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Mubu Otsunatō
Mubu Otsunatō
Stat Page : The intricate puppet pantry of Mubu
Genjutsu Puppetry Remove Default
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 500

Festival hangout: the games of Mubu Empty Festival hangout: the games of Mubu

Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:52 pm
The games::

the festival ambiance

As Mubu wandered in the festival after his performance at the showdown, he encountered a group of other students he knew from the academy. Having his puppet at his side, he looked a bit creepy, like he was walking his little sister, but she acted not human nor alive. Oh well, this fitted Mubu weird mojo and presence, making people see him for who he trully was. Going closer to the group, Mubu joined them. ''Hey guys ! whats upppp! Nice festival right ? I'm enjoying myself so much ! Otako, nice to see you ! Have you seen at the banquet? yeah that lil blondie is eating in my hand dont you worry ahahahAHAHH! so what are you guys up to ?''

''Hey man long time no see ! yeah Mu, we all happy to see ya, your performance was absolutely insane ! that puppet gives me the creeps tho ahahah. Isnt it the one you built with the mask of that fucking weirdo who killed and abused kids? Thats soooo fucked up man, even from you! You always liked the unhinged and weird stuff, so it does fit your vibe. and yeaaah! I've seen her, good luck with that man, this girl has a thing to her where she looks like she break legs for fun, be wary! I warn you in advance if you get kicked in the nuts heheheh. We were gonna co do the games of the festival, Kobo will join us there, and Minnata too ! she bring her new bf, he is not even a ninja, but hey, Minnata being Minnata, you know how it is!'' said the friend of Mubu Otako, a older ninja who was a specialist in the shadown manipulation, with blonde slip back hair and a nose ring. His seductive style matched the one of mubu, but he was more of the dark red and black style, whereas mubu was colors incarnate.

As they got to the games, Mubu could see Kobo, towering above all others, with his sleeveless trench coat and tattooed arms, throwing a ball and making max point, gaining a ryo pouch! This game looked cool, but Mubu wasnt particularly a strong shinobi, at least in terms of physical strength. Kobo on the other hand was a bull of strength.  ''Hey if it isnt my man, the myth the legend, the singer, Mubu! whats up ? heard you had a little someting to do with that building in the market district getting torched down ? ahahah! Guess youre not loosing time arent you ? its nice to see you here! have a go at it. All you need to do, is harness your muscles in those arms, and throw that heavy leather ball! and aim true, like you would aim thoses lips onto a soft girl mouth AHAHAHAHA!'' Laughed Kobo and all of Mubu friends, knowing him well as a seducer, and joking about it to make him laugh.

As Mubu laughed away at the joke, he took the ball, and breathed deeply, trying to get stronger. Mubu wasnt really a physical type, at least not in that sense, and the ball was already heavy to his arms. He threw it the fartest he could, making it into the points board at least, but only harnessing 5 point out of 25, not  as strong as Kobo. ''damn its wayyy heavier than i tought ! Oh well still a lil ryo doesnt hurt! your turn guys, common make Kobo proud, he is the only fucker here able to throw that ball to Konoha if he wanted to ahahahHAHAHAHAHA'' laughed away Mubu, complimenting as well as laughing at his long time friend. Kobo and Mubu use to be close, in the academy and when they were kids. Mubu was always one to get in trouble, and Kobo acted as the tough arms, standing between Mubu and consequences of his actions. He was kind of his bodyguard, in a sense. As the others played the game, Mubu saw Minnata and her boyfriend arrive, waving him hello. Minnata was a tall and slender girl, with tan skin and blue long hair. She really was  Mubu type, but they never went and dated. At least not seriously. They fooled around, but she settled with this other guy, that Mubu really didnt like. He was a Ninja from somewhere else, comme from the east, from another village that wasnt big enough to have a reputation. All that Mubu knew, is that this guy was anoying as hell, always trying to diminish her friends and to appear as the best guy. Mubu immediately went to his face; look who is here! Minnata ! so good to see you girl *Hugs*! and you. You came ? I tought the festival wasnt your thing? Mingling with people having fun isnt your forte isnt it ? ahahAHAHAH oh dont make that face, we all know Minnata at the ends of the day hold you on a leash'' said Mubu while holding the blue haired girl close to him in a hug. After the little awkwardness of the altercation, Minnata complimented Mubu on his performance, and greeted the other friends from the academy clique. Minnata was also a Shinobi, but she was a specialist of Fuinjutsu, knowing all types of seals. As Minnata looked at Do, the puppet of Mubu, she said ''OMG Mubu, is that your puppet ? couldnt you have made it less, creepy? your such a weirdo ahaha i love it! what can it do ? OH! explain me while we do the log thing, i want to see Kobo splash everyone as he fall off after 2 seconds AHAHA!'' laughed away the young girl.

