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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:42 pm
Zennal weaved through the Bird hand sign again, before placing his hands on the ground. The pillar rose up slower than before, but more sturdy. He grinned at it for a moment, before looking over at Yensung as he said to not be afraid to use to much chakra among other things. He sighed and nodded, saying "Thanks for the advice, Mr.Yen. I'll take that into consideration next time." As he went to practice again, a nasty little thought popped into his head, one that he really didn't like the thought of. He almost scowled at it.

Did Mr.Yen think he couldn't do it?

It was a silly thought, but he couldn't help but think that the older Chuunin didn't think he could do it. Like he was inadequate. Zennal couldn't believe this thought, but it wouldn't leave his head. Maybe he was just being nice? Then again, he might not be. Zennal shook his head, trying to get the thought out of his head.

He let out a sigh, before making an attempt, quickly creating the Bird hand seal before touching the ground. This time, much quicker and just as sturdy. He smiled, and pushed on it, it not moving at all. Evidently, he tuned out everything else around him, until Jason-sama said he almost got it. He didn't even notice the rain until just now.

He looked over to Jason, and smiled, saying "Actually, I just finished it now." He smiled to the fact that he was able to complete it this quickly. However, he soon realized something. "Hokage-sama, I'm sorry. I don't have any other jutsu yet to re-pay you with, though when I get one I'll teach it to you to re-pay you!"

Well, if the two were going to spar, than he might as well pay attention. Maybe he could learn something new? "If you two are going to spar" he began "Would it be alright if I watched?" He wasn't sure if he would be aloud too, seeing as they're two much higher level Shinobi, but he didn't really know. It was worth a shot. 

If the two were ok with it, he would swiftly climb up a tree, it being swift and effective. He didn't want to be in the way after all, and if he was surely they would be upset and ask him to leave, forcing him to be ashamed of himself. Zennal shook his head lightly, and thought 'Gotta stop with these negative thoughts...'

(1000/1000 for Earth Pillar Spears)
Alister Yama
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:24 am
Yen smiled as he nodded waiting paceintly for jason as he took note of the fact that he didn't have very much combat skill at all besides being able to take hits this made him chuckle a bit as he didn't need to be so brutish yet there was no harm in trying to do so. Sadly one attack was out of the question since it was merely a staple as for his other techniques required a bit of set up and there was some rain he made. hm well now thats a bit of a problem I guess I'll go with set up c for now.  Yen thought to himself as he smiled and nodded at the kage. 

"I decided that for starters you may go first Lord hokage after all I initiated and it's a spar we can't let things get too crazy here." Yen chuckled as he weaved the rat-dog handsign to activate flicker movement enabling him to move a bit faster then his current stature. Following that Yen would kneel on a knee as he watched the kage and noted that zennal went towards a tree to watch. Well it would depend on what occurred but yen kept in mind for his conclusion of his scenario he needed the kage close  Yet unsure of the  fact that despite his status jason could very well be a lot faster then him yet yen took pride that his body was misleading in a sense to his durability. Despite that his chakra was miles away from being depleted yet he desired to show his kage a bit more then lasting.  Yen awaited his mages first move contemplating the next step.

Jutsu used: flicker movement: +10 speed and reaction time 

Final speed  stat:32 reaction time:102  (+10 from experienced fighter)
Jason Senju
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:18 pm
Jason would nod at Zennal showing that it was in fact ok for him to watch the spar. Jason wasn't planning on overdoing it so he wanted to make this pretty short. He wondered at what the Chuunin's ability might be. He had always been interested in the different clans and their secret techniques. Perhaps he would get to see the Aburame at work. He watched as Yensung made the Rat-Dog hand seals and said he would let Jason make the first move.

