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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Habee's Missions Empty Habee's Missions

Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:01 pm
Rank: D
Type: Scouting
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: Scout around the village to make sure the
area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to
higher ranking shinobi.

Habee woke up early in the morning just before sun rise. He
looked out the window as he got up and went to shower. He then wore his special
clothes he wears when he goes on missions or training. He then went to the
kitchen and had a quick small breakfast consisting of cereal and some fresh
juice. He then took his equipment and blade and put on his Konoha Head band. He
then wore his favourite gloves and then drew his hoodie over his head. He
jogged out of the house very much eager for his First D rank mission. H e has
to Scout around the village to make sure
the area is secure. He jogged around the village looking everywhere with deep
concentration and noticing everything to make sure the village is safe and there
isn’t any sus pious characters walking about. He was walking around for about
an hour and covered a good deal of distance in the village scouting. He looked
in an ally that seemed pretty dark and spooky. He thought that this possibly
could be the perfect place for sus pious people to hide. He ducked next to the
wall and activated his sharingan. He peered just a little bit into the dark alley
to see if there is any one hiding there. He got a shock when he saw that there
were in fact 3 chakra networks inside. By the look of it, the size, it could
possible be three teenagers plus minus
about from the ages of 15- 20. Habee
took out a torch from his pocket and shun it in the alley. He saw the three
figures but in fact they were not any bad people they were just 3 homeless boys
whos parents and their houses have been destroyed in an attack. Habee felt them
sorry and gave them 200Ryo so that they can buy food. After about 3 hours Habee
completed his scouting and to his luck he never found any thing sus pious.
Habee was glad that it was another successful mission.

[Word Count 345- 450 Ryo]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Habee's Missions Empty Re: Habee's Missions

Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:02 pm
Mission Name: Thief in the village.
Rank: D
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300 words
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 400 ryo.

Task: Multiple villagers have reported their
belongings stolen. Multiple villagers had reported being a target of a thief,
mostly at the same time. Your job is to find the thief, or thieves and capture

Habee woke up early in the morning just before sun rise. He
looked out the window as he got up and went to shower. He then wore his special
clothes he wears when he goes on missions or training. He then went to the
kitchen and had a quick small breakfast consisting of cereal and some fresh
juice. He then took his equipment and blade and put on his Konoha Head band. He
then wore his favourite gloves and then drew his hoodie over his head. He went
out of his house and walked all the way to the village gates. His mission wa s
to escort a man from Konoha to Suna safely . Habee stopped on his way so he
could buy some snacks for his trip as it was going to be a long one indeed. He
bought his favourite – some sweets and chocolates and some other junk as this
was Habee’s favourite type of snacks. He bought an ice cream and ate it on the
way. When he reached the village gates of Konoha he was infact early like he
always is. He leant against the gates busy eating his ice cream. Half an hour
later when he was just about to finish his second one the man showed up. He
wore a draggy type of top and a dirty trouser. Habee thought his guy looked
very shabby and peculiar indeed. He probably was in a disguise. Habee greeted
him and asked him if he is ready to get going. The man said he was ready. Habee
had to walk all the way and that would take them a few days. Habee was bored
but it was a mission so he was serious and meant to complete his mission with succession.
They started their walk and left konoha walking at a medium pace. They walked
for about 5 kilo metres when the men needed to stop and rest. Habee grew a
little impatient of the man but still manage to keep his cool and carried on
walking. After another 5 kilo metres the man was hungry so he stopped and ate
all his food up. Habee just chilled while he was busy eating. After about 5
hours he stopped again and was hungry so Habee had to share his own food with
this man. Habee was patient yet very much annoyed with it. After they had
reached half way they stopped for the night to rest. Habee kept up the whole
night to check up and protect the guy and had only very little food left coz
the man finished all of it. Habee ate whatever food he had left and continued
their journey. By mid-afternoon of their third day they reached Suna and Habee
was so happy and relieved to finally reach and get rid of this is guy who was
such a pain. Habee greeted him with respect and departed away from him and
first went to go buy some food for his return trip before returning

[Word Count: 502- 500 Ryo]
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