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Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Clean The Orphanage Ashie {P,NK} Empty Clean The Orphanage Ashie {P,NK}

Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:51 pm

It was another day of boredom for Ashie, she's left alone waiting either for her brother to finish his next fight or for her notice for her first fight for the Chuunin exams. Watching the television on the couch with her little cub in her arms she would sigh; nothing good was on. Hearing a flutter of paper she would look at the door and notice there was a letter, probably the mail man. He was a sneaky mail man and managed when Ashie had nailed the mail slot shut to one by one slide the letter's under the door.

Letting her pal jump off of her stomach she would get up herself and jump over the table and walk to the letter picking it up with her right hand. Once she opens it and pulls out the letter she would almost jump in surprise, another task. Smiling to herself she has been requested to clean the orphanage. The letter said they could offer what they can to have any ninja help out. Smiling to herself she would think, I'm God's'd be nice to do something for my people. Since she was already in her outfit for the day in her black tee shirt and navy shorts she would slide her sandals on and head to the door telling her cub to stay here while she was out and to behave!

Closing the door behind her she would jog to the orphanage which wasn't far for Ashie. Once she got there the cleaning supplies were all out on the front stairs while the children were playing outside. Smiling to herself she would pull her hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of her face. Then she would grab the broom and begin to sweep the building from the back to the front and use the bucket to carry the garbage to the bin by the gate. Dusting herself off she would sneeze, looks like no one has had time to help clean it.

Ashie would go to the well and fill it full of water before putting some cleaning solution in it taking the mop and mopping the floors in the same fashion, back to front and each time she saw a window she would grab the rag she had stuffed in her pocket and wipe it clean and open it for fresh air. She would continue this until she reached the doorway to outside and sit on the steps to let it dry. Watching the children play one small girl would notice her and wave. Gasping Ashie would blush and wave back until the small girl would be pulled aside by another and glaring at Ashie would talk to the girl. Ashie would stop frowning, did she do something wrong?

These kids did not have a parent to go to, were they resenting her for that? Sighing Ashie would bit up the bucket and dump out the dirty water into the street. Going back to the doorway she would go through all the rooms to pick up the clothes and throw them into the hampers in each room. Next the toys in each room would go to their respective toy box. She would be tapped on the shoulder and she would gasp and turn pulling out a kunai only to be faced with the Owner of the Orphanage. He was handing her the money that she was promised. Taking it she would blush, "Thank you, but I am not finished." The man would smile and speak just as gentle as her father, "You have done a good enough job, I wish that I could pay you more!" She blushes and nods, "Thank you, I figured...I had nothing else to do today so..." Looking down the man would pat her head and show her the door thanking her as she walks home to maybe do Ashie things while her family goes missing in action.

{FWC 659 words, collecting the rewards of 1 JP and 250 ryo.}

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