Jason would acknowledge Yensung with a swift nod and jump back from the Aburame ten meters, performing a series of hand seals as he did so. The first thing he needed to do was create some water of his own to use, seeing as the rain Yensung had made would be useless to him. Just as he was about six feet away from Yensung, water would gush forth from Jason's mouth taking the form of a trumpet and aimed at the Chuunin. Even if the attack missed, it would give Jason the water he needed for a few choice combos of his. 

jutsu used:
water trumpet -20AP
water trumpet has a speed and power of 95
940AP remaining
Alister Yama
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:11 am
The fact that the technique used enabled yen to see the attack conning barely that is as his speed was still at a sub par level as yen took a instant to set himself to move at a diagnial movement making a quick diving roll about a meter closer towards jason as the water spreaded out yen rolled  to the left a meter avoiding a cone of water rushing by him from jason. The speed and power was astounding yet expected from a esteemed ranked ninjas and kage to boot.As the force of the technique blew off his hat and made yen skidd back  a meter from being near it.  Yet as yen regained his balence yen dove forward a three meters and   rolled on to the ground head over heal a meter drawing yen to about 17 meters from jason. However as he rolled yen telepathically ordered  5 kilkikaichu to leave his body via the pores of  his arms at a speed of  20 the kilkikaichu (3 males and two females) crawled out of his pores as yen issued a mere mental order to devour his chakra and submit his control.  at those words the 5 insects flew towards jason at a speed of 15 should they land they would begin to bite jason draining his very chakra from him.

 In the meantime yen rolled upright into a kneeling position with his left knee up and right knee down as yen touched the ground with his left hand and stretching out his right hand out towards jason as he looked at him from the corner of his eye  in a slight delay that would leave an mock opening as yen sighed  reaching his right hand up to his  forehead and building up a large ammount of chakra into his right index finger he decided to brush his brow casting the first of his genjutsu epermal (power 70) as he  brushed his right hand across his brow releasing a sigh and speaking to throw off the kage "whew   that's some powerful water Lord kage." He would say as he extended his right hand. Should jason be looking at his right hand within 25 meters he would be caught in the genjutsu.

Should the genjutsu hit jason would find that yen would vanish within the rain  as the ground would shake for a moment making it seem like yen would be trying to escape only to find  that yen would attempt to punch him from behind but fail to strike him. If jason in the genjutsu would strike at the illusionary yen then yen would fly back hitting a tree and crashing to the ground causing the very earth to shake once again  every time the illusionary yen is hit this way wincing and saying good shot. As the illusionary yen would get back to its feet and ask "teach me more" with a hunger and slight deranged voice like manila in a way each time jason would hit the illusion yen the earth would shake more violently and a the voice would get more maniacal.

As yen would release the genjutsu  as he realized the reality of Jason's action quickly building up chakra in his abdomen mixing it with his his body fluids yen  glanced over at jason curious and growing interested in his pages abilities. water from his mouth must enable him to use some water for some techniques. Well that was unavoidable much less I have little to stop him however ar this moment lies the fact that I'll have to stay defensive or prevent him from doing much else. Surely this should do the trick with my delay and keep him at bay.

Yen would think to himself as he released the next technique by spitting out  3 double layers webs from his mouth in rapid succession at a speed and power of 60 the heath of the webs would be 60 as two webs would be aimed at the kages right foot, and one aimed at his left foot. with a knock back effect should the webs hit.  however the greatest distinguishment of yens webbing would be the dark blue pulsating chakra comming from his webbing as should the webbing stick to the ground and cover Jason's foot he would begin losing 5 actions per post as long as yens webbing remained in contact with Jason's bare skin and the solid surface being the ground.

At point of yen releasing his webbing yen would call out 10 more kilkikaichu and order them to drain Jason's chakra as these 10 would start flying towards jason at a speed of 20. Yen I'd the ephemeral would've hit at this point would in fact release jason from it unless his webbing would've broken him free. Instead  Yen would begin focusing on  a stronger genjutsu as he was seeking to impress the kage yen smiled as he built up his chakra to maximum as he took a breath the chakra loss was minimum to him. Yet came the true challenge to take the reigns of the spar and show him the depths of genjutsu as he would begin weaving a abnormally large sequence of handsigns closing his eyes and breathing as he felt the calling of his own personal justsu calling to him.  rat-bird-Dragon-tiger-Dragon-ram-monkey-
Dog-dragon-tiger-snake-Dragon-ox-ram-tiger-Monkey-bird-rat-bird.. apon the final handsigns should jason have looked up  towards yen and any part of him at  20 meters speaking as the final handsign was completed "let's play" 

