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Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Samaruo Uchiha
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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:52 pm
It was a warm afternoon in the leaf village; everyone was attending to their duties. Everyone seemed to be carrying out their goal for which they had set out to do. However, there was one individual that seemed to be having trouble carrying out his goal. That boy would be none other than Samaruo Uchiha, the boy that had sworn to rise up against his elder brother. The troubled boy was currently located near the ramen shop; his plates and food were already disposed of, with the bill that was yet to be paid. The Uchiha member would just place his elbows on top of the table with his fingers interlocking one another, and ponder off about his goal. Samaruo knew that he would need power in order to take down his elder brother, not to dispatch of him, but to put him in his place. However, Samaruo didn’t want to become the power hungry Uchiha clan members that lose their way from killing their own, and possible others in the name of their goal to power. Every day, Samaruo would contemplate on which step to take now that he was a ninja. His mind then shifted over to the thought of his clan birthright, the sharingan. “The sharingan, though its power is great, the cost is just too high of a price”. “You don’t say, about time an Uchiha knows right from wrong”. As he heard the firm voice, Samaruo raised his forehead from his interlocking hands to the left of him, to gaze upon an unknown figure to whom he had never met before. The figure across his left was no more than an average old man; he wore a headband with the leaf insignia, wore normal village clothes, and had short grey hair. To Samaruo, everything about the elderly man was as normal as a old person can get. While Samaruo was ready to reply to the comment that was made, he noticed the elderly man was carrying two katanas, laced to the back of a leather strap that hung over his shoulders. “You’re still an active ninja, I thought by now you would have given up that duty around your age”. The old man let out a sigh; he then waved his hand towards the shop owner to get his attention, with two fingers sticking up. “Age has nothing to do with it boy, all that matters is what you believe in. That is what gives you the will to go on fighting. However, there are some individuals out there that believe they can kill anyone out there just to obtain power, including their kin”. The chief then brought the two bowls to the elder man that he requested. As the chief was about to put the bowls in front of the man, the elder than pointed his finger towards Samaruo’s side of the table as well as his own side, the old man intended on offering the boy some food. As the chief completed the task, he went back into the kitchen. The Uchiha then slightly raised his eye brow to the statement he heard; Samaruo knew that the elder was referencing the Uchiha clan to his statement. However, he soon realized that the statement had some truth in it, but was not all corrected. Moving the ramen bowl to the side, he once again returned to the position that he once was with his hands interlocking. “It is true and unfortunate that there are members in the Uchiha clan that have certain beliefs like you say, but not all are like that. However, I do share the same resentment towards those certain individuals in the clan, as well as others”. Samaruo then awaited a reply to his statement; the elder man had now earned Samaruo’s undivided attention. The elder than placed his chop sticks into the bowl to taste the culinary delight, his face soon relaxed itself as he ingested the first wave of ramen. As he finished, he then returned the chop sticks back into the bowl, for he was about to retort to the boys answer. “Well, I do believe I have a… respectfully Uchiha in my presence, it hard to come by members like you. I merely wish to bring to your attention, that you are now part of a hunt, with you as the game. But now is not the time for that chapter to begin, I only wanted to get to know you better, seeing as how you are somewhat different from all my other Uchiha prey”. Samaruo listened to what he had to say, until the part where the man uttered the words “You are now part of a hunt, with you as the game”. He then looked towards the man, seeing how his face was still facing the bowl of ramen; he was in disbelief that any of this was true. Samaruo felt anger towards the man, though Samaruo now he knew that it was all just a sick joke, seeing how this man was a ninja for the leaf, his and elder’s village. Samaruo’s voice then hardened with anger as he spoke his next few words. “You are one sad old man. This whole hunt along with the earlier comments ago was just a bad joke. You being a hit man, is just another idiotic clam, either you really are a hit man and are too over confident, or you yourself is as ridiculous as your jokes. If I were you I would reevaluate your soon-to-be over life while you can, for I fear for you old man”. When finished, Samaruo then called the ramen chief over to pay the bill, so that he could rid himself of being in the presence of the sad joker. The old then heard the cook coming; he then raised himself from his seat and pulled out some currency, from his pocket. He then tossed the money over towards Samaruo, knowing that it was well enough to cover his bill, as well as Samaruo’s previous bill. Unknown to Samaruo, he had been under the observation of the elder man, ever since he woke up from bed. “We’ll see. It’s a shame; I really thought that a ninja like you would know when his life is in danger, but like my other prey you don’t belief in anything an old man says. However, since you don’t share the same beliefs as most of your fellow clansmen do, I will give you a choice. You can either accept the fact that your life is endanger and can meet me near the caves located near training ground 4 in 20 minutes, or you can brush me of like your so called “sick jokes”, and have me personally end your life when you sleep. The choice is yours boy, I do wish you pick the right one”. Samaruo saw as the money was tossed towards him, like he was a homeless stray; he then looked up towards the elder to now seeing that he had vanished from the seat. He then grabbed the money and handed it over to the cook, the cook then asked Samaruo if the old man was ok, seeing how he had heard everything.”Nothing, just another crazy old man to join the ranks of insanity, it happens to those who just don’t know when to stop”. As the cook took in the answer, as well as the due payment, Samaruo then got up from the table and decided to go home. Samaruo then once again planned on how he would proceed in taking down Misaruo, his elder brother. As Samaruo walked towards the front of the Uchiha district, he saw certain flashes, each having their distinct color. He stopped walking so that he could shut his eyes, to relax them for a while. Samaruo never felt like this before, he felt like he just lost track of time as well as his senses. When he opened his eyes he found himself in a grayish setting, he was in grassy plain where everything, including the sky was grey; he then looked upon a familiar figure. That figure was his older brother, Misaruo Uchiha. Misaruo looked over to Samaruo with a sharp look of intense superiority. “I told you, the only way you can succeed in life, are to dominate your opposing adversaries with true power. I have showed you once on the first steps to obtain this true power, with first seeing yourself fall from false power.” Before Samaruo could reply to this ghostly figment of imagination, he found himself displaced from that grey abyss. Samaruo then found himself near the training ground 4 entrance, as he surveyed the area to regain his sense of balance; while recovering he noticed that the whole training grounds were covered in thick trees, with no plain ground in site. He also read the sign on the gate that had the words “Closed off due to certain mishaps”. Seeing how he was currently located at the area he was told to come by the old man, he figured that he might as well roam the area, to find the deranged man. Samaruo then leaped over the entrance gate to find himself in the training grounds, if anything would turn hectic, Samaruo would use his kunai, and shuriken that he was well equipped with. “This training ground is different from the other grounds; it’s full of plant vegetation”. As he walked through the Amazon like forest looking for the old man, he was then stopped by a hurled blade that was currently headed straight for Samaruo. Samaruo prepared to evade until he noticed the angle of the blade was off, the blade then struck the ground that was 5 meters in front of him. “That blade was not meant to hurt or maim you in any way. It was just a simple gift to reward your respect, in acknowledging statement. However, this next strike will most certainly detrimental to your life” The elder than revealed his position by landing down on the ground, awaiting Samaruo’s attack. Samaruo then reached for the sword, when he pulled the blade from the ground he dashed towards the man in an attempted to strike him down in the chest. The elder then moved accordingly and clashed his sword together with Samaruo, placing the two in a gridlock. As the two were entangled in the predicament, Samaruo noticed how the head band the old man was wearing covered his eyes, making him completely blind. “You truly are lost, why are you fighting with a hindering form such as this?” The old man huffed as he overpowered Samaruo by adding more force to the blade; he then brought his left leg up as he then kicked the Uchiha away from him. “Funny, coming here without properly suiting your body’s needs would fall under the same category” As he then drew a kunai from his pouch. Samaruo, while about to hit the ground, threw a kunai towards the recently drawn kunai, in an attempted to knock it out of his hand. Samaruo knew that he would hit the target without any concerns, seeing how his opponent was blind. The old man then moved his hand with the kunai away from the approaching kunai, and threw his towards Samaruo. Samaruo, in surprised, maneuvered over to the side and jumped back deeper into the forest, so that he could figure out what just happened. Samaruo soon noticed that he was being tailed by the enemy; he was also under fire by multiple flying kunai. Each time he turned, he would be hailed with kunai, until he was being guided towards a cave. See how he had no choice; he was then forced to dive right in to the cave, with