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Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:05 am
The sky had developed several clouds. This weather had a tendency to follow Nightshade wherever she went. Wearing a black cloak and a solid black jumpsuit with a mesh belly baring middle, and her favorite black boots kept her warm despite the slight chill following the incoming storm. The small waves on the grand sea made the area look beautiful. Standing on the shore of the sea in the white sands made her feel comfortable and some sort of peace and serenity despite what she had already been through. The reason she stood upon the beach was to meet up with a friend she had not seen in some time, Primrose Uchiha. Last time her and Primrose spoke, they had gotten into a fight, neither one had won the fight, but had the fight progressed it was very evident Primrose would have won.

Today was the day Nightshade would have a long talk with Primrose about past events and other things that had happened recently. Nightshade and Primrose had known each other before Nightshade became a missing nin. Nightshades cousin Megami had also been a friend of Prims, but upon trying to go back and retrieve Kochou and help Primrose, Megami had been killed. Most people that came in contact with Prim either died or ended up missing, and now Nightshade was determined to solve this mystery for herself. Why was Prim sp "protected" and did she intentionally lead people to being missing or dead? Or was it just fate that lead to the deaths? Prim was one of the few people who knew Nightshades story of being a missing nin and still accepted her for who she was.

Thunder began to echo across the seascape, and the slight chill in the air seemed to set the atmosphere as the girls were about to meet. Nightshade actually had no idea what was about to happen and how the future was baout to change.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:56 am
Prim had received a letter from a person who seemed to know something about her from her past. Curiously Prim decided to meet this person, after all, since she now had weapons and knew some jutsus she would be safe. Following her usual routine, Primrose ran to the refrigerator and posted a note saying she would be back. She had dressed in a long sleeved tight black top and black wind pants and had her long black hair pulled to the side in a ponytai. As she ran by the couch she grabbed her black denim jacket and put it on. Before exiting out the front door she put on her black shoes. When she stepped out the door she noticed clouds on the horizon near the area she would be going to.
It was a long walk to the Grand Sea, but she managed to make it. She saw a girl on the beach. The girl appeared to be entranced by the sea. She looked much like a lady in a portrait, from the flowing clothes to the beautiful hair blowing in the wind. Primrose approached her with caution. "Excuse me, but did you write the note that was sent to me?" Primrose asked her.
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:38 am
Nightshade had sensed Prims presence, but chose to keep her eyes on the incoming storm and sea. Nightshade turned to face Primrose at the question, but when she saw Primrose her jaw almost hit the beach! "Prim you look different! Of course it was me, I know we had a little fight here while back. I wanted to say I was sorry for trying to push you so hard to join us." Nightshade said hoping to repair a broken bond between the two. The waves were getting a little higher now and the thunder was right over them. Prims new look was a little different than Nightshade remembered before. Something seemed kind of different about Prim.

