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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:03 pm
Mako sat in a table in a picnic area.  The area was surrounded by trees and and was fairly nice though there was no one there today, it was a beautiful day the wind blew gently and the temperature was amazing.  Mako sat with his legs up on the table and his arms arched beside his head with his hands interlocked behind his head.  The cigarette dangling from his lips, and his short hair blowing in the wind.  He had trimmed his beard before he left this morning wanting to look good for the meeting he planned on this day 

Mako had not seen the other two members of his team around for some time and several months had gone by and he had done some training but not much in preparation for his advancement to chuunin.  He had fought several prominent members of the Hidden Leaf, including Risako and Salzem, and he knew he was ready to move on.  He had met several genin around in his training and had finally settled down to which two he would choose for the mission.

Lingqi Rentai and John Kaguya.  Lingqi had already invited him to join her when they met the first time, but he doubted she had the necessary drive to get the mission together so Mako would take it upon himself to do the paperwork.  The other John was not quite as strong but his determination was enough for Mako to see him as the third necessary member of his squad.

Before Mako made it to the picnic he had already sent two letters to the other two members to meet him here on this day.  He needed to discuss the upcoming exam that they would go on with them and as of now he was ready.

Mako sat there and waited smoking a cigarette until the others showed


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:41 pm
Lingqi huffed and puffed practically tripping over her feet as she ran across the grassy carpet. Her short little legs felt like wet noodles. as usual she was wearing her trade mark Monkey outfit, you know the once. Brown maryjanes, brown socks, yellow stockings, that's right two lairs of hosiery ling was a freak. Brown baggy shorts that looked like the bottom half of a romper. Followed by a short puffy yellow and brown shirt/ hoodie that left her midriff revealed. The hood had a monkey face and ears on it. She also wore a pair of furry brown arm warmers to complete the look. On top her her head was an actual monkey who was just shaking is head at the performance of his best friend. Ling was many things. Hyper active, well verse in water jutsu, possibly smart? But physically fit was definitely not one of them.  

"Bunny, bunny, bunny." She gasped as she fell flat on her face. "The bunny got away." Hiru patted his friend on her back in a comfoting manner. He was just a caring monkey. "Oh well. I'll just have to find a new pet." She got up and looked at Hiru... "You'd look cute in a collar!"

"Eeep eeep!" Hiru frantically shook his head. 

Luckily for the little red monkey Lingqi noticed Mako hanging out in the back ground. Mako... why did she get a feeling that she was suppose to do something about him? "Hiru, were we suppose to kill that guy?" She asked turning her head to her monkey.

He placed his hand under his chin and rubbed it in contemplation. 

"No, no." She said finally. "He bought us ice cream, we'd never kill someone who did that." Then she got a plan. "Okay I have a plan." She ran, sprinted, skipped, and cartwheeled her way over to where Mako was hanging out. She just finished a wonderful backwards flip and was about to do another, but her hands made contact with the ground, and there just happened to be a bannana peel right under her! Her arms slipped her body flew into the air, and she landed right on Mako. 

"Woops!" She giggled jumping off of him and brushing herself off. "I feel like I meet everyone this way." She announced looking at on of her stockings that had a grass stain on the knee. Honestly it was suprising that he outfit wasn't just one big grass stain. "Anyway I came here to talk to you about that thing. You know... the one that we...were... supposed to... talk about. You know? That one?" Smooth, very smooth.
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:39 pm
John had once again woken up from a nightmare. after a visit to the showers and after his morning routine, John was now outside, while heading towards the area that he was designated to head to in the letter that he had gotten. the clouds were white,and they just floated out in the sky towards an unknown area, as the sun shone down to the path that John was walking on. after a while, John was heading up a hill, as it seemed he was at a forested area. later, he found a clearing with a bench. upon closer inspection, John could see that there were two people already there. one was Mako, though, he didn't recognize the other one. John headed towards them with gusto. John had cracked his neck as it was stiff from the morning. as John neared them, he decided to make himself known.

"hey, guys!" John half-shouted as he waved his hand in the air and then headed over to them. John stood with Mako and the girl. it was evidently clear that it was a girl. John sat down with them and once again, cracked his neck. "so, what are we gonna do now, now that we're together?" John asked Mako. "what is there to talk about?" John liked the weather. he also liked the place. it was quiet, serene.. a good place all in all. Mako picked a good place for a meeting. here, nobody would disturb them.