the pursuer along. As he reached inside the cave he was deafen by the noise of bats that screeched throughout the cave, as well as being blinded by the cave’s darkness. However, Samaruo was no coward, when facing the dark. He too was accustoming to its warm serenity. The elder then noticed the sense of focus Samaruo obtained when he entered the cave. “So… you to know the comfort of the night, I am deeply impressed. I noticed it when I heard your heart beat decreasing to a steady pace, than before. However, that moment will be short lived as even the arms of darkness won’t save you from my power”. He then focused his hearing towards Samaruo, even with the bats making noise, he could then take in all the noise so that he could find one irregularity he could focus on, which was Samaruo’s breathing. The trick to his fighting style was the old man’s attuned chakra that was most likely a bloodline trait form his clan, with focusing enough chakra to his ear drums, he could pick up and sound wave in his vicinity, from feint heart beats to crawling ants. Samaruo then brought the sword in a resting stance, waiting for the next strike, while exhaling. Then, a slash was then brought down the Uchiha’s back, with Samaruo letting out a gasp of pain. He then raised the sword again, this time, while trying to block out the sound of the bats, so he could hear the slightest movement of the old man. But, that tactic was once again bested, when he felt another slash, this time the slash had ripped down his calf. Samaruo then fell to one knee, using the sword as a crutch. “How…how is he doing this? Unless, it’s the sound, he must have some type of enhanced hearing, if that’s the case then”. Samaruo was soon cut off but yet another slash that ripped through his left arm, going down to his elbow. “It’s too late for that, just embrace death so that you can be embraced by the very thing you adore as well as the inevitable fate that those merciless Uchiha are forced to face, eternal darkness”. Samaruo then noticed that his heart started to beat rapidly, he never felt this before. He started to experience instant flash backs of when his whole family was together, and how he and his other brother Yaku used to play together. He clenched his fist as he went through those flashes; he knew that his life was now going to end this very moment. The old man then hearing his accelerated heart beat, decided the sorrow that the Uchiha felt. He then leaped towards Samaruo, with the intent to cut the boy’s head. Samaruo then remembered about all the time he would spend in the dark, he loved how it cared for him, how it empowered him, and also who it gave him a sense of peace. “Now I know what he meant. Now I know what the darkness was telling me. False power… can never taint one’s beliefs, my belief that the dark will always protect me. The dark, will forever be…”. A loud sharp sound echoed throughout the cave. “There!”. “What is this, what have you down boy? Samaruo had successfully blocked the slash, he was no longer blind, Samaruo could now see the chakra flowing from the center of the old man’s body, throughout the rest, especially his head. Samaruo the forced the sword to slide down, so that the edge would puncture the old man’s leg, the way Samaruo blocked the attack, was with the sword’s tip facing down while he was down on one knee. As the blade pierced threw the elders left leg, he the used all his might to push himself back with his right leg. With the little chakra he had left, the old man knew that he could fight anymore, as well as the sword being lodged into the his leg. “You Uchiha, gaining power when you are the last people in the world who deserve, it’s funny world we live in. However, I am glad that you obtained that gift. But that has only earned you some extra time in this world to fear me, as I will return to finish what must be done”. The elder vanished from the cave without a trace, leaving the boy to wallow in his temporary victory, as well as in his injured state. Samaruo then lied down on the cave floor as he knew he needed to rest for a while before he could limp his way out of the cave. He started to think about what the man said, “Gift”. Then Samaruo knew that he had activated his sharingan, he was grateful of the gift he had received from the dark, but also worried. He would be worried that if he was to obtain anymore power, he would become the very thing he despise the most, a power hungry Uchiha. But for now he would close his eyes, so that he could rest his mind and body from all the chaos he experienced today.

My word count is 2826. I would like to request the first tomoe, for the Sharingan.

Last edited by Samaruo Uchiha on Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Topic (Closed)  Empty Re: Training Topic (Closed)

Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:45 pm
A young boy would be seen, as he walked the streets of the Uchiha district. The boy would be proud of himself, seeing how he awakened his ancestral birthright within him. But, that moment was short lived, as he was now faced with yet another problem that the Uchiha would soon have to endure, his previous goal, put on hold, for now he would have to soon devise a way to prevent himself from developing the insatiable hungry for power, a tragic flaw that unfortunately most Uchiha are susceptible too, including Samaruo. As he strolled by his people, he wanted to know what they could offer as a sign of relief. “I need help from someone who has been down this road before, an Uchiha with the sharingan that has restraint”. Samaruo couldn’t go to his family due to then not having a sharingan, and his eldest brother was out of the question. The only place he could think of where he could find a suitable subject was around the leaf academy. Somewhere around the academy, he could have the best chance of finding an Uchiha that would help him. Now that he confirmed where he needs to go, he then made his way towards the district gates. He then reached the district gates that lead out to the central area of the village. Samaruo walked towards the academy, with the intent to find the help he needed. As he reached the entrance into the building, he made his way in, towards the main office. However, he was briefly stopped by an instructor; the figure would question the boy’s reason for coming here. Samaruo looked up to the instructor to only state that he needs to find someone for personally reasons, for he didn’t recognize this man at all from the other teachers. Samaruo didn’t want to come right out and say that he might have future problems with his self control over power. The Uchiha stereotypes were as bad enough as they were and would not like to approve them any further. The instructor stared at the boy for the minute; he then guided the Uchiha towards his office, where he could attempt to help Samaruo himself. As he was being lead into the office, Samaruo didn’t want the instructor to help him, since he didn’t know if he was part of the Uchiha clan. He wanted help from someone he could relate too, however, he decided to accept the man’s offer; Samaruo saw it as a way to begin the process. “I may be but a mere teacher, but I can offer you some wisdom if you want, its part my duty”. Samaruo, as well as the instructor, took a seat in the middle of the room to discuss the problem. Before Samaruo uttered a word, he made sure not heavily hint on the fact that he himself was an Uchiha, he just wanted some nonbiased help. “Well I am going through this phase right now, and I’m not sure if it could help me for the best”. The instructor took in what he was saying, analyzing any irregular voice patterns that Samaruo made during certain words. “It seems to me that you as a ninja are afraid that during your progress you would develop certain impulses, which would change you. If that is the case, than these are no more than steps of life that you will eventually have to overcome, no matter how long you try to delay”. Amazed at how the instructor manage to accurately discover the issue Samaruo was hinting on from no more than a sentence, he then decided to continue on without doubting the man’s experience. Samaruo would then explain further about the feelings he would come to face, even the goal he had intend on completing, while excluding the Uchiha name and his recently awakened sharingan. While Samaruo expressed his issues, he was then cut off from the instructor as he raised his hand towards him. The instructor than got up from his seat and proceeded to the office window that overlooked the academy exercise grounds. Staring out towards the window he then took a moment of silence, he knew all too well the story that Samaruo was talking about. “What you’re talking about is nothing new to me, I knew way too many people who were in your exact position. Falling from the weight of their own power, manipulating others with the target unknowingly to achieve power, even destroying their own, it’s all one sad tragedy. But there is one thing you are blessed with that can give you a more successful chance of overcoming that fate”. The instructor then walked towards his bookshelf and looked through the selection; he then pulled a hard cover book from its rack and began to skim through it. As he did he stopped on a page, the page displayed a detailed picture of something, from Samaruo’s angle he could see the page the man was looking on. Samaruo with the urge to find out what the instructor had to say, he too got up from his seat and asked what it was. Anything Samaruo can use to help him overcome this fate he would take it. “You were saying, I need to know what I can utilize to prevent this tragedy”. The instructor then took the book and showed the boy what was labeled on the page. “You are blessed by not being one of those detest Uchiha, ones born from a curse, to spread their evil, that is their way. That is why you have a greater chance to succeed”. Samaruo was once again full of sorrow, but not the same type of sorrow he felt back in the caves. He felt the kind of sorrow from suffering at the hands of others just because of clan’s mistakes. Samaruo then cleared his mind, he need to set things right, to set the story straight. “No you’re wrong; you’re just a hateful racist that blaming a whole clan for past mistakes, when in truth it was only caused by a few. You can’t just judge a whole clan like your word or ideals, are absolute. Who do you think you are, who gave you that right”. Samaruo’s voice was stricken with anger as he opposed the instructor’s answer. The instructor than closed the book and returned it to the bookshelf, he was prepared to tell him what he needs to know. “Well I see we have an