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[MISSION] The Culling [MISSION] Empty [MISSION] The Culling [MISSION]

Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:53 pm
Mission Name: The Culling
Rank: D
Type: Kill
Character Requirements: Genin 
Mission Location: Outskirts of the Village (Village gates)
Word Count Requirements: 1000
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 1000 Ryo

A local slaughterhouse has decided to assist the Village in blooding their newer Genin. As Such they've put in a request for some help in not only collecting their animals but also in killing and dismembering them. The Slaughterhouse is about five miles just outside the village, with lands four miles around it divided into sections for their animals. The Genin will need to collect, kill, skin, dismember, and sort 20 chickens, 10 cows, and 10 pigs. The cows and pigs are stabled to the south and north of the slaughterhouse, about two miles from it and will need to be brought up. The Chickens are stabled about half a mile east of the slaughterhouse. Once the Genin have completed the mission they will then need to clean up the barn with the hose and soap provided before being complete. Note: Hidden purpose behind this is to get the shinobi out and about learning the layout of the village, communicating with the people of the village, and to get them used to blood.

This is the moment Rayul has been waiting for! Well, it sort of was, to an extent at least. He'd finally get to practice his skills today on live targets and would be getting his first "Kills", although his targets are nothing more than a few slaughterhouse animals. Never-the-less, A ninja's first kill is always remembered, and blood is something a Shinobi must learn to get used to, especially in the dangerous world they choose to partake in. The village assigned the genin to partner up with a local slaughterhouse for today, as he would be herding some animals back to the slaughterhouse, and take it upon himself to slaughter and skin them in preparation for consumption. He didn't quite know what tools he'd need to bring. "My Jutsu is more than enough to kill a cow," he laughed, "but I'm not about to skin a chicken with my bare hands." In his weapon pouch are a few Kunai, which he thinks will be more than enough to get the job was done in its entirety. Lacing his boots up, and tightening the headband that bore the cloud symbol around his head, Rayul kisses his aunt on the cheek as he embarks from their home, heading outside the village gates towards the local slaughterhouse.

It took Rayul about an hour of walking before he was able to reach the slaughterhouse. He could've got there much faster, he was fast on his feet, and his stamina was rather impeccable for just a Genin level ninja at the time of this mission, but this was one of his very first moments actually going outside of the village gates. The world around his was beautiful: It truly showed how innocent and virgin the world in which they lived actually was. The way the wind sounded as it passed through the thousands of trees nestled together, the layout of the natural terrain. It felt as if he was in an entirely new dimension. As he walked towards his destination, he'd take in every little detail he could, hoping to better grasp a higher perception of the world surrounding him. Alas, he finally reached the building in which he was summoned. "Yup, this is definitely it.", he says as he gags from the intense smell of feces and death irradiating from the tall barn-like building. As he walked through the doors, he was stopped by a worker and greeted. The Genin was led to a small little room that served as an office for the on-site manager and was re-briefed on the task at hand. Nodding in acceptance of understanding his assignment, Rayul was giving a special whistle that would help him in herding the animals back closer to the slaughterhouse's main facility. He walks out the door and heads into the direction of the chickens to begin his duties.

The chickens were about a half-mile east of the establishment. He got to the rather swiftly, and it didn't take him long to realize why the chickens didn't need to be brought back up. It was way too many for anyone ninja, let alone a Genin, to try herding at once! As he hopped over a fence that was containing the uncooked birds, he noticed the sheer volume of white wings flapping all over the place. "There's got to be at least 100 chickens right now." he thinks to himself. "I'm definitely gonna need some back up on this one," he exclaimed while waving the hand signs "Ram-Snake-Tiger" back-to-back. "Clone Technique!", he says, and a poof of smoke appears beside him as two clones of his exact likeness appear. One of the left displays signs of high energy and the one on the right takes a seat on the ground. "Aw, man... Chickens?!" the un-motivated clone asks. "AW YEEAAAAAAA BOY WE'RE EATING FRIED CHICKEN WITH RAMEN TONIGHT!" the ecstatic one yells while jumping up and down in anticipation of what's about to occur. Rayul huddles them all together and gives them the breakdown of the plan. "Alright me, listen up. I'd say it's about 100 chickens here, and we need to kill at least 20 of them." They spend a few minutes as they come up with a plan, and once they do, they all nod to each other and avert their focused back onto the wild Chicken horde cluttered around them. Rayul smiles, and as he tilts his head to the side to crack his neck, his Sharingan is activated. The clone's eyes have changed as well to match their owner, and as if they communicated via telepathy, the three take out in opposite directions. The chickens were fast naturally and could prove to be an issue for any average man, but those with the Sharingan obviously had no problem keeping up with such simple movement. There plan was rather simple, yet effective: There was a small pond that the chickens use for drinking in the middle of the field. Cornering the chickens in a triangular fashion, the three would slowly push chickens towards the direction of the pond. As the startled and afraid animals ran wildly, a few of them were running throughout the pond, trying to avoid their attackers. "That's it, keep funneling them over over pond!" Rayul commands his clones. A distant away, looking towards the chickens running in and out of the little puddle of water, Rayul begins weaving signs again.

