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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Ryo : 78125

New vision Empty New vision

Fri May 23, 2014 11:49 am
Maku entered the autopsy room, pulling the curtain that surrounded the sheet covered body.  Here lay his first reall student, a better protege could not have been found, and yet here he lay unmoving.  He would anticipate Youka walking right behind him, as they had only recently left his room.  Inside were all the instruments and tools that could ever be desired.

Grabbing ahold of the sheet he pulled it away.  The body lay cold, unclothed and open to the world.  The autopsy had been performed, and all reports given.  For the rest of Yukigakure, the funeral was being held at this very moment.  A random cadaver placed in a closed casket funeral.  No one would ever know what had happened here.  "Youka, I want this boys death to not be in vain.  Help me make it so."  He would say to his friend in a somber voice.  He would stair down at the boys two open eyes.  The three tomoe sharingan staring unseeing at the ceiling.
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New vision Empty Re: New vision

Fri May 23, 2014 12:07 pm
Youka strolled in behind Maku slowly, still dragging around his IV bag on a roll around stand. He needed the exercise to get his muscles working again. Maku had asked him to follow along to a undisclosed location in the hospital. Making his way into the room and stopping to view what Maku was actually talking about he saw a young child, another one that was around when he had attacked the village. This must be the child Kira was talking about, his anger slightly showed as he clasped his hand around the crutch gripping it intently.

The child had a lot of potential and he was snuffed out by something easily avoidable. Looking down at the childs eyes, he knew exactly what Maku was asking and while it would be a tough thing to do, it needed to be done.

"I' you want both eyes or just one, I'll also need to know which eye you'll be replacing if it's only one."

Youka put his hand on his friends shoulder to console him as best he could. Looking at the utensils around him, he knew this would be a easy task and it would also give him a chance to use his chakra again and get used to having it flow smoothly.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

New vision Empty Re: New vision

Fri May 23, 2014 12:29 pm
Maku stared at Youka, his greatest friend and trusted compatriot.  "A normal man would take both eyes for himself.  He would use this power to further his own goals, and forget were he came from.  I would not stand here if it was not for you.  I would not be the man I am if it was not because of you.  My power is your power, so let us continue that tradition.  Replace my left eye so I may see our destiny, but with the other, you use it so you may gaze into the future with me."

That was all that needed to be said.  Everything he said was the truth, and he meant every word.  Those who coveted power often found it taken from them.  Maku would share the power to see both their fortunes rise.  "You take the lead my friend.  Let us do what needs done, and may this moment rekindle our fire.  Let it burn, and the nations of this world fear the consequences and the implications of this moment."  He continued in somber tones.  It was ironic, in an accident Kira had set Maku and Youka on a path of greater power than ever.
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Ryo : 134237

New vision Empty Re: New vision

Fri May 23, 2014 2:24 pm
Enucleation was something he hadn't tried before so this would be a learning experience for the both of them. He knew the gist of where everything was due to his medical background and his studies of the human body, but removing and replacing was going to be tricky. Walking over to a chair that could lay down as well as sit upright he gestured for Maku to sit down so he could begin.

"Alright before we begin I have to tell you what is to be expected if anything goes wrong, possible complications include loss of extraocular muscle function with decreased motility of the prosthesis, orbital infection, implant extrusion, enophthalmos, pyogenic granuloma, ptosis and visual hallucinations. Pretty much a lot of things that are really bad, but shouldn't happen if I do my job correctly."

Taking in a deep breath from speaking so much he pulled up another cart covered with medical utensils and supplies before continuing his speech.

"You should also avoid using any type of pain killers for awhile as well, I would say at least 3 weeks as aspirin will not help you. You can be awake for this I'm going to sterilize and numb he areas i'm going to be working on and of course use my medical ninjutsu to help the process along."

As Youka looked through the multiple syringes that were displayed and the plethora of drugs. This usually was a process that multiple technicians worked on but it was just him and he would do the best he could. He would need to prepare three syringes of anesthesia to inject into the limbus via a retrobulbar injection. It was a anesthetic mixture of 5 cc of 2 percent lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000, 5 cc of 0.75 percent bupivacaine and 1 cc of hyaluronidase 150 units/milliliter, after getting the correct measurements in each syringe he brought forth a forth to mix them into one before flicking the syringe and letting out a short squirt.

"This injection will get rid of the pain you would normally feel and it will just be pressure in the area that I'm working on. I could give you all the big words to tell you everything that it affects but what matters is you'll be comfortable."

Putting his hand again on his friends shoulder would he had lay down in the chair as he expected he would smile and begin the final things he would need. Walking over to another table he found a glass vial that would be perfect for storing the eyes in. Walking over to the sink Youka prepped his hands for surgery by wiping them clean and dipping them under running hot water for sometime before drying off. Making his way back over to his friends left side he wiped the area around it with sterilizing clothes before reaching for the many tools he would be using.

Reaching over to his table he first picked up and used the anesthesia cocktail and injected it right under the limbus and counted in his head to 15 before flicking Maku in the eye.

"Did you feel that?"

If the answer was yes he would pump another round in, and if the answer was no, well then it was time for surgery. Grabbing the lid speculum he placed it right over the left eye with his right hand while using his left hand to slowly pry open his friends eye and using the tool to keep it open completely. Using his mystical palms jutsu he dissected the tennons fascia away from the globe area. This would usually require stensons curved scissors but using his chakra made it more practical and he could heal up any misplaced cuts quite eaisly on the spot this way as well. Care had to be taken to preserve the integrity of the conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule, since these will be an essential component to proper closure and in this case replacing the eye. Next came the rectus muscles that needed to be isolated with a few muscle hooks that he picked up quickly as this was a timed surgery.