Insects inside of body: 145/160
Insects outside the body: 15

Total Actions:940/1,250

Pandemonium- 120


Kilkikaichu ability give mind -10

Spider web flower- 50 per use of webs: used 3 times 150 (20 base action cost  +30 from kilkikaichu ability chakra destruction webbing.)
Jason Senju
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:16 am
Jason's attack would miss as Yen performed a diving roll diagonally toward Jason to dodge the water. Jason watched as the water hit the ground and sprayed in several directions as the technique ended. The force of Jason's technique was still enough to push off Yen's hat and make him skid backward about a meter from the force of it shooting past him. As Yen Skidded backward, Jason simultaneously performed the hand seals Rat-Bird and swing his left arm in the direction of Yensung who was exactly twenty meters from Jason. The water that had splashed onto the ground that Yen was now standing on would form into ten needles and fly at the Aburame with intense speed, closing the distance of about two meters near instantly. 

Immediately after swinging his arm, at the same time Yen would be rolling toward Jason, Jason would have performed a series of hand seals at his max speed. By the time Yensung had begun to kneel, an immense stream of fire would already be on it's way toward Yensung from Jason's mouth. The intense flames, being fifteen meters in size, would be blocking Yensung from view and most likely, although Jason wouldn't realize it, burning up the few insects Yensung had sent flying toward Jason. 

Since the flames would be blocking Yensung from view, Jason would not be caught in the genjutsu the Aburame was trying to use.

jutsu used:
water needles -20AP(needles form and move at 80 speed, power of 95)
majestic fire destruction -40AP(Fire has a speed and power of 115)
Alister Yama
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:33 am
Yens attack had immediately turned into a defensive push back for survival and he thought of a wY to turn things back in his favor. His combination would have to wait as the shooting pain in his back immediately stopped him in tracks of thoughts and forced him into another evasive mode. Yet  despite his toughness still yen  let out a slight sharp intake of breath of pain as the water needles went into his back yen relaxed his body and went with the momentum of the needles letting them carry him as he tucked and tumbled 2 meters to the left weaving handsigns snake-ram-horse-hare ram-horse- hare-ram-ox and a clap of his hands yen outstretched his right hand towards jason as a flicker of red escaped Jason's mouth . Yen performing the water prison jutsu. Using the water of the rain and ground around him the prison formed around himself at a speed of 75 with a power and health of 65 each. It was a grand ammount of power for sure yet yen was on the defensive as jason's torrent of flames were soon him yet yen used the water prison as a soak to absorb and reduce the power of Jason's flames.  letting the torrent of flames engulf him yen noticed that the technique saved him a lot of pain from the fire element attack. Yet the water heated up for sure quiet a bit as it evaporated into steam obscuring the vision of both kage and chuninn.

Yen arms  were pink from the power of Jason's flames yet that still didn't faze him as if the technique hit him it would be a diffrent story and actually painful.  Yen then shook his shoulders Like a warm up impressed by the kages display of power.Yen then decided to play off the obscuring steam as the speaking to jason. "Very nice jason."  Yen sounded thrilled by the fact he was very thrilled and as rain continued to fall  yen would preform the tiger handsign to use hidden mist jutsu. The steam and mist would mix and spread out 25 meters from yen  and  as he thickend the mist yen would roll back into the depths of the mist about three meters  and to the left 2 (speed 32) and  took a breath as he preformed the tiger handsign again creating two water clones  and the clone handsign to create a shadow clone. Each of the water clones  would move three meters in a diffrent direction. One would go three meters forward, another three meters behind yen and the last one three meters to the right. Yens shadow clone would go in the center of the clones and yen would then call out 20 insects from his body as 5 will fly around each of yens clones bodies ordered to attack anyone who comes within range of them except himself of course. 

Then yen would use the transformation jutsu to transform into one of his own kilkikaichu and flying in a similar pattern  Yen would mimic his insects in his transformed state all the while waiting for jason to react. And preparing himself for a tricky situation as a slight trap.

Actions: 667/1,250

Hidden mist technique-10
Water clone jutsu: -40 for two clones 
Shadow clone:- 30  1/3rd of chakra
Transformation technique:-5
Water prison: -20

Clone stats

Water clone  1+2


Shadow clone stats

Strength :3
Stamina:100 (333 actions)
Jason Senju
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:42 am
Jason watched as the Aburame used the water prison technique on himself to lessen the intensity of Jason's flames. It was a smart move. Already the water was being evaporated and when the flames had disappeared Yen's arms were distinctly pink from the heat. Jason's body would turn black as he watched Yen perform the Tiger hand seal and mist would form around them. This field was certainly in Yen's favor. It would be difficult for Jason to track the Aburame now. Unless.....Jason let his Kenbushoku Haki work on it's own, more of a subconscious maneuver for him since his Haki was nearly always active lately. He could clearly pick up Yensung's aura hidden within the mist. 

