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Akira Shinkou
Akira Shinkou
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Peak of Ambition (Umeko) Empty Peak of Ambition (Umeko)

Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:46 pm
The weather was cold, yet not unbearable in Kumogakure. Despite the village being rather high-altitude - It seemed to be perfectly fine, bar a few grey clouds in the sky. Winter - possibly the most difficult weather condition to train in. But from the cold like this true warriors would be born. The frigid air was no excuse for a ninja to slack off. And even Akira felt that. 

But he wasn't here to just to train by himself. He was actually going to assist one of the Kumogakure Genin in their training. He had already held a training session involving this particular student. But now it would be a one-on-one training. His partner? Umeko Ametsuchi, the name definitely rang a bell. 

This time, Akira would not be so lax with his training. She had shown a determination to learn, and in this training session that very determination she had shown would be put to the test. Akira saw a lot of potential in the small child. Small she was, but her size definitely didn't lack strength. And here he was to help her fully achieve and maximize that potential.

He arranged the meeting place to be at the bottom of a mountain path, Akira also had a training ground which would put Umeko to the test, natural conditions along with his intense training regime would almost put her to breaking point. And provided there were more future sessions, the area they would be visiting would serve as their training ground throughout all of the winter season. 

He didn't know too much about Umeko. Not even really knowing her ties to the once Raikage of this village, as he didn't know her full name either. Embarassingly. She seemed to always go via some form of nickname. 

He also didn't know what he was going to be teaching, either it would be more Lightning jutsu or some more physical training. Which would be fun for him either way, but a little less for her. 

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