Uchiha in our mist, you people. How do I know that you are different from those power hungry mongrels, everything you do is for power, I know what must be done in order to achieve the ultimate Uchiha power. Your whole clan would slaughter each other, including their friends, just for self gain; I know it, because I was a victim of an attempt to rise to power. He was an Uchiha, like you. He excelled in all forms of combat, which eventually lead him to unlocking the sharingan, at its full power. We fought endlessly together until that day, he went punch-drunk for power. He claimed that he needed to end me, his own friend, in order to achieve a power so great that he could protect the village on an even greater scale. But I saw the madness inside him, the so called proud Uchiha blood that hungered for power. I managed to beat him first, that was the day when I finally got a good look at them. They can become your friends and protect you in battle, but when the time comes when your usefulness comes into play to meet their goal for power, they turn on you, I hate them all”. “Your right”. Samaruo knew exactly what the man was talking about, the feeling of having your best friend that was considered a brother, betray you for power. It was a pain that stuck deeper than a sharp dagger to the heart, for the pain will never go away for as long as you live. How Samaruo could help his family was one thing, but Samaruo didn’t feel he had the power to solve that problem. “What did you say boy”. The instructor thought the boy was mocking him, he was about to chastise him further, until the boy began to speak once more. “Your right, what that Uchiha member did was unforgivable, and he deserved the punishment that you saw fit. But I draw the line when you slap that brand on all of us. I know that some of us are willing to stand by each other when the few need power, we don’t just kill each other for strength and power. We unite as a clan when things go bad, not to rely on one’s blood for power, but rely on the people to stand together to overcome the situation. Family bonds that unite the clan, that’s what separates us from them”. He then choked on a few words as he spoke them, Samaruo then realized that his words had no weight, even as he spoke he too didn’t believe any words that were coming from his mouth. He just thought of himself as the same few Uchiha who backed-up their own members, even thought they knew what monstrous deeds they had done. “I’m done talking to you, I’m leaving. So you can keep your ideals and spread that hateful nonsense around, you win”. Samaruo then made his way to the door, while ignoring the instructor that tried to call him back, but it was too late for Samaruo was gone. As the sun began to set, Samaruo dragged him throughout the village in circles. He could no longer take the stress of trying to beat the negative views of the people that directed it towards the Uchiha. As he carried himself throughout the village he found himself on a cliff that over saw the entire village, it was the leaf kage head monuments of the past leaders. “What’s the use of trying to change the way of a blood lusting clan like mine, to try and save my family from fighting with each other. Misaruo, maybe you’re just following the true Uchiha way. I can’t save anyone, if I can’t even manage to overcome this, maybe I should just embrace my clan’s ways to power. No, I won’t be a part of it; my days of being an Uchiha are over.” Samaruo then made his way to the edge of the cliff, preparing to join the eternal darkness that the old man from his previous encounter remarked. Samaruo then inhaled in enough air to fill his lungs, and then exhaled as he jumped off the edge that would end it all. “Not today you won’t boy”! As Samaruo then felt a tight grip that prevented him from falling, he then looked up to see that it was the instructor himself. The man then pulled him up from the edge and both of them then collapsed on top of the cliff, the instructor still held his constricting grip, just in case if the Uchiha attempted to try again. “Listen boy, I hate Uchiha still to this day. However, I do know when I see a decent person that’s trying to do the right thing. You were right to tell me that I should label a whole clan just because of one person. But I can’t forget that day; He broke my heart when he turned his back on me. That is why I believe you can change the views of your clan, with you as the example. I know what I said back there about how all Uchiha live to gain power, but it’s true no matter what. But how you obtain that power, and use that power with knowing right from wrong, that’s what makes you better than them”. The instructor than look at the boy with hope in his eyes, believe that even he might change the way he views the clan, as well as others. Samaruo took in the words to which the man had said, he saved Samaruo so that he could save himself from the pain that was eating inside him all this time. Samaruo then began to have instant flashbacks about times he faced the negative views towards him, Samaruo then decided what he had to do. “Your right, the Uchiha are born with thirst for power, but how you use it is what makes you a true member of the clan. All of those rogue Uchiha members just hungry for power need someone to teach them the ways of utilizing there gift with a sense of self control, and discipline. That is where I come in, I will spread my beliefs and ideals towards them, so that they can finally start living up to the true Uchiha, change the barbaric ways into a proud honorable clan once more”. Samaruo was now going to set things right again. The instructor saw what he had created, a new banner for which the Uchiha can finally follow, a banner of honor. The instructor then noticed something happening to the boy’s eyes, His Sharingan activated forming one tomoe, which then rotated around in a complete 360, only to then stop in motion forming 2 tomoe in both the eyes. See how the boy’s power grew the instructor let go, and got up from the ground only to say one more thing before he flickered away. “Don’t let me down boy; it’s been awhile since I trusted your kind. Do not make the same mistake”. Samaruo got up as well, he heard these words as the instructor left, Samaruo had a new goal now, to gain power that would benefit others. While unknowingly to Samaruo, he was now more vulnerable to the greed of power, more than ever now.

My word count is 2313. I would like to request the second tomoe, for the Sharingan.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:55 pm
“Samaruo, you still haven’t acquired the power yet, haven’t you? Soon you will learn what true power is capable of, how today’s modern views of power pale in comparison to the gift you can achieve. To be acknowledged by all, is a power that precedes all”. Softly opening his eyes, the red texture that filled his eyes as the two tomoe reveals itself in both eyes, the sharingan hungers for more power. Samaruo had awakened in the middle of the night; the moon with its enticing light peeked into his room with curiosity. Samaruo was still shuffling through his mind, about when he would rise up against the fallen members of the clan, to instruct his will. His will was to instill the sense of honor that the clan so needed to be reminded of, that was his mission. Samaruo would look up towards the moon, seeking guidance on the path that he was about to take. He felt the urges that would crave more power, the eyes now glowing red with an even more sinister look than before. Samaruo then recalled the words that the instructor from the academy told him, “Uchiha live to gain power, but it’s true no matter what. But how you obtain that power, and use that power with knowing right from wrong, that’s what makes you better than them”. That ideal had latched onto Samaruo’s memories ever since that day. The boy would then return to his side, as he would rest for the rest of the night, knowing that he can beat this struggling fight within himself. As the night began to recede from the sky, it was now replaced by the morning sun. To awake from having only slept a few hours was a vigorous task, but not entirely impossible. He would then fit himself in his usually ninja garments, as he set off from the house to begin the day. See how he was a genin ranked shinobi, the task that was required of him to do wasn’t challenging to him. In fact, he saw the meaningless task as unnecessary chores that had seemed to always find their way to Samaruo, he truly was unfortunate. The current task he was performing was to catch a wild boar that escaped the pen. The task was completed without fail, he returned the boar to its pen, along with approaching the boar owner’s house, to give confirmation that the deed was done. Upon knocking on the door he was then greeted by the couple, who then invited the boy in upon hearing the success of the capture. See how he was offered to accompany them, he accepted the offer. As he was lead into the house, he then noticed that there were a few others that were around; they seem to have been having a party by the looks of it. As attempted to mingle with the others, he was then was approached from behind as a mysterious figure then started saying words that felt familiar. “Funny how you people can blend in with other’s with ease, but at the same time end the ones closest to you with the same effort”. As Samaruo turned his head, he was then met with a familiar face. “You, how did you find me? These people, do they know who you really are, because your statement applies to you as well, old man”. He remained calm, knowing that this was not the place to fight. “I told you that I would come back to do what must be done. Though I admit my statement does include me as well, the fact of the matter is that your kind must be controlled by any means necessary, including limited your numbers”. The old man was intent on killing the boy; he circled him twice while he uttered his words, seeing if the Uchiha would make his move. The people in the house didn’t catch on the fact that they were potentially standing in a war zone, they just continued the party. Seeing that the people didn’t catch on to this, he tried to persuade the old man to take the fight someplace else. Samaruo didn’t want to have a fight to begin by an Uchiha member, he was trying to change the way people viewed them. “Your fight is with me, but these people are not involved, let’s settle this once and for all”. “Smart boy, however, I have given you far too many breaks, now is the time, and this place will suit the matter just fine”. Adamant on his words, the old man grasped his blade from his back, now attempting to strike the