''Hey my balance isnt thaaaat bad Mina!''

''Ahahahaha yeaah Do is a weird puppet, but it has a meaning! It represent well the tragedy behind that mask, and I do love a good story. And yeah Kobo your balance is bad AHAHAHAH ! Remember the time you tried to sneak away from class and fell trough the trees branches and all class laughed at your ass?''

As they went to the games, Mubu looked around, to see if other shinobi, either of his team or not, wandered around, and were looking to join a group or play the games. He whised to add some of his new acquaintances to the festivities and discussions, as this old group was his friends for sure, but to be completely frank, Mubu was used to them, and it didnt bring that new exciting vibe of getting to know intricate and strong new ninja friends.
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Festival hangout: the games of Mubu Empty Re: Festival hangout: the games of Mubu

Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:20 am
As the showdown came to an end, Hanzo left to wander the festival. He could see the whole village being so colorful and full of positive noise and laughter all around. It was the first time the village was having such an event. As the young Uchiha walked in further, there were so many games that were being played. Even though Hanzo considers himself mature, seeing the village in a vibrant mood brought the fun child out of him.

He started walking towards the Ball Toss arena. Within a few meters away, the young Genin could see Mubu in the crowd. The tall chap was with his puppet, and was surrounded by a few of his friends. Not wanting to interrupt, he waited for them to end their ball toss game. Once they finished and moved off, the young Uchiha swooped in the line. Due to the young Uchiha's great Strength, Hanzo took a single rubber ball from the box and held it in his right hand. He could feel the rubber ball that was quite heavy and those with less Strength would have some trouble handling it properly. "Mubu would have faced some trouble with this I think" he thought to himself.

While the rubber wall was being held on his right hand, Hanzo activated his Sharingan, so he could have a better visual representation and since he's mastered the Sharingan, it means he'll surely knock down a tower of glass bottles. The young Genin focused his vision to the glass bottles and raised the rubber ball towards his chest level and pulled back his right arm. With a change of serious atmosphere, Hanzo threw the ball right in the middle of the glass bottle tower, which made all of the glass bottles shatter in a split second. The sound of the glass shattering would have made Mubu turn around, if he had listened carefully.

Once Hanzo was done with the Ball Toss, he walked towards Mubu who was surrounded by his friends. "Hey Mubu! That was an interesting puppet show you displayed earlier" he exclaimed. "Shall we do the Whack A Mole game next?" he asked Mubu as he walked towards the next game.

WC: 366
TWC: 366

Battle Stats:
Tatsuya Uchiha
Tatsuya Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 1,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : Living Clone of: Uchiha, Kaito

Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Festival hangout: the games of Mubu Empty Re: Festival hangout: the games of Mubu

Tue Aug 08, 2023 12:38 am

Tatsuya was quite pleased with the turnout that the Harmonic Showdown had brought, but now that it was all over and done with, it was time to go and find his teammate, Mubu Otsunatō. The older genin had seated himself next to Tatsuya before his turn in the showdown and had made a point of introducing himself to his father, which the young boy rolled his eyes at instinctively, but he ignored it really.