He was acutely aware of Yensung's aura becoming four others in succession. Clones. It had to be clones. Jason would perform the seals Boar-Tiger using the center clone's aura as a reference point. With the center clone exactly in the center, a swamp would begin to form underneath Yensung and his clones at an immense speed. The swamp would grow to be forty meters in diameter and fourteen meters deep with Jason standing exactly at the edge of the swamp. This put Yensung's clones somewhere near the middle of the swamp. Immediately upon finishing his seals, Jason would draw his bow and knock three arrows, using his haki to cover the arrows turning them black and increasing their power. Jason would then watch as one of the large aura's turned surprisingly small, to the size of an insect to be exact. Was it an insect clone? Perhaps a genjutsu. Or something else entirely. Jason wasn't sure but he kept his eye on it nonetheless. 

jutsu used:
underworld swamp -40AP (speed and power 110)
Busoshoku Haki -10AP (Jason's health-80. Arrow health-50, sharpness-60)
874AP remaining
Alister Yama
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:04 am
Yen felt his body slow down from the use of body flicker. darn it!  Yen Yen said it was a good thing he chose one of his insects as a grand choice for transformation technique as the ground suddenly gave away almost like it was prefomed and planned into a powerful swamp that pulled his clones down. Yet his shadow clone deciding to use its head before a dispersing was necessary  as a safety net and a bridge since it could last it formed the boar-dog-ram handsign as it swung a now formed water whip formed from the  Water of one of the water clones from earlier. Yet yen was going to be cleaver as he ordered one of his insects to carry him  mis flight to the other end of the swamp. Yen before leaving the the clone also ordered his other insects to patrol the mist starting forward and attack anyone they encounter.

Reaching the other end of the swamp yen still transformed ordered the insect to let him down  as the mist would thicken to where yen would and Jason would not be able to see a foot in front of themselves yen took a moment to disperse the transformation  as he felt the water filled.grass and even water falling into the swamp a meter away. well now this is looking deep decent water. Yen thought to himself as he prepared for a nice offensive jutsu.  As he felt his chakra return to him from his shadow clone yen then extended his sensory abilities to jason having to draw out it made yen realize things were getting interesting . He defiantly a challenging opponent. Perhaps I should take this up a notch.  Yen thought to himself as he decided to add a bit of technique training to the spar. 

Yen would focus on the essence of his rain as it fell around him taking note that while he lacked the offensive techniques that jason has he could still fight on and perhaps even make it a better fight yet he needed a better buffing technique one more for him and could in fact enable him to last longer for that case. It was here yen looked back to his water element how it Despite being struck it remained in a state of neutrality despite what hit itit kept going unless eradicated of course. Still yen had to keep moving so that technique had to wait till later for the moment however yens concideration went to another technique he was working on and perhaps this was a good time to use it.

Deciding that the area was decently covered with water practically starting to flood yen decided to take advantage of  Jason's focus solely on him and decided that it was time for jason to make a choice. As yens use of clones were currently compromises for a bit the next best option of  constructs became yens main priority as his goal . Yen clapped his hands as he began moving around the base of the swamp but slowly moving away from it as he slid on the ground keeping his chakra sensory on to track Jason's movements as it seemed he was still.

Placing his right hand on the ground as he felt his chakra drain as a new batch of insects hatch  and with the inclusion of this jutsu yen used chakra flowed out of his fingers as it formed 5 ferocious and powerful sharks ( power:65 speed:80 health:60) each one swimming towards Jason's location at a spped far faster then yen could hope as jason was 40 meters and closing. However for safety of Jason's tendency to make lots of ranged offensive attacks yen made use of the jutsu jason taught him and zennal. 

Performing the bird handsign yen created  six flat topped pillars in two rows of three  at less then two centimeters apart (pillars health:60 ,speed:60, strength:60) at this point yen would stop as he contemplated closing the distance with a body flicker but upon reflection his actions would most likely cause peril as he decided to play a poking game with the kage.