boy. Samaruo now knowing that he must finish this fight activated his sharingan. At the current level of his sharingan, he can foresee on coming attacks. Now as the old man’s blade was drawn from its sheath, it now coming towards Samaruo with a horizontal slash attack. Samaruo then drew a kunai from his pouch and manage to block his attack with flawless effort. “I see you have gotten used to that eye, however, that only makes you one step closer to becoming one of those Uchiha killing monstrosities”. Samaruo can sense the anger that was coming from the old man, the same anger that the instructor felt. He wondered about how maybe these two shinobi could know each other, to go from a simple hit man, to a clan hating murder was just didn’t fit. Samaruo managed to pull out of the gridlock and made his way pass the man towards the door, where he would continue the fight outside the house, with the man pursing him. The old man, who wasn’t wearing the head band over his eyes, now followed the target, leaving the clueless people to their party. As Samaruo was running he made his way into the back woods of the village, they weren’t part of any training grounds; it was just unoccupied space that was left alone for future development. Samaruo then stopped himself when he reached far enough in the untouched lands; he was not going to run away, now he was going to confront his enemy. As the old man reached the boy he chucked a little, seeing how he stopped running. “At first I thought you were trying to lose me in this jungle, but you now know that you can’t escape me, your blood is mine”. Samaruo then stared at him with a still calmness, as he dashed over the side of the old man and attempted to slash his left side of his face. He was quickly countered by the man as he raised his sword to block the kunai, with a powerful upwards slash that was now not only intended to block the slash but also slash Samaruo as well. However, Samarup’s sharingan had foreseen this move coming, so he then managed to twist his body out of the sword’s path to the further right. Samaruo quick proceeded in to kicking the man’s left leg, he remembered how he injured the ligament during their last encounter, making a successful hit would be critical towards Samaruo’s chance in defeating this foe. As he came down with his sword, he was struck by the Uchiha in his leg, the same leg that still suffered from pain. He then grunted a little, knowing full well that he was a fool for not avoiding this pain, the old man brush the boy aside and tried to center himself, he was far from being declared to victim in this fight. “Do you know the instructor who works here in the leaf academy, your words are sound the same as if you to have know each other”. Seeing how the man was temporarily hurt, he needed to know if he could change the way he views his people, for his skills still out match Samaruo. The moment was cut short as the elder man then instantly flickered up to arms length to the Uchiha. Thought Samaruo saw this attack coming, the instant the old man moved, he couldn’t intercept the blow in time. The boy was then hit with a upper jab that connected with his torso, now being flung into the air. Despite the old man’s age, Samaruo could help but feel disappointment in his self for letting his guard down. “I’ll teach you never to let your guard down in front of me, boy”! Now hover above in the air from the attack, Samaruo then reached with his right hand for two kunai to throw with, he need to distance himself, so when the next attack comes, he would have more time to react accordingly. Samaruo was now starting to understand his power; he wanted to use this power to defeat him. Once again, the attack failed as he was then grabbed with his left hand by the old man, he was then tossed downwards to the floor, hurting Samaruo greatly. With the move completed, Samaruo tried to force himself up, but was then forced down back to the ground with the old man’s foot. “Feel that, feel all that dirt and hard rock’s against the ground? That is where you all truly belong; you must join your Uchiha kin, six feet below the ground, where you can’t manipulate anyone else anymore”. Samaruo, now extruding blood from his mouth, forcible moving the old man’s foot from his body, his sharingan was fading. “So you don’t have the sense to know when to die huh? Well allow me to beat some sense into you, Uchiha scum”. Repeatedly over and over, the kicks were now drilling Samaruo to the ground. One after another, the helpless Uchiha would feel the life being beaten out of him, with no opening for a strike. He would try and move, but fall once more, he was in an endless hole. He could felt the hopelessness now, no matter how hard he tried, he could lift himself up, the inability to defeat him. The old man stopped as he saw the boy coughing up blood, his task was nearly completed, and all he would have to do is finish him off with the sword. But seeing how he still tried to lift himself up, made him angry. The elder man than lifted the boy up from the ground and slammed his with all his might towards the large oak tree. Samaruo was then sent flying towards the tree, only to crash into it, knocking him out, death was only a inch closer. The elder now seeing all the blood bleeding out of the boy, realized that it was only a matter of time, before he was embraced by the arms of death. He would then sheath his sword, for he could hear his heart steadily declining. Samaruo would lay their still, inviting death to claim its offering, until he began to experience the familiar flashes. Samaruo awakened in the grayish world that he experienced last time, his inner conscience manifesting itself as his older brother. “I told you that you would learn what true power was”. Misaruo said as he once again stated to Samaruo, Samaruo still couldn’t rise up from the ground. “That power you say, it’s just brute force, and he’s more experienced than me. If I had more power I could defeated him, he is just too great”. Misaruo quickly retorted to that statement. “You see, it wasn’t his brute force that defeated you this day, Samaruo. It was when you acknowledge him as being your superior, to be acknowledged by someone, that is what true power is. When you taint someone’s will, belief, or ideal, that is when you can show them how powerful you are”. The grey sanction was becoming dimmer; Samaruo realized what he needed to do. He understood the concept of what his brother was trying to show him, it wasn’t about brute force or the need for more power. It was to use your own will against others, once you manage to overwhelm them with your ideal, they would submit into acknowledging your will as their own. Sensing now that Samaruo now understood the concept of true power, he raised his hand towards him. “Get up”. Samaruo soon found himself conscience again, now fighting back with sheer will power. “What, how did you recover from that, your heart was just about to expire”. The old man found it hard to believe that a mere boy fought his way back to conscience with unknown means. Samaruo raised himself up from the tree, he could hear the voice from his head, telling him to show his adversary, what true power was. He then opened his eyes, as he gazed about the old man he noticed that everything had come into a much finer contrast, he could see the color of the man’s chakra, gleaming with radiance. He could see everything; His sharingan had finally matured into the fully powered three tomoe sharingan. The old man full of disbelief, charged the boy with his katana drawn once again, ready to impale him. Samaruo saw the man charging at him, but in the eyes of Samaruo, he could track all of his movements, down to the bristles of his hair. Samaruo instantly drew he kunai, as he deflected the first attack effortlessly, along with the other attacks. Samaruo’s eyes were so keen that he stopped using his kunai to block the blade, for he was dodging every single blow, from attempts to his head, to blows to the lower torso. As the old man got even more flustered, he continued to miss every attack from the same spot. He then raised his sword up in the air, so that he can slash downwards, with all his might. Samaruo then decided to act on this opening, as oppose to the other opening he purposely neglected. He slashed his kunai blade against the man’s wrist that held the blade, forcing him to let go of the katana. Samaruo then released the knife as he then caught the sword by the hilt and performed the attack that the old man had intended on doing himself. Pain had raced throughout his entire body as the blade sliced through his skin; He then felt a kick that connected with his chest that sent him flying backwards, further away from the boy. Samaruo now resetting himself, walked towards the old man, to show him what true power was. “This doesn’t change anything; you are no better than you’re so called proud clan of murderers. So go ahead and finish me, join the ranks with the rest of your filth. Samaruo disregarded anything at what the man said; he once again heard the voice of his elder brother once more, telling him to show him your will, the ideal. Samaruo then gazed upon the weak old man, staring into his eyes. “You now know of my power, I don’t speak for the other trash talk about. At this very moment, your life is no longer yours; you lost that privilege 6 times today. From that very moment were you attempted to impale me you lost, as well as many other instances after that”. Samaruo then raised the sword and attempted to cut down the man, to end his sad miserable life. Seeing how his life was about to conclude, the old man whimpered as he closed his eyes, preparing to accept his unwanted fate. “And 6 times it was returned to you”. The man opened his eyes to the words he heard, he then saw the sword impaled into the ground in front of him. He then grabbed the sword and attempted to remove it from the ground; he would use it to strike the boy. However, he then looked up at the boy, still kneeling on his to knees. See what Samaruo really was, it wasn’t the eye’s that had stopped him from fighting, he was force to realize the fact. As he stopped, he returned his arms to his side, the elder man had finally acknowledged the boy’s power, he knew he could not defeat him. Samaruo witness as the man’s will bended to his own, this was the power he needed to set his clan in the right direction. Without a care if the old man would remain there to rot, Samaruo would leave the place, knowing that he had achieved true power.

My word count is 2740. I would now like to request the third tomoe, for the sharingan. I would also like to receive Reviews upon the other post as well.
Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:43 pm
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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Topic (Closed)  Empty Re: Training Topic (Closed)

Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:16 pm
It was a quiet mood that spread throughout the area, the stillness could itself could calm the roaming wild animals that held refuge in the habitat. Samaruo, the ninja who had just become a genin lied deep within the woods. The night was his way of bring peace within himself, he was one with the dark as he sat quietly in the woods, meditating on how he would bring himself to the moment where he would have to oppose his brother, Misaruo Uchiha. However, Samaruo had a quick change in thoughts, as he then focused on how he would become stronger as a ninja. Samaruo then opened his eyes and raised himself up from the ground and scanned the area from which he stood. All he could see was the skyscraper like trees, which seemed to rise towards the heavens. He then heard some noises that seemed to be emanating from a hedge like bush from behind. As he turned towards what had seemed to be the source, something then dashed out from the hedge, as well as another from the eclipsing trees. Samaruo then immediately backed himself away from the bushes and positioned himself to where he could face the two unknown beings that faced him. At first, he could only see dark figures that stood about 15 feet in front of him. Then the moon's light came into focus, in the area where Samaruo and the two mysterious figures resided. The moon's light pierced through the roofs made of leafs, when it did the lunar light then gazed upon the 3 figures, shedding light on the dark setting. Samaruo welcomed the enticing glow of the moon; he then was able to see the two figures as they had the looks of rabid dogs."No, these can’t be mere dogs. They must be wild wolfs, that have come to deny me a place among the eternal night". Samaruo then waited for the two wolves to make their move, as he would allow the original citizens of the woods to be the first to decide what to carry out. The wolves then surrounded the ninja, each circling Samaruo in a tight circle. Samaruo only stood there, to await judgment for invading their grounds, if the wolfs would attack he would be ready for them. Samaruo hoped that the wolves would be lenient towards him, for all three shared a common interest, they all adored the moon. However, the wolf that circled behind him then leaned towards Samaruo in an attempt to attack his back. Samaruo knew that the most obvious tactic when being surrounded by enemies is always expect a attack from behind. He then leaped into the air, just enough so that he could see the wolf pass below him. He then pushed of the wolf's back with his two feet so that he could gain some more distance away from the aggressor. When he finally landed on the ground, the wolf who had failed in the first attack landed on all four legs, shrugging of the kick and turned to face the enemy along with the other. Samaruo knew that they could either chase him down the through the woods, or both attack at the same time. He thought to himself about what he would do if he was the wolf, when he did he took off running through the woods, with the two wolfs hot on his trail. Samaruo then leaped up to the high branches and started to leap across one another, he then turned to see if he was still being chased by the wolfs. He saw nothing; he then jumped down from the trees. He saw nothing at first with the thought of how the wolfs may have given up, then the saw a figure jump up from the bushes and leaped toward him at blazing speed, in mid air. He knew he could do nothing about this frontal assault, but he was as in much danger as the wolf presumed. When the wolf dug his razor-sharp claws deep with Samaruo's flesh, Samaruo's body then exploded into a white cloud that placed Samaruo's body to a safe secure area. When the wolf came out of the cloud, he came down to the floor with a log that had dug in claw marks from its attack. Then the wolf started to surround the long in confusion, the other wolf soon joined the confused wolf to see what had happened to the body. Samaruo was now located high above the tree branches that was engulfed in shadow, just the way Samaruo preferred, out of sight. "Those wolfs are pretty clever when it comes to their prey, now I know why they broke off from the beginning. The wolves seem to have knowledge of the entire grounds, so they thought they could trap me when I came down from the trees. Well I have some tricks of my own, so you haven't beaten me just yet my clever friends". Samaruo used the substitution technique to switch his body with another object located around the area, a basic ninjutsu that is taught in the first few weeks of the academy. Samaruo then continued to glare down at the vexed wolves as they circled the log, then the wolves looked as if they seemed to be sniffing around the area. The one of the wolves then disbanded, in search of the shinobi, while the other wolf just lied there. Samaruo then looked around the area, still hidden from the wolves. He noticed how the wolf that stayed back had dropped his guard, the animal would just sleep after a previous attack, and he felt strange about that. Samaruo then prepared to strike the wolf from behind, he would intend on killing the beast, though Samaruo did not prefer to. As he readied his kunai in his hand, he leaped from the shadows to strike the fatal blow. However, he was quickly intercepted by another wolf, the same wolf that appeared to have left the premises. The wolf had sprung from the unknown that would now tackle Samaruo, Samaruo was now in a spot. Seeing how he was left with no choice, he then called for is ancestral powers to aid him. His eyes would run red, as a rotating wheel would swirl in his eyes, once the two wheels would stop, they would come to rest as they revealed the mature Sharingan. As the sharingan focused on the wolf, Samaruo with the aid of his eyes countered the attack by performing a drop and roll maneuver. As he dropped to the ground and rolled to the side, he saw as the other would be sleeping wolf dashed towards him. However, he had foreseen this move with the aid of his eyes, his kunai the slashed at the face of the wolf, now forming a scar that ran down the wolf’s face. As the wolf then returned to the side of its companion, suffering from the gash that would turn into a scar, Samaruo repositioned himself 15 feet away from the duo. “You set a trap, you wolfs are too clever to be regular animals”. Samaruo then formed a few hand signs, as he finished a cloud poofed around him. When the white mist disappeared, the wolves growled even more as there were now two Samaruos. The basic clone jutsu that projects another optical illusion of the caster, another basic technique that is taught in the academy, Samaruo was now ready to strike. He lunged forward at the two animals with the other clone, both armed with kunai. The wolves then charged as well, one going after their respective target. However, what the wolves didn’t know was that one of them would be attacking the false Samaruo. Samaruo knew that the clone wouldn’t do any damage since it was just a projection instead of the real thing. With that fact, Samaruo would have to expect an attack from the other wolf after it went through the decoy. Samaruo then once again slashed at the wolf’s upper front leg, while avoiding the deadly claws of the animal. His sharingan then foresaw an attack that was aimed for his upper left shoulder blade; the other wolf had attempted to devour Samaruo’s whole left shoulder. Even though Samaruo did in fact fore see the attack, he was baffled a bit on the fact that the wolf had recovered from clone so fast, it was almost as if the wolf also expected a trap. Samaruo now needing to evade this deadly assault, then swung the kunal blade that was held with the blade pointing to the right of his body with his right hand at the wolf. However, the wolf managed to cause Samaruo to topple onto his back, with the blade of the kunai in the wolf’s mouth, as well as the wolf on top of Samaruo. The wolf had held the blade in his mouth, pressing on it with its razor sharp teeth, he also noticed that there was a little bit of blood that seemed to cascade down from the wolf’s jaw, and it had no intention of letting go. While pinned down, the other wolf with a second brand not only on its face, but on its leg, began to get up for would it seem to be like the final attack. The marked wolf then made its way over to Samaruo, its intent to kill was as clear as the moon’s place in the night, with blood residue that also dripped down from its open scars. The vicious growls not only helped display its uncontrollable urge to kill, but also reviled its set of pearl daggered teeth that was as white as snow, but soon to be drowned in the blood of its most craved dinner, Samaruo Uchiha. Seeing how it was clear to Samaruo that he was now marked for death by the two wolves, it was now time to act. Samaruo then used both of his legs to kick the wolf off of him as he rolled away and got up, but he couldn’t perform that move without giving up his kunai knife, now he stood there defenseless as the wolves descend upon their meal. Samaruo’s sharingan began to give of a glowing red aura, he then form a couple more hand signs as he was now about to unleash his true potential. “Fire style, fire ball jutsu”, his right hand was brought to his mouth, with his thumb and index finger touching his lips. He then took in a deep breath, as now he began to breathe fire from his mouth that took form as a giant ball of fire, now approaching the two wolves. As the ball of fire hurled towards the two wolves, the animals now seeing that this human was capable of performing feats such as this decided to retreat from this invader. Luckily, the wolves managed to evade the ball of fire as it smashed into a tree, which was now engulfed with fire. The threat seemed to be over now that the wolves had ran off, back to an unknown part of the woods. Samaruo then sense that he was no longer in danger, and had no reason to pursue the animals. He fully understood what the wolves were doing, protecting what’s theirs, he had no quarrel with them. As the tension in Samaruo’s blood died down, his sharingan vanished from his eyes, as they were now reverting back to its original state, his black eyes that seemed to be void of life. That feature seemed to be ever present in all members of the Uchiha, Samaruo believe that was the identifier of a true member, the sharingan was just the paint used to exemplify the meaning of the clan, for it was hatred that fueled it. However, Samaruo would not give into such savage instincts, for he was loyal to the clan, but wouldn’t become a beast that would tarnish the clan any further then what it had already done. With the time passing by as his true purpose for being here was turned into a fight, he decided to withdraw from the area, to recuperate the lose energy he had used. However, before he could leave the area, Samaruo then heard what appeared to be footsteps that seemed to be headed his way. He wondered if the wild wolves came back for another round, but with more support, Samaruo then readied himself for yet another encounter. As the noise stopped, Samaruo was then called upon by a human figure that stepped out of the shadows that stemmed from the