"Seems everyone wants to get close to me just to get close to him sometimes..." Tatsuya said to nobody in particular as he strolled along. He didn't really mean it, and he had the feeling that this was not what Mubu meant by his actions, but the young Uchiha was tired of living in a shadow. Now he even lived with another Uchiha, a boy named Hanzo. His father had brought the boy, who didn't have much of a family, into live with them all. Despite their first meeting on the night they removed the bombs from the bathhouse, Tatsuya felt that their relationship was growing ever so slightly with each and passing day.

'I wonder if he stuck around or just went home after his performance.'

After a little while of walking, Tatsuya managed to find both Mubu and Hanzo. The two older boys were standing around with another small group, all seemingly having a good time playing one of the many games the festival had to offer. They all looked so tough standing together; their tattoos and piercing drawing in Tatsuya's admiration. As he looked down at himself, however, he grimaced at how normal and uptight he looked. Of course his mother had forced him to wear his formal kimono. Thankfully for the Uchiha, though, he had worn a cut-off fishnet shirt and black short underneath the getup. Slipping behind one of the stands, Tatsuya removed the kimono and put it up in one of the trees for safekeeping. He was sure that nobody would find it there and that he could easily come back later and grab it before he ran into his mother again. With that, the Uchiha would waltz up to Mubu, Hanzo, and the others with an air of confidence and swagger.

"What's up, guys?" He greeted, nodding upwards as a means of saying hello. He turned his attention over to Mubu. "Hell of a performance, Mubu. Almost as fire as that bathhouse we set ablaze." Next he turned his attention to Hanzo. "You too, Hanzo. The way you worked your Lightning-Release into your performance was awesome!" To show himself worthy of hanging out with the older crowd, Tatsuya activated his Three-Tomoe Sharingan, grabbed one of the balls from the ball toss from the hand of a little kid, and threw it at the small tower of glass bottles. Normally Tatusya would've had much trouble with this considering his strength and coordination was lacking, but thanks to his Sharingan, he was able to see the best possible throw he could do that would surely knock them down. With more than enough luck, he did just that. "Booyah!" He exclaimed with a chuckle.

Sure enough, the child that Tatusya had stolen the ball from began crying hysterically.

'Really, kid? You gotta let out the waterworks?' He thought. Normally the Uchiha would not have done such a thing, but as he wanted to make an impression on Mubu, Hanzo, and their friends, he felt that he had to do something to show that he just didn't care. Looking at the child though, who had buried their head into their father's chest to muffle their cries, a somber look formed upon Tatsuya's face. Taking a quick glance around to make sure Mubu and the others were not paying attention, he requested the grand prize for having knocked down the tower of bottles. In turn he walked up to the child and father, bowing and presenting the grand prize to them.

"I apologize for my actions. Please take this. You deserve it."

The father narrowed his eyes at Tatsuya, but the child's eyes lit up like Christmas trees. She grabbed the prize, a giant stuffed animal, and gripped it tightly against her. Tatsuya smiled, feeling better for having rectified his actions, but he quickly turned back around and joined the others again. When Hanzo suggested doing the Whack-A-Mole game next, Tatsuya's eyes lit up.

"Yeah! Lets g-" Noticing just how childish Tatsuya sounded, he cleared his throat affirmingly. "I mean, whatever you wanna do, big bro. Anything's better than that stupid ball toss anyway."