As he finishes weaving the two signs, lightning crackles around the ninja's hands. An immense amount of chakra has been gathered at the ninja's palms. As he holds his hand out forward in the direction of the 20 chickens cornered by his clones around the puddle, within seconds of him yelling "LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING ARROW", the broad-head launches forward from his hand at high-speed. Flying in a straight line, it didn't take long for his Jutsu to hit the water, dispersing instantaneously throughout the puddle and electrocuting the chickens who were unlucky to be caught in it. The clones were hit by it too since they were standing in the puddle at the time, but that's no issue at all as they simply poof away. He holds his concentration on the Jutsu for a few seconds, until he feels as if the chickens have passed into the afterlife. He lets his hand down, and before him are about 30 dead chickens. "You overdid it, Rayul," he tells himself and then smiles. "Whoever said it's something wrong with overdoing it, though?" As the surviving chickens run amuck and into hiding, Rayul sits at the edge of the puddle and pulls out his Kunai, and begins to skin and dismember the chickens one by one. It takes him about an hour to finish, but 1/3 of his task is now complete as he packs up his work and heads off towards the south to start his genocide on the cows and pigs.

This section hosted both the cows and the pigs in one location. Due to the limitations of his Jutsu, he wouldn't be able to dispose of them with ease like he did the chickens, let alone not having an open-source of water to amplify it's effect anywhere close. He needed 10 of each, and while pulling yet another Kunai from his weapon pouch, he decides to get down and dirty with this one. "Just look at it as kenjustu training, just look at it as kenjutsu training," he repeated to himself over and over again as he approached his first victim. Hesitant at first, as the Kunai shook vigorously as he motioned the edge of it towards the cow's neck, his first up-close kill was achieved with his eyes closed. he could hear the cow as it's life was taken from it, and when his eyes opened he looked down at the poor dead animal. Blood dripped from the kunai, and Rayul felt this surge of dominance overlap him. "That wasn't so bad, to be honest," he told himself. But he'd have to do this 19 more times. He chose to go ahead and skin each animal one by one rather than at the same time, hoping it would prove to be faster than when he did the same with the chickens. Eventually, after nearly half the day elapsed, he was able to finish the job in its entirety, killing a total of 30 chickens, 13 cows, and 11 pigs. He sits beside the last corpse he has to the skin, cleaning his tools off and sticking them back inside his pouch, and reflects on the day that has passed. He practiced with his Sharingan, and actually got a chance to get some live training with some jutsus he's learned recently. All in all, it proved to be yet another day of both work and training, and he was completely satisfied with the outcome. He packed up all that needed to be and started the 3-hour journey back to the slaughterhouse to end the assignment.

As he walked back through the doors of the Slaughterhouse workers of the mill came out and helped him sort through all the animal parts. Organized and cleaned, he was congratulated by the manager on a job well done, and being able to remain so clean also earned him a few brownie points. He was paid accordingly and was offered a permanent job at the slaughterhouse in which he immediately refused. "I had fun and all, but this isn't my type of work.", he says. Nodding in acceptance, the man hands Rayul his Ryo earned for the mission and tells him that if he were to change his mind in the future the offer still stands. Rayul thanks him, and turns around to exit the building. As he gets outside, he pulls out a smoke and lights it, but for some reason, the feeling isn't the same as usual. He didn't like anything about how it tasted or smelled and threw it down. Counting the Ryo and putting it in his pocket, he heads back to the bookstore to see if he's able to pick up on more literature before they close. He also grabs some take-out food for him and his aunt for when he arrives home. Today was yet another excellent day for the promising Shinobi of the Cloud. Who knows what tomorrow has in store for the Genin? Hopefully faith will remain on his side as he continues to embark on his journey to becoming a powerful Shinobi.

TOTAL WC: 1,750

  •  1,750wc towards 2 Tomoe Sharingan(1,750/4000 Req. to Unlock)
  • +2 Speed, +2 Health
  • 1000 Ryo

15/50 AP Used for 1 Tomoe Sharingan

5/50 AP Used for Clone Technique

Last edited by Rayul on Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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[MISSION] The Culling [MISSION] Empty Re: [MISSION] The Culling [MISSION]

Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:57 pm
Everything looks good except for stats gained. On missions, stats are gained at 400/point, so for the first 1k words you'd gain two stats, and then in the remaining 750 you'd gain three since it goes back down to 200/point. In the end, this adds up to 5 total stats gained while you have 7 listed.
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[MISSION] The Culling [MISSION] Empty Re: [MISSION] The Culling [MISSION]

Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:58 pm
Edit: Properly allocated the right amount of stat points earned
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Ryo : 500

[MISSION] The Culling [MISSION] Empty Re: [MISSION] The Culling [MISSION]

Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:58 pm
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