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Ringo's Rank D patrol around Kumo Empty Ringo's Rank D patrol around Kumo

Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:33 am
Mission Name:Patrol
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Village Gates, Kumogakure.
Word Count Requirements:300
Repeatable? Yes.

Scout around the village to make sure the area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to higher ranking shinobi.

Ringo woke up late in the day and walked slowly to the kitchen to get breakfast. As he ate he heard a knock on his door and a letter slipped underneath. Ringo knew already that he had another mission. Ringo brought the letter to his table and opened it as he ate. He was assigned to patrol the city from 5 to 12 tonight. Ringo slouched a little at the news. A boring patrol shift wasn't really what he was hoping for today. It was already 11 which meant Ringo still had all day to relax. Around 4 Ringo started getting ready. He grabbed his swords and left. The letter came with a map of the city and the route he was to walk. Ringo began a slow trudge around town he saw a lot of villagers but nothing suspicious. Ringo continued his dull walk through main street. He paid close attention to the shops and restaurants looking for any signs of trouble but found none. Ringo continued to the outer wall of the city and down the path that lead out of town. The road was quiet and there was no one in sight all the way to the mountains entrance. Ringo walked slowly back to town to kill time. He had about 4 hours still to patrol. When Ringo got back into town it was already getting dark, Ringo hoped the last 2 hours of his patrol would fly by faster but it was very slow. Ringo hope he would find someone doing something wrong just to add a little excitement to the otherwise dull night. When it became midnight Ringo went home. As he walked down main street he saw another ninja walk by him no doubt his replacement to relieve him. Ringo went home and went to bed his boring day had actually wore him down from the lack of excitement.

Total word count 315
+450 Ryo
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Ringo's Rank D patrol around Kumo Empty Re: Ringo's Rank D patrol around Kumo

Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:48 am
All Approved!!!
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