John waited while he sat down on the patch of grass and waited patiently for what Mako had in store for him. or rather, John and the new team member.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 2000

That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:32 pm
Mako kept his head back in his hands and his eyes closed.  His Haki ability gave him incredible hearing and he knew the others were arriving before they ever knew he was waiting for them.  He could hear Lingqi talking to herself as she was was the first to arrive, though it would seem she forgot she was actually supposed to arrive and then he would hear the ruckus of Ling becoming very excitable.  He would open his eyes and see her cartwheeling directly at him.  He noticed the peel a moment before she did and reacted,  the chair shot out from under him away from them and Mako put his arms out and caught Ling perfectly.  Ling was very small and light and Mako was well built and powerful,  it wasn't difficult for him to do, Mako now held Ling with one arm under her back and the other under her knees.  Though Ling's entrance wasn't smooth, Mako was always smooth.  In fact the amount of times women fell into his arms on a daily basis would surprise anyone he told.    Mako would gently set Ling down, if she didn't fight it, and would await the next member of the team.  Mako had thought Lingqi would be like many other girls and automatically fall for his charm, though that never happened, which Mako liked.  Lingqi only liked monkey things from what he had seen so far.  Which is why Mako never summoned his monkey so they could stay on track.

"Hey, Ling its been a while"  Mako said smiling a disarming smile with half a cigarette hanging out of his mouth from his lips.  Mako had his battle gear on and was ready though he had no intention of starting the mission immediately. 

Mako could hear the grass and shrubbery shifting as John made his way into the picnic area.  John placed his left hand on the Ninjato attached to his belt and his right hand on the neck opening of his Flak vest.  Mako would wait to talk until John made it into the circle.  Everyone was here and accounted for.

"So, I invited you all here to talk about the chuunin exams.  Some of us already have been assigned teams, some haven't and some of our teams have already moved on.  Whatever the case the three of us are prepared to make the next step."  He took a sigh he hated long winded speeches and wanted to force himself to keep it short.

"Jason, this is Linqi Rentai and Hiru they will serve as our backfield long range users providing support if we are ever outnumbered.  Now Ling this is Jason Kaguya he is a very talented Taijutsu user and will be able to provide frontline action.  Now you all know me, I am Mako and being that we have no chuunin I will name myself interim leader of the squad.  I will fill in the missing roles that we have weaknesses in.  Well, I guess that's it unless you had anything else to add?" He finished his speech and left it with the question.

 Mako had his doubts but they weren't enough to make him not want to attempt this challenge.  Mako stood tall and proud waiting to hear what the rest had to say

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:13 am
"Oh yeah." Ling announced pressing her fist down onto her open palm. The chuunin exams, now she remembered. She was supirsed she'd forgotten she'd been pretty excited about it. She probably saw a bunny or something along the way and forgot. Ooooh eeem gee a bunny would be so good to have right now. Wait he was still talking. Something something strategy something something. Yeah sounded good. 

"IIIIIIIIIIIII'm Totally going to wash everyone away! Because I'm aweosme and I've got some super sweet ninjutsu that you guys are going to poop your pants at when you see them. Also I john, nice ot meet you, I've benver met a taijutsu user. Well i might have. I did wonder the wild for alike a year so who knows what I did in all of that iem. Not me! It's all just one big blur. I think I was a can can danger fro a while. Maybe, maybe not. Wit, that would explain the ruffle skirt. And why that one guy keeps on calling my number asking for Charlotte, huh. Anyway that's cool, I couldn't do it myself. I've got weak ankles. It's a curse. I could never be a ballet dancer. Anyway I've got no beef with the plan. Let's go! Right now! Mission!"

