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Rinku Zeruda
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Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:37 pm
"I know exactly what you mean Komori," Sora said down trotted again as memories came back to him, "See, I'm not the most intelligent person or the strongest ninja. I was sparring with Komon, your twin, and I sent two killing shots at him"

He'd be surprised if Komori didn't attack him right then, "But! I knew that he would've dodged it, Komon is way stronger and faster than me and my chains. I just did it to feint, but it would seem like from bystanders that I tried to kill him so he broke my leg and draped me over his shoulder, or however he got me to the hospital, casually."

Sora would then shake his hands as he tried to justify, "I'm not a bad person, I swear. I'd never try to hurt any of my allies or friends." He shoved his hands into his hoodie with a sigh as they continued to walk on, Sora would raise an eyebrow and question, "Is there anywhere we're heading too? I was having an idea we could all spar, so we could stop off at your house and get Napa."

WC: 199

TWC: 2031
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:47 pm
Max thinks for a moment, then looks down at his injuries. He probably shouldn't push himself, but it wouldn't be like he would be doing anything too physically strenuous. 

"Yeah, I could try and practice a bit. This hospital visit likely left me a bit rusty. Any chance one of you folks could grab my puppets? I kinda need them to be able to do much, and I doubt the hospital will let me go home." Max would say all this with a smile, ready to help both himself and his fellow comrades out as best he could. 

Looking around, there seemed to be adequate space in a lot next to the hospital. "We can bring it back here and practice close to the hospital, that way if anything goes wrong help is close."

Max would roll over to a nearby wall and wait while the others figured out their next steps.
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Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:06 pm
Komori was not remotely surprised when Sora stated that he was not very intelligent. He was then taken aback at hearing how this boy, who he barely even knew, had attempted to kill his twin. He composed himself but balled his right hand into a fist, ready to punch the boy. He then released his grip upon hearing that Komon had broken his leg. “For the record, you should probably not go for kill shots. At least, against your fellow Kumogakure shinobi.”
When Max suggested that someone grab his puppets, Komori was about to volunteer, but then remembered something from an earlier conversation, “Sora probably should, since he knows where the orphanage is and all. You did ask him to say something to the other orphans, didn’t you? This way he can do that and bring back… Napa?” he said that last word with hesitancy, as he was not sure if he was butchering the name or not.

WC: 1707
Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:06 pm
Sora flinched as the boy balled up his fist. Instead of a physical assault, he verbally insulted the chocolate-brown haired boy causing him to look at the ground for a second, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause any harm to your twin," He apologized with a depressed tone. As soon as Komori had mentioned something about Sora going to get the puppet he nodded and jumped away as quick as he could.

Hot tears rolled down his face as he grimaced. The boy wiped them away as soon as they started rolling down his cheeks. Shinobi don't cry, it was one of the rules in the Shinobi Handbook, never show emotion.

He hit the ground and took off towards the graveyard wheere he knew Max lived. All of the orphans knew where Max stayed, some would even visit the small boy. It was quick and he reached the boy's place.

"Napa, can you come out? I'm Max's friend, one of the orphans, and he needs you at the hospital. We're going to spar a bit," Sora said waiting for the puppet's response. No response came so he just ran back to the hospital. He hoped that Komori and Max didn't see his puffy eyes and red face, Sora hated to get upset in front of people.

"He'll be here soon," Sora said plopping on the ground and waiting.

WC:  242

TWC: 2273
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Visiting a Friend - Page 3 Empty Re: Visiting a Friend

Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:43 am
Max would roll over to Sora and give him a warm smile. "Thanks, I really do appreciate you getting my friend!" Napa would spring to action, his body lifting from the ground in a burst of life as the boy wove his chakra threads into the puppet.

"What the hell happened? Where were you?" Napa says before looking down at Max and remembering their encounter with Maku. "Oh, yeah. He got you real good, didn't he? Looks like you've been DISARMED! HAHAHAHA!" The puppets insensitivity was to be expected, as he only saw the injuries as both reminders that we aren't yet strong enough and as the building blocks on which to improve. "No matter. Looks like you can still manage to function, but weaving hand seals won't be possible til you fix that horrid stump of an arm you got there."

Max would give the puppet a look, then accept what he said as true. "Yes, hand seals will be tough. But that is okay. I wanted to work out an idea I've been mulling over in my head anyway." The boy would look to the others, making sure that they were ready. 

"Just say when."
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Visiting a Friend - Page 3 Empty Re: Visiting a Friend

Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:50 am
Komori would walk over the open space next to the hospital and stand with his body facing the two boys, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Once his opponent(s) had taken to their positions, Komori would lower his arms, turning his hands into fists as he would prepare for any form of attack from either boy, in the event that Max truly did participate. He had only experienced his puppets once before, and did not get much of a chance to, as Senshi had rudely cut them all off by pelting them with what seemed to be a thousand kunai. He had thought that he heard the puppeteer communicating with his puppet, but… that could not be true… right? Puppets cannot speak, as far as the Hozuki was concerned. He would then await for his two comrades in arms to join him.


WC: 1854
Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:07 pm
Sora’s eyes narrowed, the look on his face serious, and the only word he had spouted was, “Now.” Sora ran backward running through two hand seals that were known for Great Fireball Jutsu. He brought the last hand seal up to his mouth and shot it at Napa. If Komori was in the way of the attack then he would still have performed the attack until trying to attack them both. That was when he finished his attack on Napa and Komori. [Great Fireball Speed: 40 | Great Fireball Power: 40] [Speed of Sora: 38] [Speed of Handseals: 75]

Considering if the Fireball would hit Napa or Komori from the ways away both Sora and him were, which was five meters, the puppet and Napa would either have to dodge with its superior speed and come towards him or Komori and then decide to attack them head on. Considering that Komori and Napa were the closest Sora thought it was safe to assume that they were okay.