trees. “Who are you; nobody is supposed to be out here this late, especially a genin for that matter”. Samaruo looked upon then person; he was a little taller than him, with regular clothes on, with the exception of a leaf insignia branded onto the side of the person’s shirt with a metal plate. “What makes you think I’m incapable of being out here by myself, because I’m a Genin? With that arrogant attitude, I’m surprise you lasted this long”. The man then looked around to see that there were marks that were made across the ground, also noticing that the tree was on fire. He would then stroll around the area with a silly look upon his face; the person was clearly an odd one to Samaruo. Samaruo would stand there emotionless as always, observing the individual, he wondered if this one could be a ninja, he highly doubted it. “Who are you, and what is your purpose here”? The person then stopped in his place as he then began to face Samaruo. “Well I was sent here to figure out how this fire started, and then I started to wonder. What if this night couldn’t be all boring, what if I, Taruko, could somehow spar with a stranger that would agree to this proposal”? Samaruo couldn’t help but smirk a little, he was wondering if this man was reading his thoughts. Samaruo then noticed the kunai knife that was lying on the ground; he then dashed over to it with the attempt to strike Taruko. The two then clashed together, with both of their kunai knifes interlocking one another, the spar had begun. Taruko seemed to be fast as well, seeing as he managed to pull out a kunai knife just in time for him to block the strike. Taruko then shoved him off, as he then reached into his tool pouch and threw out three miniatures taped wrapped balls to the ground. As they hit the ground, they all exploded into a weird yellow haze that was unknown to Samaruo. However, before he threw the items, Taruko leaped from the ground and into a tree. Samaruo was observing this as he then once again activated his sharingan, he too leaped from the ground and into a tree, not trusting what the yellow haze was capable off. There was one thing he knew that was off about the smoke, regular smoke bombs would deploy grey clouds of smoke that would only hinder someone’s sense of sight, and this was clearly not the case. Taruko was about to form a couple of hand signs until he noticed something about Samaruo. “Your eyes, well I am glad to see that this night will indeed be very interesting. Well forget about the basics; let us skip right to the intermediate course”. Samaruo while keeping his sight on Taruko, noticed that the yellow haze didn’t seem to expire, but then his eyes brought all of his attention on Taruko. Taruko’s hands seemed to be flashing at an abnormal pace, but his sharingan managed to decode a few hand signs that were made, but it was useless.“Water style, water dragon jutsu”, Samaruo heard him as a vast amount of water was then tossed over towards Samaruo in a form of a furious dragon. Samaruo now seeing this powerful jutsu now attempted to evade it, but do to the situation he was in, it would be difficult. Samaruo knew that he couldn’t dropped down from the tree since the unknown yellow haze still intoxicated the ground below, he also noticed that the water dragon was approaching Samaruo at incredible speeds, putting dodging into question. All of this thought process had occurred in a brief moment, as the whirling waters were about to impact on Samaruo’s location. Samaruo’s sharingan glows red as the water slams in on him, destroying the branch he was on, as well as the tree being knocked down as well. Taruko had witnessed what the jutsu had down; he began to contemplate on whether the jutsu was too much for the genin to handle. “That jutsu may have been a little over the top, I guess even an Uchiha genin is a genin just like the rest, well ill find him after I put out that fire”. Taruko then formed the hand signs to yet again use the water dragon jutsu on the burning tree, however, he was then struck with a kick that hit his lower back, the kick sent Taruko flying off the tree, and into the yellow haze. Samaruo was now overlooking the falling Taruko, he was now in control. Samaruo had used the Substitution jutsu to replace himself with an object, “You clearly are a arrogant ninja, you should know that all powerful techniques come from its basic form”. Samaruo then saw him drop down onto the ground, with the haze now entering his lungs. Taruko then began to say random things and perform odd gestures; it seemed that he was now hallucinating from the haze. “You were right to avoid the cloud, if you hadn’t, this fight would have never started”. Samaruo looked behind him as he now saw another Taruko that was now perched upon a branch a few meters away from him. He took a quick glance to see that the other Taruko then burst into a cloud of white smoke, this was odd to Samaruo, see how his sharingan wasn’t able to differentiate the difference between the two. “You’re probably wondering why you couldn’t tell the difference if it was a clone or not. The reason for that was because I used a shadow clone, they don’t teach that at the academy, you would learn that from your sensei if you were on a team. A shadow clone, is a clone that is real, it bleeds, talks, perform jutsu with many other features. It also has chakra, an even amount of it, that makes telling the difference much more harder even if you have a special eye. Now where was I, oh yea”? Taruko flashed a few hand signs once more, but was beaten to the punch as he saw a ball of fire being hurled at him. While Turuko was informing Samaruo on his mistake, Samaruo was not only taking in this new information, but was correcting it as well. He used the fire ball jutsu to attack Taruko with it, But he was then informed by his sharingan that Taruko was planning to counter it by hopping down on the ground to use a fire style technique as well. Samaruo could not let see the sense in this, until he noticed that the haze didn’t seem to reach this part of the area, he took this chance to counter Taruko’s counter attack. As the fire ball was coming closer to Taruko, he used his body flicker jutsu to position himself under the attack, now facing the branch that Samaruo was on from a ground level view. However, Taruko failed to notice that Samaruo was no longer there, he looked to see that the boy was now heading towards him, with the kunai blade in hand. Taruko knew that the boy had no idea that he was trained in not only ninjutsu, but taijutsu as well; taking him down would be simple. As he saw the blade coming closer, Samaruo was then swatted away from his attack, with Taruko advancing on his side. Samaruo then looked to the side as he was in mid air, gazing upon him. As Taruko meet his gaze, he then felt weird at first, like a chill that seemed to travel down him spine. Nevertheless, Taruko continued with a raised leg that would slam the genin down to the ground. As Samaruo slammed to the ground, the whole forest seemed to glow a bright shade of green, everything had a dark red outlining to it. He looked around to see if he had breathed in some of the yellow haze, but the yellow gas had moved on to a new location. He could feel his body getting weaker, hearing strange noises, he then yelled out in the open sky, asking about what had happened. He then felt something pushing on his chest, until he opened his eyes to the real world. Looking around clueless, he saw Samaruo look at him from across the ground. Taruko had been put against a tree; he then looked towards Samaruo, once more, asking him on what happened. Samaruo then decided to explain to what had recently occurred that would explain the reason on how he got this way. “I used my sharingan genjutsu on you to knock you out; all I did was knock you out with my genjutsu. Whatever experience you seemed to have been going through was of your own mind, it looked like you had a nightmare. Just know that I beat you this day, I had no choice but to use it, you overpowered me”. Taruko then got up from the tree, he stumbled a little, but managed to hold himself up after that. He then proceeded towards Samaruo, he was amazed that he was knocked out by a mere genin, this would be a encounter that he would never forget. A genin that managed to knock out a jounin, that was considered an elite ranked ninja, however, he wouldn’t reveal that information to Samaruo due to pride issues, plus the fact that he didn’t want him to become as arrogant as him. Seeing how he underestimated him, cost him the match that should have been a easy spar, but he admitted his error and congratulated the Uchiha on his victory. “Well, it seems that you were right, I am a bit arrogant, but I guess its better me then you. Good job, may your future be bright”. Samaruo caught the comment that was made, “I am a bit arrogant, but I guess its better me then you”. Taruko had no idea that, that comment had stuck out a lot. Samaruo knew too many Uchiha that had fallen from their path, due to arrogance. “Thank you, now I must be on my way home”. With that Samaruo left the ninja, as well as the woods, he would be finally headed home, were he could rest him body and mind, as well as his eyes. Samaruo would reach the Uchiha clan district gates; to once again be denied is wanted rest. He hated the fact that he couldn’t receive any time of peace; he then started to regret every setting foot in the training grounds today. However, he corrected himself, changing the day to yesterday, seeing how the sun was about to rise. He then turned around to see who had stopped him, it was Taruko. Samaruo didn’t want a rematch, at least not now since he barely has any chakra at his deposal. “Yes Taruko, what do you want”? Taruko stopped in front of Samaruo, he wanted to show him something. “Hey Samaruo, I know that you were just about to head home, but I wanted to show you something. Well as you might already know, the Uchiha take pride in themselves in using mainly fire style jutsu. I want to see if you can demonstrate this technique, use your sharingan to analyze my hand signs. Don’t worry; I’ll go at a much slower pace”. Samaruo would do as the man asked, since he longed for some form of rest. As the man backed away from Samaruo, he then used a couple of hand signs with Samaruo watching. When he finished the seals, he fired numerous shots of fire balls into the air that then burst. Samaruo took interest into this new jutsu, with Taruko noticing as well. “What is this jutsu called”? Taruko then stated that it was the phoenix flower style jutsu, it was a perfect jutsu to use for throwing off opponents, a distraction jutsu. However, it could be used as an assault attack, though it would be best used for a diversion. He would then look at Samaruo, waiting for him to try out the jutsu. Samaruo then used his sharingan to recall what hand signs were used; he quickly formed the hand signs and used the jutsu. Though now many fire balls were shot up in the air like Taruko, but Samaruo quickly grasped the concept of the jutsu very well. “I see, with more time I could master this jutsu without fail. But time is something I don’t have, so if you now would leave me to my much deserved rest, I would appreciate it”. Taruko took the hint as he gave his farewells to Samaruo as he fled. Samaruo’s Sharingan fled away as well, back into the black lifeless eyes of Samaruo, waiting in the void for when the call of battle should arise again.

My word count is 4255.

Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:33 pm
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Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:45 pm
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Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:51 pm
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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:17 pm
Time had passed since Samaruo Uchiha had trained any of his shinobi battle tactics, the day was the day he would finally give in to his urges, the urge to do battle. He was currently residing in his home, everyday he would just complete the errands that he would receive from the higher ups. They would range from tending a villagers garden, to retrieving a missing house pet. Such insignificant tasks meant nothing to the Uchiha, he would then think back even further to why he would even stoop so low as to even accept to perform such nonsense. However, it was clear that Samaruo would do such task no longer; it was time for him to develop his skills to the next level. If Samaruo would want to complete his goal, the reconstruction of the Uchiha clan, than he would have to develop more power to do so. Samaruo then dress himself with the appropriate attire, he would travel to the training grounds. Once he gathered what he needed, he then step foot outside, it was time to train, that was then mentality Samaruo held in his head for today. It was a sunny day; the solar rays would beam down on any unfortunate soul that wasn’t under any form of shade. The humidity was outrageously dreadful, to top it off with the sun. At that moment when Samaruo would go outside, already he would feel the heat cooking his skin. But Samaruo wouldn’t let the weather prevent him from training; he was sure that when he reached to the training grounds he would train in the woods, for the tall tree leaves would shade him. When Samaruo was about to reach the gate he was then stopped by a familiar face, it was Taruko. Samaruo remembered the shinobi from the last encounter, but he didn’t have time mingle with him, Samaruo had business to take care of. Taruko would then walk in front of Samaruo, not in a rude way, but in a way that would also give room to pass if one was not interested in anything he had to say. “It’s has been a long time since we meet, I hope you haven’t been cooped up in your house all that time. If so then some of your shinobi training would have surely diminished by now, I hope that was not the case”. Samaruo would then stop in front of Taruko, he would shed a few words to him before he would depart, if Taruko had been a complete stranger, Samaruo would have most likely brushed him off. “Sorry Taruko, but I have no time to give. I’m in hurry to the training grounds, good day”. Samaruo would walk away from him, leaving Taruko behind. Samaruo then reached the training grounds, though he had not been here for quite some time, he was still very familiar with its surrounds. He would calm himself as he would inhale and exhale, in a exercise like pattern. He would also close his eyes for a brief moment, only to open them again to reveal his birthright, the sharingan. Then Samaruo would come into a rest like position, he would stand with his legs straight up, with his arms coming down where his hands would flatten straight, sticking them vertically across from each other, just above his waist. His head was also tilted a bit downward; his eyes were once again shut. Samaruo then began to move in different directions with each step he took, his moves would mimic the wind currents. His body was no in sync with the faint breeze that he felt; bending his arms and legs so that it would almost seem as if the air was guiding his movements. He would also cross his arms with his hands passing his face; this form of movement was part of the taijutsu training he had received from the earlier parts of the academy. However, only a few were selected to take this class, due to showing great aptitude during the first week if the class combats training. When he would soon come to the end of his steps, he would return to his resting position, now calm in the mind, and his physical body. All of the sudden, Samaruo would hear something that had just landed behind him; he quickly spun around to see who or what it was. With no surprise it was none other than Taruko, Samaruo’s facial expression would then dull even more. “What is it now Taruko, didn’t I tell you that I didn’t have time to mess around with you”. Samaruo would then start to become annoyed with Taruko, who was an acquaintance, now becoming a pest. Though it was not known to Samaruo, Taruko had been following him to the training grounds. Taruko began to take even more interest in the Uchiha, he had watch as Samaruo demonstrated one of the advanced taijutsu forms that was taught only to a minor selection of academy students. “I didn’t know you were taught those moves, it seemed that you are more than just your current bio said”. Samaruo would pause for a moment, though he had seen this shinobi a few times, he still didn’t know what rank or title he held. But the fact that he had access to that kind of information, meant that he might be a high ranked shinobi, but his display of combat that Samaruo had seen sort of conflicted with that analysis. “How are you really, what rank are you”? Taruko would then tighten his head band some more, he would crack his neck a few times to loosen it up. “I’ll tell you if you defeat me here again, I want to see how you would fight against me using my full power”. Taruko would then use his teleportation jutsu to appear ten yards away from Samaruo’s back, he would then begin to flash a few hand signs, once that task was completed, a large cloud of white smoke appeared, only to leave 10 shadow clones of Taruko. He would send two shadow clones towards the Uchiha while the other remaing clones, plus the real Taruko would remain where they were, preparing to strike when necessary. Samaruo would have no choice to accept this grudge match, Samaruo would then turn to his back side to notice the two shadow clones coming, with the other group of Tarukos hanging back. Samaruo knew that he would have to fight the clones without the knowledge of knowing which one was the real Taruko. As the two clone made its way towards Samaruo, the Uchiha flashed some hand signs of his own. He would then bring his left hand to his mouth as he would begin to breathe a ball of fire that would then travel towards the two clones immolating them. As the fire ball reached the clones, one of them managed to evade the fire partially, with only having his left arm burning by the fire. The shadow clone then attempted to tackle Samaruo, with a kunai in its right hand, ready to impale the victim when contact has been made. However, Samaruo fore saw this certain event with his sharingan, the clone would then tackle the shinobi, only to impale a wooden log. Samaruo would reveal himself to the clone’s back side, as he leaped from the smoke that was left by the fireball jutsu. However, the shadow clone was still strong enough to recover from the failed attack and swing the blade towards Samaruo in a back spin motion. But nevertheless, Samaruo evaded the attack but ducking down below the swing of the clone. Samaruo then grabbed the clone by placing both of his hands on the arm with the kunai in it, stopping the swing motion. He would then raise himself up while moving his back towards the clone, while he was getting up he also pulled on the arm and used that momentum to lift the clone into the air and slam it on the ground. But that was not the final step in taking down the clone. He would then lift his right leg up high in the air, and made it come down on the clone neck, with the heel of Samaruo’s foot colliding with the clones Adams apple. Even for a high level Shinobi, that attack was still very effective. With that the clone also disappeared. When the two clones went up in smoke, all the information, including on how they were taken down went back to the original Taruko. He wouldn’t be able to see how Samaruo took down the clones, since he had already departed from the area and manage to slip into the woods while Samaruo was occupied, along with the other clones. He surveyed the area to see if there was any sign of traps before he would move on into the forest. See how there wasn’t any sign of danger, Samaruo then ran off into the woods to confront Taruko. Samaruo was now once again deterred away from his original objective and was now given a new one, to defeat Taruko in this little game. As he ran into the forest he immediately leaped up on top of a wide tree branch, given the time Taruko was in here, he could have easily set up a bundle of traps and ambushes. He would then proceed on to locate the real Taruko, and stop any inferences that met his way. Deep within the woods Taruko would reside in a dark part of the training grounds. He was accompanied by one clone, while the others would be spread out through the area. Each of them were given specific instruction on what to do if Samaruo Uchiha came their way, the instructions were also based on their locations as well. It took a well amount of experience to command and maintain shadow clones at this manner, but due to Taruko being a special class jounin, he was well trained in this tactic. “Let’s see what our little Uchiha friend beat this game; I won’t underestimate you this time, Samaruo”. He would then relax near the tree, with his shadow clone looking out for any danger, their where now seven shadow clones throughout the area. Meanwhile, Samaruo would be running through the woods. His three tomoe sharingan active, and on full alert, with his weapon pouch that held the tools he need to take Taruko down. Suddenly he heard a cracking sound when he then saw he huge log headed straight for him. In this brief moment, Samaruo’s sharingan took in every single detail that his eyes gazed upon. He saw how the gigantic log was wrapped around both sides with rope; it was a trap that was triggered by one of Taruko’s clones. Samaruo took immediate action, as he used his than vanished from the soon to be demolished branch that he was standing on. He then appeared behind one of the lower branches, Samaruo used hid teleportation jutsu to move himself away from the danger at high speeds. However, he still did know where the shadow clone was currently hiding. He then peeked from behind the tree to see if he could locate anything in the area with a chakra signature. He then decided to lure the clone out with a decoy, a illusion clone of his own. Samaruo then made the hand signs to use his clone jutsu, when he made the clone it then walked out towards the far side of the branch. Still the Taruko shadow clone did nothing as the illusion stood there still, and then a kunai flew through the illusion clone. When the illusion clone disappeared, Samaruo then located the whereabouts of the shadow clone. The clone had been perched a few trees over from where Samarup had fled to, see how the clone was in a higher position. Samaruo leaped from his cover and launched a fireball towards the clone; he would then hear some signs of pain followed by a cloud of white