WC (POST) = 760 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 760 WC


Mubu Otsunatō
Mubu Otsunatō
Stat Page : The intricate puppet pantry of Mubu
Genjutsu Puppetry Remove Default
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 500

Festival hangout: the games of Mubu Empty Re: Festival hangout: the games of Mubu

Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:55 pm
As Tatsuya arrive and Hanzo at the same time, Mubu continued to talk to his friends, smiling as he noticed the two ninja he met before arrive and get close to him. Mubu instantly notice Tatsuya looking for attention towards the older ninja, as the youngest, he was craving the same stature and respect of the older kids in the village. With the corner of his eye while talking to his friends, Mubu saw Tatsuya activate his sharingan, the 3 tomoe circling his black eye center on a red flashy background of pupil, and toss a ball he stole from a kid hand. Chuckling at the fact, Mubu liked that kind of attitude on Tatsuya. He saw him as his little brother, or as him when younger, always mischeivous and a little chaotic. As Tatsuya gave back the gift won to the kid, Mubu smiled, and raised his hand toward Tatsuya to make him notice him and get closer to him and Hanzo. As the lighting user asked Mubu to go to the next games, Mubu answered while inviting tatsuya to the conversation. ''Yeah sure Hanzo good idea! thanks for joining by the way. Hey Tatsuya! Come here lil' devil! how you been? still looking for trouble ? hehehehe'' said Mubu while doing a fist bump to the youngest Uchiha. He felt a strong bond with him, and didnt know why. He felt the same with Hanzo, and those instinctive and deep link intrigued Mubu. Maybe it was destiny, maybe those kids would mean a lot to him one day, may it be close friends, or who knows, even ennemy ! As for now, Mubu and the others would only enjoy the night, the games, and the festival. ''Hey Tatsu, dont need to play it cool my guy, I see you for who you are, not just your father's son! So keep at it and continue to be this little fucker, its entertaining and you make me feel alive while we both conquer the world !'' said Mubu to the kid Uchiha to make him proud. ''Alright boys, lets go do thoses other games!'' said again mubu while smiling and looking toward hanzo. As the evening advanced, the group had fun, got to know each other more, and smiles, giggles, and fun was filling the air. It was a festival to remember! After the evening, late at night, Mubu would get back home in the early hours of the morning, a girl around his arms all seduced by him, and split from the group to get home and enjoy a fun night of not so much rest.


TWC 1517

15 stats point going to Vigor (new vigor = 55)

517 WC going towards Whistle Trigger 517/2000, 1000 WC to the 1500 WC before to learn Genjutsu Clone
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Festival hangout: the games of Mubu Empty Re: Festival hangout: the games of Mubu

Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:19 pm
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Festival hangout: the games of Mubu Empty Re: Festival hangout: the games of Mubu

Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:15 am
Mubu invited Hanzo to the gathering just as Tatsuya joined within a few minutes. Hanzo was extremely delighted when Tatsuya called him big brother. He thought that they might not get along as their personalities were different but hearing Tatsuya calling him brother made a great impression on him, his little brother. Hanzo's protective nature took place and he knew that he would always protect his family.

They headed to the Whack A Mole game and with Hanzo's speed and amazing reflex, he whacked all the mole with the hammer given by the carnival game master. The game master was astonished at how fast Hanzo cleared the game, neat and clearly. They all high fived each other with enjoyment. The next was the High Striker. Hanzo took the hammer of the High Striker. He smirked as he knew he had great vigor. He smiled at both of them and in that moment, he swung down the hammer on the base of the tall structure. As the hammer hit the base, the puck flew up with tremendous speed, signifying he made a strong hit. "That looks like a good hit!" he exclaimed to them. Once the rest completed as well, the team moved on to the last game.

"Hey brother, let's go and do the Log Roll" he responded to Tatsuya and gave an eye signal to the ever talkative Mubu to move on. Once they reached the last game stall, they read the rules and were ready. Hanzo went first and stood on the log and once the bell sound was heard he would start rolling the log until the bell sounded again. This was an easy task for him considering he had great stats and experience. Once the rest had completed, they waved goodbye to Mubu and each left their way. Hanzo wanted to train more, so he headed to the forest to train by himself.

WC: 317
TWC: 683

Exit Claims:
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Festival hangout: the games of Mubu Empty Re: Festival hangout: the games of Mubu

Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:56 am
Hanzo Uchiha wrote:WC: 317
TWC: 683

Exit Claims:

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