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Hakuoh Tashiaki
Hakuoh Tashiaki
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Going Boom. (AKA out with a bang) Empty Going Boom. (AKA out with a bang)

Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:25 pm
Hakuoh decided to investigate a peculiarity that he recalled from his time in the academy. He had a professor that was very interested in chakra elements,  evidently studied chakra at a university. Well one day, as a lesson,  we were all given that chakra paper, the one that reacts to a person's element in fun ways. Well,  Hakuoh had to do it twice, not due to incompetence but due to the paper going up like a bunch of firecrackers. The teacher was astonished and asked him what he did and asked about his family,  and Hakuoh just said he didn't know what happened and didn't know much about his bloodlines. The teacher made him do the test again,  so he could watch it,  but the paper simply turned to dirt and crumbled, signifying his earth element. Hakuoh has always remembered that moment, it was finally something interesting to happen to him. So Hakuoh decided it was time to see what that soak inside him was,  considering he had nothing better to really do in the outlying lands of course. So Hakuoh found a nice secluded spot to blow himself up in. He would sit down on the ground, lotus style, making the snake hand seal to channel his earth chakra, believing that the other element is related to it some how. He sat there in complete silence, well almost complete silence, the hustle and bustle of illegal deals being made over in the black market. Hakuoh would sigh softly, being a missing ninja was not the live he wanted,  he didn't want to be constantly on the run and hunted down, it wasn't even his fault that he was in this circumstance. But alas, no time to dwell on the past. Hakuoh focused on his chakra, he could the other element,  passively but it was still there. He tried to will it forth, using great effort he focused his chakra into his hands and tried to exert it into physical force, what he was met by was a small explosion powerful enough to knock him back. "Well, that was unpleasant." He said getting up and dusting himself off. There was something there at least, he wasn't going after a fruitless endeavor. He returned to his sitting position, it was now much easier to locate this element and isolate it in his chakra pathways. It was dormant but it existed within him, bringing it was going to be.. an interesting experience. Once more he made his hand seal gathering the chakra within him, and focusing on this explosive element he held. This time he tried to bring it forth instead in a less harmful form,  at least less harmful to himself. After a while he started to feel a small amount of material collect and form in his hands opening his palms revealed a white clay. He furrowed his eyebrow, looking down apprehensively, "I know I wanted harmless but-" at that moment he was playing with the clay, shaping it and he gripped it sharply and the resulting explosion once again layed him out. "Ugh," he groaned, the dull pain aside this was still progress,  something to work with, something to control,  now to do something other than blow himself up. Standing up, he dusts himself off, molding clay,  explosive clay, this can work, he puts his hands together focusing the chakra once again,  easier this time, he make a small amount roughly the size of a golf ball. He slowly molds it into a ball and looks at the nearest tree, pulling back he throws the ball making an explosion that knocks several branches down. "This stuff really packs a punch," as he says this he forms to more balls in each hand. This time without having to form them manually, he tosses the two consecutively hitting two separate branches and reducing them to wood chips. "Oh yeah, this makes life a whole lot easier." He'd stop for a moment, "I wonder." He took a fighting stance, channeling his explosion release through his fist. He tested out a few standard punches, each one sending out a cone shaped blast of explosive force. He'd smile happily continuing the explosive training, he was so caught up in it that he would trip over a loose stone. Thrusting his hands out to catch him line any other person would, he accidentally sent out more explosive force knocking him back onto his feet. Hakuoh had to take a moment to process the little stunt he pulled there, not entirely sure how he happened to land on his feet but he was hoping that at least it looked cool. Maybe something he could use at a later point, a sort of explosive propulsion that he was very interested in working on but first ha had to get control over this new element, maybe start with the physical aspect first then work on the energy part after he has a grasp on..well..something he can have grasp on. First he focused the explosion element, putting together his hands he made a large ball square of the stuff and set down to molding it. A familiar form that he has held quite a few times himself he started work on his kunai, he started working away the clay, as he pulls it off from the major block it absorbs back into his hands, which is an odd sensation it's almost an extension of his chakra network that he's playing with, when it is in it's clay form it is obviously a separate entity, he is still semi connected to it as the chakra within the clay is his and he can feel it. So when it is absorbed into his hands it's a returning chakra entity, very different feeling as when it goes back into the network it's no longer so prominent. So as he works the clay is absorbed back into his hands, melding into his skin, till he got to a small brick, then he started to slowly carve the rough kunai shape, slowly molding out the handle at first with ringed end and he meticulously carves out the edges, making it thinner and thinner until he thought it was good enough. He walked over to a nearby tree and swiped at it, firmly gripping the kunai, it left a mark like any regular kunai would. "Interesting, as I'm molding it it feels soft and pliable but as soon as I'm done it's stiff enough to work with." Hakuoh turns around and tosses the kunai into a tree across from him, it blowing