With each cut he made and stitch he made he used his mystical palms to stop the bleeding by ever so lightly waving his hands over the area.

"Almost done my friend, just ensuring that the nerve ending to the eyeball is still functional."

He had already taken his friends eye out and placed it in the vial of liquid to preserve it. If he had done it correctly Maku would have felt a tight pressure on his eye till it was removed. Standing up after he had finished with Maku he walked over to the boys body, since the child was already dead there was no need to worry about breaking any connections to the childs eyes as they nerves were already dead. Using his medical justsu he reached into the boys left eye with his right hand, sliding back the eye lid in between his thumb, index, and pointer finger and kept pushing till he could feel the back nerve and he severed it by pulling on the eye. Dropping it into another vial to clean it before placing it in his friend he took another syringe and injected it into the boys heart drawing blood from it as it would be the freshest and most likely to work. He had to assume that the eyes would work better if used with the hosts blood coursing through the body.

While he was still there he removed the boys right eye as well and placed it separately to get it ready for the surgery he would use on himself after he was done with Maku. As he made his way back over to the left side of his friend with the eye and blood in tow he sat back down in his elevated chair and began the final process. Youka would have to encase the implanted eye to make it fit Maku's eye socket as the boys eye was smaller than his friends but only by a few centimeters. Removing some of the muscle clamps he slowly rotated the sterilized eye into place with the new encasement on it. He used his mystical palms for this as it would allow his to reconnect all the pieces that needed to be done without worry of something going wrong. One by one he removed the clamps and re attached the muscles cleaning up any blood with a moist cloth. Reaching for the vial of blood he had just extracted he brought it over his friends heart and slammed it in past the ribcage and directly into the heart while pressing down to pool the blood directly in. In theory this would pump the blood faster through the body getting it used to the new host. He was finished with his friends surgery and wrapped his left eye in gauze as to not cause trauma to the new eye as it would need time to rest and heal before it was usable.

"You're done friend, just rest that eye for awhile before you try to use it, I don't want to have to do this again"

Youka didn't care too much for the subtlety to his own body he reached into his right eye with his mystical palms activated still and tore out his own right eye while letting out a loud scream that quickly faded as fast as it was let out. Losing a eye was nothing compared to mental trauma of having 4 minds living in one body. Reaching for the other eye with his left hand he gently placed the new eye in his right eye socket using the medical abilities to fix everything that he was sure he had broken to pieces. Next came the blood injection that he did the same way he had done Maku's injecting it straight into the heart allowing the adrenaline and endorphin's to pump it faster into the blood stream. After he was done he wrapped his right eye the same way he had done Maku's and sat back down next to his friend panting while holding up his old eye and dropping his friends old left eye into Maku's lap in the vial.

"Here's to new beginnings"
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

New vision Empty Re: New vision

Fri May 23, 2014 3:16 pm
Maku declined the anesthesia offered to him. Yorice received none when he died, there for Maku wouldn't receive any in life. This was his last sacrifice for the blessings he has received.

Maku would move his head from side to side, his head heavily wrapped in bandages.  It was an interesting feeling at the end of the day and one he was not accustomed to.  Looking around, he spotted the jar that youka had dropped into his lap.  "Why not put our old eyes back into Yorice's body for safe keeping.  We can keep the body on ice incase we ever need them.  Always good to have an eye towards being prepared." He smiled.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 134237

New vision Empty Re: New vision

Fri May 23, 2014 7:29 pm
It wasn't the easiest thing only using one eye to do everything when you were used to using two. Youka picked up his eye and took Maku's before strolling back over to the young child's body and placing the eyes into the sockets of the dead body.

"Well we can just relax here for right now if you'd like"

Sitting back down in his chair next to Maku he slowly re positioned his bandages, if only there were some cards lying around.

(recovery post 2)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

New vision Empty Re: New vision

Sat May 24, 2014 12:37 am
So Maku reached into his back pocket and pulled out a deck of cards with nude girls on the back, cause he was Maku and he always carried shit like that. Looking at Youka, he began to shuffle the cards and deal. He began playing some kind of ninja card game that every ninja knew. I would try to explain it but it would be to complex for anyone who is watching them play.

"So I had an interesting interaction yesterday. What would you say if the leader of Shimagakure showed up at the gates yesterday, all alone."

(recovery post 2)
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

New vision Empty Re: New vision

Sat May 24, 2014 9:27 am
Youka was losing at the card game and the naked girls were not something he was supposed to be looking at as a priest. He had used medical ninjutsu to do the surgery, so it made sense that it would speed this process up as well. Flipping the tabel the cards were on in a hissy fit, mainly for losing at the card game he reached for Maku's wraps and undid them and his own. Performing the hand seals needed again he activated mystical palms and placed one hand on each of their new eyes expediting the process time it took to get the eye's used to the new bodies.

(Exit/Claiming 3 tomoe sharingan in right eye)

Last edited by Youka Tau on Sat May 24, 2014 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to put exit!)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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New vision Empty Re: New vision

Sat May 24, 2014 2:42 pm
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Sat May 24, 2014 2:42 pm
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