Actions: 930/1,250

Kilkikaichu ability hatchery-20
Earth pillar spears -20
Five feeding sharks -30
Transformation technique-5
Jason Senju
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:28 pm
Jason would release the arrows he had knocked, shooting them straight at the remaining clones that he could see with his haki. Jason kept his focus on the original Yensung using his kenbushoku haki. He watched as it turned back into Yensung. So it was a transformation technique after all. Jason was still focused on the original Yensung and not focusing too much on the clones, especially now that he had sent arrows their way aimed at their heads(speed of 100). Jason noticed the field was nearly flooded by the rain at this point. The field was Yensung's. At least part of it anyway, the swamp was still under Jason's control.

Without hesitation, Jason would put his bow back in it's quiver immediately after letting his arrows fly. Water dripped down his face and into his eyes making it even harder to see. That mist was a hindrance. Luckily Jason had his haki to foresee any imminent attacks. Since he couldn't see one coming it was useful to have a form of foresight. Immediately after putting away his bow, about the same time Yensung had landed and begun running toward Jason, Jason would perform the clone seal. A puff of smoke would appear just behind Jason as his shadow clone was formed. Jason would then perform the hand seals Tiger-Snake and held the Snake hand seal. Immediately ten large two meter thick sharp ended roots would grow up six meters in front of Jason, who was now facing the original Yensung, and begin moving toward him at immense speed(100 speed 125 sharpness). 

Jason had no idea that his wood release was headed straight toward an attack. All Jason knew was that Yensung had finally stopped moving and was within the range of the Senju clan's signature jutsu. Unless stopped, the roots would pierce right through the water sharks and the rock pillars blocking their way and attempt to wrap themselves around Yensung's body.

jutsu used:
busoshoku haki -10AP
underworld swamp -20AP
nativity of a world of trees -50AP
shadow clone -30AP
382AP remaining

clone has 382AP
Alister Yama
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Jason learns some shit[training, Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Jason learns some shit[training, Open]

Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:30 am
A large crack caught yens ears like sticks breaking was his only warning as yen immediately dove to the left about three meters and rolled two more adding another one just in case as the sight of branches went past him as he got to his feet yen heard the crushing of rocks as the derbies of his creation shattered on to him well that must be his ability to control wood or wood release of the senju. Truely remarkable as it could be used in almost inmeserable ways and more so destructive as well as creative. 

Yen thought to himself as he stood up and preformed the ram handsign as he felt his chakra mix and meld with his body making him as fast as his chakras strength. (Speed:125) Although at the same time yen built up chakra within his abdomen and his left hand as well as his eyes. This was it as he needed to throw in more speed to handle jason accordingly as he also didn't want to run out of too much chakra as well unless of course it was a spar and he desired to see what bit of  chaos he could cause with the maneuver and should he have the time well in this case he will make it. 

Yen set off at a speed of 125 towards Jason's location in a figure of zigzags and slight sidesteps to throw off his exact trajectory of his movement. However as yen reached within 20 meters yen would shoot  Out 3 double spider web nets ( speed and strength 60 and health 60) but with his movement the webs would be aimed at the two chakra scources at slight angles like from a slightly to the left and right.  Two would be aimed at the first one slightly closer to yen chakra sources chest area as yen would guessyen and then one at the chest area of the second one should it be a clone. Yet yen could be wrong.

Yet yen while shooting the webs would set himself to performing the handsigns for his own creation of a genjutsu one he took quiet sometime to make before but this would be the first time he would use it in a combat simulation situation. As the mist thickened yen changed his zigzaging method  adding in a wavy run path  while prefoming rat-bird-Dragon-tiger-dragon-ram-monkey-dog-Dragon-tiger-snake-dragon-ox-ram-tiger-monkey-bird rat-bird.

The mist would lighten up as he reached using the third tiger handsign to where yen would skids to a stop as the mist cleared  performing the final bird handsign as should jason and clone be looking at any part of yen 20 meters away or less they will see an explosive blinding light come from yen as he would notice it first meaning that he would be in the genjutsu.  If caught then jason and his clone would feel themselves floating down softly onto a grey platform where yen would appear a few seconds later nodding at jason should the genjutsu hit.


Spider web flower: 150 (50 per web shot 3 shots. Base cost 30 +20 from kilkikaichu ability)

Body flcker: -10

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