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Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:21 am
Kuro nodded and took a step back as he tried to decide what to do first. "All right. Ready?" Kuro reached towards his pant's pocket with his left hand and grinned. "Draw!" He turned his right hand towards Kiru and fired a Water Gun shot, the small water bullet zooming at Kiru with 69 speed, aimed for Kiru's left theigh. Not anything too dangerous, but it would hurt like a bitch if it went clean through.
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:26 am
Kiru would dodge with a simple turn of his leg, and a pivot turning him back to face Kuro, the water shot exploding some rocks behind him. Wondering how the hell he did that, he formed the seals for Rain Tiger at Will, causing a storm to start in the cave. Then, he used the seals for thousand needles of death, sending 50 needles at a power, and speed of 60 at the boy, though with a reduced sharpness as to not seriously injure him. Kiru had gotten water style too, and felt the need to see if being made of water was better then practical skill.
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:03 am
Kuro put his hands together when he saw the needles coming and let his body mostly liquify, enough for the needles to pas through his body harmlessly while maintaining most of his body shape so he was able to quickly reform. Because the needles went through him more than they hit him with wide force, he wasn't smashed to bit like he would be from a large heavy attack. "All right!" Kuro performed several hand seals then roared as he let a Water Snake erupt from his mouth and coil around him before he fused with it and positioned himself at the head. He then pushed his voice through it as he used it for a temporary body. "Water snake Kuro!" The Serpent then rushed forward in an attempt to catch Kiru at it's measly 35 speed, but would turn and chase after him a decent distance before it collapsed.
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:42 am
Kiru watched in slight irritation as his needles passed through innefectively. He finally had someone he could easily outmatch, and he was damn invulnerable. The boy prepared a water style technique Kiru had yet to learn, but it didnt seem all that powerful, and Kiru slapped his hands together and destroyed it with a gale palm at a power of 50 with chakra scaling. Since the boy had evidently disappeared, all Kiru could do was wait for his re-appearance.
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Thu Dec 25, 2014 7:12 am
The head of the water snake exploded, causing it to collapse into an enormous puddle that Kuro rose out of. "Ow. Okay. I think. I felt that." Kuro laughed a bit before summoning two water clones, one in front of and one behind him. He then threw a few hand seals before running beside the clone in front of him. As he ran, he channeled his jutsu through the rear clone who threw a diagonal top left to bottom right, line of seven water needles.

The needles would shoot forward as the forwatd clone reached Kiru and tried to tackle him. Kuro himself would take a second to see how Kiru reacted to this beforr attempting to catch him in a water prison, not using the technique unless he could get close enough to grab Kiru's coat. If by some miracle that worked, Kuro would point his free hand as a gun and smile.
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:27 pm
Kiru smiled as he watched his student. The boy had improved, able to use quite a few dangerous looking water techniques, including water needles, which had been one of Kiru's favorites. He didn't seem to be able to make them in such large quantities though, but that was likely due to a lack of physical training rather then inability. Kiru's eyes could easily follow every move he made, and see where the errors in his technique stood. He wasn't adding enough chakra evenly to the needles, which is why he could only make a small amount, if he evenly distributed them, the jutsu would work perfectly. He doubted the boy quite had that control yet though, but that would come with experience as he said before. Kiru would quite easily destroy each needle with individual sword strikes, likely faster then Kuro could see at a speed of 97, would seem to be a blur of movement. As he destroyed the needles, he would decapitate the clone as well in one swift movement, the water from the separate techniques all falling at once from the sheer speed of their destruction. His sword would disappear into its sheathe as quickly as it had exited it, and Kiru would jump a few feet back to give Kuro some more planning room.

WC- 218
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:41 pm
"Goddangit!" Kuro slapped at some water with the hand he was going to use for water prison, making a small splash. "How do you even go that fast!? How even!?" Kuro grumbled slightly before throwing up a hidden mist jutsu, the water turning into a thick vapor all around them. Yes, he remembered that Kiru could blast the mist away easily with one wind blast, but he just needed SOMETHING for a distraction. He started to run around the left of Kiru while his clone went right. He made his footsteps loud on purpose, because as he ran he whispered to Vixie, "attack." The fox's ears perked up at the command. She would crouch down in the water and mist using Sneaky Feet to nnear silently walk through the water, keeping her distance until the mist cleared and she could see her target clearly. 
Kuro on the other hand, would jump sideways as he ran and close one eye as he fired a Water Gun through the mist at Kiru's hip area... or at least where he estimated it to be providing the stronger ninja hadn't decided to jump or duck or move forwards or backwards. Firing from the side, it didn't matter if his target shifted to it's left or right.

Wc- 212
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:20 pm
Kiru let the mist roll out, though the boy should know not to use such techniques when the opponent can easily break them. He wanted to save his energy though, and simply waited. He could sense every move the boy, his clone, and his fox made through rain tiger at will, so he wasn't in any real danger of being hit as long as he paid attention. The boy used that jutsu again, firing a blast of water near Kiru's hip, and the Chuunin smirked. He simply jumped backwards letti the blast of water explode by him.
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:37 pm
Vixie's ear twitched at the sound of Kiru jumping back and she leapt forward with a surge of strength and speed, using Wounding bite and aiming for Kiru's left leg when he landed, her enhanced senses allowing her to attack almost the instant his feet left the ground. Her attack would have only have a total speed of 30 and strength of 36. If she had a bit of luck, he wouldn't be able to change his momentum in mid air. If she did catch him, he wasn't going to be running around quite as fast, much to Kuro's relief, as the wound would slow his speed by 15.

Kuro could feel his shot miss and sunk down into the water after performing a few hand seals so that his clone could solidify some water in front of him with a swing of his arm, making seven needles in a horizontal row that immediately shot forward towards Kiru's chest.

Kuro then slipped through the water and would follow Kiru's movements through this until he stopped. Once he did, Kuro would solidify his hand underneath him and use a Water Prison as he pulled the rest of his body out of the pool of water... man he was starting to get tired.
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Dragon land - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon land

Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:28 pm
Kiru would see, as well as feel the fox jumping, and knew he needed to dodge accordingly, which wasn't too hard. He used gale palm, blasting the poor fox away, as well as pushing Kiru towards the ground where he managed to do a backwards roll, landing on his feet. Unbeknownst to him, the wind attack would also stop the needles, the water jutsu disintegrating from the high powered wind before getting close to him. Should Kuro have continued his action to attempt to grab Kiru's foot, the Uzumaki would see it very quickly and take a few running steps backwards to dodge the watery hand.
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