(Pretend like I posted something of quality. Not feeling it right now.)
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:25 pm
John nodded. he had understood what Mako had said. there wasn't anything that John wanted to ask. though there was something that he had in mind.or rather, a few questions, but not anymore than three-four questions. John raised his arm and asked Mako. "um yeah, i have a couple of questions if you don't mind.." "john began his first question: "how hard is this chuunin exam going to be?" John's second question was: " am i gonna become the girl's body guard?" John's third question was: "how is our strategy going to be?" that was most likely gonna be John's questions. as he stood at attention and waited for Mako to answer all of them, John also concentrated at the wind to calm him down as he was in actuality, a nervous wreck. he was going to fight for real this time. no time-outs or knockout matches, until it was specifically specified, this time they were most likely gonna head into fights to the death. in actuality, John wasn't sure if he was ready to take someone's life, but that's the life of a ninja, John thought. death is all around us, and it can and will take a life at any moment's notice. in some cases, John would have to guess, a big one but still, that he was gonna play the body guard crush. it wouldn't be too good if people rushed up to her and pummeled her down when she was trying to activate her jutsus. John would have to cover her to the best of his strength. though if he met someone who has a sword, he was most likely gonna be sent to the cleaners. but if he trained well enough to build up his body to resist such sharp and deadly attacks, he would be fine. at least John hoped that it would be like that. the next thing that John thought about was what Mako himself would function as? besides leader, John was thinking that he was most likely gonna protect both John and Ling from further enemies. John then had a thought. the technique that he had used against Mako when they fought in the village, 8 gates or something like that. with a technique that powerful, John was most likely their trump card. if John had hidden that fact away from his enemies that he had such a powerful technique literally hidden in his sleeves, then he would most likely surprise them. John now stood full at attention at Mako, as he was most likely gonna tell them what they were gonna do next. whatever it was and how grueling it would be, John had to endure it. that's the only way to get stronger. John had heard somewhere that if you wanted to become stronger, you would have to train until it hurts. and John was more than likely going to get hurt in this process. it would be tough, but it would have to do for John. now John waited for anything that Mako would tell them what they were gonna do. and John had hoped it would be something good.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:35 pm
"I'm not certain what the mission parameters entail, nor do I know to what extents we will work cohesively.  All I know is that separately we each have our own in dependant strengths that make us powerful, which is why I carefully selected the team as it stands.  We will be attempting this mission without the help of a chuunin, so it will be far more difficult than any mission you've been on.  As it stands I will fill the role of captain and when in the heat of the battle you can trust me I will not steer you wrong."  Mako said concluding the meeting between the three.  Mako was nervous to be sure though he was also quite excited.  He knew that the team would be above average and that they could handle any mission they are sent on.  Mako finished his cigarette and leaped up to the tree above them grabbing the branch like a monkey and pulling himself up one handed.  He then disappeared from sight.  He would inform them of any moves made from here on out.  He had hoped they were prepared.


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:31 pm
Well this all sounded fantastic. Truly it did. Lingqi was goign to beaat up some bad guys, she had some new teammates. She hoped it went better than her last shot at it. You know with the whole Jun going mission ninja nonsense and everything. she wondered what jun was up to now a days. Probably hanging out in the forest like a loser. That girl was just too chill and unambitious for her own good. Or her own bad. She hadn't heard anything about her getting killed so, that was cool. Wait why was she thinking of jun? She probably missed her. She too was a ridiculously old academy student, like herself. Hmm but these guys were ridiculously old genin too. What even was her life?

Anyway she shot finger pistols to the two men.  Mako seemed like a good enough ninja. He could summon a monkey and that was good enough for her. As far as she knew the summoning jutsu was fairly complex so it was a good sign that he could do it. Plus he got out of her genjutsu earlier in their relationship so that mena his chakra war fairly good. Ling like that in a man. And if all else failed he could just use all the women that were hanging around him as weapons. 

She didn't know anything about john but when it was mentioned that he'd be guarding her she gave her monkey a sideways look. Well it was going to be awkward when John found out that She already had a body guard. A best friend guard. A monkey if you will. You know like the kind with fur and tails. His name was Hiru, he was a monkey. Ling liked him. "right monkey?" She said out lout with no real rhyme or reason to anyone who wasn't reading the narration. Even Hiru gave her a queer look. If only they knew what went on in her head. They'd be just as screwed up. What was she thinking? Oh right John. Taijutsu. cool. Ling not a fan, but she wasn't good at it so how could she be a fan? It be interesting to see what a person who was actually good at it could do when given the chance. 

She shot the boys finger pistol, and stood up. She took a second and built up a lot of air in her stomach, before lurching forwards and hocking a wad a spit a few feet away. She sighed and shrugged. "That was suppose to be a jutsu." She announced with a laugh. "I promise I've got some better ones up my sleeve. But until then, have really low expectation for me. But you bring the brain and I'll bring the pain." She laughed and appreciated her joke. "I like that!"

With that she clapped her hands together and the earth trembled ever so slighting. Fierce sheets of water began to rise from the ground and surround ling in a corkscrew fashion until she was completely out of sight as this large column of water spun around here. Despite it's motion and power the water was strangely reflective. It reflected the boys' images right back at them. There was no froth or foam to the water just the gentle gliding and rippling of a placid pool. It looked strangely like quickly silver engulfing the girl. Then just as it had appeared it collapsed on top of them probably soaking them to the bone. And just like that ling was gone. 

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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:36 am
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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,) Empty Re: That'll do Pig, That'll do (Meeting, p ,NK,)

Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:54 am

Approved @ Ling and Mako <3
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