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Yuurei Uchiha
Yuurei Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 85700

Protecting the Couple (Mission) Empty Protecting the Couple (Mission)

Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:09 pm
Mission Name: Dangerous Shopping Spree
Rank: C-rank
Type: Protection
Character Requirements: Genin
Mission Location: Any Large Settlement
Word Count Requirements: 2000
Challenges: None
Repeatable? No
NPC? None
Reward: 2000 ryo, 5AP

Task: You have been hired by an up and coming entrepreneur who has been receiving some threats as of late. Accompany him and his wife on a shopping spree and ensure their safety. The client will be attacked by armed thugs somewhere along your journey, but they have no true training and to you will be little more than a nuisance. Serious injuries to the client or his wife will result in failure.
Yuurei Uchiha
Yuurei Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 85700

Protecting the Couple (Mission) Empty Re: Protecting the Couple (Mission)

Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:10 pm

It was a good day today as the young ninja was ready for his first mission where he had to guard somebody. Well, he had done this before, but nothing had happened, and there were no death threats to the construction workers, so he knew he didn’t have to worry about them. As for this mission, he was asked personally by the man in charge to take on this mission. This would be a great experience for the young lad. The person he was guarding was an up and coming entrepreneur and his wife. The Genin was surprised that this man had been receiving threats due to his success, so it was his job to make sure that nothing happened to them. Yuurei had gotten ready for the day as he had the katana he had been working so hard to buy with him. It wasn’t just that, but he had achieved better things for his ninja arsenal.

It was the reason why he figured the Kazekage had decided it was best for him to handle this mission. It was as if he was gauging his ability on the field, which he kindly accepted. The Uchiha had rushed through the village from the rooftops as he was making his way towards his destination. It was quicker this way and soon enough, he would find himself at a nice house. He would get to the ground as best and safely as he could. When he got to the ground, he would look around to see if there were anybody suspicious around him, but the coast was clear. He had the scroll with him so that his client knew that he wasn’t an imposter trying to get close to him. He would walk to the door as he would knock on it and soon the wife would open up as she would look at the kid.

[colo=pink]“Who are you?”[/color] She asked him wondering what he would say.

“I’m Yuurei Uchiha. I came here under the orders to protect you and your husband. Here is the scroll as proof.” He would pull the scroll out slowly as he would open it up himself and handed it to her afterward.

She would read it and she could see that it was legit as it had the seal from both her husband and the Kage.

“Thank you for showing proof. I will get my husband and we will be in your hands, so please do your best.” She said to Yuurei as she would go back into the house.

She was surprised that someone so young would be handling this job, but if the Kage had assigned him to this mission, then she didn’t have to worry much.

Yuurei would stand on guard as he wasn’t going to allow anything to get by him as he would activate his Sharingan right off the bat. His eyes could see two chakra signatures within the household, which was a good thing because it was showing him that there was nobody in the house beside the wife and husband. It wouldn’t take long, but the two of them would show up in front of the house as the man was surprised to see Yuurei but would relax a bit when he saw the young boy’s eyes.

“I see a Sharingan user. I guess the man in charge knows what he’s doing.” He would say this as Yuurei would step to the side as he would allow them to lead the way to where they were going to go shopping.

His movements were swift as he was behind them, but he was aware enough that he would be able to leap into action and protect the couple in front of him. His eyes moved towards people that were walking by as he would see if they would take any actions on them. Yuurei was glad that things were going fine so far, but too be honest he wanted some action, so he could test out his abilities. He couldn’t do that with Gin because his friend had been slacking, and he would have to pull his punches with him. Anybody who endangered these two people’s lives would be killed on the spot by the Genin as he wanted to feel what he felt the first time he killed.

The couple would enter a shop and Yuurei would follow behind them. He entered but took a spot in the store where he could see people who got too close to the two of them and check out any new customers that would enter the store they were in. He kept his eyes peeled as things were still fine as the couple kept moving through the store picking up stuff to buy. He would yawn a bit as he watched them take care of each other and he could only see that this mission was going to end with him just being their bodyguard and nothing more. It would take them an hour or so by picking out everything they were going to buy within the store. It surprised him how long they took and when he saw them with all the bags he understood why.

“You got everything you need?” Yuurei would ask as he wondered what he would say.

“Yes, we got everything we need in this store, but there are more things we need before going back home.” He said to Yuurei.

The Genin was surprised when he heard that as he would sigh as he couldn’t believe somebody would be able to buy so many things at once. The three of them would exit the store with Yuurei in the front to see if everything was safe. Of course, things weren’t though as a group of thugs would show up within the village. The people around them would scatter as the couple would stand behind Yuurei fearing for their lives.

“Move out the way kid and let us take the head of our target. If you do that, then your life will be spared.” One of the thugs told Yuurei.

He would only shake his head as his body would sharpen as he would using a special technique for weapon users. The young boy would become much stronger and faster than he was originally now as his eyes looked at everyone there. This was going to be interesting as he looked at the guy who spoke to him.

“Sorry, but you will have to go through me if you want to do anything to them.” He said this to the man as they would all shake their heads.

