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Storms Descend [p/solo] Empty Storms Descend [p/solo]

Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:27 am
"Perk up, Hikashi. You're my little storm."

Those words broke through her skull as she felt the rain fall thicker today. Clouds darkened, her chakra network was breathing with her. With a trembling hand, she tried to control herself from the waves of emotions through her. Oceans unconquered before her brought to become soaking wet in her own issues. Alone, alone forever. The rain lady looked around the empty streets as water droplets dripped from her hair. Everything happens too fast for her, her storms are beginning to drown her. Drip, drip, drop down into a new realm of unexplored emotions. With her waterproof dress and her pink umbrella, she walked aimlessly to just try to control herself. Kanshi was all alone at Ashur's house, unaware of why Hikashi had left. She could remember every sick detail very accurately, as if she was some kind of monster, some demon.

"Hikashi, when do I become a great ninja like you?"

More mental stressed poured down into her ocean as she tried to keep afloat. As the rain became more intense, she could only wonder what the Raikage could think about the constant rainstorm in Kumogakure. What happens if she just let go of what she clanged to so tightly to keep afloat? The thoughts of descending into the abyss were frightening and slightly empowering. Clouds of charcoal above cried ferociously above her as her breathing began to speed up. Get away, don't drown; she could scream these words and not a soul would care for her.

"Why are you always cooped up in your room, you will ever truly see the world like this?"

Agonizing, antagonizing, and memorizing every detail. The water ripples with her body and her ocean swells up to drown cities. With her last gasps for air, she could only think about Ashur's power for confronting what could have left him breathless for life. Letting go and releasing into the figurative ocean, Hikashi cried for a hand as waves tossed her around. More memories of the people she cared about and what could happen if she goes any deeper. With a racing heartbeat, she sinks into a voluntary death. Waves crash over her and chains bring her down as she is detached from her body.
She spoke softly as she carried from her body and could swear she still saw herself moving forward. Inside her out of body experience, from going deeper into her ocean of fear, she was suddenly under some kind of vision as she watched Kumogakure get washed away by tidal waves. Suddenly, the rain lady was drowning in her vision just like she had been metaphorically.

In her torturous vision, Hikashi felt more comfortable than ever before. There were chains all around her body as she watched oceans of water around her. Such a sweet release it was to be slowly and helplessly loosing her breath. She was being swallows by her own element and yet Hikashi only felt empowered by it. The sweet comfort of the struggles through her let her see past the suffocating ocean of fear. With her chakra network dislocating from her body, the border between fantasy and reality became blurred. Suddenly, Hikashi felt every millimeter of the ocean as if her were own body. Loosing her last breaths of oxygen she felt the pressure get to her head. The chains loosened around her toothpick body, but not around her real body. The ocean that was killing her was her body, not her human form. Inside her soul, the Eternal Teardrop of Aquarius began to cause her to glow brightly in the water. Sinking into her watery grave, she felt everything around her come to life. Every strangling message she thought the ocean was made of was gone and she began to open her eyes. Yes, within that single moment, her ocean of fear was nothing but a sea of overwhelming power she was afraid to ever obtain. Sinking away from the surface, Hikashi breathed through the water like some kind of fresh air. The rain lady spoke, beautifully horrified to the core while feeling a warm radiance through her.
"If I do die today...  I don't care. Couldn't care... I could never care..."
Seeing the faces of Kanshi and Ashur off in the distance, her tears flowed into the ocean waters to become one. Sinking deeper into her ocean of fears, the rain lady was overwhelmed with the ocean's raw energy flowing through her. The trickle slowly became a great river as a dull face of amazement was painted over herself.
"..because I have someone..."
A warm smile broke her plastered face as she felt the pressure of the ocean begin to feel like the weight of the world. Not caring, couldn't care about her slowly breaking bones, Hikashi could feel the warmth of open eyes on her; someone not willing to just shut her off, someone... who could she who she really was. The frosty waters of her ocean began to burn up to become like a hot tub around her as she felt the river of energy into her expanding. She was going to burst, but death wasn't the fear here.
"...someone who can..."
Her bones began to withstand the pressure around her as she descended to whatever kind of hell laid below her. A satisfied face grew from the depths of the dark abyss... and it was Hikashi's. Speaking with a constant trickle of tears as some kind of gift to the ocean around her, she could only say the words nobody would ever hear. A voice drowned out for all to here, something truly magical to Hikashi.
"...just enjoy my presence, my own existence."
Gulping down her saliva, her makeup ran down all over her. The most beautiful thing said before the most torturous death. Hikashi closed her eyes to feel the waters around her. Grabbing her shoulders tightly and bowing, she could feel the death most fitting for her: a death alone where nobody could hear her. Feeling the pressure of her ocean crushing her body as the light faded away, she knew it was some kind of hell perfect for the likes of her. A dirty brother killer, a demon, a mother...

