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Mastering the Tail [Private Bijuu Training] Empty Mastering the Tail [Private Bijuu Training]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:51 am
So much had happened while Amane had been away on vacation, not long after joining with Konohagakure no Sato she had taken a break. Now it seemed as though the world was being turned upside down due to the two nations of Sky and Fire. She wasn’t well informed on the situation and could only imagine the idea that there was probably a chance of war breaking out. It was something that she feared and didn’t want to ever have happen, Sunagakure no Sato being such a peaceful and safe village, war would only throw Sunagakure no Sato into chaos. Realizing the consequences of being unprepared for such an event, there was only one thing that she could do at this point. As Kazekage of Sunagakure no Sato she had to become stronger and be able to defend the village from any type of threat that might be invoked from the two different nations in the event there was conflict between them.

A couple of months back, the one tailed beast, Shukaku was sealed within her body to prevent it from rampaging in the village or being sealed inside an innocent villager and possibly bringing hate to the person. Since Amane was the beloved Kazekage no one minded the fact that the bijuu was sealed inside of her and unlike most Jinchuuriki that experienced hatred directed at them and had to earn love and respect, she already had those things and the villagers did not express hatred towards her. Now it was time to figure out how to harass the power of the beast in order to help her be able to defend the village. She called over her most trusted and loyal friend, her pet wolf Odin. “Come here boy.” She lightly said with a smile on her face. Odin quickly came over to her and she jumped up on his back, from there they left the village and went out into the desert of Sunagakure no Sato’s outskirts and into one of the many large caves that inhabited the entire area.

In order to prevent Odin from getting hurt in case the bijuu actually took over her body and started rampaging she had Odin wait at the entrance of the cave while she went inside of it in order to attempt to harass the bijuu’s power and if possible tame the beast. Walking deep into the large cave it developed into a rather large and wide cavern, a perfect spot to unleash bijuu chakra and test it out. If the Bijuu took over and went on a rampage the cavern might collapse, trapping the beast and preventing any harm from happening to the village. She sat down and pulled out a book she recently bought, ‘The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki’ which spoke of a once legendary ninja from Konohagakure no Sato who had the Kyuubi inside of him that was the stronger Bijuu.

‘Kurama is too arrogant.’ Spoke a voice inside of her head, clearly having to be that of the bijuu, Shukaku. She wasn’t sure who Kurama was though. Speaking within her mind she answered the beast back, ‘Who is Kurama?’ she asked curiously. The question seemed to only irritate the beast as if it was a stupid question. ‘As you know him, the Kyuubi, the one who thinks he is better than everyone else.’ Shukaku said with detest. She could easily see that the beast seemed to hate the Kyuubi because of its power and the attitude the Kyuubi seemed to have from the massive power. ‘I’m sure you’re very powerful too.’ She said kindly, smiling as she said it. ‘Oh! I could show you my power’ Shukaku chuckled as it said those words. In moments, she felt different, chakra overcoming her body and covering her entire body. It was grainy styled red chakra that was enveloping her body, a tail forming off the back of the cloak that was being formed. She felt a surge of power erupting from her body as the bijuu’s chakra cloak surrounded her and provided her with extra power. This was in fact the type of power that she had been looking for in order to help make sure she’d be able to fulfill her duty as Kazekage and protect Sunagakure no Sato from any possible harm that might befall onto it. ‘Thank you.’ She cheerfully said to the bijuu in her mind, seemingly unaffected by the influence of the bijuu’s chakra. She was pure hearted and too innocent to truly grasp the idea of hatred and anger that the bijuu seemed to be experiencing and the feelings that most bijuu seemed to infect their jinchuuriki hosts with ‘Oh really now?’ Shukaku questioned her, somewhat surprised by cheerful reaction that the girl had expecting to hear her have some type of power lust or rage come through, ‘I guess I have to show you almost all of my power.’ He finished saying.

An even more extreme type of change occurred after Shukaku had spoken in her mind, the chakra cloak tighten itself onto her body and nearly seemed as though it was replacing her skin with darker red and black mixed color of chakra with a long tail still sticking off of the cloak. Her appear seemed to take on a more animalistic change with this new cloak of chakra, and the power was even more incredible than it had been before with the first cloak that the bijuu had shown her. Her feelings and personality didn’t seem to change much, she felt more energized and hyper from the more powerful cloak that had overcome her body. She let out a playful roar, unleashing wind into the deeper parts of the cave and echoing around. Shukaku seemed surprised at the fact the girl was unaffected personality wise from the chakra influence, seeing how playful the girl had become from the new power he was showing her. ‘How are you able to remain so relaxed?’ he was forced to question her due to the confusion about the situation considering most jinchuuriki experienced strong influences of anger and rage from the chakra’s power and the bijuu’s mind being inside of them.

‘I don’t know, I just like being nice and happy.’ She casually answered as if it was nothing. She started jumping around the cavern of the cave, clinging to the ceiling with her tail that she now had, the chakra sticking the wall in the same manner as the Tree Walking Technique, hanging upside down, she gave off another couple roars, which seemed as though they were supposed to be laughs. Clearly she was having fun with this new form and power, something that made Shukaku speechless with shock; unable to comprehend what kind of jinchuuriki he had been sealed in this time. He had never dealt with anyone like this and had never known of another jinchuuriki like this, although if this was really happening right now, obviously there had to be others that were like this. ‘I’m surprised that you are handling this so well and calmly.’ He was finally able to remark on the situation that was confusing him.

Now she was looking at the beast inside of her mind, seeing it behind its caged, sealed away. She felt sorry for the bijuu, and although she felt like releasing the bijuu from its cage she knew that it was probably not the right time for that and would be a bad idea to even consider doing that at this point. She merely looked on at the bijuu from within her mind, not noticing the fact that the chakra cloak around her body was gone and her skin had returned back to normal as if nothing had happened at all. The power seemed too vanished from her body without her seeing it happen or even feeling it, simply wondering what made the bijuu so angry and filled with hatred. ‘I want to free you from your cage so that we can be friends one day.’ She said that cheerfully, trying to begin to build that bridge to friendship who she felt they were experience one day at some point, although it would probably take a while.

This seemed to surprise Shukaku even more than what he had been witnessing after giving her a taste of his power. She actually talked about freeing him and making friends with him, something that seemed almost too good to be true, yet part of him still disliked the humans of the world and hated them for sealing him away like some animal to be used as a mere weapon for their own personal gain. ‘We’ll see about that.’ He said ending the conversation with that statement.

Having gained new power from the bijuu, she wondered what it would take to develop a friendship with the bijuu and master all of its power. For now, at least she had more power to use to defend her beloved village that she was leader of. Returning to the entrance of the cave she hopped back onto Odin and they rode back to Sunagakure no Sato to take a break from the little adventure she went on.

[1530 Word Count; V1 and V2 Cloaks of One Tailed Beast Gained; 7 Stats and 15 JP]
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Mastering the Tail [Private Bijuu Training] Empty Re: Mastering the Tail [Private Bijuu Training]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:53 am
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