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Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Sun Jul 04, 2021 9:25 pm
Mission Name: Starting off Wrong, Part 1.
Rank: E
Mission Location: Borders

Challenges: Arc
Task: Living life as a missing-nin is hard. Sometimes you run out of funds to even feed yourself. If you want to survive as a criminal, you will have to learn how to think outside the box. There are many travelers along the borders, especially merchants moving there wares from country to country. Your job is to ambush and steal the merchants wares or their earnings if they have already sold all of their product. Do not get seen stealing or the contract will fail.

Word Count Requirement: 500
Reward: 1,000 Ryo / 5 AP

Character Requirements: Missing Ninja
Character Exclusive: -

Mission Name: A dollar short
Rank: E
Mission Location: Neutral Village

Challenges: -
Task: A local gang is asking for your help. A villager had the group do some work for them and now they aren't paying up. Every time they try to confront the villager, he always seems to escape, and now its time for you to finish the job. Find the villager and get him to pay up but whatever means necessary.

Word Count Requirement:500
Reward:1000 Ryo / 5 AP

Character Requirements: Missing Ninja
Character Exclusive:

Mission Name: Escort Service
Rank: E
Mission Location: Borders

Challenges: -
Task: An elderly woman wants an escort to a family reunion in a nearby town and will pay up front for the work. What you do once you get the money is up to you.

Word Count Requirement: 500
Reward:1000 Ryo / 5 AP

Character Requirements: Missing Ninja
Character Exclusive:

Mission Name: Holy Matrimony, Or Something
Rank: E
Mission Location: Any borders

Task: You find yourself in a small town in the middle of nowhere, not large enough to be even a blip on the radar of any of the major villages or anyone of note. The townsfolk are naturally distrusting of outsiders and as such have been nothing but cold to you since your arrival. A large wedding seems to be happening in a neighbouring town, and you have been hired to deliver the dowry. Of course, it's up to you whether or not you follow these instructions. Do you keep it for yourself? Deliver it on time? Or simply slaughter everyone you meet for 500 words like the murder hobo you are? The choice, and the consequences, are yours.

Word Count Requirement: 500
Reward: 1,000 Ryo / 5 AP

Character Requirements: Missing-Nin
Character Exclusive: --

Mission Name: A Simple Delivery
Rank: D
Mission Location: Neutral Village

Challenges: N/A
Task: A local merchant has hired you to deliver some of his goods to customers a few towns over. He gives you the items and pays you in advance. How you proceed is up to you.

Word Count Requirement: 1000
Reward:2000 Ryo / 10 AP

Character Requirements: Missing Ninja
Character Exclusive: -

Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Sun Jul 04, 2021 9:41 pm
It was only a few minutes after being let in by the gate guard Han that Hoori found himself in the village of Suna. The place was every bit of a wonder as he thought it would. As he avoided going into villages and took his marks in a neutral area, this was...definitely interesting. One thing he did not remember...or maybe it was the fact that it slipped his mind was where the two were going to meet. Reaching into his inner coat pocket he would begin to go through a few notes that he wrote shortly after their meeting and found the inn in which the two would meet up at. Shoving it back within the darkness of his jacket he would begin to head there with a small smile on his face as he expected the day would be filled with jobs and getting the lay of the land. With that in mind he honestly wished that whatever jobs they took here would be at least a little more interesting than the recent ones the two had undertook before coming here.

Since he was not accustomed to the layout of the village, it would take him a minute to actually arrive at the inn and in the event that he was the first there he would register them a room and if Shin had beat him there he would more than likely ask for Shin by name or a psuedo name if he had signed up under one. Once he had obtained a key to the room he would begin to head up and knock on the door before using the key and coming in," This village is nice! You certainly picked a nice little place to come to...Now what shall we be doing here?," he would of course wait for Shin to acknowledge him before sitting down and waiting for the task at hand.

317 WC
Old Shin
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Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:39 pm
Shin would smirk lightly to himself as he watched Hoori approach the inn that he was staying in, a rather quaint place simply known as Outer Heaven, a strange name, but one that certainly fit in Suna. It was a haven for the Missing-Nin within the walls, and served as an unofficial job-hub, which is part of the reason Shin chose to stay here in the first place. This was perfect really, he had already procured a few contracts for the day and, as such, Hoori could quickly make some money. When Hoori entered the inn Shin would stand and make his way over to his long time partner, a small smirk splitting his scarred lips. 