After awhile of her premature death recollections, the once blue waters around her were now a pitch black prison. The light she gave off shown quietly through the dead silent waters. Nothing to wait for but death, the dream of people wanting to relax. No worries, no cares but about how much of a difference you made in the lives of others. Was her footprint big enough? Could she ever accept that her life might have never amounted to much to anything? Sinking quicker through the waters, she began to feel paralyzed from the pressure around her. Could she actually tell if she was going any faster; there wasn't even a point to reference if she actually sped up. Hikashi, come to think of it, couldn't even feel a thing. Everything was just numb and oddly feeling as if it were room temperature. Plummeting to what she presumed to be hell, she could smile greatly to know that people care about her out there. Her vision may feel horribly realistic, but she knew none of it could matter even in death. Opening her mouth to just let her death happen, she felt more alive than she ever was. The pressure began to lighten as she felt herself being filled with the ocean around her. Struggling for her life, she felt the ocean water rush in by the gallons. Screaming wasn't possible and neither was closing her mouth as she began to flail her limbs around. Plummeting downwards, she felt as if her death was something necessary.

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Storms Descend [p/solo] Empty Re: Storms Descend [p/solo]

Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:34 am
Suddenly, she felt the pressure break all at once as she fell through the bottom of the ocean. Breath taking was the darkness she fell down into as she looked up to see the body of water above her as a new kind of sky. Below her wasn't the hell she expected, but some kind of bright light. Free falling the rain lady wished should could have died in the ocean above her. As she flew forwards, she was memorized by the bright twinkle below her that quickly grew to great sizes. Delusional and death seeking in some kind of false reality, goosebumps rose at the thought. Above her the surface of the ocean suddenly popped into millions of thick rain drops all around her. She fell gracefully and happily as she could see the raindrops looking as if they were suspended in place with her. There was nothing but a deep sense of thrill for the prim and proper young teen as she danced downwards to her death alongside her only true friend. A feeling of security enveloped her when fear should have; screams for help were replaced with a delighted smile. It felt so lively to fall towards whatever kind of death she was going to. With her blanket of rain, the once glimmering twinkle was now a star of some sorts she would hit any second now. Feeling euphoria in the eyes of death she watched. It was all over now, all of it. The rain lady looked up towards the black abyss above one last time before looking around, trying to memorize what it looked like.
She spat out those words softly as if she was revealing some large to the rest of the world. No more words could be needed, they were all lost in the abyss. Crashing down into the star, her malicious heaven was replaced by a sudden loss of thoughts.

