eardrums vibrate rapidly, however it seemed that monster meant something entirely different to the wolf. "You want to take a quick break before going at it again? I need some water." The ninja pulled his water bottle from his bag and threw it to Salzem. Its weird he barely attempted to dodge before, but he avoided the kunai.  If Salzem would allow it Ryu would take a seat on the ground. 

"Ugh..." The ninja slammed his body into the sand and looked up. "So any chance you want to go grab some dinner later? You know after our next couple rounds of holy shit, holy shit, oh no. The ninja asked holding onto his torn up shirt. There was also some blood on the shirt that Ryu had not noticed before, looking closer there were a couple thin lines where the claws had nicked him, if the shirt wasn't so tight Ryu probably would not have noticed. "Damn are your claws sharp, I didn't even feel that." Ryu made some hand seals and covered his palm in blue chakra placing it over the wound. After a few moments the scratch dissipated the flesh looking as it did before, the red liquid still staining the shirt. 

The ninja looked over to the phoenix who was still standing waiting for something. "Hey I'm going to de-summon you for now, but I'll call you back when I get food, okay." Not like the phoenix could argue really, so it bowed its head and poofed away.

WC: 260

Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:47 am
Salzem would have objected to Ryu's request for a break had he not known that human forms were much less suited to battle than that of a werewolf. He relaxed his body, as difficult as that might've been as he was just starting to enjoy himself. He watched as Ryu "plopped" himself into the sand, almost looking like it hurt. Salzem crouched down on his back legs so that he was squatting over the sand, rather than sitting. He rested his arms atop his knees, watching as Ryu stared at his shirt. It seemed Salzem did cut him after all... That was good enough for him, payback for all those Kunai slashes and stabs.

"I'll get my own food later." Salzem said shrugging his shoulders. "Hunting is free after all." Salzem looked down at his claws and smiled, 3 long strips of flesh hung from his nails where he had slashed Ryu, proof his blow had landed. He picked the flesh off with his other hand and discarded them into the sand, quickly and without hesitation. He would wait for Ryu to get the rest he required before getting ready to go another round.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:23 am
Taking the other water bottle from his bag, the ninja drank its contents. Not too quickly though he had a feeling that Salzem might want to punch him in the gut just to watch vomit fly if he did. Seeing as Salzem already had plans for dinner, he didn't question him too much. With another two minutes of rest Ryu was ready to go again. He was healed, hydrated and liked the challenge that his stronger and faster opponent brought. 

Standing up from the sand Ryu walked over to where his kunai had landed. He picked up the object and twirled it using the loop at the end. "So are you ready for round two?" The ninja pulled out another kunai from his bag and looked up at the lycan. "Might as well try with two, can't get my ass beat any worse than with one." With the stance Ryu took it was obvious that one kunai was to be used for thrusting, while the other would be used for slashing. The right kunai was aimed forward, while the left was aimed backward. Not really sure this stance will work, but its worth a try.

WC: 195

Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:29 pm
Salzem Yawns and stretches, realizing how tired he really had become over the course of the fight. Even as Ryu hopped up, Salzem looked at him tiredly before slowly getting to his feet. It seemed taking all those hits had taken more out of him than he thought. He was going to need some sleep... Salzem looked up at the sky, noting how low the sun was, just hanging above the horizon.

"Yeah... well... To be continued." Salzem yawned again before walking past Ryu into the village. He looked back before going completely out of sight. "Hey. Good fight though, kid." With that, Salzem made his way into the winding streets of Sunagakure. He hopped atop many of the rooftops,taking a short cut to his little piece of home. The white wolf landed deftly in the sand after dropping of an especially tall building, landing right in a little square alley that he had adapted into his little make-shift room. In the center, there was a little nest of soft sand with a only slightly tattered cover that acted as his bed with a clean pipe that released nice, cool drinking water a few feet away. Salzem walked over to his bed and dropped himself into it, curling himself into a white, furry ball, and, before long, he was fast asleep.

WC: 3027

Claiming 2696 words for Lycanthropy Healing factor and 15 stat points
Yasahiro Yagami
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:59 pm
Approved, please remember to link the jutsu/skills you train. It makes modding a lot easier, thanks.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Ryo : 728350

Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:06 pm
Looking at the daggers the ninja was had a face that kind of said well damn. Placing the kunai carefully back into his pouch the ninja watched as Salzem turned to leave. “Maybe next time I’ll get a few more hits in, learn that move that made you so fast. Stuff like that. But it seemed the wolf was ready to leave he said it was a good fight before darting off into the sand village, before he was out of earshot though the ninja called out to the retreating man. “I’ll be back tomorrow if you want to do this again, see you later!”

With those words Ryu left the training grounds and headed to his house. The paths Salzem and Ryu took were different. Where the lycan crossed the gates, the ninja turned and went to his house. Turning the knob, he released he had promised Philostratus something and headed to go get the phoenix something to eat.

WC: 160
TWC: 2824
Claiming Rewards: (Philostratus Bond and 14 stats)
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Saladin Pendragon
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 3 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:37 am
Looks good, approved.
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