“Well look what the cat dragged in, how was your journey?” The Assassin would ask in an easygoing manner, waiting to hear Hoori’s response before continuing.

“C’mon, no time for rest, dump any excess gear in our room, we’ve got some jobs to do.” Shin would say, casually tossing The Hunter his roomkey, which showed that they were staying in room 21. It was a large enough room for the two of them, and it would be quite clear which side of the room and bed had been claimed by Shin. By the time Hoori arrived Shin would be standing outside, leaning against the wall near the door. 

“Okay, the first job we have is simple, we gotta track down some idiot that hasn’t paid his debts, and make him pay up. The guy's name is Kyoka, 5’8 with dark brown hair, 2 moles on his right cheek and a scar across the bridge of his nose, so fairly simple to find. He works in the market district, so that’s where we’ll be looking first.” The ever professional Hyuuga would explain with a simple smirk on his face, knowing this was the type of job Hoori enjoyed the most… tracking down idiots that liked to hide. 

WC: 322
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:20 am
"The journey was long and really had to pick the hottest place on the map but I must admit the land is beautiful. I see you beat me here," he would admit as he began to sit down but waited as the other male told him there was no time to dally. Sitting his bag down he would sit the bag down and tilt his head," Already? Well time waits for no one now does it? Go ahead and tell me what we are doing so we can get moving," he would instead move toward the door and lean against the wall closest to it as he was told what they were about to do. Taking the key he would look at the side that would be his and had already mentally prepared himself to set up his own little home away from home after they had got back. The job was relatively simple and a small smile played upon his face as he shrugged," The easy ones are usually the ones that would take the longest...Already have a location and appearance so lets get on with it. Shouldn't take too long for us to get the money and move one with your looks," There would be a small chuckle as he closed the door and moved on to walk out, allowing Shin to take the lead toward the market district.

232 WC
Old Shin
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Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:00 pm
“Heh, true that.” The muscled Hyuuga would say, all the while chuckling lightly in mirth at the little joke. Anyone that really knew them, which admittedly was a very small number of people, knew that Hoori was the true muscle of the duo… something that was true in the most literal of ways. Shin may be tall and covered in muscle… but that muscle was purely for show, The Assassin was actually quite weak physically, while Hoori, who appeared quite skinny, actually packed quite a bit of power. It was actually something of an inside joke for them, that the hulking and muscular man was actually the brains of the duo while the smaller and less imposing of the two was actually the muscle. 

As they moved towards the market district Shin would have his Byakugan active, unknown to all, looking for their mark… and after only a minute or so of scanning he would spot the man.

“You know, usually I would agree with you, especially when it comes to idiots hiding from their debts, but I can already see him. He’s 50m ahead of us, near that small tea stand… looks like he’s getting shot down by the woman manning it… heh. You know the drill, I’m the big dumb muscle looking to break his kneecaps for the money, but you’re the kind boss that’s willing to give him one chance to pay up nicely before things get ugly. This guys a coward, he’ll fold without issue.” The Assassin would explain with a nasty smirk on his face, something that he would quickly train into a small scowl as he began to push his way through the crowd, zeroing in on the man. With a mightly clap of his palm to the shoulder of the man he would yank him back, forcibly turning the man.

“Oi, Kyoka. You’ve run outta luck today, since you refuse to pay up you’ll be paying your debts another way… don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.” He would say, a dark sneer on his face as he squeezed with all his might… something that he made sure to not display, and instead made it appear to be little more than a friendly introduction compared to what was about to happen. The man was suitably terrified, having gone whiter than a sheet of paper as Shin began to physically drag him away from the tea stand and towards an alleyway. This was something they’d done quite a few times, and Hoori knew to intercept him before he could get into the alley.