"Sir, I think she is waking up already!"
Buzzes and beeping all around pierced her ears. Another worried voice exploded through her skull.
"T-that's not possible. She just got here!"
Feeling her body come to life, she felt trapped in her own corpse. With a squinting of her eyes, she began to adjust to the environment around her.
"What do we do sir?"
A pause filled the air as she began to see someone was wrong. Opening her eyes fully, she groaned at the sight of the unfamiliar room. What in the heavens could this be, the question raced through her head. Moving her body upwards, she began to adjust more to see three doctors around her and the white hospital rooms. Pressed back down by a doctor, Hikashi began to sweat and rustle around.
"Mam, please remain still. You are alright.. hell even better than alright."
Eyes finally adjusted, she was certain that her body was lying in a white robe on a hospital bed. On the counter in front of her was her original clothes that were covered in water. Had all of it been real, she questioned.
"You were called in by a busy mother who saw you lying on the street. It seems you had a heart attack, but you don't have any complications. Your body just magically healed up... I guess you should rest for a bit than we can go do some final tests before you can go off on your way. You are a very lucky girl, Hikashi Meijin."
Her vision was all just a dream; the suffocation was just from the heart attack. Her mind raced as she realized how she could have died if she couldn't conquer the ocean around her in that vision. Questions racing, she just stared at the ceiling.
"You might be relocated soon though, there is a pretty heavy storm outside. Also we found this odd book by your body, it must have fallen out."
Being handed her book of water, her eyes widened as she frantically went through the pages of the book to see if a single answer was in it. Nothing detailed what was going on, but, upon reaching the final page, she paused and then read to herself silently.
"If you find this book and it does bind to your soul, I'm sorry for giving you my curse. A great evil is now laying in your soul, don't let it discourage you. Demons aren't anything to fear, I promise you. This is Mulo Meijin signing off."
Rereading it over and over again, she couldn't believe the author was a Meijin! Closing the book, and ignoring the doctors who were wondering what was going on, her eyes darted to the heavy rainstorm outside screaming against the windows for her to come outside. While two of the doctors left and another began to jot down some notes, the rain lady stood up in her hospital gown while making as little noise as possible. Was she crazy? Was she suicidal? Nobody knew as she opened the window and stared outside to the storm. Water slamming against her into the room, the doctor dropped the clipboard and scrambled to catch her.
"Hey miss, what are you thinking of doing?!"
Hikashi looked back towards him then jumped backwards out into the storm. As people burst into the room, she plummeted down five stories to whatever kind of death awaited. A smile overcame her as she looked to the dark clouds above her. Oddly enough, her movements slowed down very much so until she was just suspended near the third floor. Rain wrapped around her as people gawked from floor to floor.
"I'd give my life to live for the storms that surround me. The rain falling around me was never an extension of my chakra but of my soul. I live for the waters, may I be baptized to my own watery grave for I am the flash flood of this world."
With that, her body began to pour water out from every inch of her body as the rain began to dance around her in some kind of miniature galaxy. Opening her mouth, every muscle began to release as if she was shocked by electricity. A river of tears shot from her eyes and water seemed to be coming from every possible point in her body. The ebony cloud above her circled around violently in a ring over head. It was all too quick for her, everything rushed with the release of herself for her element. She wanted to scream, but she was spewing water from her lips too quickly. The rain around her began to speed up to a point she could barely keep of track of as water poured from the pupils of her eyes in a stream. She was some kind of human sponge getting squeezed out and it felt oddly empowering. Looking off into the starry night sky overhead, she could smile for this was real. It was all real this time. With a deafening boom of thunder overhead, the dark clouds came down as some kind of giant spear from heaven. The dark abyss of clouds quickly covered her and was sucked right into her mouth as she tried to scream. Her body became overloaded as it suddenly absorbed the entirety of the storm and the rain around her. Feeling her chakra network almost double, she became the storm. Hikashi truly was the storm now. Falling limply to the ground under a clear night sky, she could only feel hurricanes and flash floods dancing in harmony through her body. She had risked her life just to fall with the rain, but she had found herself being with the storm clouds above. To ascend to the sky she truly had to descend. As a few doctors ran out from the building, the sudden storm threatening the village was no more.

[Exit Thread]
Thanks Akihana <3

13 Stat points for Hikashi and her familiar
Remaining word count for Wave One of the Meijin Disease!!!! *Cheers*
Remaining 185 words towards: Hiding in the Rain Technique

Last edited by Hikashi on Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:18 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Storms Descend [p/solo] Empty Re: Storms Descend [p/solo]

Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:10 am

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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Storms Descend [p/solo] Empty Re: Storms Descend [p/solo]

Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:42 am

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