smoke. Samaruo then pressed onward, seeing how he defeated the shadow clone. Samaruo thought to himself about how this fight was nothing like the previous engagement, this one was more vigorous and lethal. Pit would seem as if Taruko was not holding back, Samaruo was delighted to see that Taruko would give it his all to take him down. With this clone taken care of Samaruo suggested that there were now 7 more shadow clones left to deal with, with adding the real Taruko in would be eight enemies he would have to deal with. The information of yet another defeated shadow clone was then received by Taruko. He would then bring himself up from under the tree to think on how he should approach the Uchiha. “Yet another clone was defeated, and yet so easily too. I’m going to have to bump it up to the next level. Don’t worry Samaruo, I’ll show you what I can really do when I am at my best”. Taruko then alerted his shadow clone that was near him to follow, the two would then move to a different location. Samaruo was once again stopped by another shadow clone; the clone was taking the form of a fighting stance. Samaruo saw this and he too went into a fighting stance, taijutsu wasn’t the first preferred form of fighting Samaruo would take, but considering all of the jutsu he used Samaruo knew that it would be better to conserve his chakra for when he faced the real Taruko. While the two would stare each other down the scene was forever silent, the two engaged each other in a stare down. Due to the opponent being a shadow clone, Samaruo’s sharingan genjutsu wouldn’t have any effect on it. Then the two would dash towards each other, both of them throwing jabs and strikes towards each other, the clone was apparently stronger than Samaruo. However, Samaruo would also have an upper hand in this as well. His sharingan was locking on to every attack the clone would throw, anticipating each move so that Samaruo would find the perfect chance to counter attack. When the clone attempted to strike Samaruo’s face with a strong punch with its left hand, Samaruo would use that chance to counter attack. However, when Samaruo attempted to move to the right side to throw a jab at the clone’s ribs, the clone would then follow through the missed jab by using that momentum to spin himself to the right, so that he could bring his right leg around to knock Samaruo down. Then Samaruo reached into his weapons pouch and pulled out a kunai knife that he then used to slash the clones neck. Samaruo knew that he wasn’t strong enough to take the clone down by physical force, so he waited for the right moment to strike with his weapon. As the clone meet the kunai blade with its neck, it then burst into a cloud of smoke. But the ambush was not over yet, another clone jumped out of the bushes that it was nesting in. Once again, Samaruo would confront another shadow clone of Taruko, Samaruo was now hoping that he would reach the real Taruko soon. The clone rushed towards Samaruo much like the last one, this however seemed very strange to him. He noticed that none of the clone used any jutsu, thinking back to where he was first attacked by Taruko he noticed that Taruko seemed to have used high level water style jutsu. It would seem that Taruko didn’t have that big of chakra reserves than what Samaruo had assumed from the beginning. But to make this much Shadow clones and control and maintain them in an area like this would most likely drain a well of a third of Taruko chakra. Samaruo knew what he had to do; Samaruo would turn the tables on Taruko, forcing him to come out. Samaruo evaded the clones attack and proceeded onward with the clone following him. While he ran through the forest he noticed that the clone was following him but wasn’t throwing any sort of projectiles, Samaruo also found this interesting. Soon he met another clone that was perched high up across the tree, he then saw as the shadow clone threw a barrage of shuriken towards Samaruo. Samaruo stood still as the shadow clone got closer, he then moved out of the shuriken’s path, waiting to see if the weapons would injure the oncoming shadow clone. The shadow clone then saw the shuriken path and leaped out of the way, once it recovered it pressed on to attacking Samaruo once more. As Samaruo’s sharingan took in this information, he then fled once more, with now two of Taruko’s shadow clones on his tail. Samaruo knew that these weren’t ordinary shadow clones; they each had a specific mode or style of attack that had seemed to be pre set within them. That would explain the reason why the shadow clones that were perch high in the tree used kunai and shuriken, while the other shadow clones that were placed below used hand to hand combat. Each of the shadow clones must have took a fair sum of chakra from Taruko to function this way. That was why Samaruo decided not to fight the fake shadow clones anymore, he had figured out what Taruko was trying to do. Taruko had been trying to get Samaruo to use up most of his chakra so that he would not have enough to use his sharingan against him. With all the clones’ station out at certain point of the area, it was designed so that Samaruo, who wasn’t used to taijutsu, would most likely use ninjutsu to get by the shadow clones. Samaruo knew that none of the clones would use ninjutsu seeing that they didn’t have enough chakra to do so; he now knows that Taruko has only a small portion of chakra left. “What’s taking them so long; I haven’t even heard from the other clones yet. I need to take him out now so that I want collapse from lack of charka”. Taruko would stop for a moment to catch his breath, he was still weak from making the many shadow clones. That was one of the main reasons why he kept one of the clones by his said, it would be better to have a back up. After that brief moment, he decided that he needs to press on to where Samaruo might be. The longer this fight drew out, the lesser the chance of Taruko being able to defeat him. The radiant sun had now vanished from sight, now replaced with the full moon. Darkness had infiltrated the training grounds, leaving nothing untouched. This was however Samaruo setting of choice, it was the night that gave him complete focus. He was now herding the group of shadow clones; he managed to find four other clones that were hiding out. With that he was now being chased by 6 Taruko shadow clones, with some of them that threw kunai towards Samaruo. While leading the pack of shadow clones he had to make sure that he was keeping a safe distance from them. The clones were made for one reason only, to defeat Samaruo Uchiha. When Samaruo reached an area that was a flat land within the woods, he would then jump down from the branches, while being mimicked by the other shadow clones. While he was falling he managed to weave a few hand signs, and then from out of Samaruo’s mouth came a ball of fire. Due to all the clones descending down after Samaruo in mid air, dodging the huge fire ball jutsu would be impossible. In deed the attack managed to take out the bundle of shadow clones, each clone reverted back into a cloud of whit smoke. He then fell on his side on the ground, though he managed to take out the clones in one burst of fire, the cost was high. Samaruo’s chakra supply was nearly depleted, but not enough that his sharingan would also vanish, he decided to keep his sharingan active so when he spotted any sign of a chakra signature, he would immediately dash towards then target, hoping to end this fight once and for all. Samaruo picked himself up and wondered ahead in stealth, waiting to catch Taruko off guard. As Taruko ran through the woods looking for the Uchiha, he suddenly stopped as the last of the clones’ information flowed into his head, with the exception of his last clone that he kept with him by his side. Taruko would gasp in disbelieve that the rest of the clones that were stationed around the woods were all defeated. What really got to Taruko was that they were all beaten at once, with a fireball jutsu. “This ends now Samaruo Uchiha, I’m coming for you. Especially especially now that I know that you are nearly out of chakra like me, without your sharingan your chances have just dwindled even further”. What was unknown to Samaruo was that one of the clones made it through the fire ball jutsu and lasted just enough so that it could see Samaruo becoming more fatigue, due to lack of Chakra. “You think so?” the voice was coming from behind Taruko. He turned around in an instant to see that it was Samaruo himself that said those words. Both shinobi looked tired as if they were about to drop any second, but Taruko seemed to have the advantage. He stood facing Samaruo, It would appear that Samaruo didn’t have the sharingan active. Taruko rushed Samaruo while throwing shuriken that were aimed at Samaruo’s legs, Taruko was giving his all. Samaruo evaded the shuriken with a quick dive to the left, when he hit the ground he pulled out another kunai and dragged him self up, lunging towards the charging Taruko. The two then enter into a gridlock, as Taruko also pulled a Kunai from his thigh weapons pouch and blocked Samaruo’s kunai blade and his body from progressing on any further. “I don’t know how you managed to fight your way pass all my high level clones, but know that your nonsense ends now”. Taruko would press on further, using his overwhelming strength to overpower Samaruo. Samaruo was struggling with Taruko as Samaruo’s physical strength was clearly inferior to Taruko. He then broke away from Taruko as he then used his teleportation jutsu to move around Taruko at high speeds and strike him from behind. Taruko was then struck from behind by Samaruo, he fell down yelling in agony. Samaruo then walked towards the downed Taruko, telling Taruko that he had lost. However, the downed Taruko would then begin to smirk a little, when he spontaneously burst into a cloud of white smoke. The Taruko Samaruo had been fighting was no more than the last shadow clone. All of the sudden the real Taruko would appear out of the open and dash straight at Samaruo, he was infront of the Uchiha. Samaruo looked up at Taruko as he would now activate his Sharingan, placing Taruko in a genjutsu. The dashing shinobi would then tumble face first into the ground, temporarily knocked out due to the genjutsu trap. Samaruo was well aware that he was fighting a shadow clone; he remembered the amount of clone that was created from the beginning of the fight. Samaruo would attempte to left the shinobi up from the ground but then stopped him self, Samaruo soon lost interest in learning about the shinobi who he had beaten twice at his own game. Samaruo no longer cared to discover who this mysterious leaf shinobi was, even if he had access to personal information. To lose to a genin clearly wasn’t the mark of a high level shinobi, especially if that same genin had beaten him twice. Samaruo deactivated his sharingan to now revert his eyes back to its original form, the lifeless eyes of the Uchiha. Samaruo had then vacated the area, now returning home from a vigorous amount of training, the boy had deserved it.

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Samaruo Uchiha
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