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Itami Himitsu
Itami Himitsu
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Practicing the new jutsu Empty Practicing the new jutsu

Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:18 am
Itami had just finished his lunch at Yakiniku barbecue. He was headed for the forest with the intention on perfecting his new jutsu tehnique he has been learning. WHen he entered the forest he saw two genin practicing their chakra control but wanting to be alone, he kept walking. He passed the smaller trees and the shrubs and soon the forest started to grow thicker. Arriving at a nice clearing, Itami decided this was where he would practice. The clearing was beautifully surrounded with trees, some of which had very wide trunks. At the right side of the meadow, Itami noticed rocks and and he wanted to test his jutsu on something more solid than trees so he was happy he found this place.

But first he was going to try with the trees. He situated himself about 8 metres away from a particularly big trunk and started. He was already good at forming the ball but sometimes it wasn't strong enough. He focused his chakra to his head and to his mouth. He focused on his element which was wind. He then lifted his left hand and breathed wind infused chakra in it and slowly a swirling ball formed, perfect and round. Grinning, Itami observed it for a second and then threw it with all his strenght at the trunk. It wooshed at it, and hit it a bit to the left, creating a gaping hole a size bigger than the original diametre of the ball. Itami was satisfied with the result. He just hoped he was doing it well enough so the ball would cut through rock as easily as it did through the trunk of the tree.

He walked over to the rock, for starters situating himself 6 metres away. He breathed the wind chakra in his hand again and a ball formed. He threw it then, at the rock and it hit them fast. The ball made a hole but it didn't yet go through the rock and Itami frowned. He breathed the chakra in his hand again this time focusing a lot on how much chakra he used and how it was formed. He swirled the chakra into a ball but made the wind chakra move in a different direction than he did before. Once he was done, he threw the ball again.

The result was much better, the hole was now wider but it still didn't go through the rock. Itami sat down in the grass and sighed. Needing a little rest and chakra replenishment, he pulled a chocolate out of his jacket pocket and slowly ate it, observing the holes in the rocks and the trunk he made, wondering how much more damagae the ball can bake once the jutsu is perfected.

It was a very good jutsu and Itami was proud and happy he got to learn it. Looking up at the clouds, he felt better and once he finished his chocolate, he lay back on the soft grass and looked as the clouds slowly drifted across the sky, forming different puffy shapes.

[wc: 512, +5 JP, +2 chakra]
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Practicing the new jutsu Empty Re: Practicing the new jutsu

Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:27 pm
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