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Killing them from the inside (Contract/Solo) Empty Killing them from the inside (Contract/Solo)

Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:48 pm


Clyde walked around the village in a disguise of a average new reporter. He had all his stuff stored in a sack in the woods. He hoped his disguise was good enough. He never goes into villages too much. He pulls out his notes he took for the contract and sighed to himself.
"What is a Hokage?"
Clyde said this loudly and badly pronounced. He never even had heard of a kage in his life. He didn't know exactly what he should be looking for. A man comes up to him.
"Do you mean the Hokage?"
Clyde smiles and makes sure he straightens out his fake glasses and suit.
"I am a news reporter here looking for someone to interview for a very popular newspaper. Would you be willing to answer a few questions?"
Clyde was completely full of shit at this point, but hey he wasn't going to be able to do this by force anyway. The man looked at him excitedly.
"YES! This is the best day of my life. Ask away."
"What is the Hokage's strongest jutsu?"
The man gave a blank stare.
"Uh, I don't know..."
"What does the Hokage look like?"
The man smiled.
"I know that at least! He has spiky brown hair, dark greenish eyes, he is a bit of an older man."
Clyde decided this man wasn't saying everything. He could see that the man was smarter then he had thought. Clyde looked around real quick and saw an empty, dark ally nearby. He grabs the man by the wrist very tightly. The man know knew that things are more forceful now. Clyde throws the man into the dark alley where nobody would probably be. He looked all around and then took the man's knife from inside the man's vest. He held the knife to the man's throat.
"Tell me everything you know about the Hokage right now."
The man goes to scream, but Clyde covers his mouth.
Clyde said more sternly. The man seemed to not want to talk. Clyde pushes the man to stand up, then holds his hand under the man's shirt. He had the knife right along the man's spine, but it was hidden very well from the clothing.
"We are going to the forest right now. You are going to tell me everything if you wish to live."
Clyde had a stare that looked toxic pointed right at the man. They both walked together and Clyde made very friendly conversation. The man looked horrified at the people, and Clyde poked the knife more so into his spine to get him to stop. 

They eventually get out of the village and deep into the woods. Clyde tosses the man down and gets out some rope from his bag. He had come very well prepared. He ties up the man to a tree very heavily and left the man in nothing but his underwear. He wouldn't let the man escape from this one bit. He pulls out the knife and lets it skim slightly across the man's neck. Blood pours out slightly and the man looks horrified.
"What do you know about the Hokage?"
The man looked around for help frantically.
"There is a joke that he uses powder release, but I doubt that holds true. He is the fifth Hokage and the current one. He has a pet cat. He is immensely fast. There are lots of talk about him having a tailed beast."
"What is that?!"
"A tailed beast is this giant beast filled with so much raw power. They are usually sealed into people."
"What else do you know?"
"He was part of the ANBU at one point. He was one of the Sannin at one pont. He uses something with birds, but I don't know what."
"Very good job."
Clyde stabbed the man in the heart.
"You did well. Your body will not be found under my watch. I hope you enjoy the afterlife."
Clyde built up flames in his chest, then made a half tiger hand seal. He then spit out flames all over the man and the tree. The man's body along with the tree were on fire. Clyde took his stuff and ran like hell from the scene. He made sure to go off of trees and look behind him often. He made sure to leave no evidence he was there. By the time the scene would be realized, it would be very difficult to figure out the killer. Clyde had all his notes written down and smiled. He only left the man, the rope, and his disguise behind. They all burned in the flames far away from the village. He decided he would wait it off a week then return. Clyde smiled to himself after looking back.
"Good bye."

[Mission complete? "Word Count Requirements:N/A"]
[Leave thread]

5 Action points used.
Jutsu: Fire Stream
2 stat points gained.

Last edited by Clyde McDouglass on Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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Killing them from the inside (Contract/Solo) Empty Re: Killing them from the inside (Contract/Solo)

Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:53 pm
hello lovely. so you have to travel to konoha. then you have to wait 24 hours at the gates to gain entry to the village
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Killing them from the inside (Contract/Solo) Empty Re: Killing them from the inside (Contract/Solo)

Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:33 pm
[Void thread due to mistake]
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