The thug who spoke would look at his group and one of them would move forward. This brought Yuurei to make his action as well. The Genin moved quickly as he would take out two Shurikens and used his shadow Shuriken as it would hit the man who moved towards Yuurei twice. The attack had surprised him, but the second shuriken really caught him off guard as it would take him out. The group of thugs that were there saw one of their friends go and were angry with that. The husband and wife were surprised that this young kid was quick to end a life, but at the same time glad that he was their bodyguard.

That was when a second one of the thugs would rush towards Yuurei now upset about what happened. He would just giggle a bit as it put a bit of fear into the man as he had started making hand seals as the man approached him and with just three hand seals, he would make a whip made out of the water from his mouth and he would lash it out straight towards the person who rushed to him. He would be smacked by the whip and would fall to the ground, and Yuurei would smack him again and again until the man stopped moving in any way. The thugs were a bit nervous now when they saw this as they looked worried at first, but then figured they could take him on if they overwhelmed him.

Yuurei’s eyes noticed the motion with the men that were against him, and he could see that they were reaching for weapons of their own. That wasn’t good because if he dodged anything then it would or could hit the people behind him. The Uchiha would only shake his head as he would take out his katana from it’s sheathe as he was getting ready as he started running towards them. While he was doing that, they would move towards him and started throwing weapons of their own at him. Yuurei would start moving his katana around as he was holding it where the blade was pointing down to the ground. The weapons being thrown at him would notice that they were being deflected from their target.

The young boy had a smile on his face as he would activate the katana’s ability and made the sharpness of the weapon stronger than it was. They were surprised that he was getting close, and they couldn’t hit him from range, so they decided to take it up close. They would take their kunais and would run towards Yuurei and he would clash with their weapons as he would parry them without a problem and he would cut through them without a problem. This weapon that he had gotten from the shop was beautiful and it was the best he could buy with money. Still, he knew that he could make it stronger, and he planned on doing that. Yuurei would see them fall to the ground as they were nothing compared to him. His eyes flickered towards one of the guys to his right as he could tell he was trying to throw something towards the two people he was protecting.

Yuurei would easily place the man inside of a Genjutsu with just the look of his eyes as he placed him into a Demonic Illusion. The ninja would use his left hand to fling the water whip towards the man in the genjutsu as he would have it coil around the man before pulling him towards him and then cutting him down. The remaining armed thugs that were left were trembling in fear on the fact that such a little kid was able to deal so much bloodshed without breaking a sweat, or not even hesitating. Yuurei would crack his neck as he turned to the remaining group that was left, and he would smile at them.

“The moment you all arrived here, all of your fate were all seal. None of you guys will be leaving this place alive. You know in this village, there is no killing, right? You guys were trying to kill this man and his wife without being authorized to do so. That is punishable by death, and that is what is going to happen to all of you now.” He said to the group of thugs as they were actually nervous now.

They couldn’t believe that there was someone this young, so vicious, but the fact of the matter was Yuurei was a nice person. He just enjoyed the thrill of killing, and if these guys were to be taken out because of his mission then that was all the reason he needed. The little boy would run as fast as he could without hesitating as he would look to his right to deflect the weapon of the thug, and then slash him as he brought the katana back. His eyes moved to the man to the left, and he would attack him before he could do anything. Their numbers had diminished by a lot and soon enough it was just one person left, and it was the man who had spoken out loud in the beginning.

“Please give me a fight.” He said to the man.

The armed thug had taken out a cleaver from his side as he would look at Yuurei. The couple was terrified of Yuurei but happy he was on their side. The two would clash their weapons with each other, but Yuurei would have a smirk on his face as this man’s weapon wasn’t enough to stand against the Uchiha. He would break through the man’s weapon without a problem, and the weapon would come back down as he would use Metal Crusher to amplify his speed and power behind the weapon as it would cut the man straight down the middle. He would come to a stop as he would look around to see that he had taken out all of the criminals that were here.

His eyes stood as the Sharingan as he would move his blade around and back into the sheath. The young boy would sigh as he could see that there was nobody around the area, which meant that they were fine.

“I assume you are done shopping for the day right?” He asked wondering what they would say.

“Yes please. I didn’t think there would be so many people after my life.” He said this to Yuurei.

He would walk towards them both as he shook his head.

“I didn’t think there would be that many people either. I don’t even want to know why they were after you. I just want you back home safe and sound.” He said this as they would start moving towards the man’s house.

It wouldn’t take long for the three of them to make to the house as the entrepreneur would open the door and his wife would enter first. He would turn to Yuurei with a smile on his face as he was a bit nervous.

“I didn’t think you would have been able to guard us against so many of them, but I’m glad you did. Here is your pay for what you did today, and I hope you continue to grow as a ninja.” He said this to Yuurei as he would give him the money in a bag.

Yuurei would bow slightly to the man as he would turn around and start walking towards his house. The man would close the door as the mission had finally come to an end. This was good and Yuurei was able to test out his weapon. He felt like he was one step closer to becoming something or someone to help protect the village from any danger.

WC: 2408
257/562 Remaining
Claiming 28 AP 2000/200 = 10*2 = 20. 400/100 = 4*2 = 8
Claiming 2163 WC for Third Tomoe Sharingan 6000/6000 previous claim 3837 here
Claiming 245 WC for Sharingan Genjutsu 245/2500
Claiming 2000 Ryo, 5 AP, 100 bonus Ryo
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Protecting the Couple (Mission) Empty Re: Protecting the Couple (Mission)

Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:19 pm
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