WC: 430
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:24 pm
Hoori walked with his hands behind his back idly scanning the area with his Byakuga active. He honestly envied someone like Shin who could hide the unsightly blemishes of their bloodline and still be able to fully use it. He thought of asking how exactly he found the means to, but decided against it since it could have very well been something he wanted to keep to himself. None the less Hoori moved beside his partner in crime in silence until the other male spoke," Golden rule of money. Never borrow what you cannot pay back. Adding on to that never run from those you owe money to unless you can protect yourself...or you are really good at hiding. Sucks he got us as his collectors though. He got rejected? Oh this ought to be fun~," he would muse as he deactivated his Byakugan and continued forward toward the tea stand. With a small smile he would lean against it as Shin worked his magic and as soon as the words were spoken, Hoori slipped right where Kyoka was sitting and smiled to the shop owner. Though he only spared a few words to her, a true "gentleman" in his own right, he never took tabs off of what had been going on. Giving the young woman a kiss on her hand he would hold up and finger," Excuse me one second, i'll be right back. Promise~," and with that he would slip away and behind both Shin and their mark before speaking," You know this will go so much better if you just cough up what you owe and then agree to never borrow again. I am the nice one....but my buddy here is not too...gentle and is very hands on. So what will it be? The easy way or the hard way?," Hoori knew how these things would go and would slowly stretch out his right hand to take the payment that was due.

With a small whistle he would signal Shin to let him go and place the money in the inner lining of his jacket," Pleasure~ Oh! Before I forget the woman you just struck out on? Going on a nice little dinner date with me tonight...Another man's loss is definitely my gain. Toodleloo," he would chuckle as he began to walk off, giving a small wink to the tea shop owner and once they were out of earshot he would look to his partner," A silver tongue for a silver fox...I wonder if she knows what she is about to get into. Welp, where to next?"

431 WC
Old Shin
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Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:53 am
Shin could barely suppress a loud cackle when he watched Hoori slide in and swoop up the woman that their mark had just struck out on, his eyes allowing him to simultaneously drag their mark behind the shop and into an alley while reading the lips of his partner. Hoori was a proud hunter, but sometimes he chose prey of a different variety and in a different sense of the word. A few moments later The Hunter would join them, and with only a few exchanged words their terrified mark would hand over all the money he owed. He wouldn’t bother trying to suppress his snort nor his chuckle at the indignant rage that appeared on their marks face at Hoori’s taunts, but rather than doing something dumb the man would simply storm off, red faced and muttering to himself with each step that he took. 

“Heh, if she had any clue what to expect she’d either be running to the hills, or trying to claw down our door already. Anyways, onto the next job, which kind of ties into another couple of jobs I have. We have a job to escort some old bag to Oashisu, a border town a few hours away, and at the same time we’ve got another job to deliver some supplies from one of Suna’s merchants to, you guessed it, Oashisu. I’ve already got a ton of water stored away for us, so just put on some clothes to block out the sun and we should be good to go. You know me, I’ve got all my shit stored away anyways, so I’ll just meet you at the gates. We’ll probably have to wait around for a half hour or so for the client to show up, since this job was quite a bit quicker than I expected.” The Assassin would explain to his partner with an easy smirk on his face, still enjoying the face of their idiot mark… like really, who the fuck actually goes and hangs out in their usual spots when they know they owe some shady folks money… an idiot, that’s who. 

With that all said Shin would split off from Hoori, and quickly duck into an alley near the gates and swap his current clothes out for some very covering, but light coloured and airy robes. He would also wrap his head with something he had purchased from the very merchant that hired him to deliver his goods, a shemagh, a type of light scarf that he could wrap around his head and face, and would help protect him from the harsher rays of the desert sun. It was, thankfully, still relatively early in the day, so they wouldn’t be travelling in the harshest of the suns rays, but they were still travelling in a desert. 

Now changed, Shin would make his way towards The Cleft and simply wait near the entrance, still inside the walls and not yet in the tunnel, waiting for both Hoori and their client. 

