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Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Sat May 09, 2015 10:36 am enlightenment. Oren was in the jungle, it would seem. Or he guessed so, it was the first time he was in one, after all. He figured so because of the tall trees, ever falling rain, lots of grass, lots of leaves and lots of animals. It was much more dense and teeming with life than your average forest. Standing in a sort of clearing, most of the grey, clouded sky above still obstructed by leaves, Oren was focusing on his surroundings. In this calm state he could feel the jungle around him, he could feel the animals, small and big. He has spent minutes like this already and still the boy could not stop admiring all these creatures and creation around him. It was such a huge variety. That which made it all must have had infinite creativity. Especially when this was just a small corner of the world.

Now you might wonder what our little missing ninja was doing here in the first place. The truth is, he got bored inside the village. The creations of man and the people. He got tired and annoyed relatively quickly and nothing interesting has happened since he has come here. Staying at an inn he would meet the same people, do the same things, pretty soon it has becoming a routine and Oren was not somebody to settle for that. So here he was, in the jungle. Where everything was unique and to many creatures here it was a one time experience. In the last few days Oren had studied intensely the secrets and techniques of ninjutsu the primary and most popular art of using chakra. But now, as he was sitting under a giant tree, sheltered from rain, was he finally putting some of it into practice.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Sat May 09, 2015 2:43 pm
Aios shifted her fingers gently, moving her newest puppet towards the missing ninja boy she'd let in. With his master crafted movement mechanism he would make no sound as he floated across the jungle, carrying what looked to be a large handful of rockets. She'd noticed when the boy walked out through the rains of ame, her brilliant creation that gave her knowledge of anything in her village and the outlying area and had decided to follow seeing what he was doing. The girl set in s tree about twenty meters away, watching the movements of her puppet inch closer and closer to the boy who seemed almost to be meditating. Meditating!? That wasn't fun, but she could definitely liven things up.

Once in range, assuming things went as planned he would pull a small silvered zippo from his pocket, lighting the fireworks and setting them on the ground. A clink followed by a thud and sizzle would inform the boy something was ammiss and then the grand sound of explosions and bright flashes of color lit up the jungle underbrush, drowning out aios's giggle. Beside her ai and pinochio, fueled by the unnoticed shifting of her hand simply shook their heads, rested in their palms. Maybe she's grow out of it one day...
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Mon May 11, 2015 3:43 pm
Oren was in such a tranquil and focused state that he could sense the animals around him. So, it would be a joke to assume he would not be able to sense a puppet ensnared in chakra vines and the master pulling those lines, given how much more powerful they were in comparison to everything around him. It was like a flare, even before the fireworks went off. When they did though, the boy would open his eyes to watch the show. His sensory might have given him the ability to sense life with chakra, other people and their creations to some degree, but not the physical realm, not the device that created fires in the sky and that was amazing.

When the fireworks settled down his eyes would shortly inspect the puppet that launched it and then darted towards where its master hid, her location concealed no more than the fact that half of the animals just left the surrounding area. When his eyes we fixed the boy's focus would release, the kingdom of nature disappearing from his perception, leaving only a living painting that he perceived through his other senses. The girl's location remained concrete though, probably because of how much 'brighter' she was.

"Thank you for the show, though it seems the local population did not appreciate it as much as me." He meant the animals, of course. Even if the girl remained hidden, Oren would keep his gaze on the leaves where she was. "You seem to like flashy entrances, grabbing everyone's attention. Is that common in shinobi? I can't say I know many." The boy would smile.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Tue May 12, 2015 8:44 am
Her grand display went of flawlessly, calling a bright grin to the girl's lips. She hopped down from the tree, walking towards him quickly with her other two puppets following closely behind, the movement required to bring them a barely noticeable twitch in her finger tips her and there rested against her hip as she walked. "Of course! Finally... someone who appreciates my work!"

"I'm sure more people appreciate your work miss." The small pinochio puppet interjected, followed directly behind by Ai shaking her head.