"Prim, are you doing okay? You don't seem like yourself." Nightshade said looking the girl over as the wind blew against them as though it was blowing them away from the sea, or trying to blow over the situation at hand. Either way, something was wrong and Nightshade was determined to figure out what.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:04 pm
Primrose had a very confused look on her face. This person apparently knew her, but Prim had no idea who she was! "Who are you?" Prim asked the girl. "You are talking like you know me and who I am but I don't remember you." Prim added staring at the girl. Prim went through her memories and tried to remember who she could possibly be. But she had no recollection at all. This person seemed so insistent on the fact they had a fight but Prim had no idea what she was talking about. Maybe she had Prim confused with another person.
"Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else?" Prim asked the girl, even though this had never happened before, Prim had never been mistaken for someone else in her life. There of course is a first time for everything. Regardless Prim was determined to find out what vwas going on.
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:33 pm
"What are you saying?!?" Nightshade paniced. She couldn't believe what Prim was saying! "Prim we have known each other for years! You are one of my closest friends! You are like my sister! What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" Nightshade asked almost in tears. This is not like Prim, she looked different and she was acting differfent. There were only a couple of things she could even think of, Prim had either hit her head or maybe developed amnesia. Whatever it was, Nightshade couldn't figure out how it could have happened. "What happened to you?" Nightshade asked staring into Prims eyes.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:01 am
Primrose had suddenly realized Nightshade wasn't confused, she was serious about knowing Prim. "Okay, so if you are telling the truth and know me then how did we supposedly meet? Honestly I don't remember you growing up, I remember my cousins, and living in the forest then being rescued and going back to Konoha and becoming a Genin. Thats basically my life story. Unless we go back to when my parents died." Prim added staring at the girl, she began to have a slight headache behind her eyes. It began to rain slightly as the thunder rolled above them and the waves crashed on the shore. "what the..." Prim said as a stronger pain went through her head.
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:33 am
"Thats not what happened to you Prim...You just twisted your whole story around! You ran away from home three years ago, lived in the forest and then you moved back to Konoha." Nightshade realized something happened in those few weeks she had been away from Prim. The last time they saw each other they had their first actual fight. She had received training and advanced to a Genin and now she had changed. Suddenly her memory had been wiped as though she hit her head or something else may have happened. "Did you hit your head?" Nightshade asked as she would attempt to take Prims arm to walk away from the drizzling rain drenched beach. The waves were moving further up the coastline and it wouldn't be anytime at all, until they would become soaked in the rain and waves.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:02 am
Prims headache increased. "Y-you are lying." Prim muttered the only words she could put together. As Nightshade walked over to Prim and grabbed her arm, Prim tried to push her away but had such an intense headache she couldn't stop her. "Get the fuck away from me!" Prim said trying to pull away. "Where the hell are you taking me?" Prim dropped down to her knees to try to prevent Nightshade from leaving with her. She was in intense pain in her head and eyes. "What is wrong with me?" Prim said to her self put her free hand on her head.
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It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:23 am
It is within the realm of Asgard god looks over those of this realm, the cold crimson eyes looking forth unto what seems to be a monitor of sorts projecting the current events occurring at the grand sea, the god known as Viper Kamu Uchiha sitting upon his throne watching this.
After his brother departed Viper has become a bit colder, one of the reasons for him to smile now gone, only a select few things remain, one of those being his cousin Primrose Uchiha.
Every last word flows forth from the monitor as clear as if Viper was standing there himself, his eyes narrowing as he watches the missing ninja intently, going though his cousins memories upon the time he rewrote them he has seen the events with this girl, he words are true which is why Viper has not acted up until yet.

Viper's arms rise softly, the garb of the warring uchiha upon his body, his hands meet only to form that of the clone seal, a Kage bunshin forming to his left, and one to his right.
The division of chakra is dismissed as it instantly refills, the clones altering slightly being manipulated to be more then just clones, but semi-sentient beings allowing them more of a human like form so they do not erupt in to smoke when struck, Viper still under full control of their existence as far as dispersal.
The clone on Viper's right goes up in a flash of crimson, the clone appearing upon the beach of the grand sea in the same crimson flash, the lightning above strikes furiously now, the thunder roaring like the bowels of hell itself.
The waves of the sea grow fierce, they impact the lands crashing against the stone, the winds making the downpour feel like daggers upon exposed skin.
The clones eyes are cold as he walks towards his cousin, no words are spoken as it places it's left hand upon her right shoulder, words now follow in a low tone void of emotion;
"It will be ok Prim, I'll handle this."
With this his sisters form is gone in a flash of crimson appearing within Asgard before Viper whom looks upon the monitor, his clone now stands looking towards the girl, it speaks once more.
"You are causing alot of trouble for me, Nightshade." the flowered star design glaring forth as if peering in to the girls very soul, his eyes seeming as if they are the portal to hell itself.
"Tell me, what is it you want with my cousin?"
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK) Empty Re: It's Showtime! (Private/Invite Only/NK)

Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:12 am
Nightshade was frozen in fear in the spot she stood on the beach. As Prim dissappeared, Nightshade wanted to turn and run, but was unable to because someone who looked identical to the person who took Prim. As he spoke to her and their eyes locked, she replied to his question almost instantly. "I -I have known Prim for a long time. I was just checking on her, she seemed to be acting different." Nightshade said shaking in fear. She wanted to run, but she couldn't, because his eyes were staring straight into hers and she was paralyzed in fear. "Please don't kill me, I would never hurt Prim. She is my friend." Nightshade said to herself.
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