The boy would continue to tread backward at his full speed and waited to see what the two did next. [Speed: 75]

WC: 190

TWC: 2463
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
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Visiting a Friend - Page 3 Empty Re: Visiting a Friend

Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:42 am
Feeling out their relative chakra levels, Max would use this information to try and determine who the bigger threat might be. Komori had been well trained, Max knew this. He could feel the potent chakra signature of Sora as well, though. Komori had a fairly large signature. So large that it might in fact be bigger than Max's. He had improved a great deal while max was hospitalized. Normally, such an opponent would have to be worn down by Max's sheer arsenal. Sadly, he only had Napa to fight with. No matter though, as the boy would just have to pick his moves more carefully.

Everyone seemed ready, and Sora was the first to act. The dark haired boy would seem ready to get things started and immediately rushed to the attack. Either he was incredibly talented and able to read into the skills of others even more so than Max, or he was reckless and without patience. He didn't size up the opponents at all so far, unless this was his attempt to do so. Was this fireball just his way of testing the waters of our skills? 

Max would happily show the eager boy that he could keep up, despite his injuries. Napa would easily dodge the incoming attack, shifting 5 meters to the left of the fireball (Speed: 50 to dodge, considering it is faster than the attack he shouldn't have issue getting clear of it) while simultaneously pulling out a pair of kunai, one for each skeletal hand and picking up a small stone during the dodge manuever. The small rock would be launched at the left leg of Sora (speed: 70, Power: enough to leave a bruise should it connect) as soon as the boy began to back off in retreat. Napa couldn't let Sora get too far away, else he would leave Max exposed and undefended.

"You're gonna have to be faster than that, rookie." Napa would say aloud, his voice clear and distinguishable from that of Max. If one hadn't heard Napa before, it might come as a surprise to hear him talk. "I've been cooped up in that shack for a while. Gotta stretch these old bones of mine," the puppet would jest. 

The fireball would still be heading for Komori's position it seemed. Max likely could have stopped it, but he wanted to see how the Hozuki responded. He hadn't really gotten a chance to see what the guy could do during their "game" with Senshi, besides the Rain Tiger (though max doesn't know it by that name, only the effect he saw).

Ready to spring into action, Napa would simply shift to and fro, waiting for an opening.
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

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Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:26 am
After seeing the fireball heading towards him, Komori could not help but smirk at the sheer balls of this kid, for lack of a better term. He was either incredibly stupid or incredibly adamant. Regardless, Komori still had a fireball heading towards him so his intentions did not matter. Max merely dodged but Komori wanted to be flashier than that. He kneaded chakra in his stomach region as he signed a chain of five handseals (100 speed), Tiger → Snake → Rat → Snake → Tiger, to cause a wall of water to form at a speed of 70, spread out as best as he could to protect himself and Max from the effects of the fire. With a health of 70, it could easily block the fireball. He hopped backwards, putting some space between them as he began to prepare a counter assault before he got distracted.

“What the…” The puppet can talk. That’s not creepy at all. Using a technique similar to his water balloons, Komori formed four handseals (100 speed) to summon four lightning orbs at a speed of 40 that swirled around his person. He caused all four to dart from his body, where they formed, to surge in front of him, sending two to both of his opponents. When it would get near them, Komori would send a surge of his own chakra to trigger an explosion of each orb at a power of 40.

WC: 2094
Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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Visiting a Friend - Page 3 Empty Re: Visiting a Friend

Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:42 am
To the two he was either stupid or adamant, but the fact was he was neither. Sora was just testing their skills and reactions, the speed of which they could create hand seals, and the speed they could dodge. Now that he knew Napa's speed, or knew it somewhat, he was satisfied and continue to tread backward. That was when Napa decided to throw a rock at him with great speeds, but not as fast as Sora was. The boy kicked his leg out and hit the rock causing it to fly sideways as he continued to run backward away from the others. [Speed: 75]

Napa's voice was gravelly and Sora's eyes widened, the puppet could talk? He'd have no time to think about it as two lightning orbs came at him. Since Komori didn't list the speed of the orbs he'd consider that they were the same as the power of the jutsu, so not fast enough to reach him, and from the distance, they were away from each other the jutsu wouldn't reach him. It was safe to say that they were now reaching twenty meters of distance.

Sora would then stop and pull out a kunai. He didn't want Komori to get the wrong idea so he'd yell across the field, "I'm only planning on using dangerous techniques against Napa!" With that in mind, he'd hold tightly onto his kunai and then activate two jutsu. Raiton: Kunai Cutter would cause little electricity to start surrounding the blade but then Lighting Release: Lightning Blade would cause it to explode in beautiful sparks of lightning.

The boy didn't waste any time as he brought his arm back and threw the blade right towards Napa, aiming directly for his head. He didn't know anything about puppets or how to incapacitate them but he'd try to think of it as if Napa was a human being. [Speed of Kunai: 93 | 
Sharpness of Kunai: 143] If the attack hit it'd probably rip through Napa's imaginary skull and detain him, Sora wouldn't know what would happen to the puppet after that.

Ten chains would appear, five out of each of Sora's shoulder blades, and wait for an attack to come.

(OOC: If you need me explain the speed and sharpness of the kunai don't be afraid to ask.)

WC: 403

TWC: 2866
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