"No they don't. I'm pretty sure the village thinks we're kinda.... bat shit, For lack of a better term. To more effectively answer your question no. No shinobi We've met are like my sister.... Though... I suppose it's also true that every shinobi We've met for the most part wanted to kill and eat us. " She shrugged.
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Tue May 12, 2015 10:07 am
The smile would be kept up, as he observed the responses. It was actually easy to smile, because he quite enjoyed this. The divided personality, it just reminded him of how nuts this world can be and yet this took a form of something pleasant and warm, something like a family, even if it was all fake. Well, it looked like the girl had positive disposition towards him. So, Oren decided to see if it's worth anything. "Milady seems quite adept at her arts. As I already told you when I came here, I am interested in learning. Is there anything you would be willing to teach about ninjutsu?"
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Tue May 12, 2015 10:34 am
Aios took a look around, finding a log a short distance away and easing herself gently down in the most lady like way possible... which was to say she took inventory of the dense treeline around them, and with a few flicks of her wrist sent the massive chikamatsu puppet forward, breaking the tree with a single punch before setting it just before the missing ninja boy so she could sit down on it, crossing her left leg overtop her right. 

"I do try. I kind of had to get strong quick. Creepy doctor trying to kill me, brothers trying to kill me, village trying to consume me.... it was um... Fight or flight at all times. I'm just glad to be here where it's much safer. Ame is the perfect place to work on my crafts!"

Ai, who was less then thrilled with her monologue continued to answer the boy's questions. "We can teach you a bit I'm sure. What elemental affinities do you have exactly?"
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Tue May 12, 2015 1:25 pm
The missing ninja would blink a couple times as a tree was taken down for the girl to sit down. Majestic, but not graceful. Not respectful of the God's creation. Such thoughts would be kept to himself though, as was most that went on in his mind. On the outside he had a semi-genuine surprise, or awe maybe, with a faint smile of admiration. Because, doesn't matter what he thought of her, or that action, he had to admit she was worth admiring and that impression only increased when he heard her story. She was a survivor, like himself.

When eventually a question was directed at him, Oren would find a new sensation in himself. He knew that the girl was the real one and that the others were puppets, manipulated by her to move and speak. He also knew, as was explained to him by one of the puppets themselves, that the girl sort of gave them personalities, but as far as he knew, those personalities could only be in her own head, as puppetry did not allow such a feat. So, essentially he was talking to the girl that sat right in front of him, by looking and speaking to one of her creations. And that was... different. "So far water is the only element I know I have affinity for. But there is little I can do with it."
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Tue May 12, 2015 3:02 pm
"AHah!!! We have water too! We have lots of water ju...." Aios was cut off in the middle of her wildly exasperated rant by a wave of her sister's hand. Ai always did this.... ruuuuddeee. Ugh. SHe never let the girl have any fun. 

"Excelent. We can teach you a few water jutsu if there are any in particular you'd like to learn please let us know. " As she spoke Ai began to form a single tiger seal, and once it was finished a wave of her hand would produce remarkable results. The ground split beneath them headed just behind oren as a powerful jet of water took out a second tree which fell to land across from where Aios' was, creating a second seat which she offered to the boy.
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Thu May 14, 2015 3:39 am
The duality or rather plurality of the girl before him was starting to make this difficult. Oren maintained a smile throughout their reply and as a water technique was demonstrated for him, though now it was not induced by native feelings that made it easier before. Raising his hand slightly to gesture, he turned the offer to sit on the cut tree down. His current position was fine with him. Not exactly sure which one of them to look at the boy responded "That's an impressive move, but I meant ninjutsu in general. Not that I would turn down any jutsu you felt like teaching, though I don't know I'd grasp it without knowing more about the art itself."
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Believe in all things and you shall find the path Empty Re: Believe in all things and you shall find the path

Thu May 14, 2015 6:44 pm
Aios turned her head to the side, clearly in confusion. If he didn't want to learn jutsu from her.... what was... Thankfully her line of thought was cut short as her sister interjected, answering the boy's question. 

"Ah. You wish to understand the art of ninjutsu in order to take it as a specialty I assume. understandable. We once had to undergo the same training. Ninjutsu is essencially the art of using your chakra. It is through ninjutsu you may create physical constructs and manipulate the elements to your whim. It requires a combination of yin and yang and often the creation of elemental chakra. What would you like to know?"
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