WC: 501
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:40 pm
"Aw now you are just being rude my friend. I'll have you know I am quite the lady killer...errr....Woman magnet. Yeah. Sounds like I actually kill women right," a soft chuckle would come from his lips but even his line of job has had him snuff many a beautiful creature although he always hated it. Listening to their next two jobs he chuckled at the irony and almost fell over laughing as he thought it was quite interesting both would be going to the same place. Shaking his head he would shrug and pat Shin on the back," Ever the man to have everything already prepared and ready for our little outings. Go ahead I will meet you at the inn and we will depart from there...Wait a half hour? Cool I will meet you there then. Gonna go do stuff yeah," and with that he would smile and disappear like the wind itself. While Shin had went back to the inn, Hoori went back to the tea stand to talk to his little date. Enjoying some of her plum tea he would begin to ask some simple questions about her to get a feel for her, he had already been illusive with his own tale of himself, but he had given her enough to have her smitten perhaps even head over heels. Every so often he would look back to the sky to tell the time and once he had gotten close to his mark he would reach for her hand gently and kiss it," Until tonight my desert rose. I will meet you here okay?," and off he went like the breeze back to the hotel.

What he would grab would be easy. His lightweight hood, his water skins just in case and finally a kunai. Sticking that into the pouch on his left leg he would jump out of the window and head over toward the meeting point. He would have arrived literally one minute before they would be departing and looked at his partner," Sup buddy? Let's get this over with so we can go do some other things...have you been here the whole time? Weirdo," a chuckle would escape his lips as he waited alongside Shin for the client.

375 WC
Old Shin
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Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 11:23 pm
Shin was content to simply watch and wait, using his Byakugan to focus on other specific areas in the village and just watch the people in those areas mill around. To others it may be boring, but to Shin… people watching was fascinating, and his Byakugan allowed him to glean a great many things that others wouldn’t. It was also quite a handy habit for infiltration, as it allowed him to quite easily mimic the locals in both speech and actions. Hoori was far more of a social butterfly than he… he was the one that fit in best in the Underworld, in the dingy and dirty bars… which was amusing given his aversion to alcohol and drugs. After roughly twenty minutes he would stop his people watching and simply start humming to himself, knowing that Hoori and their client would be arriving soon. The first to arrive was their client, who chose to wait down near the end of the tunnel by the guard post when Shin informed her that his partner would be arriving shortly. Only a minute or so later Hoori would arrive, and The Assassin would chuckle to himself at the mans words.

“Of the two of us you are the social butterfly, I’m more than content to simply watch from the shadows… and besides, my tastes and sense of humour are more suited for the shadiest bars in the black markets. Suna may be a lot more like a black market than a traditional village, but at the end of the day it still has a lot of civilians that would be quite… put off by my jokes.” He would explain with an easygoing smirk. It was the truth as well… his sense of humour was centred on barbs and sarcasm, and only those with the thickest skin would find themselves enjoying his company. 

“Anyways, our client is waiting near the guard post. She seems like the best we could have hoped for, quiet and simply wanting to get this trip out of the way, so we won’t need to worry about her trying to talk us to death.” He would then say, before turning and making his way down the tunnel to meet up with her once again. 

“Hoori, this is Hana. Hana, this is Hoori, my partner and your other guard. Don’t worry, between the two of us you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” Shin would say in a somewhat pleasant but mostly professional manner, something that earned a small smile and a grateful nod from the older woman.

With that said, the trio made their way out of Suna and down the road, taking the most direct route to the village of Oashisu. 

WC: 452
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

Two Peens in a Pod [Shin] Empty Re: Two Peens in a Pod [Shin]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:05 pm
"Well of course I am the social butterfly. You are big and scary while i'm...not. Its easier to slip information from people when you don't intimidate them but your charm works in our more...less than modest areas would you not agree? We each have our own little brand or niche that fills are team quite nicely. Though I will say I do notice how some woman look at you  Shin. Crack a nice smile every so often and you'll have them falling all over you," adding a compliment to his observation since he wasn't lying in any sense. Though his friend did have a point that sometimes he could put people off with his morbid and macabre sense of humor. None the less when he started speaking about their client and introduced him to her he would take one of her hands gently and kiss it," Pleasure to be of use to you madam. Hopefully this ride will be interesting and fun for the both of us," of course he was flirting it was just how he was. With a smile he would help her into the carriage and take his spot beside his friend as he looked at him and blinked," What?," would be all that he would say if Shin had given him a look after his display with their client.

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