up on impact, leaving a crater inside the tree's side. He was curious if he could form it without manually forming it, like he could with the balls of clay he was forming earlier. He closes his eyes and focuses on the kunai again, keeping his right hand open, opening his eyes he sees a semi blocky shape of a kunai, frowning at the disappointment he managed he squishes it between his hands, absorbing the clay back into his chakra system. Gritting his teeth slightly he focuses again, holding his right hand out and keeping it palm up, making a clearer image inside his mind he slowly opens his eyes to a pristine, albeit white kunai. "Not the stealthiest of materials this clay is but it blows up so..." With that pointless thought he throws the kunai at the tree again, hitting inside the previously made crater, and as well dropping the tree. Hakuoh would look at the fallen tree, frowning slightly, "I've never had anything against nature and this is particularly unfortunate to have to practice against these poor defenseless trees. But considering that I'm a homeless ninja, mingling with murderers and traitors, training dummies are above my pay grade." He made a silent apology to the trees he currently and will most likely continue to abuse, and he says a thanks to them for being worthy combatants in his time of need. He formed a small ball of clay in his hand and starts to mold it quickly, focusing intently as he finishes shaping it out. "Behold! The majesty of the clay worm!!" He holds out out small serpentine shape with no real features, to his surprise it started to squirm off his hand like a real worm would have out of fear he quickly dropped it, which was not a bright idea because when it hit the ground it exploded, knocking him back. "WHEN WAS I ABLE TO CREATE LIFE!!?" He exclaims sitting up and looking over at the explosion radius of the clay worm. "Hmm, time to test this further with something a bit more complex than a worm." He forms a glob of clay in his hands and looks around for something to use as a model, seeing the grasshoppers as suitable transport for explosives he decided to use them. He slowly carved out a crude rectangular form for the clay creature before going into detail, which he spent a good amount of time on, detailing the head and semi hollow appearing eye markings, attaching and shaping legs, and creating what he believes is a good clay representation of them, being slightly larger then the real thing though. He sets it down slowly and watches it for a few moments, no movement in the beginning was slightly discouraging though it only took a few seconds till the sculpture actually started to animate it bounced around a bit randomly till it was given a mental order from Hakuoh. It wasn't really an order it was more of a thought of how he'd direct it to attack the tree, and as he thought about it the insect did so leaping itself at the tree, blowing up a small crater into the side of it. He wanted to try that again but with more of them, since an insect's strong point is in a swarm. First he focuses on his design from the first one, finding it easier to sculpt the chakra in his closed hand because he actually made the design so meticulously, the detail to well, detail ingrained the design into his mind so he had little trouble creating a copy, he opened his and, looking at it as it quickly grew into an exact copy of the previous clay construct. he swapped focus to his other hand, which he closed, staring intently at it he willed his chakra network to create two more hoppers for him to use. It took quite some strain but he opened his eyes and his hand as the particulates, emerging seamlessly from the palms of his hand, formed into the two explosive grasshoppers he was working on creating. He put the singular one into the hand with the others and threw them slightly forward, they proceeded to the tree in a group, leaping the few feet and create a large explosion felling the tree. He wished to test the versatility of these constructs, at least in relation to what the actual creatures could do. So he decided to make a bird, an owl to be exact, why an owl? Because Hakuoh likes owls. He would create an oval of clay a foot tall and about half a foot wide and get to work. He sat there for quite some time, hollowing out the eyes, forming the head and shaping the feather and feet, the wings were sculpted closed, so he hoped that as he imagines it flying the rest will be sculpted through the compliance of his chakra system. Seeing the small details in the white clay finish up the entire work Hakuoh appreciated his work, he was never much of an artist but this was pretty impressive work. He picked up the sculpture with one hand turned it over for a bit before focusing on his new target. "I hope this flies."He says flicking his wrist outward, sending the sculpture flying, and to his surprise and glee it spread its wing and took flight, majestically spanning the few meter distance between Hakuoh and his target, and setting off a rather impressive explosion, dropping yet another tree victim for Hakuoh. He smiled a bit then wavered, Hakuoh would drop, sweat beading off his forehead, blacking out with his body and chakra network strained from his training, his only thought while was he blanked out from consciousness was that he hoped no one would rob him. He awoke approximately an hour later, which he gleamed from the setting sun, a quick once over revealed that his possessions were still on his body. He took a moment and he could feel that his training was worth it, his chakra network expanded, the explosion nature now intertwined with his being, happily he stood heading off to tell someone about the free lumber.
(2136 words, claiming explosion release and 10 stat points)
Hakuoh Tashiaki
Hakuoh Tashiaki
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Going Boom. (AKA out with a bang) Empty Re: Going Boom. (AKA out with a bang)

Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:16 am
Finished up.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Going Boom. (AKA out with a bang) Empty Re: Going Boom. (AKA out with a bang)

Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:38 am
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